November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Hi girls:
Back from hospital with my 2 day old daughter! She's doing well.

Would love your opinion on our name- Ottilie Louise. Do u like or think too different? And prefer the spelling Ottilie or Ottalie? I'm a bit scared to announce to wider world!

Hope you are all doing ok.

Lucky-thinking of you.

Sarah - You must be over the moon to be home with your little bundle!! I like the name, especially since you have a cute nickname that goes with it. I like unique names. :) as for spelling, either way looks fine to me. If you are going with Tilly as the nickname, then I guess ottillie may go more with the nickname, spelling/sound-wise...? Just my two cents. But again, either looks fine to me.
Here is a pic of my bump from today. Hope the little guy is ready to come out this week!


  • Bump 39+3.jpg
    Bump 39+3.jpg
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I am with Bumphope on the name. It is a unique name and I like names that are different :)! Regd. spelling, yeah if you are gonna go with a Tillie short name then may be go with the one that is spelled like the shortform?

Bumphope - Your bump doesn't look as big..may be ours are both the same? How big do they think your little guy is? I have no idea how big she is going to be because I have had no ultrasounds since week 20...

I have a random question - what is everyone wearing/worn when they got back home? It is cold here so I will need to wear something warm/pants so long dress/something loose won't quite work. Can you wear jeans after giving birth?! I know dumb question but I don't know who else to ask :D!
Sarah, congrats!!! :hugs: It really is difficult when the labor doesn't go how you expect/ least we have these wee bundles of joy, eh? I really understand how you feel though, and look forward to hearing your birth story.

Welcome home! :happydance: I honestly LOVE Ottilie and the spelling. :thumbup:

Bumphope and Desi, your birth experiences are bound to go better than ours. ;) For one thing you are further along which makes baby more likely to be in a good position...Alistair probably would have moved into position by now but he just wasn't a week ago. Also, the cervical ripening gel is not bad at all. I will be honest and say I am not a fan of Pitocin though....and hope to avoid it at all costs next time!

AFM, I'm feeling sooooo much better today. I got a freaking spinal headache from my botched epidural and had a headache the past week. I went in today to the hospital and they put a blood patch on my spine. Sigh. Now my back hurts but I will take that over the headache any day! Alistair is doing wonderfully and he is just perfect. :)
I love that you are saying "next time" sooo soon even after your birth that didn't go as planned ;)! There is hope for us!

I am getting anxious at every twitch, contraction, poke, jab EVERYTHING the baby is doing!!! Wish I knew when this baby was coming!!
Allie - I meant to ask you think the first anesthesiologist just sucked and that's why he couldn't get the epi to take? Seems like the second one had no trouble getting it to work!?

Desi - my bump was measuring 4 weeks ahead at one point! :wacko: At my growth scan at 36 weeks, baby was measuring 5lbs something...whatever the exact weight was, it put him in the 35th percentile for size. I'm guessing that by now he must be 7lbs something(based on a weekly weight/growth chart I looked at after my growth scan). I am crossing my fingers that he is on the smaller side (but healthy of course) bc now I'm nervous about not being able to push him out. :(
Desi - I am wearing comfy clothes home from the hospital. Personally I wouldn't try to wear jeans unless they are maternity jeans and therefore have some give around the stomach. They say you should plan to fit into your 5-6 month pregnancy clothes size. AFM, I'm going to throw on my pregnancy yoga pants and a top and a light jacket over that. We also live super close to the hospital so it's a quick trip home.
I was thinking about maternity jeans. I never bought any maternity yoga type pants and all my pre-prego sweats are all low waist..wondering if that would be too uncomfortable...I packed those sweats and a maternity jeans..hoping one of those will work...

There is NO WAY I will fit into any of my pre-prego jeans for a few months :(!!!!
Is anyone going to try those belly binding wrap thingies for post partum? I am wondering if I should get one or if it's just likely to be a waste of money. I feel like my belly is just going to be so flabby even after I lose the baby weight because that is where I put on ALL my pregnancy weight. *sigh*
Hi Girls,
Ottilie it is! Thank you! Thats what wed started telling people and then I had a mild panic!

