November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Great crib lucky! And cute armoire. Hmmm trying to think about the colors going together or not. I think they could certainly go as is with the nursery theme being zebra. What color(s) is he wall going to be?
Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Allie - I am definitely all bump, but measuring right on track. I have also lost a little weight in my arms and my pants still fit around my legs with plenty of space. I still wear some of my prepregnancy pants with the belly band. Though I find that they don't stay up as well with the belly band now that my bump is huge. Oh well, I'm not going to worry about losing weight in other fact, I'm pretty happy about it! I figure I've been eating healthy most of my pregnancy (minus about a month and a half in the second trimester when all I craved were sweets and carbs), especially now with the GD!

I have massive stomach movement when the baby moves, which is pretty much all the time. Last Thursday her movement slowed down and Friday was even worse. I can normally count 10 kicks in less than 10 minutes throughout the day. But by Friday, it took me 50 minutes and the kicks/movement were so light. So I called L&D and they told me to come in for some fetal monitoring if I was concerned, which obviously I was. Everything looked fine with baby and the dr. also checked out my amniotic fluid via ultrasound so we got a glimpse of how big and developed she looks now. Amazing!! We also found out that she is head down and most likely won't change positions now. :happydance: I was worried she was transverse because of the areas I feel her movement in, but turns out I have been feeling her little bum making all those stomach spasms, and not her legs.

I have not had a proper night's sleep in ages. Last night was a record for me...4 times getting up to pee. :wacko: It is such a production just getting out of bed...sometimes I wonder if it would just be easier to sleep on the toilet. :haha:
Thanks so much girls! I think Im going to wait for the crib to come before I do any changes.. then maybe I might just change the knobs on the armoire to black, or even zebra. The walls arent going to change.. we just built on to the house and are planning to sell next year, so Im not making any big changes to it.

Bump - I had a record 4 times the other night too.. ugh!! Actually, today has been AWFUL. I went, and literally walked down my hallway.. and thought, omg?? did I not pee? because I have to go again.. and sure enough, I had to go again!
I am loving that armoire lucky - it's gorgeous! Am seriously considering whether we can fit one into our nursery- I love that it's got hanging space built in.

I've just come out of hospital - started having contractions and feeling pressure so was rushed in and had to stay for a few days. But everything settled although both the babies suddenly turned head down (and my girl is very low) - which explains that pressure I'd been feeling - a natural birth may actually be a possibility for me now! And I've been downgraded to 'rest' rather than 'bedrest' which is much nicer.

I also have huge belly movements when the babies move - they get particularly excited when I lie on my side...
Hello all,
I really missed you all! I didn't get caught up on ALL the messages but read that some of you have GD. That sucks! Hang in there!

Updates from me are we are frantically getting the room ready. DH finally painted the room - we have three walls a pale green and one wall an orange. He wants to do decals/mural stick-on thingies on the Orange wall. That is the wall that is going to be where the cribs gonna be at. We still have to assemble the Changing table but I am waiting for the room to get done to tackle that. I bought a really nice wooden rocking chair/ottoman thingie off of Craigslist but I threw away the cushions. I am looking for some fabric to make my own cushions for it. It is going to be a long project - my first ever with cushions. I made a reversible crib skirt for the crib and I have some fabric to make the sheets. Lots of little projects here and there.

My baby shower is on Oct 22 and it is going to be a traditional Indian shower. I also had a surprise group shower (for four of us) back in August. It was just a small one. I have my office shower on Oct 19!! Bumphope - Do you do traditional showers? Also, I think I read that you have a name picked out. We still don't have one yet...makes me feel so unprepared!!

We also had our Childbirth class a couple of weeks ago and we had 16 couples in class and 14 were going to have GIRLS!! We have the breastfeeding class and a newborn class next week and we will be done with classes. Other than that, I have my 31 week appt today! I feel so unprepared for the appointment today..I only have 2 questions..usually I have a bunch!!

