November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Thank you guys!!!! :friends: 1 hour til I go down, next time I write I'll hopefully be a mum of 2 xxx
I don't think I am ever going to fall asleep tonight. *sigh*
How is everyone feeling? I have had intense back pain the past few days. Nothing seems to soothe it. And this morning I think baby rotated positions which put me in so much more pain! Sitting on my birthing ball does help a bit but overall baby's movements are no longer fun and cute! I am getting nervous of going into labor at any time...I'm not ready yet!
Sparkle, you are probably in the midst of labor right now! Ahh! Thinking of you.

BumpHope, what position do you think baby is in now? We are quite lucky with our extra monitoring to be able to be told every week, so I suppose you'll know soon enough. Sorry it's causing back pain though. Hopefully it doesn't keep up the entire next month! :hugs: Or are you thinking it's labor related back pain already?
Allie- no I don't think it's labor related back pain just yet. For quite some time baby was head down and on the right side of my bump with his legs out across the top. Then last Thursday morning at my NST I found out he must have flipped over to the left side and I think it happened that very morning. Yesterday I started feeling hiccups in a different spot than I've ever felt them (usually I feel them towards my bum) towards the front of my bump and the movement locations are different too so I think he is now head down in the center of my bump. Most painful position yet!! Now this is what makes me nervous because it seems like an awfully convenient position for him to make a speedy exit! :D
Ooh, it sounds like maybe he is beginning to engage? It's okay, you want him in a good convenient position!!

I was reading spinning babies and based on what they told me at last u/s, that baby is head down on the left, and what I read on that website, it's a great position for labor. So I'm hoping he stays in that position now.
Hey girls- bumphope- hope u got some sleep! Ive had terrible sleep past 4 nights. Keep waking at 3.30-4am and that's it then.

I feel awful today & left work early. I feel like baby so low that it hurts when I walk, but at the same time its right into my ribs and feel so breathless & have had a stitch all day!

No idea what babies position is - will ask on Friday when see midwife. Do u have scans over there that tell u?

They can usually tell my palpating your uterus and were able to tell with me. The only reason we are having it 'confirmed' via u/s is our extra scans for gestational diabetes. I bet they can tell you at your appt though! Or you can try to figure it out using the spinning babies website which is really good.
NST confirmed today that baby is more towards the center of my bump now though still laying sideways. I got such a good look at his face today!! :happydance: He had a little pouty bottom lip for a few seconds...hehe.

Sarah - hope you are feeling better now that you are at home for the day. Let's hope we all get some sleep tonight!! :wacko:
I HAD A GIRL!!!! a beautiful little girl weighing in at 8lb 10!!!! She's perfect apart from her blood sugar levels which are low at the moment. So we're still in hospital at the moment but when we get out I'll tell u everything and post a piccie! Her name is Maia Jasmine :dance: xxx
wow..congratulations Sparkle!! Waiting for the pic :)! I was waiting for your news :)!

Oh and beautiful name too!
Yay Sparkle! Congrats on your baby girl! Love the name! Can't wait to hear the story. :)
Oh wow congrats Sparkle!!! I've been thinking about you! What a gorgeous name and I'm so glad she's doing well! :) I take it her lungs were okay? I can't wait to hear the story and see pics. :happydance:

Our first Elevenses baby!!! :happydance:

How is everyone doing?

Have you US ladies had your Group B Strep test yet? I had mine yesterday and the doc also gave me my first cervical check....OUCH! It really hurt and I'm still spotting brown from it. :( I am 1 cm dialated with a soft cervix, but it's still long. Baby is engaged...she was able to feel his head. If it bounced back it meant he wasn't engaged but it stayed put so she said he's engaged.

I'm looking at induction for 39 weeks, so in about 3 weeks! I'm hoping to go on my own a few days before then, though, to avoid the intervention of induction. But if I have to be induced that's okay too!

Doc told me I could wait until 40 weeks if I wanted (as of now) but as that falls RIGHT on Thanksgiving she said she would prefer not to induce on Thanksgiving, which makes sense. And she likes to schedule it for when she's the doc on call so she can hopefully deliver, so it will probably be in the days before Thanksgiving.

Oh and I had another growth scan yesterday and Alistair is approx 6lbs 1oz. :)
Wow Allie, that was a very productive dr's appointment! :winkwink: Great that baby is engaged already! I have a dr's appointment tomorrow...not sure if she's going to start cervical checks tomorrow and do the Group B Strep test then. I am dreading the internal checks! :wacko: I have a growth ultrasound on Friday and it'll take a day or two for the radiologist to dictate the results so I might just have to wait until next Thursday's dr appointment for the results. I'm so nervous that baby is going to measure big, especially since he looks so "cute" (aka chubby) on the ultrasounds. But it will be nice to know that information either way so that I have an idea how the delivery will progress.

