Hey ladies!
Well, we've been referred to a new clinic. Its called The Bridge Centre in London. Its a private hospital and from the information on their website they sound amazing! Much more impressive than our clinic in Eastbourne.
The only downside it will be a 1.5 journey each for me at a cost of £30 for the return trip
And of course for DH its a 10 min walk as he works there anyway
don't men have it easy in this world?!
We still have no idea what they will want to do with us. They requested that we repeat all bloods, swabs and SA for DH. I just had the last bloods done today (CD4). Once they get the results we can expect to have our first consultation within 3 weeks - so not too bad. From then on I have no idea what the next step will be.
I. Have actually gone really tired from this whole pallava. I'm also very angry with my body and decided to stop living extra healthy and taking all sorts of precautions in the 2ww. So this month its get drunk, have fun, lift heavy things (mainly at the stables) and keep going swimming/to the sauna.
Trask and ST - it must be great to be IVF cycle buddies! You can share the experiences along the way and comfort one another
You never know, I might be joining your club too soon!