November Autumn Babies

Thanks, but the feeling didn’t last long. Lots of vomiting today, which caused a nose bleed. I took my medicine with hope that it’ll help me keep something down this evening.

Lpjkp, it’s lovely youve been able to find the heartbeat.

Zoboe, I’m only 11 weeks, but it’s definitely starting to look like I’m either putting on weight or possibly pregnant. It’s such an odd in between stage.

Wishn, do you like sauerkraut or kimchi? I love sauerkraut! I eat it as my probiotic but it’s also the one food that always calms my stomach. I ate half a jar the other day in one sitting haha.
So I felt like my world was crashing this morning at 6am- half asleep, gone to the toilet, bowel movement (which wasn’t the easiest but not half as strained as usual),wipe and red blood! DEFINITELY from the vagina- spent the next 2 hours crying, with the red immediately turning to pink and then the lightest brown spotting- I think it was the shock, because I had spotting all the way through with DS, and it took me by surprise-phoned the EPU, not interested, phoned the midwife, whose advice was to go to the EPU if it got worse...but thankfully nothing since, has died down completely and I feel like it’s a normal day...I grabbed the Doppler and managed to get a fleeting 5 seconds of a heartbeat, but plenty “movement” sounds. Not a good start to a Saturday!

Thing was, I didn’t feel sick either which didn’t make my paranoia that something had gone wrong any better- turns out since I’ve calmed myself down,the nausea and sore breasts return.... such a worrying morning!
Lp I’m so sorry for the bleeding. A rough way to start the day for sure. I’m glad it seems to have stopped, and that you’ve found the heart beat. Fingers crossed it’s nothing to worry about and little one is just fine. Do you have a scan scheduled any time soon?

Nogreater, I’m sorry yesterday was rough again! I hope today is better. I always feel like I jinx it when I say I’m feeling better. I do like kimchi...not sure about sauerkraut. Maybe I’ll give it a try.

Here’s my morning “no bump”


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I definitely feel like I jinxed it saying I was feeling better! Woke up today (hottest day so far this year) with a stinking cold, which is making me feel really sick! ...can't keep anything down, but I'm hungry, so its an endless cycle! Came to the local retail park to distract me, looking forward to the ice cream when I got here, and the ice cream vans not here!! Not cool, he was here all winter!! So sorry for all of you feeling rough, I hope you feel better soon!
I woke up this morning feeling well, I even managed to do the washing up. (my husband has been doing it for the last month) but its gone downhill fast and now I feel sick again.
I have the midwife next week and I'm just not excited about it. I had a traumatic birth due to the actions of the midwife on duty last time and the midwives weren't interested after my birth. I only saw a midwife the day after I gave birth and the day they discharged me. The other times they sent the assistant because they were 'too busy'.
I have the same community midwife this time and I just feel really put off, its really put a dampener on this pregnancy.

Zoboe I'm sorry your feeling sick, and there is no ice cream. I really wanted a boiled egg for two days and its really annoying when what you want isnt available.
Sorry the spotting is continuing don’t have any cramping do you? The time waiting for a scan is so nerve wracking.

No thankfully! spotting has mostly stopped for now, except a little when i wipe. it has come and gone since about week 6. still hopeful that it's nothing bad, but i won't know for sure until the scan.
LAR, I’m sorry to hear about the continuing spotting-whenever I spotted with DS, I rang through and they got me in for a scan/check straight away...have you done that for peace of mind?

No.. my midwife offered to give me a referral to someplace that will do an ultrasound, but I decided to pass on it since my scheduled u/s isn't that far away anyway. Just trying to hang in there for now.
wishn-- sorry you have been feeling so sick. Hopefully it will let up soon now that you are about to enter the second trimester.

zoboe-- it's cool to know someone who is in the exact place i am in with pregnancy. My due date hasn't been confirmed by the midwife yet, but when i did the online calculator, i got november 22nd too. i also know the date i conceived, feb 27th, and when i check it that way, i get the due date of november 20th. so who knows... i know it's just an estimate anyway. hope you're feeling better from your cold!

lp-- congrats on the positive scan of the baby! do you have a picture? has the spotting picked back up at all? i am hopeful that it is nothing, especially cuz you just had a great scan. but i have definitely freaked out about my spotting too, so i totally understand that.

