Not Exciting Anymore :-(

For all of you who had chemicals or mc or ectopics, that's a good sign that pregnancy is possible. My friend had an ectopic and that's what the doctor said to her, she did eventually get prego. I realize this does not console anyone for their loss but it's like the light at the end of the tunnel I think. :hugs:
Hi ladies...I know exactly how you feel, I veer between this and being super positive but totally relate to all the feelings you have shared.
We started TTC in Nov and got BFP but MC happened at 12 weeks in March so even though I've only been through 5 cycles it feels like forever!

Also everyone I know seems to be pregnant or just had a child, it's so hard to buy beautiful babay presents and holding them and so desperately wanting one of your own...

I have beenlucky though DH has been so great and we've not argued or anything but the disappointment is palpable each cycle and I feel I like I let him down each month.

The bad days are hard but we have to believe it will happen to us, we just have to....

:hugs::hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I also go between super positive and total despare about all of this. Deep inside I still think it's totally possible w/out treatment but they told me 1% chance of that! Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez! :dohh:
So then i read about all the miracle stories of women my age with my stats and I get super hopeful.
Then I realize that these miracle stories are just one in a million and realize that I have to still remain realistic.
How do you remain realistic and believe in a miracle at the same freaking time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody tell me that!!!!!!!!!!!!! #-o
How do you remain realistic and believe in a miracle at the same freaking time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody tell me that!!!!!!!!!!!!! #-o

You hope for a baby while actively pursuing fertility treatments. :thumbup:
The first half is believing in a miracle, and the second half is being realistic.
yeah add me to this boat too. Oh the highs and lows are just insane. I really think ltttc makes you go a bit bonkers :wacko:

I had my son at 38 after 6 months ttc, he was a preemie, his survival odds were low - his 4 month hospital stay was an INTENSE rollercoaster. But now he`s a healthy, happy toddler so started ttc again at 39...turned 40 now... and it`s the same rollercoaster of emotions, just really... sloooow... and drawn out over months and months... that DANG waiting every day for something different. Test results, phonecalls, paperwork, cramps, etc etc. It just never ends. I get these crazy highs and rock bottom lows. My FS said all of my test results are excellent, I have the fertility numbers of a 30 year old. Then WHY is this not working?!? GAAAAAAH :dohh:

Yep, ttc is a chore now.
I know exactly how you feel, i have had 3 miscarriages in the last 6 months, they decide to leave either week 4 or 5, we have decided to stop trying and then change our minds again, whenever I get a positive I no longer run to tell my hubby in excitement, in fact the last time i think i said - now i don't know how you feel about this, its kinda good and bad but i'm pregnant. He was great but it sucks that you can't actually feel excitied about being pregnant anymore, but the fear of how long it will last. However, on we go, trying to stay positive. I suppose I have to be grateful that I am concieving, it's just it doesn't stick! Hopefully we will be investigated now - before I turn too old and grey hopefully!! LoL
Ladies I so get everything you are all saying - I feel for all of you because I feel exactly the same way myself - some days I feel angry at how unfair it all is, some days I just feel so sad that I may never see the joy on my DH's face as he holds our baba and cry for the future we may never have bringing up our child together. Grief for what may never be has taken the place of the hope and joyful expectation. I try not to let myself feel too much and just keep on going - if I let the doubt creep in I'll just get lost somewhere and never surface. DH is sad too but very supportive. We're now awaiting our first IVF - I'm scared to hope it will work I guess to protect myself from the pain of the disappointment. Much of the time I carry on going as if none of this is happening - I think that's the only way I can carry on going. TTC is certainly not the exciting joyful experience it started out to be.

Love to everyone on here.
I know exactly how you feel, i have had 3 miscarriages in the last 6 months, they decide to leave either week 4 or 5, we have decided to stop trying and then change our minds again, whenever I get a positive I no longer run to tell my hubby in excitement, in fact the last time i think i said - now i don't know how you feel about this, its kinda good and bad but i'm pregnant. He was great but it sucks that you can't actually feel excitied about being pregnant anymore, but the fear of how long it will last. However, on we go, trying to stay positive. I suppose I have to be grateful that I am concieving, it's just it doesn't stick! Hopefully we will be investigated now - before I turn too old and grey hopefully!! LoL

And what really sucks is that you should be so frickin happy to see that BFP, but instead it feels you full of dread........fx that find out why for you and you get your sticky BFP soon.......xx
Thanks ladies for writing in this thread.......when I first started it I was curious to know if other people felt the same, now I know that what Im feeling is completely normal...I wish you all BFP's in the near future xx
Motherhood - it has eluded me all these years. I have been a mother in waiting since I was a small child. Mothering my brothers, my dolls, my teddies, my friends and of recent years my nieces, nephews and children of my friends.

