November 2017

Thanks Tiebreaker! Good to know, I'll stop hoping to vomit if it isn't going to help.

I have been eating a lot of crackers, oranges, and jello lately. I don't think I am so much craving them as just going back to things I use to eat while sick as a child.

This ☝🏻️
I really dont think i crave stuff this early - more things I can tolarate and then I eat the same things! My body just seems to shut down when i feel sick and I dont fancy anything!
Much better if we eat out though 👌🏼
You're welcome! Hope you feel better soon!

Ok another question for you ladies. Are you going to have your ultrasound tech guess at gender at the 12-13 week ultrasound? Our tech is really good and will give guesses if she is really sure. My dr said she has never been wrong before. I am trying to decide if I want her to guess or not. I really want to know, but I also don't want to go 8 weeks thinking there is the slightest possibility she is wrong. She guessed with my last pregnancy that my DD was a girl and she was correct. 😬😬😬 I just don't know!

I will definitely ask my OB to guess, but she is strange sometimes so I don't know if she will though - but worth a try :happydance: DH and I are really anxious to know what it is :dohh:
Ladies, I could use some support. If you have some good thoughts to spare I would appreciate them.

Our cat has been sick lately. We found lumps on her neck and were worried it was lymphoma. We just got test results back and found out it is a bacteria that can cause tuberculosis and it can spread to humans. We are taking her for further testing tomorrow hoping determine if it is that particular strain or a less dangerous one (that doesn't spread to people), but as of now my husband and I are both at high risk. I thought about calling my OB to get in sooner, but my appointment is next week. I doubt he could see me much sooner.

Anyway, I'm worried about losing our cat. She has been our baby since we adopted her a year ago. I am worried about what effect this could have on the baby growing inside me and I am worried about my husband who has been coughing a lot lately. We've already arranged to be tested ourselves at our family medicine clinic, but we'll be waiting a few days for those results.

Thanks everyone. I really needed to get that out somewhere and we haven't told anyone I'm pregnant yet so our families don't know the full depth of the worry right now.
Ladies, I could use some support. If you have some good thoughts to spare I would appreciate them.

Our cat has been sick lately. We found lumps on her neck and were worried it was lymphoma. We just got test results back and found out it is a bacteria that can cause tuberculosis and it can spread to humans. We are taking her for further testing tomorrow hoping determine if it is that particular strain or a less dangerous one (that doesn't spread to people), but as of now my husband and I are both at high risk. I thought about calling my OB to get in sooner, but my appointment is next week. I doubt he could see me much sooner.

Anyway, I'm worried about losing our cat. She has been our baby since we adopted her a year ago. I am worried about what effect this could have on the baby growing inside me and I am worried about my husband who has been coughing a lot lately. We've already arranged to be tested ourselves at our family medicine clinic, but we'll be waiting a few days for those results.

Thanks everyone. I really needed to get that out somewhere and we haven't told anyone I'm pregnant yet so our families don't know the full depth of the worry right now.

Thinking of you and said a prayer for you ❤ I'm sorry your fur baby is sick. Never easy but especially not easy when you're pregnant and have added worry of whether it's contagious ❤
Ttc126- I am so so sorry for your situation! I will be thinking and praying for you. Truly hoping it's the other strain and that there is no risk to you, your husband, or your baby. I wouldn't think it would hurt to call your ob and explain the situation. Even if she can only get you in a little bit early, it might give you some much needed stress relief. Please keep us updated! ((Hugs))
Oh Karoolia! Poor you! Pregnancy is such a worrying time, without having to factor in extra worries for yourself and baby (and obviously your husband). Not to mention the stress of having a poorly puss! I hope your kitty will be ok - it's awful when they're ill and they're your 'baby' - and that you can get some reassurance for you and your family as soon as possible. Thinking of you! x :hugs:
Ladies, I could use some support. If you have some good thoughts to spare I would appreciate them.

