It's terrible what happened to you. Just wanted to give you
Don't give yourself such a hard time. Everything you're feeling and thinking is normal. Allow yourself to feel those feelings but then allow yourself to let them go.
I know you're in a rush to make new friends, do new things, get a life etc and you will in time. You still need to deal with what's going on inside you. In the day time, keep yourself busy and distract yourself but there will times that you will be hit by your emotions and they will paralyse you eg during the night and especially when everyone else is asleep. I find something that has helped me in the past and thought it might help you.
When LO is asleep and you're hurting inside, lie down, curl up and imagine yourself encased in a invisible protective clear ball, then imagine someone who cares about you eg your mum or a healthier and happier version of yourself and they're rubbing the area on your body where it hurts the most and telling you that everything is going to be alright or anything that would make you feel better. It helped me when I felt such emotional pain that I couldn't get up out of bed.
Thanks hun, weeks an and honestly I can say it still doesnt feel any easier, Im so sad 24-7 and would love him back but I know this will never happen or would never work. Letting go is where I seem to struggle, I try to keep busy and focused and occupied but its always still there in my mind, somedays I just break down in the most inappropriate of places I just cant help it. Am still seeing doc he has changed meds but no difference yet still early days and had a couple of counselling sessions which havent been overly helpful but maybe the odd thing here and there has come out of it.
My emotions do paralyis me I feel so lonely hurt and distressed, I talk to friend family and strangers but after a while people dont know what to say as its already been said / thought of yet I cant move forward yet. I hate the fact that he just doesnt give a toss about us, that hurts too, at least a bit or remorse / regret may have helped me in some way. I know I have my daughter parents and a close friend but equally I feel like I have noone - I feel lost lonely and scared about facing the future but life doesnt stop just coz I cant cope. Its a horrible horrible place to be, sometimes I wish something terrible would happen and Id die just to get awayy from the pain, lie a car crash - I would never kill myself and then I realise how selfish it is of me to say that as I have a daughter who needs me but this pain is unbearable, I hate it so badly.
Other people experience horrible things like this yet I seem to be reacting so pathetically, why am I sat here crying over him, mourning him, wanting him back why cant I feel and be stronger and reach that F*** You stage, sometimes I thing Im getting worse but doc/ counseller think difff, my friends dont think Im copin too well and nor do my parents yet the professionsals think I am. I actually feel insane, I asked to be sectioned for assessment but have been told its completely unnecessary, Im not sure how Im getting through each day but reality is that I am, Im soo tired of it all, I just want some peace back x
Thanks for your helpful message, nice to know strangers can be so kind, I feel so down x
Again please don't give yourself such a hard time. I'm going through the same thing but the unhinged stage lasted a handful of days before I realised that I don't want anything to happen to LO inside me, needing me to be strong.
Here's a link you might find useful about the different stages of grief:
You're going through the first - you're going through a mourning, a death of a relationship, a death of a future you so wanted. I think I'm going through this too. I'm still in denial. And when it happened a week or so ago, I went a little bit insane/crazy and there were times I wanted to hurt myself by neglect or by doing something stupid. Please, please, LO doesn't deserve to go through this with us. We have to think about LO from now on.
Stop giving yourself a hard time - just allow yourself to mope and mourn, looking after yourself at the same time. Take one day at a time. What I find useful to focus on LO instead of FOB, I started a journal writing to my baby every day and only include positive things in it - write down each day something you're grateful for - I find that helps me. If you have spoken to everyone and repeated yourself many times, why not start a separate journal for yourself - there you can repeat yourself as much as you want, get all the negative stuff out.
I totally understand why he's always on your mind. Me too, it goes round and round my head like a clothes in a washing machine. I learnt this technique from Paul McKenna's book about getting over heart break. Every time you see his image in your mind. Imagine him smaller and turn the image black and white and then when his image gets really smaller, I pretend to kick him over the horizon until I see him disappear. Good luck and take care of yourself.
Hi hun, thank you for the link, unhinged is a brilliant word to describe how I feel right now
I know I need to be strong but it just still hurts so bad, I miss her so much
even though what he did was awful.
I dont want to hurt myself but I hate waking up each morning knowing he is never coming home or doesnt lovve me anymore, sometimes I wish I was involved in a fatal traffic accident or similar but dont feel like self harming or
suicide if that makes sense I just dont want to be feeling this pain so much, incredibly selfish I know I love my daughter but my emotions are controlling me and thats not fair for her, I just cant seem to get it together properly.
I speak to family and a friend about whats happened sometimes that helps sometimes it makes me feel sadder,you seem more positive and stronger than me at the moment, I feel weak and wimpy - not the person I normally am.
I am keeping a diary but of events relating to FOB incase we ever end up in court or if he chooses to blank her from his life at least she will be able to see
I tried for her.
I'll try the image thing, thanks for that one x You seem to be much more focussed and determined than me I admire you, I feel like Im just wallowing in self pity, I just love him so much he was my world and now
the future scares me !!
You take care too and thanks for such a lovely message x