November 2017

I am feeling ok as far as symptoms go. No more nausea, except I did vomit the other day. It was caused from gagging while brushing my teeth though. So not fun. My nipples have gotten extremely sensitive again. Nursing my DD is hard again. It had gotten almost completely better, but is back full force now. Wonder why a lot of us are having some symptoms returning. I also found out yesterday that my blood work came back and I am vitamin D deficient. I have never had that happen and am really surprised. I have to start on a vitamin D3 supplement of 1000 IU daily. Hoping to get to the store today to pick some up. Can't wait for Monday for my scan! I feel like this week is dragging by though!
It is odd, I don't remember it happening last time. Hopefully it's a short term thing!
Gosh the gagging, touch wood that's done for now. My short gag reflex was reeeally tested last week, I had a brace fitted (it's been a real fun couple of weeks for me :lol:) thank god it wasn't a few weeks ago or I don't think I'd have made it through!

Good luck to everyone with upcoming scans. Hoping I get a nub shot on mine then I'll be in here after all of your expertise ;) because I've looked at millions of scans in gender prediction and I seriously still don't even know what a nub is :dohh:
I have an appointment tomorrow morning, but I doubt I'll get a scan. Hopefully at least a lovely, healthy heartbeat, though. That would put my mind at rest for a while.
Hi ladies! Hope you're all doing well. My very severe case of ms is finally starting to turn a corner!! It's very very slowly coming around but I'll take it, I've been practically incapacitated for the past 12 weeks and it was really starting to affect me mentally. I hope to be on here more often to get to know you all better!
Ohh I had such a horrid scan experience :cry:
I feel silly really because baby was okay with heartbeat but that's really all we know from it. The sonographer honestly didn't have a clue. She said she couldn't get a good look (probably as they were running 40 mins behind and I'd already had to empty my bladder and start drinking again) so she couldn't do the NT screening. Then halfway through another sonographer burst into the room and started working on the computer, then kept coming in and out with other peoples files, and chatting away to the lady doing my scan.
The second sonographer then offered to help out because the first lady was struggling and pushed so hard into me I nearly threw up, honestly it was so painful. She asked how far along I was then said "oh no you're much earlier than that, more like 12 weeks" (I had a private scan just a week ago that didn't show baby looking smaller) and she spent ages trying to do the NT screening, said it wasn't happening, took a photo and sent us out.
We didn't find out anything about baby's development, accurate date for how far along we are or even due date? OH went back in afterwards and mentioned that they'd not given us a date and they said "oh we never worked it out, we'll say November 17th" :wacko: wtf?

I'm so upset. I keep getting teary at work which is stupid because baby is ok I know, but it was just such a horrid experience.
Oh no Kate! That sounds horrible! I'm so sorry!!!!! Can you do another one?
Kate dont worry too much, try ringing and explaining that you are worried about your measurements cos she said you were behind but he scan before was spot on, im sure theyll listen!

i understand what you mean about the pushin hard! Last week we had our scan and baby b was hiding, she could see its hb and it was moving but she wasnt able to measure cos it was half behind the other one, she almost dug into me to make the other move!!! In the end she told me go and empty your bladder and drink a sugary drink - then still couldnt so made me lift my bum onto a wedge and still dug! I felt battered for days! She wasnt allowing for me already having this bump and was getting me up and down and moving all over!!!
Thank guys. I might call up tomorrow and talk to them about it. Honestly I don't even want to go through another scan it's put me off so much.

Sorry you had similar with the pain Sunbeam. My back is in awful pain now hopefully it clears up soon.
Here's my scan photo from today. It's not a v good pic, baby kept scrunching itself up when they pressed hard.


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I also had my scan today
Naughty little thing!!!! Had to be scanned twice, the first time, she was shaking my belly so much to try and get baby to move into the right position! Didn't work so, I had to lift bum up and slam it back onto bed 5 times to wake baby up!!! Didn't work so had to jump up and down 10 times, then baby turned completely the wrong way!! So jumped another 5 times, no luck, so went to have bloods done. Then rescanned and baby was doing a bloody headstand!!!!!! Could see the spine so petfectly clear though :) Eventually we got what we needed though :)
Nuchal was 1.7mm
I tried to watch out for the nub and saw it but couldnt gage the angle from the few seconds xx


