klstsp - great beta and doubling time! Seems like a strong little bean in there.
mrsnorcal - my understanding was always that +/- 5 days at this point wasn't concerning, as the little embie is so tiny that a millimetre one way or another can totally change the reading. So I wouldn't worry too much, though I know that is always easy to say to somebody else.
Dill - I never understood why doctors wouldn't run a quant. I know some of them say it causes even more anxiety but I think knowledge is power.
tcinks - I know you must be worried but it's good that it's stopped and it was just a bit and brown. It is supposed to be fairly normal.
SweetV - I have had cramps basically almost every single day since implantation. I think they worry most women but for me at least I know something is happening, haha. Also I have had two fairly extensive surgeries on my uterus (one to remove 16 fibroids, so that's a lot of cuts into the muscle) and was told that if you've had any kind of major surgery like removal of fibroids or a c-section, you will feel much more cramping as it every time your uterus expands, the scar tissue is forced to stretch.
AFM, I have horrific scanxiety as my earlyl 6-week scan is coming up in a couple of hours. The last time I was in that scan room I was diagnosed with a MMC, and this was after we saw a heartbeat a few wks earlier. I know that this early we likely won't see a heartbeat but at least I will know whether the embryo has implanted in the correct location, whether there IS an embryo (as opposed to a blighted ovum) and whether there is 1 or 2 since we transferred two. I am thinking one but DH thinks two...just one healthy, proper size, etc for its dates would do for me at this point! Hell some days I feel like if I gave birth to a German Shepherd I'd be happy, as even that would be better than recurrent loss.