November Autumn Babies

Lar, I’m happy the spotting, especially red has stopped. I have hoshimotos and hypothyroidism and I’m ashamed to say I haven’t had my levels checked properly this pregnancy. I know that’s awful but between sickness and other factors I haven’t made it to the lab for testing. But I’m hoping to fix that this week. However, my last pregnancy, which ended at the beginning of the year I was told my dosage was too high and pushing me into hypo so I’m hoping everything is fine. I haven’t had any symptoms that my levels have dropped, but I know they need to be properly checked. Good for you for catching yours and having your medicine adjusted.

I have hashimito's disease as well. How often does your doctor recommend that you get your blood checked in pregnancy? My endocrinologist recommends once a month, at least in the early part of the pregnancy. I have been so paranoid that my levels would change before i catch it... i wasn't feeling right a couple weeks ago so i went to the ER and asked them to check my thyroid levels. They told me it was in range but after I left I looked at the labs they gave me and my levels seemed too high to me, so I sent my labs to my endocrinologist. It took a whole week but I was finally able to speak to her and she confirmed that my levels were too high and that the ER doctor told me they were in range because they were in range for a nonpregnant woman but not for a pregnant woman. I was so frustrated because the ER doctor knew I was pregnant and I think she should have known the correct thyroid levels for a pregnant woman seeing as how common hypothyroidism and pregnancy are. Anyway.. glad I caught it. You should definitely get your levels checked soon to make sure things are okay. How far along are you now?
My endo recommends every 4 weeks as well. I’m 10 weeks 3 days now. I had my levels checked only once but not in the last 8 weeks. First thing tomorrow I’m going to go. I know my endo with be upset but I’ve had a lot going on, and serious things and haven’t been home enough to get to a lab. I’ve been to the hospital a couple of times so they may have checked them then but I’m uncertain. I’m hoping all is well. I’ve had this condition for almost a decade so, like you, I usually know when something feels off. May I just say how frustrating doctors can be. I agree that the ER doctor should have known your levels were too high for pregnancy. My endocrinologist is really good but I want to find a new one. My first miscarriage she made me feel like the loss was my fault because I didn’t have levels checked prior to conception, like I needed her approval to get pregnant. And when she did check them everything was fine. However, I was breastfeeding at the time and my progesterone was low and my uterus was simply not ready to carry. It was a very frustrating experience, but I continue to see her because she’s been my doctor from the beginning and she is truly good at her profession. Thankfully she’s the only doctor I’ve had who’s behaved in that manner.
I am glad that you will get them checked tomorrow. Hopefully everything is fine, but it will be good to know for sure. That is really rude of your doctor to blame you for your miscarriage! Seems like doctors should do the opposite and tell women it isn't their fault since usually it isn't. I can see maybe telling you "next time you want to try getting pregnant, you should get your thyroid levels checked first" but there is no reason to blame. It wasn't your fault at all. I can see wanting to find a new doctor, but I can also see why you stayed with her so long especially if she is good at her job. It can be hard to find an endo. who is good during pregnancy bc so many of them seem to be misinformed when it comes to the right levels for pregnancy. Sorry to hear you have so much going on-- sounds like it is stressful. Good luck with your labs tomorrow! Hopefully your doctor doesn't give you too much of a hard time about it. Let us know how it goes.
Lar, I can’t believe that emergency room doc missed that your levels were not good for pregnancy! Really good that you caught it. I guess it just goes to show that we really do need to advocate for our own health and pregnancies!

Nogreater I can’t believe your endo made you feel like your mc was your fault...that’s just brutal and cruel.

I just had bloodwork for TSH on the weekend, first time since I started taking synthroid in week 4. I don’t have an endocrinologist, just have my family doc, since my levels were only just discovered to be off when I got pregnant, they were never bad enough before to medicate.

I’m 11 weeks today! 1 more week until we get to see our baby again!
Had my first appointment with midwives today, lots and lots of questions and answers about medical history etc. Was also given some stronger tablets for acid, so fingers crossed they work! ...first scan is on May 9th, so not too far away!
Lar, finding a good endo is so difficult. Then when you do, you have to wait months on end for an appointment.