kitty-- i am sorry to hear about your negative experience with the midwife. do you have any other options for who you can work with? if not, do you think you can talk to them about your concerns from last time, to see if there is anything they can do differently this time?
I have been thinking about this whole bump thing... it seems that, at least in the early stage of pregnancy, the baby is really small and really low, but the whole belly can jut out a bit. I was confused about that because clearly the actual baby itself isn't the cause for the bump, but it doesn't necessarily seem like it's all bloat or fat either. I was looking it up, and at least from the limited information I saw, it seems like the pregnancy causes other parts of your insides to expand and cause a bump. Not sure if this exactly how it works, but I just found that interesting because before recently I would have thought bumps were all baby.
Wishn you look fab! Blimey, I'm huge lol

Aw thanks happy! I actually have bump would make it more real for me. Your bump is so cute! And the rest of you still looks pretty slim to me, not fat at all.

Kitty I’m sorry to hear about your bad midwife experience. I hope you are treated better this time around. Good luck at your appt.

Lar I think bloating can account for at least some of the “bump” in the first tri, probably all of it in a first pregnancy. Uterus is below the pelvic bone until about 12 weeks.

I have a theory that I won’t show for a while. A few reasons: This is my first pregnancy to go past 6 weeks, I’m not tiny to start with (5’5, 150), and I have ‘child bearing hips’ so plenty of room in my pelvis for a growing uterus. Also I have pretty strong ab muscles, which I’ve read can keep the bump from popping out as much. We’ll see what happens...maybe in a month I’ll be huge and eating my words!

I have my 12 week scan tomorrow morning. So nervous and excited to see our baby again!
Lar unfortunately we've only have one midwife and one assistant at our clinic and have done since my first. This is my fourth. I'll see what she's like on Wednesday.
Thanks lovescookies! How are you doing?

Our scan went well this morning! It really looks like a baby now! Little one was waving at us, measuring at 12w3d with a heart rate of 160. After our scan we saw the midwife and she found the heart beat right away with the Doppler! What an amazing sound. We’re so in love <3


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So much to catch up on.

Lar, I’m happy the spotting has mostly stopped. How long before your scan?

Congrats on a beautiful scan and heartbeat Wishn!

Y’all bumps are so cute. Now that I’ve been back working out my bloat has gone away and I only look “pregnant” if I eat too much...which rarely happens because I can only eat small meals. However, being that this is my 4th pregnancy I don’t think it’ll last much longer.
Wishn that's such a lovely scan! ...midwife phoned today to tell me I have a uti -_- ...went to docs to get prescription and they tried to refuse to give it to me because my maternity exemption hasn't come through yet (if you don't know, you get free prescriptions on NHS till baby is one) after a big argument, I finally got the pills, so hopefully they will cure the uti, and fight off any other nasties!
Zoboe, sorry about the uti. And sorry they gave you such a hard time getting the prescription. I hope the infection clears soon.

Another beautiful day here and I’ve been running around like a madwoman enjoying every minute of it. But I’m exhausted and can easily see myself falling asleep before 10. This pregnancy is my first ever where all I want is spicy food and it doesn’t cause heartburn or indigestion! I ate sushi with a ton of wasabi and it was pure heaven. It’s a small victory but one worth celebrating. Despite previous losses, and this being a ‘demanding’ pregnancy, I’m thoroughly enjoying it and am so grateful.
Well apparently i spoke to soon about the spotting stopping because it started up again shortly after i said that. Plus in addition to the bleeding, i now have a mild stabbing pain on the right side of my uterus where it felt like the baby was growing, and i am having back pain which is new for me. I scheduled an ultrasound for tomorrow morning but in my heart and mind I have already resigned myself to what is happening.
LAR - how much spotting? And the sharp shooting pain sounds like round ligament pain. Just trying to be positive. Good luck tomorrow!!!
Lar, I agree with Ash about the pain and being positive. When I had spotting and had an ultrasound it showed a cyst where I was experiencing the pain. I’ve always been known to get cysts but the pain still made me think the worst was happening. Sending you positive thoughts for tomorrow’s ultrasound!

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