Our cat has been sick lately. We found lumps on her neck and were worried it was lymphoma. We just got test results back and found out it is a bacteria that can cause tuberculosis and it can spread to humans. We are taking her for further testing tomorrow hoping determine if it is that particular strain or a less dangerous one (that doesn't spread to people), but as of now my husband and I are both at high risk. I thought about calling my OB to get in sooner, but my appointment is next week. I doubt he could see me much sooner.

Anyway, I'm worried about losing our cat. She has been our baby since we adopted her a year ago. I am worried about what effect this could have on the baby growing inside me and I am worried about my husband who has been coughing a lot lately. We've already arranged to be tested ourselves at our family medicine clinic, but we'll be waiting a few days for those results.

Thanks everyone. I really needed to get that out somewhere and we haven't told anyone I'm pregnant yet so our families don't know the full depth of the worry right now.

I'm praying for your family and your kitty. I hope that kitty is carrying a strain that cannot be passed on to you and that she heals quickly from her sickness.
Thank you everyone. We're taking her for a biopsy today to try to find out which one it is. My husband's doctor decided to wait to test him since apparently it is a much more complicated check since he has some symptoms. They are hoping his cough is just a leftover from a cold he had a couple of weeks ago. Fingers crossed.

I really appreciate the prayers and well wishes. I came so close to telling my mother about the pregnancy so that she would understand the full scope of my worry, but I just couldn't bear giving her what should be happy news in that way. I have been day dreaming about telling family and I want it to be joyful, not full of worry.

I'll let you know how everything goes. Hugging my kitty close this morning.
How are things karoolia?

I am sure I found baby with my doppler last night!! Still so tiny, it didn't register but ...

Have to listen behind the static if that makes sense?
yes definitely sounds like baby. I have no way to upload mine.
I have news, but it isn't good.

Yesterday we drove 1.5 hours to the state veterinary college to have her checked out. We got there at 10:30 and didn't leave until after 5. It will take 2-3 weeks for the culture to grow to test to see if it is the slightly better bacteria, but based on looking at it they think it is.

Sadly, slightly better isn't much better at all. Her blood work and other tests showed that the bacteria has invaded her entire body and she is in bad shape. She is still a happy cat, albeit not herself. We decided we wanted to take her home and just keep her comfortable until the time comes. We couldn't bear the thought of putting her down after such a terrible day for her. This still means 3 antibiotics a day. There is a slight chance they could help her to improve drastically, but the antibiotics are also known to reduce liver function, which is already low on her. The vet doesn't think she has long to live. Even if she does do well on the medication, eventually they will stop working and the vet thinks given her history that will be sooner than later. We suspect we will be making a very difficult decision in a few days.

Then there is the other part. If she does have the bacteria they think she has she is safe around most people, but not the very young, the very old, people with a suppressed immune system, and pregnant women. Obviously that is a problem for us. I have already been exposed so we decided taking her home wasn't going to change much, but I am calling my OB today to find out what he recommends for testing for me. We're just hoping we haven't already lost the baby from this. We don't know how long this has been in her system. Her blood work in January was clear, but we conceived in February so she could have had this from the start of the pregnancy. My husband is handling her medication and everything else with her to limit my exposure. Once she dies we need to sterilize the entire house just to be safe. The good news is the likelihood of either of us having this is extremely small and the chances of passing it on to someone else are even smaller. It's true that people in the groups I listed above are at a higher risk, but typically this bacteria cannot transmit from animal to human or human to animal.

I have lived through a lot of difficult situations: sudden deaths of close friends and immediate family, disabilities and diseases in my immediate family, etc. This, however, has been one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. Not only are we losing our cat, but we don't know how or if we or our baby have been affected.

My husband is a medical resident and has talked to the attending doctors at his clinic about all this and they are all confident that we are safe, but this bacteria is extremely rare so we won't know for sure until they figure out a way to test us (they're still researching the best way to even do that). At least we are all fairly certain it is not TB. I suppose that is the silver lining.

