Hey ladies.... My husband and I have been actively trying since February and NTNP for our whole relationship which will be 4 years in January. In February I bought the Ova Cue fertility monitor and had just been using that.... well this month I decided to use opks and I was going to start temping but couldn't due to a wacky sleep schedule.... well according to my ova-cue i have a 17 day luteal phase out of a 26 day cycle.... Which would have meant that I should have o'd Monday. I have been using opks like 3-4 times a day and there is still only ONE line not even a faint second line.... I am really worried!
Heya ladies. Af still hasn't started but I'm feeling good today and very optomistic! Here's hoping that we all catch the bump in 2012!!![]()
Heya ladies. Af still hasn't started but I'm feeling good today and very optomistic! Here's hoping that we all catch the bump in 2012!!![]()
AWESOME!!! I'm so glad you are doing good, I know it's been a rough couple of weeks for you. Hopefully your optimism will wear off on me. I've been in a funk that I can't shake the past couple of days. I'm not sure if it's the hormones in the Provera or the fact that I despise my job and am sick of coming here everyday to do nothing productive at all. I work in a nonprofit, I'm supposed to be helping people, but the way things are run here is so f-ed up that I have no clients to help and am discouraged from trying to make any positive changes to our center. grrrr...
On another note, today is day 6 of provera, and my face has started breaking out since yesterday, which usually only happens to me around af, so I'm getting hopeful that maybe this pills are working and that's why I'm battling some pimples. Or maybe I'm just reaching, who knows. We will see soon enough I guess
Any other updates from anyone?
I'm so tired - glad your feeling better today!!![]()
yay!! hehe
I'm sure your blood's will come back normal and fingers crossed you get your BFP beginning of 2012!!!!
Mrs JSH - I know what you mean about being in a funk for a few days! I'm the same . . . no idea what's up though, just can't shake the feeling! I'm so mood swingy the past two days! gah!!
I think AF is approaching for you by the sounds of it . . . feeling like crap and pimply and the first two signs for me too!!
mixed with the provera hormones and hating your job, no wonder your in a crapper!! lol
Just don't quit you job, both me and my fella are unemployed atm (I know probably not the best situation to bring children in to, but I want my mum to meet her grandchildren so I really couldn't care less about money atm, there's more things that are important!!!)
I hate being unemployed though! It's the worst . . . I was working full time and studying at uni, but my mam became sick so I've had to move back to my home town to be her carer part time and because I want to be around my family, but unfortunately that meant giving up everything I have worked for . . . but as I said before, some thing's are more important!!!! tehe
I hope we all get our BFP's soon . . . I'm feeling kinda hopeful this month![]()
Thanks my ladies! I appreciate the support, as always
I'm definitely not going to quit my job, and I'm trying to do all the right things to get in the position to find a better one, networking and what-not, but it's just so aggravating sometimes! I have good days when I'm like whatever, they can pay me to sit here and do nothing, but then every now and then I start to feel like I have today and yesterday where I'm just so disgusted by it, because we could be doing so much to help the kids we are getting funding to help.
Oh well. I feel better after a little vent and hearing back from you both, and I am trying to find productive things to do with my time instead of sitting in my office hating my boss and organization...lol.
ameeann, you're awesome! That's great you are taking care of your fam. I have a friend that is going through something very similar and she had to quit her job and move in with her grandmother to be a full time care-giver. Doesn't leave much time for her to pursue her own interests. Thanks for giving me perspective!
I'm positive we are all heading for our bfp's. We are all so early in to ttc that it's not surprising it hasn't happened yet, and I'm sure the first one for our group will be right around the corner!
See that Imsotired, your optimism is contagious!![]()
yeah I have 26 day cycle.... I may have a 29 day cycle one or two times a year. I have been to my doctor and she said everything's fine she did a bunch of blood work but I don't think that she did it at the right time... and ever since i have brought it up she just blows it off like its nothingDo you have regular periods? Have you been to the doctor at all?