Newbie to TTC, looking for other newbie buddies! :) 33 ladies, 6 BFPs!!

Hey BB, I'm Val. I am also trying to TTC baby #1 planned. I was married in June and this is month #3 of TTC. I am looking for a friend, like you, in the same boat as me! I will also be testing on Thanksgiving. although i do not feel pregnant, i am hopeful! Would love to chat more!!
Hey BB, I'm Val. I am also trying to TTC baby #1 planned. I was married in June and this is month #3 of TTC. I am looking for a friend, like you, in the same boat as me! I will also be testing on Thanksgiving. although i do not feel pregnant, i am hopeful! Would love to chat more!!

Welcome Val! :D I hope you get your BFP for Thanksgiving!

AFM: I got a BFN this morning, but only 9DPO so not disappointed about it. Temp went back up today so I am hopeful! Gonna test tomorrow and keep testing until Thanksgiving/AF comes.
Bee Bee how long have you been off BC? Are you regular? have you tried an OV kit yet or trying naturally first?
Bee Bee how long have you been off BC? Are you regular? have you tried an OV kit yet or trying naturally first?

This is my second month off of BC. :) Well, i have been Oing and having AF. I didnt have AF dfor 5 years on the implant. Not sure how long my cycles are but it seems to be between 30-35 days. If this one arrives when it should, then itll be a 31 day cycle. Ive been using OPKs since the beginning and also temping & CM, i figured that since I dont know my cycles very well that i would need as much help as I can get to detect O. ;)
After stalking the boards a little bit, I decided I might as well register and post myself, as this thread fits pretty well. I'm also a Brittany! The DH (29) and I (25) are newlyweds who have been together for awhile and only recently made the decision to officially TTC our first. So...that puts me on Cycle #1 and completely clueless!

I'm on CD7 and hopefully set to O around the first of December. Maybe. Funny how keeping up with this stuff was never important until now.
well cd 24 cbm says high still so 3 days in a row. if i had anormal 28 day cycle i should be seeing the period on 30 novemver im hoping im going to have a long cycle this month and ovulate next few days fingers crossed :)
Welcome Brittany! Yeah, I never found it important to track my cycle or anything over the years. Really wish I had now!!

Nicki- FX'd for you!

AFM- 10 DPO and still BFN. I was stalking some charts on FF and there were plenty that had negs for a few days then + after 11DPO. Hoping itll be the same for me! I probably shouldnt get my hopes up but I really feel this is our month! Still have super swollen boobs and super tired. I'm also having little spurts of being sensitive to smells.

My temp is still really high as well (it had been steadily dropping by this point last month) and no spotting which I had seen about 3 days prior to AF last month. AF is due sometime between tomorrow and Thursday. Really though, tomorrow's temp should be pretty telling if AF is coming. Hoping for another high temp tomorrow!
Hello! New to TTC here, and on CD3 of our first cycle trying :) Very nice to meet you all!!
Hi Bee Bee and everyone else!

I would really like to join all of you!

DH and I are on our first cycle of TTC. I have very long cycles so I don't quite know who I would match on here. I am currently on CD30 and I had two + OPK on CD 22 and 23. I'm not quite sure when to test but I just have to be patient. DH and I have been married for 6 years and we are now ready to start our family! Hopefully by having some TTC buddies, I won't manifest any symptoms and stress myself out!

I look forward to talking with all of you and GOOD LUCK!
Hi ladies!
Im Myriam, 22 and DH is 23.
I have been very irregular these days, Im on CD61 !!!! My last cycle was 3 months :S

Baby dust to all of you!!!!
Hi Hollyness, Praying4Num1 and Myriam! :D

Praying4Num1: If you got a + on CD22-23, then you can probably start testing as early as 9-10DPO, so possibly CD32 and on. Are you temping at all?

And really, my cycles are 31-35 days so yours seems pretty close to mine! :)

Myriam: That stinks! D: Hoping for AF for you so you can get a fresh start!
Hi Bee Bee!

BTW my name is Stefanie.
To answer your question, no I am not temping right now but I believe that will be next on my list. I tried temping before but I am not too consistent with it. I started a thread earlier today discussing my issues and what exactly is going on with my body primarily to get advice. I will attempt to link it after this post. I've been having some symptoms but I don't know if it is my brain telling me to have those if you know what I mean. I've had sore bbs since 3-4dpo which is odd for me; I've noticed I've had more indigestion (unusual). So I dont know... I will probably test later this week. I went to the Dr. today for them to test my progesterone levels so hopefully I'll hear back soon!

Thanks for responding; it is nice to have other people to talk to besides my husband :)
I also hope AF shows up very soon!!! Id like to start temping :) bought a proper basal thermometer the other day. Im ready to go!! also ordered some opks.
Hi Bee Bee!

BTW my name is Stefanie.
To answer your question, no I am not temping right now but I believe that will be next on my list. I tried temping before but I am not too consistent with it. I started a thread earlier today discussing my issues and what exactly is going on with my body primarily to get advice. I will attempt to link it after this post. I've been having some symptoms but I don't know if it is my brain telling me to have those if you know what I mean. I've had sore bbs since 3-4dpo which is odd for me; I've noticed I've had more indigestion (unusual). So I dont know... I will probably test later this week. I went to the Dr. today for them to test my progesterone levels so hopefully I'll hear back soon!