Thank you for the support. It means so much to know there are people out there thinking about us. I am having lunch with a friend today and telling her about my pregnancy. I need to be able to share all of this with someone and I just can't do that to our families just yet.
I have news, but it isn't good.

Yesterday we drove 1.5 hours to the state veterinary college to have her checked out. We got there at 10:30 and didn't leave until after 5. It will take 2-3 weeks for the culture to grow to test to see if it is the slightly better bacteria, but based on looking at it they think it is.

Sadly, slightly better isn't much better at all. Her blood work and other tests showed that the bacteria has invaded her entire body and she is in bad shape. She is still a happy cat, albeit not herself. We decided we wanted to take her home and just keep her comfortable until the time comes. We couldn't bear the thought of putting her down after such a terrible day for her. This still means 3 antibiotics a day. There is a slight chance they could help her to improve drastically, but the antibiotics are also known to reduce liver function, which is already low on her. The vet doesn't think she has long to live. Even if she does do well on the medication, eventually they will stop working and the vet thinks given her history that will be sooner than later. We suspect we will be making a very difficult decision in a few days.

Then there is the other part. If she does have the bacteria they think she has she is safe around most people, but not the very young, the very old, people with a suppressed immune system, and pregnant women. Obviously that is a problem for us. I have already been exposed so we decided taking her home wasn't going to change much, but I am calling my OB today to find out what he recommends for testing for me. We're just hoping we haven't already lost the baby from this. We don't know how long this has been in her system. Her blood work in January was clear, but we conceived in February so she could have had this from the start of the pregnancy. My husband is handling her medication and everything else with her to limit my exposure. Once she dies we need to sterilize the entire house just to be safe. The good news is the likelihood of either of us having this is extremely small and the chances of passing it on to someone else are even smaller. It's true that people in the groups I listed above are at a higher risk, but typically this bacteria cannot transmit from animal to human or human to animal.

I have lived through a lot of difficult situations: sudden deaths of close friends and immediate family, disabilities and diseases in my immediate family, etc. This, however, has been one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. Not only are we losing our cat, but we don't know how or if we or our baby have been affected.

My husband is a medical resident and has talked to the attending doctors at his clinic about all this and they are all confident that we are safe, but this bacteria is extremely rare so we won't know for sure until they figure out a way to test us (they're still researching the best way to even do that). At least we are all fairly certain it is not TB. I suppose that is the silver lining.

Thank you for the support. It means so much to know there are people out there thinking about us. I am having lunch with a friend today and telling her about my pregnancy. I need to be able to share all of this with someone and I just can't do that to our families just yet.
I'm so sad to read this update. I'm so sorry. :hugs:
Karoolia, what is the bacteria they suspect she has? I have been a vet tech for almost 20 years and never heard of this!

I just googled it and apparently it's very rare!! I'm so very sorry you are dealing with this!!
I am extremely emotional and nauseous 😩

Karoolia I am so sorry to hear about your news - we have four cats and they're my babies I understand how hard it is!!!
:cry: So sad and sorry to hear this Karoolia. As Sunbeam says, with 5 cats of our own, I understand the emotions involved in them being unwell and losing them. You're under such a lot of stress at the moment; I hope you can find some ways to relax. Lot of love! x
Karoolia, sounds like there are a lot of us animal lovers!! Post some pics of your fur baby if you'd like!! We'd love to see her!!!
Pinkpassion - She has mycobacteria. It is pretty uncommon. The version they strongly believe she has is called mycobacterium avium complex. It was the first case in the state as far as our vets know. Even at the academic centre they had to call up the line to get advice on what to do.

Almost every photo I tried is too large to upload, but I think I managed to get a couple to load. She was annoyed at me when that first photo was taken because I had shifted to get up and she was very comfy.The other one seems to be sideways, but you can see her better. All of my really cute photos were too large to load. She is the sweetest cat even all the vets and veterinary students commented on how good she was.


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Here's a better one of our beautiful girl. I just took this a minute ago. She is definitely not feeling her best, but she still seems happy. We're just enjoying the moments with her while we can. :cry:


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