November 2017

Oh it wasn't easy believe me lol now to do it all again with these delights. I'm gonna book a private scan next Monday to see that all is well - I'm so paranoid all the time!

Karoolia I hope all gets sorted for you! Praying that all is well ❤️
Karoolia- sorry they didn't move your scan earlier. I know how stressful any bleeding is. Just to echo what the other girls have said, I had bleeding in two of my normal pregnancies and it turned out to be nothing. Hoping this week goes by fast for you, so you can get to your scan soon!

So just a little vent. I have been very constipated lately and was complaining about it to my mom. She gave me a fiber supplement to try. When I asked her if it was safe to take during pregnancy, she said she had read that it was. I took her at her word and took a half dose to start with. Right after drinking it, I read the back of the container. Well it has licorice root, burdock root, and aloe Vera leaf in it; all of which are not safe to take in pregnancy!!! I called my oncall dr and he said the amount I got wouldn't do any harm, but not to take it anymore. I was just super frustrated at my mom because she told me it was safe to take. She feels really bad, but still! So frustrating. As if I need one more thing to stress about during pregnancy.
Thanks Tiebreaker, it's good to hear some positive stories.

I saw the nurse at the OB's office. She made me feel pretty pessimistic. She said bleeding isn't uncommon, but it isn't normal then told me about a woman they had in the other day for her first scan at 11 weeks just to find out that she had never been pregnant. She told me the same could easily be true for me and that if my HCG was too low they wouldn't be doing a scan. I immediately said I would still want a scan to check for ectopic pregnancy or even just remaining tissue since it would be a missed miscarriage. My husband asked why they wouldn't just do a scan today to see what is going on and she said there would be no point if my HCG is too low, that they wouldn't see anything. She just acted annoyed with us.

I understand she probably wanted to prepare me, but she just seemed mean.
that seems really rude and uncaring :hugs:
What?! How rude of her!

I honestly don't see how you could go 11 weeks thinking you're pregnant and not really be!!! That's crazy! Can you find a new dr?
Wow what a cow of a nurse!!!!! Ugh! Why would she tell you a crappy scary story like that? I would look for a new OB.
That is pretty poor.. sorry to hear that..

Hows everyone feeling now we are slowly heading for 12 weeks? I cant shake this dry retching thing.. its so horrible!
Ya, if the OB is anything like the nurse I'll be looking for a new doctor. Although I am more annoyed than worried now so maybe that was her plan all along to keep me from stressing.
Wow! I have never had a nurse act like that!!!! That is so terrible!!! I'm sorry you had that experience! I hope the OB is much better!
Wow!! How rude - I have respect for doctors who say things like it is and doesnt sugar coat things, but there is a way to handle things! I would look for another OB to be honest... and why wouldnt they do a scan, if the patient request one, they should do one. Can you ask for a second opinion? Or another Nurse/OB that would do a scan?
Wow!! How rude - I have respect for doctors who say things like it is and doesnt sugar coat things, but there is a way to handle things! I would look for another OB to be honest... and why wouldnt they do a scan, if the patient request one, they should do one. Can you ask for a second opinion? Or another Nurse/OB that would do a scan?

Not within this guy's practice, he works alone. I can certainly switch to a different practice group of another solo practitioner. For now I'm staying where I am since I have a scan scheduled for Thursday. I'm not sure another practice would be able to squeeze me in last minute. I'll re-evaluate after the scan.
Wow!! How rude - I have respect for doctors who say things like it is and doesnt sugar coat things, but there is a way to handle things! I would look for another OB to be honest... and why wouldnt they do a scan, if the patient request one, they should do one. Can you ask for a second opinion? Or another Nurse/OB that would do a scan?

Not within this guy's practice, he works alone. I can certainly switch to a different practice group of another solo practitioner. For now I'm staying where I am since I have a scan scheduled for Thursday. I'm not sure another practice would be able to squeeze me in last minute. I'll re-evaluate after the scan.