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Cute scan pic! I am so sorry your scan didn't go well! I can't believe they would act like that! I would for sure be calling and tell them you didn't get a date. That's so terrible. I hope your next scan goes much better!
Baby's heart rate was 150, today!
I'm so very happy. And, the next ultrasound I get is my anatomy scan, that'll be sometime before June 5th, so nearly 18 weeks.
It feels weird to have it two weeks early than expected, but I guess it's okay?
Also, advice?
My cousin had a miscarriage at 9 weeks and would have been due tomorrow (when we are likely going to text the rest of the family - cousins and such) so I told her last week so she knew before.
But my (step?) auntie has today found out she has just had a early miscarriage too, but I am not supposed to know :( what do I do about texting her and my uncle? I don't want to not text them in case they find out, but I don't want to tell them right after they have just had that news :(
Especially seeing as another of my cousins (uncles dd) has just announced she is pregnant too :/
Kslime- if it were me, I would at least give your aunt a week or more before telling her. I had the same thing happen to me. I found out my best friend was pregnant just a couple days after I had my miscarriage. Let me just tell you, that hurt a lot. I was already so heartbroken, and it just made everything so much worse. Not that I wasn't happy for her, but I was so sad for myself. If you can hold off on telling her, I would. Maybe ask the rest of your family not to say anything to her until you have time to talk to her. It's such a hard situation. I understand you are so excited about your pregnancy and telling your family, but you'll have an entire pregnancy to be excited. Her miscarriage will be difficult for her forever. I hope this doesn't sound mean, but I have been in her shoes. Pregnancy loss is so so difficult for everyone. Hope this helps a little.
EBAUERHAUS- so glad your scan went well!!! I would think two weeks early is no big deal! I am jealous! My office tries to do it right at 20 weeks, so I always have to wait till then. Can't wait to hear about your next scan! Did they give you a guess on gender or any nub shots?
Tiebreaker, I know it's hard, that's why I didn't know what to do. I have been in her situation too. I had a loss before dd1 and another before dd2.
No one knows she was pregnant, I only know because my nan told me when I told her about my pregnancy, and she was sworn to secrecy so auntie doesn't know I know :/ so I can't really ask the rest of the family not to tell her without it seeming odd and questions being asked :/ my mum has been in her situation too, closer to her situation as they were both 42 when the miscarriage happened, but my mum was 11.5 weeks and auntie was very early, still hard I know!! Within a week of my mum's loss, the same auntie and 2 of my cousins announced they were pregnant :( she said to tell her at the same time as everyone else. I just don't know, I know she will get really mad with my nan if she found out she told me and my mum
So difficult, if I didn't know, I would have text her obviously unknowing :(
Ugh! That is so hard! I am so sorry!!! I wish I could say something to help. With everyone not supposed to know, that makes everything hard!!! I hope it goes ok. Sorry for your losses. It's such a hard thing to go through.
Kisilme, if it were me I'd just tell and not take on the responsibility of making sure everyone is ok. Your aunt is heartbroken but I do think it's worse if she doesn't want anyone to know and you do something to make her suspect you know I worry it could be more hurtful.
When I was going through all of my losses, I would be a bit upset at pregnancy announcements but ultimately I realized someone else's happy news had nothing to do with my grief. I'm sure your aunt can handle it with her support system.
It's very kind of you to be concerned but I truly don't think there's a way to keep it from her without her realizing someone broke her confidence by telling you.
I have text her too along with everyone else as that is what I would have done had I not known. My cousin surprised me, when I told her and explained why I wanted to tell her then as opposed to today which would have been her due date, she just said that she is so happy for us and yes she is heartbroken but she knows that it is one of those things and it's not like we did it on purpose to upset her, and genuinely didn't seem to get why it was so important to me to tell her in person.
My uncle and auntie are mad at uncle's dd for not telling then about her pregnancy before she had a scan to check all was well, and were slagging her off. But they didn't tell her about their pregnancy as they wanted to wait til after the scan to see if all was well, obvs unfortunately it wasn't. She is that sort of person though, where everything is because of her, so if I didn't tell her, it would be because I didn't like her or didn't want her to know, I genuinely don't think she would have even thought of the fact I didn't want to make it harder for her!! That's partially why I thought I would just include her in the group text xx
Scan today was great! My due date has been brought forward a couple of days, so I'm 12+5 today and due 18th November. :happydance:
I forgot to ask about beats per minute, so I don't know that, and they won't give NT measurement, so I'll have to wait for the report to come through; they'll phone within 7 working days if we come back as high risk for anything, otherwise we'll receive a letter within 3 weeks - hopefully it'll be the latter.
Couldn't really see the nub, but I might post a couple of pics (when I can figure out how our scanner works!) soon, to see if any of our resident 'experts' can see anything!

Ksilme - I'm glad your announcement went ok in the end; it's always hard telling people you know will/might find it hard. I have one of those situations too, though slightly different.

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