Ok, new HCG levels are in. Monday at 4w3d was 44. Wednesday at 4w5d was 84. So not quite doubled within 48 hours, but they told me it is increasing which is a good sign, and it's only 4 points off. I told her I was concerned about the lowness of the numbers, and she told me every body is different, it's a big range that is considered normal, and the fact that it is moving upward is a good thing. Have to go back on Monday for another HCG blood draw...
has anyone been having really vivid dreams and then waking up? I had a dream that it was the end of days and I was panicking to find DH but couldn't find him anywhere. And I was pregnant.
My boobs are getting huge. Ugh. I have scoliosis so big breasts really ware on my spine.
Also had total baby brain today...went to work with makeup on one eye. Had to go home and remedy it!! D'oh!
ANd its only noon and I am exhausted...how I am going to get through the day or the next 7 weeks???
MrsH, so glad your numbers look great - my doc said as long as they're up by 2/3 (b/c it doubles between 48 & 72 hours early on), then that's what they're looking for, so I wouldn't worry about the 4 points - congrats!! yay!!
DrG, lol, you one-eyed lady! hillarious!!
Just got my 48-hr results: Monday was 956 and yesterday was 1915! Praise the Lord!! So far, so good, and i am elated and relieved. I know it's still very early on, but still so happy.