I also had a question for you all - what kind of crib mattress are you buying?? I am just overwhelmed by the choices, price range, firmness blah blah blah....
Robyn! So happy you are now on just rest! :) Oh my, having one baby is so exciting.. but two! Oh wow, that is just the coolest thing ever. I have always wanted twins.
Desi, Dont worry, you will find the time to get the things done.. and if you have the baby before then, its okay - you will still be able to accomplish it all! I started feeling the same yesterday.. not that I couldnt do it, but that, OMG.. I have 60 days left and so much to do! So I got busy and started with more decorating. Today I put in the first load of laundry :) As far as the mattress goes... with my first daughter, I just went middle of the road.. not the cheapest, but not the most expensive.. just got a seeley firm. She still has it in her toddler bed and has always been the best sleeper. Not sure if it had anything to do with the mattress though :)
Yay, Robyn! Glad to hear babies are head down and you are just on rest now! :hugs:

Welcome back, Desi! :wave:
Don't worry about not feeling prepared, you'll get there! My goal is to have everything ready by the end of October...eeks! I'm scared of delivering early and not having everything together so I figured I'd give myself an early deadline. We did wall decals too a few weeks much fun putting them up! Didn't you have a few names that you liked? Are those out? Yes, I had a traditional Indian ceremony (which only lasted about 20 minutes or so and we do it in the 7th month) at the shower, followed by more of an American shower with all the games and cake and whatnot. We have an owl theme in the nursery and my SIL continued that theme at the shower. It turned out really nice. I was nervous about wearing a sari over my bump (and it sliding down) since my sari was a bit heavy, but that turned out well too. :) That is nice that you get so many showers! As far as mattresses go, I think as long as you get one that is firm (and actually feels firm too) you should be okay. We haven't quite picked ours out yet...trying to decide between a regular one and a soy one, but we are going to go middle of the road price-wise.
I had a couple of names but then I think they may be out....I am not sure yet..

I think my Indian ceremony might last about the same about 30-40 min and then we have the games, cake etc too. My friends who are throwing the shower and letting me be part of the planning too and that is fun! We made invitations last week and are now planning the decorations.

Yes, I guess firm is the key. I am having do mattress shop online since local stores don't have anything really firm and I am having to rely on online reviews...which is scary!!
BumpHope, that must have been scary but I'm glad you got that extra ressurance! My doc assures me that the babies can be crazy active one day and lazy the next and as long as you are feeling movement it's okay if it changes. She said they're only human and influenced by so many things like how active we are, what we eat, our bowel sounds ,etc.

Cool you know baby is head down. I got shown his position at my appt today actually and he is head down, butt off to my right.

Welcome back Desi! We got a crib mattress from Target but I think we're returning it. BumpHope posted a link to a mattress guide and though ours was 'firm' it didn't have the suggested amount of coils, we we're back to square one.

Robyn, so glad you are off best rest and just on rest!! :happydance: YAY for head down babies. I bet you are Isi will be our first to give birth as twins don't generally go to term, right? Glad you're feeling better!

I had my OB appt today and I'm measuring slightly ahead at 33 weeks. I go in for an u/s and BPP on Monday due to the GD so I'll have a more accurate reading then.

I can't believe how close it all is for us!
Hi Ladies!!:wave:

@Desi, great to hear from you!
@Robyn, glad to hear you're on rest now, not bedrest :)

My LO is head down too! :dance: I guess that makes nearly all of us! I'm ready to burst you guys! I feel like i've been pg forever...aaaaarrrggghh! I cannot wait to see my 'LO! We're gonna buy all the furniture this weekend! And I go on maternity leave on Friday, thank god! I'm measuring 34/35 weeks! So the midwife suggested i finish anyone else waddling??!! :rofl:
Allie - So funny that you mentioned the word 'lazy' because when the doctor walked in, he said, "so we're dealing with a lazy baby today?" I don't know why, but that word just struck me as a funny thing to say. :) I was happy to get the reassurance like you said. The nurse and dr also told me several times that it was good to come in and get it checked out any time I have any concerns, which is pretty much always, especially now that GD is a factor. Did you have an ultrasound today? Just wondering if they were able to feel the baby and tell how he was positioned or if they saw him. My girl's bum is off to the right too, must be a popular position. :winkwink: So now they ARE giving you a BPP?? Is it just because you are measuring ahead or did you finally knock some sense into them with your requests for one? I have a dr's appointment tomorrow...interested in seeing what this dr says (she's the one I like and will be seeing from now on) since I haven't seen her since before I had the GD diagnosis...and since the MW and last dr I saw both said conflicting things about induction/going full-term with GD. :dohh:
BumpHope, I didn't get an u/s today, but she was able to tell me baby's position by feeling around and poking and prodding at my bump. Yes, now they ARE going to give a BPP and U/S next week...but only because I pretty much begged! I actually mentioned BnB and said that most people I know get extra scans, even if they are diet controlled (whereas here they treat me like a normal pregnancy). She got a little annoyed at me but then said if that's what I want, that's what I can get and I was just like THANK YOU! I just need the reassurance, like you said! She told I could pick between twice weekly NSTs or do BPP every week or every other week depending, and I went with that choice.

