Hi everyone, well I am waiting for the call from my midwife, not sure exactly when I conceived but according to the digital test I am 2-3 weeks, my cycle was short in January after being ill in hospital, but I know my first day of period was on 21st January, so hoping to know exactly how far I am soon.
I only had a feeling I was pregnant when I had a funny gassy, bubbly belly and Ov cramps for more than a week, then my BB's felt sore for the first time ever! Ha I only took a test by chance but after we had been trying for a year & 5mths I had that feeling!
Well the pain in my side is not too bad now, although I have noticed the pale pink discharge on the tissue yesterday and I am feeling sicky, lost my taste and not feeling hungry, also BB's still sore! Has anyone else got the same symptoms as me right now??? I am just trying to work out how far I have gone so far! 8)