Wishn, congrats on 11 weeks!!! So exciting you get to see baby again next week! Have you decided how you’re going to share the good news? I really hope your levels go back to normal after pregnancy. I feel like the last 8 years of my life has revolved around my hypothyroidism between the medicine and all the tests.

I went to the lab today, so I should hear back tomorrow with my results. I’m going to call my endo’s secretary so she can be on the lookout for the results and “report” my pregnancy. Maybe it’ll soften the blow. I found out over the weekend that my sodium levels are low, which may be why I’ve been so fatigued with headaches and feeling so dehydrated despite drinking so much water. I’ve never been one to avoid using salt but I don’t overdue it. Now I’m mindful to add a bit more salt to my food, and drink more coconut water. I worked out today for the first time in a long time and it was very hard, but it felt good. I’m finding it so hard to stay active this pregnancy and overall feeling blah. And I definitely do not have the glow! In better news, I’m no longer bloated! For a couple of weeks I looked like I was 6 months pregnant and thought I’d have to share much earlier than we’d planned. Hope you all are having a great Monday!
Pb, welcome! What an incredible and interesting story. I’m so glad all is well! We have the same “due” date!!

Wishn, I understand even more now. Thank you. I couldn’t terminate either, but I certainly understand wanting to know so that you can plan accordingly. Yes, I opt out of all genetic testing and I usually only allow 1-2 ultrasounds. However, this pregnancy, as you know, has been different and I’ve allowed two thus far. Now we have to decide how many more we’ll agree to. Blood work is non-invasive and can provide valuable information, like being certain my thyroid levels are stable, so I consent to that. I’m not against the extra tests, it’s just our preference.

Nootles, haha...still pregnant. Happy 11 weeks! How are you feeling now that you’re so close to second trimester?

feeling more and more confident that this is it and i am actually having a baby, having suffered a late loss previously though its taken the shine off it a bit

couple more days to my scan and i will start to breathe easier FX
Nootles, I’m happy that you’re more confident but I can understand your emotions after a late loss. I’m praying when you have your scan it will provide even more relief. doctor wasn’t mad at all. In fact, she was very happy and supportive of the pregnancy. My tsh levels aren’t bad at all. I just need to increase my weekly dosage by one whole tablet, so really nothing at all. And like I’ve already known, I need to get my iron levels up. I’ve been borderline anemic my whole life, even when I ate meat growing up, so it’s nothing new to me. However, with all the pregnancy aversions I’m really going to need to focus on iron containing foods. I go back in another 3 weeks for testing. From now on I will certainly keep up with testing.
Nootles, that’s great you’re feeling more confident! The scan will be a big relief! I’m just starting to let myself think of “when the baby comes”.

Thanks Nogreater! That’s great that your doctor was supportive and your TSH levels are not bad. I see lots of leafy greens in your future. I wonder how my iron levels are. I just started taking my prenatal again this week.

I told my best friend last weekend, but we won’t be telling family for another few weeks. I’ll tell my parents on Mother’s Day (I’ll be almost 15 weeks!), and then DH’s parents the weekend after when we see them in person. Part of me wants to keep it quiet until I start showing and have no choice but to tell everyone...and part of me wants to shout it from the rooftops!
Wishn, yes lots of greens for me. I’m just starting to eat them again. I couldn’t stomach them the last 4 weeks. I feel the same. I’ve only told one person and everyone else I figured will know when/if they see me as I grow. I have no strong desire to share even though it’s fantastic news. I’m just not ready for all of the questions and once people know it’s seemingly the only thing they wish to talk about. Then the never ending advice begins. While I know people mean well I’m just not ready.
Nogreater.. glad you were able to get your meds adjusted and that things went well with your doctor. What was your tsh level and what did you increase your dose from/to?
Lar, thanks. Me too! My levels were 5 and need to be 3, or preferably 2.5, so she told me to take one more pill a week. I usually take 100mcg daily, and now im suppose to take 200mcg one day and 100 mcg 6 days. Very easy to remember.
9 weeks today!! Was given pills by the midwife to stop my stomach producing acid, and they have worked miracles!!