Thanks for responding; it is nice to have other people to talk to besides my husband :)

Well, I'll call you Stefanie from now on then! ;)

If I can offer any advice for temping: Set your alarm about 2 hrs before you get up or just a really early time in the morning, one that you normally aren't going to be up before. For me, that's 6:00 am. Just make sure its a time that you are at least getting 3-4 hrs of solid sleep beforehand. My alarm goes off at 6 and I have my thermometer right on my headboard so I grab it and temp real quick. I take mental note of the temp and go back to sleep! :p (although, if I forget, my thermometer keeps track of my last temp, so I can turn it on and look) Then I put it into FF and Ovufriend sometime later that day, usually once I have a good idea of what my CM is like. So far, that has worked the best for me and gets me the most consistent results. (have only had to throw out one or two temps due to a restless nights)

I found your post and read it. Glad to see your hormone levels are good! I don't want to concern you, but my BFF had slightly high testosterone too and was confirmed for PCOS. But, you said your ultrasound was good, so I'm sure you're fine! :)

For me, my hormone issues lie with my thyroid. I've had hypothyroidism for 4 years now and actually had a total thyroidectomy in August. In fact, i was just at the doc today and they said my numbers are on the upswing since my surgery, so they should be good in another 4 weeks. Either way, they aren't at a level that should effect TTC too much, which is good!

Myriam: Yay! You should start temping ASAP just to get used to it and see if you start noticing patterns. It's funny because everyone says that BBT doesn't really help until several months have gone by. But I am only cycle #2 and it has helped me tons and I know exactly what is going on based on my temps. Sure, I don't know any patterns yet with myself, but I still can tell what a giant dip or spike means!
Thanks Bee Bee!
I will definitely try the next go round (hopefully there will not be one :winkwink:) My OB/GYN wanted to go as aggressive as she could with me considering I'm 31; however, she has recently retired so I'm not quite sure what my new one will do. The diagnosis of PCOS has always scared me but not much anymore just by reading all of the success stories. That diagnosis would make sense to me and my NP friend but I'm good either way. This is completely uncharted territories for me and any motivation or advice is always welcomed.

I'm glad that your thyroid issues are improving so hopefully your TTC will pay off!!!

:dust: To All!
Keep wondering if I've ovulated - I know there is no chance of knowing unless I properly test but hey ho :)

How are you coming along Caroline? :D

I considered testing tomorrow morning if AF doesn't show up because I'm so impatient! I'm expecting a bfn but will probably test again on Sunday if she still hasn't come! I've been super emotional today which could be either thing I guess. And I've got a terrible cold but other than that not much signs for anything. Maybe a few days ago was after O cervical mucus? I haven't been charting because I fear it'll stress me out more than I already am. I watch my cervical mucus really closely and that's pretty much it. For two weeks that I could possibly O we BD every other day. Hoping every time to snag an egg. I've been thinking about temping but I haven't convinced myself yet! Is that bad? Do you find it difficult to do? When did you O? Sending lots of baby dust to you!!!

Did you end up testing? Or did AF get ya?
Thanks Bee Bee!
I will definitely try the next go round (hopefully there will not be one :winkwink:) My OB/GYN wanted to go as aggressive as she could with me considering I'm 31; however, she has recently retired so I'm not quite sure what my new one will do. The diagnosis of PCOS has always scared me but not much anymore just by reading all of the success stories. That diagnosis would make sense to me and my NP friend but I'm good either way. This is completely uncharted territories for me and any motivation or advice is always welcomed.

I'm glad that your thyroid issues are improving so hopefully your TTC will pay off!!!

:dust: To All!

Yeah, PCOS sounds so terrible when you don't know much about it, but a lot of ladies here have it and are able to get their BFPs with a little hard work! Either way, I still hope everything comes back normal and healthy! :hugs:
The progesterone levels should be the last piece to the puzzle hopefully. They measured it a week ago and got concerned because it was very low but my LH surge was around that time so hence the testing again today.

Hopefully, there will be some BFPs soon.

Thank you for all of your wonderful advice!
How is everyone today cd 25 no ovulation yet ( or at least I don't think so) :( amazing cramps though last few days can someone see what my chart is doing x x
How is everyone today cd 25 no ovulation yet ( or at least I don't think so) :( amazing cramps though last few days can someone see what my chart is doing x x

Hmm! I'm not sure Nicki! You might be gearing up for AF? Since your temps are steadily dropping. Do you know when she's possibly due? It is your first month, so maybe you just didnt O?

either way, if AF is around the corner I guess that's good, gives you a fresh start and then you can properly keep track of everything!

AFM: 12DPO pretty sure AF is here, right on schedule. Had some spotting this morning, crampy now. I really thought I would get my BFP this month. :( But I'm surprisingly alright about it. Just a little melancholy. I guess on to cycle #3!

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