Ahh shucks! I really hope they give you the treatment that you deserve :hugs: I will keep my FX
Nurse called me back today and said my HCG levels were right where they should be. I didn't think to ask what the actual level is. I had a little more brown spotting this morning, but haven't noticed any since. I guess now I just wait for my scan to see if everything is alright.

I have to say all of you ladies who have had difficult pregnancies and/or losses are superheroes for carrying on and doing everything you need to do each day. I know we generally don't have a choice, but still. I have found it hard to even think straight the last few days. Just wanted to say how amazing you all are.
Having a loss or multiple IS hard. Some days you just aren't sure you are going to make it through but somehow that day ends and the new one begins! You survive and life marches on! It's tough though and pregnancy after a loss... well, it's hard to get excited , you just worry worry worry...
My most recent worry is my upcoming nt scan.. I keep dreaming of seeing a baby that's not formed properly or being told something is wrong!! I need to release some of these fears because they are really getting to me!
So glad your levels are good karoolia! Can't wait to hear about your scan.

Thanks for thinking of all of us that have had loses. It really does make pregnancy so hard and scary. My husband has no worries this time and has a difficult time understanding why I do. He has a much easier time being positive than I do. My current fear that takes over my mind is that when I go for my 12 week scan, that I will have had a missed miscarriage. I know I don't have any history of it, but it's been plaguing my mind. (Even though my bump is definitely growing). I am trying to put it out of my mind and stay relaxed but it's hard for sure. My scan is three weeks from today and it seems soooo far away! I wish I could get one between now and then. I do have my regular ob appointment two weeks from yesterday, and she will listen for the heartbeat, so that will give me some peace of mind. For those who bought dopplers, were they expensive?
So true that pregnancy after loss is hard! I didn't think I'd ever make it to this point again and I feel like I'm acting like a miserable worried cow.

Tie I have the same fear as you. At this point I can only hope things are fine since sickness doesn't reassure me and I only barely feel the teeniest flutters.

So I saw my hematologist today. I have a blood disorder where basically my bone marrow makes small, abnormally shaped red cells. Normally I'm slightly anemic but no big deal. Iron doesn't help in this disorder because my iron is normal and my cells don't use it well. In pregnancy this causes some issues though. Normal hemoglobin is 12 and higher. With my first pregnancy I got a blood transfusion at 22ish weeks when hemoglobin was down to 8.5. Well today I saw my hematologist and it's already down to 10.3...preparing myself that this will be a rougher pregnancy with this issue. Also concerned as I have the anti-kell antibody. It *shouldnt* cause an issue but my titer (level) is extremely high. In addition to genetic testing in 2 weeks I'll start regularly seeing the MFM. I will be getting blood draws every 1-2 weeks and then getting a transfusion when it's too low. I feel like it's a lot to concern myself with when I still don't even have tons of faith I'll make it out of first tri.
I also started weaning my progesterone today. I think I've decided to wean to one suppository at night for a week then do every other night. My OB said cold turkey but I'm so anxious I think this will be better for my mental health.
Ttc126 that sounds so stressful! I am so sorry you have to deal with all that!!! You're almost done with first tri! I hope this pregnancy doesn't turn out to be more difficult for you. I am having very little nausea, but I am about at the point when mine usually peters out, so I am trying not to let that stress me out. So amazing that you're feeling little flutters already! I think I felt my last daughter at about 13 weeks; I can't wait!!! When is your next scan? Sorry if you've already said that.
Thanks tie! I hope you feel baby soon ❤ I have my nuchal scan in 2 weeks! I do see my ob and she'll check the heartbeat with doppler on Friday! I'm nervous still but feeling good things are moving along so far.
TTC how are you feeling after stopping the Progesterone? I am just curious to know if you had any spotting or bleeding after stopping? I am stopping mine at the end of this week.

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