Allie- Im dying to speak to you, I have also got the spinal headaches. My anaesthtist ( cant spell it!) tried 3 times to get my needle in and failed so she then gave me a spinal to tempoarily help which it did and then tried again 3 more times with the epidural which finally worked. (until it moved!!) Anyway I started with the headaches about 24 hrs later. Whilst i was in hospital they werent that bad as was in bed alot but came home yesterday and theyre pretty constant. Just eases when i lie down. They said to me to monitor it and if it doesny go I'll need the blood patch too. Whats this like? Is it just a day proceddure or did u have to stay over night? They said to me I may need to be re admitted. What was your pain like? Mine is actually more a neck ache low down that feels like I cant support my leg, It gets worse when I rub my neck and shoots into my head and temples. How long did you cope witthe pain befoer u got the patch? I feel like id rather have it sooner than later so i can move on. Sucks doesnt it. i can barely walk from c section and now have this!!

Clothes wise I wore what I went in in to come home- so jazz / yoga pants, t shirt and jumper. Id say definitely take something lose as if like me you need an emercent c section (which hopefully you wont!) you certainly wont want anything tough or pressing against your body.

Still waiting!! :coffee: Something tells me this week is going to be pure torture.

Sarah - That is crazy that you had a similar experience to Allie with regard to the epi. At first I thought I would try to see if I could go natural, but now I am really counting on the epi so I sure hope it works and fast! Hope you get some relief from your headache. :hugs:
Yes. Agree with Bumphope...I had heard of very few cases where the epi was a pain to take but looking at you both, I just am not sure. I am hoping the epi works fast because I am planning to wait until I cannot handle the pain anymore before I request one...

Bumphope, I am still waiting also. I am anxious for my appt this p.m.! I have a ton of questions for the nurse. I did start feeling dizzy and some nausea last night that is continuing to this a.m. When I Googled, as expected, some people said its a sign! I am hoping it is!!

I am not planning on buying the band thingie..and I am like you..all the weight is in the tummy!!!!! I am stressing a tiny bit on how I am going to get my tummy back in shape. I keep clipping magazine articles in various parenting magazines..not sure if I will have time to exercise but I plan to start as soon as I can :D!
Oh Desi, the nausea definitely can be a sign! Loose bowl movements are also a sign. Never thought I'd be hoping for diarrhea so much! Ha! Man oh man, I'm going to be the last one! :hehe: I googled some more and they say dizziness and BP could be related.....glad I have the appt here in 3 hrs...
Good luck at the appt! Mine is not until tomorrow afternoon. Crossing my fingers for more dilation/effacement.
Okie..back from my quick and short appointment. The Nurse Practitioner was really good. Spent more time answering questions than my dr. The cervix check she did didn't hurt one bit. I didn't even feel her. With my dr. it doesn't hurt but I am definitely uncomfortable. She said the cervix was about the same - 50% effacement and 1 cm dilation. She said if I was still pregnant next week they would most likely do an NST and monitor contractions and baby's heart rate. It was definitely good assurance to hear that. So for now, I sit and wait. Regarding the dizziness she thought it could be because I didn't eat anything all morning and that may have caused the dizziness.

Back to regularly scheduled programming. BumpHope I hope you are closer than I am ;)!
Oh bummer! More waiting around! :winkwink: That is great that the NP was so good. I'm trying to block out thoughts of my sweep tomorrow. :nope: Did you ask again about that to see what the NP would say?

I can't figure out what to do about scheduling an induction (which the doc is going to do tomorrow). On the one hand, I want to give baby time to come on his own...especially since I know that my due date based on conception should be closer to the 30th. On the other hand, I'm scared of any complications due to the GD or just due to baby being too big. I'm terrified of not being able to squeeze him out, even if he is measuring normal! :wacko: Or, should I try to schedule an induction based on when my dr. will be on call at the hospital?! So many decisions. I guess I'll just see what the doc recommends tomorrow after I express my concerns.

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