November Autumn Babies

They're not for everyone, some would panic if they couldn't find the hb.

Sorry you feel rubbish, I can't sleep at the moment, so I can completely relate as it triggers my anxiety which makes me feel sick on its own anyway :dohh:

Just to add though, after seeing you're almost 10 weeks, you probably wouldn't have a problem finding the hb. Most advertise from 12 weeks, but that's just to cover themselves. You can more commonly find the hb from around 10 weeks, it's much harder to find before this. Obviously the further into pregnancy you are the easier it is to find, but I think you have a good chance of finding it
Glad you ladies were able to find the heartbeat at home. I’ve never used one outside of having it down at appts. I didn’t know they were available for purchase outside the professional field.

Wishn, I’m sorry you’re feeling unwell. I’m the same. I need sleep. Always have. University days my friends would always laugh because I scheduled 8 hours of sleep each night at least. And the bloat is very real over here. I’m 9.5 weeks and look like I’m at least 15 weeks. I hope it goes away soon. Other than that, I’m doing pretty well so long as I stay hydrated and dont go hungry
Yeah you can buy them from Amazon, probably eBay, if you're in the UK I got mine from Tesco Direct reduced (it's Ana Wiz). AngelSounds is another good one, and cheaper too at about £25. That's the first one we used with previous two babies, but I let someone borrow it and didn't get it back so bought another recently. It looks the same as the Doppler the midwives use.

Don't worry, I'm more than a week behind you and I look like I'm much further along, and oddly enough my uterus feels like it's already above my pubic bone, when it isn't meant to do this until past 12 weeks as far as I'm aware? Unless it does this sooner in subsequent pregnancies? Anyway, I look like I have eaten all the food, and my family too
Haha....eaten your family. I look like I’ve devoured a small child. There’s no denying I’m pregnant so I try to lay low because I’m not ready for people to know as of yet. I recognize that this is technically my 4th pregnancy and my second this year so that may be why I’m ‘expanding’ so soon. I’m just going to embrace it, anything for a healthy baby in the end.
We have wusic for the Doppler. Works great. Doesn’t give the heart rate but you can always tell it’s babies because it’s faster than yours. Also you’re able to upload the sound to your computer so you can hear it all the time. :)
Thanks for the Doppler advice ladies-I casually have a try every now and again but I strangely don’t feel so “obsessed” with checking as when I was pregnant with DS!

I’m feeling it today...I usually don’t feel so tired, but this morning has been spent on the sofa watching movies-

I’m going to ask an embarrassing question- does anyone else pee ever so slightly when they’re vomiting with morning sickness, or is that just me?! I never knew it would be so impossible to try and cross my legs whilst being sick! Haha! I’m hoping the vomiting doesn’t last much longer,but I’m definitely getting more used to the sickness now, and it’s much milder at times instead of feeling nauseous all day...I can’t wait for the bump and the kicks!!!
I feel Doppler envy all the time. But I don't feel like spending $50 on one. DH has helped keep me sane waiting for my next appointment. It's Friday. Exactly 96 hours away. The only thing I am dreading is bringing my wild crew with me. SIL didn't seem keen on watching them during her only child's naptime. *sigh*
Oh and I also feel my uterus above my pubic bone too. It's probably a good sign, but it's definitely dependent on how all of my organs are doing internally and how bloated and whatnot. Sometimes it is so easy to feel, other times not so much. I picked up DD yesterday and set her in my lap and she jabbed my lower abdomen and I definitely felt her get my uterus.
Wow, I haven't checked in for ages! Welcome to the new people and congratulations to those who have had good scans and found hb's on dopplers.

I've never had a Doppler and I've never really had a desire for one either strangely. I'm probably in the minority there.

Sorry so many of us are still so sick! I'm nauseous for a couple of hours in the morning then from between 3-4 in the afternoon til bedtime like clockwork every. single. day. I'm still not able to drink enough either because of it. I think my fluid intake for a day is about 1 litre, so I have a fairly constant dehydration headache.

If I lie on my back in bed first thing in the morning I have a tiny proper bump! It's quite narrow but extends right up to just under my belly button. A consequence of this bring my 4th pregnancy and 3rd in a year, as I definitely didn't get it until 2nd trimester first time around. As soon as I get up and empty my bladder is disappears into plenty of bloat :-(

I'm now 9 weeks, nothing happening this week here, I had my midwife booking last week and my official dating scan is 2nd May at 12 weeks. I have a reassurance appointment and scan next week on Tuesday as we found our first loss had stopped developing between 9 and 10 weeks last time so it feels like a milestone. I'm trying to keep myself together this week and trying to ignore the panic feeling that's settling in. Comforting myself that these 3 weeks between appointments is probably the longest gap I'll have.

I really should check in more often then I wouldn't write such long posts.
Lp, you could try those small weights to strengthen your pelvic floor if you're leaking when puking. It's such a lot of force when you're sick it isn't surprising tbh. But strengthening your pelvic floor should help.

Cookies, yeah I get more nausea in the evenings, usually around the same time. Between around 9pm-12am.
Same here with the bump thing though I'm not convinced it's a bump as such but more all the cheese I have consumed. Although with DS2 and DD I had a proper bump from about 10 weeks and this will be 4th child
Lp, it hasn’t happened to me, but one of my friends had that happen a few times when she was pregnant and not a little leak, a full on pants wetting!

Loves_cookies you’ve still got me beat on fluid consumption! I’m lucky to make it to 1L, although I think I managed it today. I’ve been eating lots of fruit and veg to hydrate that way.

