New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

That's cool Becy - sounds like you had fun. I also keep going into the nursery and re-arranging stuff, I feel like a little girl in a dolls house :rofl:
i need to stop shopping now specially for clothes even though i get bigger sizes aswell as smaller so can save them for later on but still im a shopaholic! now i just need him to arrive to dress him and let him use all his stuff :D! x
Glad to got to have the sweep Margie. will be constantly checking from now to see if anything is happening. so exciting.

Becy - yay for shopping - Love it!

Hi Lullaby, hope you and Ruby are doing well.

i'm just sat here fed up now. i went to 40+3 with DD, wonder if i will go even further with this one. i was seriously expecting him no later than around 38 weeks. i'm so clueless!
Hey everyone,

Flowertot - happy due date for tomorrow... lets hope your little man is a good timekeeper :blue:

Lullaby - hope you are Ruby are doing well :flower:

Becy - you inspired me to go shopping... I bought some pink stuff (just in case :shy:)

Well - sweep unfortunately didn't have an effect, mw did say that my cervix was posterior and I did get the impression that she couldn't really reach where she was supposed to. So we are being induced at 7:30am tomorrow. Hopefully proglastin gel will do the trick and I won't need the drip... I'll try and update Lullaby by text.

Went into Soho this evening for meatballs and gelato with some friends. Really glad we didn't stay home and just mull over things. So excited that I'll meet this little person inside of me so soon :wohoo:
Doing well thanks Flowertot and Margie, I hope things get moving for you both soon :) (Margie I was told a sweep can take up to 72hrs to take effect)

Ruby is still occasionally getting confuzzled between day and night bless her, but she's gradually getting there. She's getting so big already!! All her newborn sized clothes are too small already!! Good job I like to dress her up in her little dresses etc every day or she'd never have worn half her outfits!! There's still a couple of dresses she hasn't even been able to wear as it is - can't believe how big she's getting already!! No probs width wise but she's sooooooo tall!!!!! Dnno where she gets that from cos me and oh are short!! lol. Maybe she gets it from my dad? He's 6ft ish.

OH's divorce looks set to come through soon, so we'll be planning our wedding, either for the end of this year or possibly next summer. We're also looking into a Blessing or Naming Ceremony for Ruby Anne. We want to do something without a religion attached to it so that she can make her own mind up about religion when she's old enough to understand. But at the same time we want to name supporting adults and commemorate her arrival etc.

Hope everyone is well :D xx

on the birth of


born Thursday 14th January 2010​

Congrats Hudz. :)! x

And now we wait next Margie hopefully then Flowertot then last of all Me !
hi ladies.

Congrats Hudz!!

Lullaby - glad you are both well. naming ceremony sounds like a great idea and how exciting that you can start planning your wedding.

Margie - hope everything is going well. can't wait for an update.

went to the hospital again with reduced movement (went at 35 weeks too). i've been worried i've not been feeling him anywhere near as much and also cold drink etc didn't help. anyway they hooked me up to monitor etc and agreed that he doesn't seem to be moving as much as he should but heartrate etc were fine so they weren't that concerned. they said though because i'm at term they want me to go in tomorrow morning for more monitoring and possible induction. apparently because i'm at term its better to be safe and just get him out.

i'm nervous about the though of an induction but happy that i may well meet my little boy tomorrow!
hey ladies.

i'm still here. Monitoring went well so they attempted a sweep (which was painful and a waste of time because mw couldn't reach my cervix) and sent me home. i'm to go back if LO gets lazy again. now i just wait. think i will have another attempt at the sweep on friday at mw appointment if nothing happens before.
any news from Margie yet???

Where is everybody??

hey ladies.

the reason i'm up at this silly hour is because i'm in labour!! well i think i am anyway. Started losing my plug before i went to bed at about half 11 then woke up to use the loo at about quarter to 3. when i got back in bed the contractions started around 6 mins apart. they went down to 4 mins apart but have now gone up to 5 mins apart lasting about a minuite so not sure what is going on. they are getting more and more painful though which is a good sign i guess.

nobody has my number so the next update will be when we are home but all being well that will be this evening (if i don't have a long labour). i had dd a 7.46am and we were out by 5pm so hopefully it will be the same.
Good luck flowertot :hugs:
hope everything goes well for you and not a long labour!

im jealious im so fed up now and im feeling really sick :(!
you should of gave one of us your number we would of updated for you im sure :winkwink: ah well .. looking forward to updates from you when your home

on the birth of your daughter


on Sunday 17th January 2010 at 7.17pm

weighing 6lbs 8oz


A very big welcome to the world little Ferryn Jean!

Thinking of you too Flowertot, hope its going well for you.

Fingers crossed you will be close behind Becy

I just read back a few posts - congrats to you too Hudz, hope you are enjoying your first days with your little bundle of joy. x
Hopefully i wont be too much overdue when i get to my due date!
cause i cant see me being early now lol
i cant believe im going to be the last to pop heehee x
Leo Daniel arrived today at 9.34am. i was only in established labour for 3.5 hours but had problems near the end and needed an assisted delivery. i will go into more detail when i've had a rest.

oh and he weighs in at 8lb 15oz! midwife was shocked at his size as i'm only 5ft 2ins and she said where the heck have i been hiding him!

anyway he's aso gorgeous. i will post pics asap

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