Here is my 8 week bumpie vs my 9 week bumpie...I feel really massive already! ...these were actually only taken 5 days apart, because I was late with the 8 week!!

How is everyone doing?


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Happy 9 weeks, Zoboe!! Your bump is adorable! If only mine were that cute. I’m so happy your midwives were able to give you something to help your stomach.

I’m 11 weeks and starting to feel better. Fingers crossed it only gets better. I haven’t taken an afternoon nap in 2 days, which is a record and surprisingly I’m not falling over at dinner. I’m definitely functioning better and even staying hydrated. How is everyone else?
Zo, I just reached 9 weeks today too! The first day of my last period was Feb 15th. Was it the same for you? Your bump looks good--that grew super fast! I see a small bump appearing now, but nothing that big yet. I had more spotting today... before it was only when I wiped and today it was two very large drops on my underwear. I know spotting doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong, but I still hate it. My midwife's office changed my ultrasound date from April 26th to May 2nd. I am having a very hard time waiting.
Cute bump Zoboe! I seem to have no bump in the morning but quite the bump in the evening...pretty sure mine is still just my fat being pushed out by bloat!

Glad you’re starting to feel better Nogreater...getting close to 2nd tri!

Sorry the spotting is continuing don’t have any cramping do you? The time waiting for a scan is so nerve wracking.

I’ve had a rough week. I thought I was feeling better so I started taking my prenatal again, but it made me really constipated, which in turn backed me up with so much stomach gas I was burping every 5 minutes. Then this morning I vomited after breakfast! I took a stool softener it worked wonders, which means my gas and burping isn’t as bad. On the plus side, my DH is amazing. He’s been doing almost all the cooking, cleaning and shopping and taking good care of me. He even brought me flowers today. This baby’s got a great daddy! <3
Aah thanks No Greater, I just can't believe how quickly the bump has appeared, and its really lowered in the last week too! Hiding it is becoming challenging!

Lar, yes same date!! So due around Nov 22nd! I can't believe how quick it appeared, I thought I wouldn't show for ages yet! My first scan is May 9th, which still feels ages away at the moment! Fingers crossed the spotting is nothing bad, and just a natural part of the pregnancy, give the midwife team a ring if you are worried!

Wishn I presumed mine was bloat, but I'm not sure now, because its got so much lower. Also when I took the 9 week photo, I hadn't eaten anything since about midday, and it would have been about 7pm by then, so bloat less likely! Is it pregnacare you're taking? midwife suggested that for a lot of women, pregnacare can make you feel so much worse and actually cause morning sickness. She suggested I take the folic acid and vitamin D on their own, as small supplements, then start on pregnacare in 2nd tri!
Zoboe it&#8217;s not pregnacare it&#8217;s GNC Mega Mom, so I really think the iron is the problem. I&#8217;ve been taking folate daily, but good idea to add in the vit D. And my probiotic, which might actually help with constipation. I should take some morning and evening bump photos, the difference is striking!
Checking in with you ladies-it’s been a busy first week back at school!

Where’s that bump come from zoboe?! That’s amazing! I definitely have a lot more rounding, and can start to feel the top of my uterus,but it’s definitely just a pushing out of my leftover mum tum at this point!

LAR, I’m sorry to hear about the continuing spotting-whenever I spotted with DS, I rang through and they got me in for a scan/check straight away...have you done that for peace of mind?

I’ve got to say,I’m feeling fantastic this week compared to before!! My ms has settled to only vomiting first thing on a morning before work and, as long as I eat little amounts through the day, the nausea is so incredibly mild and only tends to return slightly in the evening-I’m feeling great! It certainly wasn’t like that with DS, and the sickness continued all the way through with him, so it’s a welcome change!

Heard babies heartbeat for the first time on the Doppler the other night too, at 9 weeks and 2 days-clear as day,straight away at 176bpm...I’m in love!
Lpjkp I really don't know, given these photos were actually only 5 days apart, its like it just popped out over night!! Wasn't expecting it at mum keeps asking if I'm sure I'm only 9 weeks along!!

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