I’m 10 weeks today! I’m deliberating when to do my harmony test. They say it can be done from 10 weeks, but I’ve read it might be better to wait until 11 weeks when fetal DNA in my blood will be higher. My lower abdomen is feeling a little firmer, but any “bump” I have is more likely belly fat and bloat at this point! (She said as she ate ice cream from the carton...)
Lp, I second pelvic floor exercises. I didn’t learn the importance until having diastasis recti after giving birth and needing physical therapy. I learned so much about my body and strengthening all those muscles that aren’t seen.

Loves cookies, have you tried making a homemade electrolyte drink? It was the one thing I was able to drink when I was vomiting nonstop. They’re easy to make. The recipe I used called for a quart of water, some fresh squeezed orange juice, a dash of salt and I added some magnesium to mine.

Wishn, haha I made apple a la mode last night and the bloat over here is real. Despite my exercising and healthy eating (minus the ice cream) there’s no changing my body. I believe I’ll have to embrace it at this point. It’s not soft, it’s quite firm so that makes me feel a tad better.

I’m going on 10 weeks and exhaustion has set in. Naps are a necessity these days. I won’t complain though. I will gladly take naps over a date with the toilet.

Curious. What’s a harmony test?
Hi ladies! I haven't been on here recently so I look forward to getting caught up on everyone's past few days? Weeks? Yeesh it has been a while!

Sorry so many are feeling sick :( I'm right there with you! Yesterday and today have been my first "good" days in two weeks. Part of me is so relieved that I'm getting a bit of a break from the vomiting, but of course the other part of me is scared its because something is wrong. I did end up ordering a doppler online. I'm hoping I'll be able to catch the hb and ease my worries a bit!
Lp, I second pelvic floor exercises. I didn’t learn the importance until having diastasis recti after giving birth and needing physical therapy. I learned so much about my body and strengthening all those muscles that aren’t seen.

Loves cookies, have you tried making a homemade electrolyte drink? It was the one thing I was able to drink when I was vomiting nonstop. They’re easy to make. The recipe I used called for a quart of water, some fresh squeezed orange juice, a dash of salt and I added some magnesium to mine.

Wishn, haha I made apple a la mode last night and the bloat over here is real. Despite my exercising and healthy eating (minus the ice cream) there’s no changing my body. I believe I’ll have to embrace it at this point. It’s not soft, it’s quite firm so that makes me feel a tad better.

I’m going on 10 weeks and exhaustion has set in. Naps are a necessity these days. I won’t complain though. I will gladly take naps over a date with the toilet.

Curious. What’s a harmony test?

Harmony test is a blood test taken from you from 10 weeks to check baby's DNA for chromosomal abnormalities and is meant to be 99% accurate as opposed to the usual 12 weeks check which is apparently 93% accurate. But, it isn't available on the NHS and is expensive, so if you would keep the baby regardless then you probably best going with the usual check ups
Jwilly, I’m happy you’re having better days. Second trimester is just around the corner!!!

Thanks for the explanation Happy. My husband and I deny all testing from the start so maybe that’s why I’ve never heard of it.
Hi ladies!

I found out at the beginning of last month that I was pregnant with baby #3. We already have an almost 3 yo dd and 13 month d's. We wanted a 3rd but we were planning on waiting a little longer.. surprise! Guess life had other plans. So we're looking at 3 under 5.

I took a break from the forum shortly after I joined the Oct group as I went in for my 7 week scan and was only measuring at around 4 weeks. but had my levels checked and they seemed to be rising and yesterday went in for another scan and baby looked great and measuring at 9w 4d. So my new due date is Nov 8th. Appears that I ovulated VERY late. My doctor even asked if I failed to note a period... I think inwoild have remembered bleeding for 7 days... But lost period or not, I'm still in the game and hoping for a full term pregnancy. Looks like I'm moving over to the November mommas-to-be. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Jwilly, welcome back, glad you’re starting to feel better! I think I am too (I probably just jinxed it by saying that!)

Welcome pb! That must have been scary measuring behind, you must be so relieved that everything is looking good now!

Nogreater, happy’s right on with the harmony. It’s non invasive prenatal blood test that can screen for 3 different chromosomal problems in fetal DNA found in maternal blood. Since I’ll be 40 when I give birth, I’m at higher risk, and also I don’t have to pay for the test due to my age (would be $500!). I don’t think I could ever terminate, but I think I would rather know and have time to prepare if something is wrong. For 2 of the things it tests for, babies usually don’t live past 1 year.

When you say deny all testing, do you just mean genetic testing? You’re still having ultrasounds and blood work done, right?
hi ladies!

Haven't been on in a while nut thought i'd touch base, i am 11 weeks now eek!

12 week scan next thursday, still a little nervous despite having had 2 scans already!

i am feeling very sick though, and very bloated! i am up in the night to pee all the time and just generally shattered!

i took another test today ( because im a dick! ) ....still pregnant :lol:

hope everyone is ok, tri2 is looming :)
Pb, welcome! What an incredible and interesting story. I’m so glad all is well! We have the same “due” date!!

Wishn, I understand even more now. Thank you. I couldn’t terminate either, but I certainly understand wanting to know so that you can plan accordingly. Yes, I opt out of all genetic testing and I usually only allow 1-2 ultrasounds. However, this pregnancy, as you know, has been different and I’ve allowed two thus far. Now we have to decide how many more we’ll agree to. Blood work is non-invasive and can provide valuable information, like being certain my thyroid levels are stable, so I consent to that. I’m not against the extra tests, it’s just our preference.

Nootles, haha...still pregnant. Happy 11 weeks! How are you feeling now that you’re so close to second trimester?
Due November 25 :) Turkey 🦃 Day baby ☺️ I’m 7 weeks & 3 days!

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