I work for a children's charity - primarily in Africa but based in Melbourne, Australia. This involves a lot of overseas travel (which was great at the time) and I am able to help disadvantaged children (also great).

After a few failed relationships, I met my husband when I was 36. We married last year and have been officially ttc since March this year.

At 38, I know I am not young. My mother had her 4th (and last child) at 29. I look in the mirror and there are tell tale signs of aging - fine lines and grey hairs. I can moisturise, I can apply makeup, I can dye my hair but I am only covering the fact that my body is 38 years old. I may feel and look younger but my body is not fooled.

I have started to question if I am too old? I know we can have babies till our early 40's naturally but how far away is pre-menapause for me? Early 40's??? That is only 2-5 years away.

Have I left it too late? Is that why I am not falling pregnant each month? Is my greying hair a sign of my aging process that I am ignoring. My mother never dyed her hair while she had her babies. Grey hairs were not part of the picture - nor for me in my 20's.

When I got marrried I thought we would fall pregnant so easily. So proud of ourselves we were each month af showed. We had successfully prevented pregnancy while we weren't ttc. Yay us. Now I wonder if we should have bothered with preventing in the first place seeing as we are having no success ttc so far.

So excited we were when we finally decided we wouldn't try nor prevent (for 6 mths) we recklessly bd' and so surprised we were no pregnancy eventuated. So research led me to charting and opk's. Silly me - found the window we were missing each month (such a small window it is too) and thought now we will succeed.

Bd' in all the right times and 5 cycles later we are still unsuccessful.

Many tears, prayers, sighs, picking myself up and starting again. Trying to remain positive and not resent my friends who seem to pop out babies with no problems. Aah the joy of attending a friends babyshower when failing to conceive :(

Is it still exciting? No. I don't even test for pregnancy anymore as I have never been overdue. AF shows up on schedule exactly 14dpo - like a clock.

I wonder if I should give up more than I don't. I wonder if a pregnancy at 38 is wise or fair to my children. I won't deliver till I am 39 and if we try for a sibling (who knows how long that may take) I could be 41 or 42.

My mother died when she was 45. That is only 7 years away from my current age. I know her death doesn't signal mine but it is always in the back of my mind. She started pre menapause at 43 when the leukemia struck. That's all her history I know.

I don't know how long I have left. I know my biological clock is running short on time and I don't know how many cycles I can perservere.

It helps to know there are other women going through the same emotions, same circumstances. I do find encouragement in these posts.

I hope that we all get our desired babies. I hope that we do not have to wait much longer.
Motherhood - it has eluded me all these years. I have been a mother in waiting since I was a small child. Mothering my brothers, my dolls, my teddies, my friends and of recent years my nieces, nephews and children of my friends.

I work for a children's charity - primarily in Africa but based in Melbourne, Australia. This involves a lot of overseas travel (which was great at the time) and I am able to help disadvantaged children (also great).

After a few failed relationships, I met my husband when I was 36. We married last year and have been officially ttc since March this year.

At 38, I know I am not young. My mother had her 4th (and last child) at 29. I look in the mirror and there are tell tale signs of aging - fine lines and grey hairs. I can moisturise, I can apply makeup, I can dye my hair but I am only covering the fact that my body is 38 years old. I may feel and look younger but my body is not fooled.

I have started to question if I am too old? I know we can have babies till our early 40's naturally but how far away is pre-menapause for me? Early 40's??? That is only 2-5 years away.

Have I left it too late? Is that why I am not falling pregnant each month? Is my greying hair a sign of my aging process that I am ignoring. My mother never dyed her hair while she had her babies. Grey hairs were not part of the picture - nor for me in my 20's.

When I got marrried I thought we would fall pregnant so easily. So proud of ourselves we were each month af showed. We had successfully prevented pregnancy while we weren't ttc. Yay us. Now I wonder if we should have bothered with preventing in the first place seeing as we are having no success ttc so far.