Sparkle, ooh, enjoy maternity leave! I am indeed waddling lol.
Oh that's great, Allie! :happydance: Finally, your requests paid off! That is crappy though that she had to get annoyed with you over it. Wth? I didn't have the option of BPP, which if my understanding is correct, include the fetal monitoring/NST plus an ultrasound. I think what I'm getting is just going to be the fetal monitoring/NST twice a week. One ultrasound is scheduled at 36 weeks. But I was happy to get anything! Between those and the regular dr. appts, there are some weeks when I'll be going in three times. :dohh:
So it sounds like ladies who have GD have extra monitoring? Will they let you go full 40 weeks?

I had a dr. appt yesterday and when the dr. put the doppler on my tummy, LO just went to the opposite direction and vice versa. My dr. just started laughing....I have never seen her laugh so much :)! At the end of the appt, she said that she would now see me every two weeks but stupid scheduling people scheduled my appt like 3 weeks out. I had asked them about this a month ago and they said no problem. I guess all in all, I am getting one less appointment...which I guess is ok. I talked to my dr. about birth plan and what happens after birth in the hospital etc. If I go into labor during the 40th week my dr. is not going to be there and she will be on vacation. I would have really loved my dr. to be there so I am hoping I go late. She also said she would up until 2 weeks after my due date to induce me so that is Dec 9th. But she said she would need to make that decision based on how my cervix is doing.
Can you tell me the name of the mattress you didn't like in Target. I ask because I am looking in Target too. I am looking at the Sealy natural rest crib mattress...
I know, I can't believe how much I'll be at the hospital. Yesterday I was there for 2 hours in total for my appt (they are slow) and then 3 hours for childbirth classes last night. 5 hours!

Desi, I don't think they'll let me go past 40 weeks for sure, but depending on size of baby I might not even be allowed to get to 40. Yesterday I learned if the u/s determine baby is over 9 lbs near term, I can just schedule a C-Section or induction. So I don't think I'm looking at a December baby, that's for sure! Maybe you'll have your baby before your doc leaves!

That is so cute about the doppler, awww. My doc never leaves it on for very long.
Can you tell me the name of the mattress you didn't like in Target. I ask because I am looking in Target too. I am looking at the Sealy natural rest crib mattress...

The one we got is the Munchkin ComfortSafe Mattress in Firm (I just looked on the Target website and it got horrible reviews...should have looked at that first! :dohh:) Yeah, it's definitely not firm enough imo.
Thanks Allie. I think the Sealy Natural Rest and Sealy Ultra Rest both have 204 coils and they seem firm to touch. Still not sure thought. Ultra Rest was in Walmart, Natural Rest is only in Target online.
So I'm back from the dr's. I love this dr! :) She is just so informative and agrees with with I want/don't want during delivery. Too bad I might not get her for the actual delivery! :dohh: But it seems that the dr's in the practice generally have the same view. Not getting to choose the delivery doctor is the one thing I really don't like about this health insurance we have have (we have to go with whoever is on call at the hospital). In any case, she was happy with my blood sugar numbers and said that if I continue to have good diet control and my 36 week ultrasound looks okay, then they will let me go full term, but not beyond my due date (they will induce on that day). If baby looks big during that ultrasound or there are any other issues going on, they will consider c-section or induction depending on the size/issues. But that they don't want to do those things too early either because baby's lungs are developing slower due to the GD. Also, as it turns out, at my twice weekly non-stress tests they WILL be doing ultrasounds to check the amniotic fluid. So happy to get to see baby more often...just wish it was under better circumstances.

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