I'm still on my organizing/cleaning/fixing things frenzy. I overdo it and then wear myself out. And I keep crossing things off my list and then adding more! :haha: This whole girl/boy thing set me back a bit too, but hopefully everything will be done by the end of next week and then I can spend the last few weeks relaxing.
Sparkle- CONGATULATIONS!! Really wonderful news! Been thinking of you loads! And 8lbs !! You could have been on for a record breaking baby if you'd been allowed to go to term!
And what a gorg name! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Allie- seems like u could be next! Engaged already. I've no idea what my little one doing. I tried figuring out the position on that site u sent through but I can feel movement and hardness everywhere! Got midwife appt tom so will be asking.
We don't usually get strep B test over here. That said I've currently got thrush & on pessarys so will be asking for it!

Good luck on Friday! Alistair looks really chubby in the face on the u/s and he's measuring right on and not too big! Don't wear yourself out too much with the cleaning...I was on a kick like that week and then I was super tired at the weekend. But I know how you feel, it feels good to get some stuff done.

I had a crappy night...I was a Labor and Delivery. This is from my journal:

I'm just back from L& blood pressure is 145/95!!!

Basically, I could barely get out of bed today I felt so tired. I had a hard time focusing on work and just felt like crap. I laid in bed much of the day.

When Alex got home from work we went to the grocery store and I checked my blood pressure at the pharmacy and it was 140/90 so we called up the hospital and they had me come in.

It turns out I have mild fever, but my urine and blood work was fine, and the baby looked fine as well, so it was just the fever, feeling crap and the 145/95 BP.

I had a flu shot yesterday at my appt and they think it's that causing this reaction in me, a flu like reaction.

I'm so upset and scared though. I'm not at bed rest, just have to 'take it easy' and go back Friday for a BP check.

My BP was 115/75 just yesterday at my appt so it went up like 30 pts overnight. Hopefully it's just the damn flu shot.

Oh no, hope you feel better soon Allie! I have heard that the flu shot can make some people sick initially. I got it at my last appt. They are still pushing tdap shot too but after some more reading up on it, I have decided to wait until the baby is born for that one.
Had my dr.'s appointment today. She didn't to a cervical exam (but did do the GBS test), which I'm happy about because I was really not looking forward to that. They said they'll start them two weeks before my due date if everything is progressing normally, unless I specifically request one for whatever reason. They also gave me a full-on diaper bag (with a changing pad, insulated bottle holder, and cute blanket too)! I like the bag I bought better of course, but the accessories will definitely come in handy. :thumbup:

We got our boy's bedding delivered yesterday and I don't like it and will be returning it. :dohh: It is so hard finding nice boy stuff!
Nice about the diaper bag! Our hospital also gave out a 'kit' which included a bag but it mostly included formula samples and breast feeding product samples...gotta love product promotion from hospitals lol.

Sorry you didn't like the bedding but glad you avoided the painful cervical exam.

Why did you decide against the Tdap? I have to admit I was not convinced it was necessary afte I got it myself. :nope: And then the flu shot made me feel crap...bascially I don't like vaccines!

My BP is still high so I'm on bedrest now. :( The doc I saw yesterday said I will probably be on bedrest for 3 weeks and be induced at 39. To be honest I'd rather be induced at 38 so there's less of a chance for this to develop into pre-eclamsia but this doctor said they like to wait until 39 weeks to induce. I kinda get it, because that's closer to my due date, but if 37 is 'full term' then why is it so important to wait until 39 vs 38? :shrug: It's just going to be another week that I'm baking this baby with high blood pressure. It was still 140/90 yesterday (though they got it down to 114/72 laying on my left side).
My growth ultrasound yesterday went really well. Baby is measuring 5lb and something oz (I can't remember the ounces exactly but it was a measurement equivalent to 35 weeks + 1 day). Though this is 6 days short of my 36 week mark which was yesterday, I know it's right on target since my LMP due date is about 6 days ahead of when we actually conceived. :happydance: Baby is also sporting some hair and is still a boy (I just had to have the extra confirmation). :haha: Also, I had noticed that my sugar levels have been so much easier to manage over the past few weeks. Without me even mentioning it at Thursday's dr appt, my dr. asked me if my numbers had gotten easier to manage because that happens with a lot of women since the placenta slows down on secreting a certain hormone in the last few weeks. I thought it would get harder, but apparently not...? Also, my fundal measurement is catching up with itself just as my dr said it would (two weeks ago i was measuring 38 weeks and then now at 36 weeks I'm still measuring 38 weeks).

Allie - Sorry to hear about being on bed rest. :hugs: On the plus side, at least you will be able to relax for a few weeks before the baby comes. Catch up on all the tv and reading your heart desires! I don't think 37 weeks is considered full term if you have GD. At least, that's my understanding because of the lung development. I know you mentioned earlier that one of your doctors said the lung development was only an issue in uncontrolled GD, but I still keep reading that it can be and issue and I think most dr's will err on the side of caution because the only way to know for sure is to do an amnio. Not sure what the risks of amnio are at this stage, but perhaps they could do that and then induce at 38? I hope it does not develop in to preeclampsia, but if it does, will they induce right away then?? Is someone able to help you while you're on bed rest? How are you managing? Can you get up and move around at all or do you have to strictly be in bed?

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