So excited we were when we finally decided we wouldn't try nor prevent (for 6 mths) we recklessly bd' and so surprised we were no pregnancy eventuated. So research led me to charting and opk's. Silly me - found the window we were missing each month (such a small window it is too) and thought now we will succeed.

Bd' in all the right times and 5 cycles later we are still unsuccessful.

Many tears, prayers, sighs, picking myself up and starting again. Trying to remain positive and not resent my friends who seem to pop out babies with no problems. Aah the joy of attending a friends babyshower when failing to conceive :(

Is it still exciting? No. I don't even test for pregnancy anymore as I have never been overdue. AF shows up on schedule exactly 14dpo - like a clock.

I wonder if I should give up more than I don't. I wonder if a pregnancy at 38 is wise or fair to my children. I won't deliver till I am 39 and if we try for a sibling (who knows how long that may take) I could be 41 or 42.

My mother died when she was 45. That is only 7 years away from my current age. I know her death doesn't signal mine but it is always in the back of my mind. She started pre menapause at 43 when the leukemia struck. That's all her history I know.

I don't know how long I have left. I know my biological clock is running short on time and I don't know how many cycles I can perservere.

It helps to know there are other women going through the same emotions, same circumstances. I do find encouragement in these posts.

I hope that we all get our desired babies. I hope that we do not have to wait much longer.

awww Shellvz *huge hug* your words resound with everyone here. We understand sooo well the fears and frustrations. It will happen, we have to keep positive :hugs:
I know exactly how you feel, i have had 3 miscarriages in the last 6 months, they decide to leave either week 4 or 5, we have decided to stop trying and then change our minds again, whenever I get a positive I no longer run to tell my hubby in excitement, in fact the last time i think i said - now i don't know how you feel about this, its kinda good and bad but i'm pregnant. He was great but it sucks that you can't actually feel excitied about being pregnant anymore, but the fear of how long it will last. However, on we go, trying to stay positive. I suppose I have to be grateful that I am concieving, it's just it doesn't stick! Hopefully we will be investigated now - before I turn too old and grey hopefully!! LoL

And what really sucks is that you should be so frickin happy to see that BFP, but instead it feels you full of dread........fx that find out why for you and you get your sticky BFP soon.......xx

Thanks so much, I am so glad I read this thread too, it makes me feel so much better knowing that it's normal to have all the feelings just like everyone else - I may not be working properly right now but at least i'm normal that's something at least!!:winkwink:
shell: reading your post made me feel like I was reading my own! everything you feel, think and hope for, I do too! and I am sure many more women feel the same way.

Please do not think you are too old!! you shouldn't feel like 38 is old. Yes, we are not 20 anymore an we didn't birth our kids when we were in our 20s like our mothers did, but we have done so much more in our lives (most things our mothers didn't get to do) and we owe it to ourselves to fight for our dreams. You won't know if you can do this or not until you try. Give it your best shot, don't be afraid, what do you have to lose? yes, it's a hard road to travel, but the reward is a baby! if you don't go for it you may always keep that inside of you.. thinking you could have done it but were too afraid of being too old, or thinking about your baby's siblings, etc.

I say do what's within your power to make your dream of becoming a mother true. I wish you lots of luck! may your BFP be just around the corner ;)

video about Dara Torres, she has fought through eating disorders and infertility... she is just one example that age is just a number ;)
I was soooo glad to see these threads. I can totally identify with what had been said. I'm 39 and although I'm really trying to stay positive, every af that comes, when in my heart i am praying for a BFP, seems to make me less and less hopeful.
I wonder if I should give up more than I don't. I wonder if a pregnancy at 38 is wise or fair to my children. I won't deliver till I am 39 and if we try for a sibling (who knows how long that may take) I could be 41 or 42.
I have only just caught up on this, and couldn't help but reply. A pregnancy at 38 is not unfair to your child. My mum had me at 36 which isn't too far short of that. My parents were (and still are) active and healthy and fully involved in life. I never noticed any difference between them and my friends parents - except perhaps they had a bit more money. Oh and my Dad went through hell when my mum and I went through puberty and menopause at the same time. :haha:

Joking aside, growing up I honestly never noticed any downside to having older parents. When you are a child, everyone looks a) ancient and b) about the same age anyway. My dad retired the year I went to university, and he had tonnes of time to come and help out with accommodation and other odds and ends. :flower:

Yes, they are well into their retirement now, but it means I am dealing with their old age before my own arrives.

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