November Autumn Babies

Wow, the acid reflux is strong over here...feels constantly lime there is something stuck in my throat that just won't budge, can decide if I want to swallow it down, or let it creep up! ...may have to visit docs on Friday if it's not improving! I think it may have been blackcurrant squash causing it, and have now stopped drinking it. Anyone got any magic methods of easing the discomfort?
Zoboe I have a weird feeling like that in the back of my throat all the time, but for me I don’t think it’s acid reflux, I think it’s a gas bubble trapped in my esophagus and it just sits there and slowy creeps up until I burp! And then there’s another bubble just waiting! I take a gas pill (simethicone) sometimes and it seems to help a bit. Are you sure yours is acid reflux? I always though acid reflux would feel like burning?
Zoboe, I had acid reflux throughout my first pregnancy for which I saw a specialist. I had burning in my throat and chest. It got so bad I woke up hoarse many times from all the acid. I was told to avoid nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplant/aubergine, tomatillo, bell peppers, cayenne etc) and to also stop eating 3-4 hours before bed and prop my head up 6 inches for sleep. Following the advice really helped although I love spicy foods so it really put a damper in my cravings. Old wives tale and actually backed by science is you have bad indigestion during pregnancy and you’re having a baby with a full head of hair. This was very true for me! She came out with a carpet haha

This pregnancy I’m blessed not to have heartburn. However, there were a couple of weeks that I suffered from indigestion where I felt like food wouldn’t digest it was just sitting there. I began eating smaller meals that digested faster. I don’t eat meat or dairy, but it meant avoiding beans and heavy sauces and Ive have to avoid onions and garlic like the plague. Do you drink kombucha? Or ginger beer? They were both a lifesaver for me.
Pb, welcome! What an incredible and interesting story. I’m so glad all is well! We have the same “due” date!!

Wishn, I understand even more now. Thank you. I couldn’t terminate either, but I certainly understand wanting to know so that you can plan accordingly. Yes, I opt out of all genetic testing and I usually only allow 1-2 ultrasounds. However, this pregnancy, as you know, has been different and I’ve allowed two thus far. Now we have to decide how many more we’ll agree to. Blood work is non-invasive and can provide valuable information, like being certain my thyroid levels are stable, so I consent to that. I’m not against the extra tests, it’s just our preference.

Nootles, haha...still pregnant. Happy 11 weeks! How are you feeling now that you’re so close to second trimester?

I understand the wanting to know in advance thing too. I kind of wish I could know in advance if this one will have autism since they seem to inherit it from me. It wouldn't make me feel differently but I would love to know in advance so I could remember and not panic they probably won't hit milestones and stuff when they're 'meant to' ...

Anyway. Curious, if you refuse testing and stuff, how do you do birth, do you go to hospital, home with midwife or go it alone? I saw a documentary where a couple pretty much didn't involve anyone including during birth and it was actually really lovely because it was so natural and calm
Thanks for the advice all :) just after I wrote this post, I think I found out what was causing it
...blackcurrant squash (which I usually drink 24/7!) No idea why, but when I got home last night I (tmi) I puked up pure blackcurrant, and felt so much better for it. Since then I've not drunk any blackcurrant, so we'll see how today goes I guess!! ...8 weeks today, and got my scan Monday, so excited!!
HappyCupcake, maybe you mentioned it before, if so I’m sorry. However, are you unable to have genetic testing done? Can you request it?

I gave birth at a birthing center last time. The only ones present were the midwife, assistant and dh. We both don’t like hospitals in general, so it was naturally the perfect choice. It felt good and we went home a few hours after birth. Midwifes did home visits the following 3 days. I live much further out this time so I have a lot to think about. I don’t want to give birth unassisted as I don’t have that much knowledge and want someone present experienced. But perhaps a homebirth.. there’s so much to consider. I don’t know yet.

Zoboe, I’m so glad you found the cause. Yay for your upcoming scan!!
I’ve been lucky so far with the heartburn,it’s just the sickness kicking my butt-seems like whenever I actually eat something that goes down well,it’s guaranteed to come back up-grr!

Had my booking in appt with the midwife earlier on in the week-so glad we are moving out of area in a couple months when our house is finished being built, she was the most unenthusiastic midwife with no people skills I’ve ever come across! It took her 20 minutes to even take blood from me (after stabbing both arms) and I’ve been left with such an awful bruised arm! And when I mention how awful morning sickness is? Her response is “aww bless” in such a monotone voice...hardly reassuring-after having such fab care last time,it’s disappointing to say the least...still,we should have our scan date through the post shortly,and that is definitely very exciting!

The tiredness is definitely starting to make an appearance now,too...hope everyone else is doing well!
Lpjkp, your story made me laugh, but how awful. I’m glad you won’t have her throughout your pregnancy. I can’t even imagine. Bless her other patients. Sorry about your arm.

I’ve come down with cold/flu symptoms. It feels quite odd to be nauseous from something other than hormones. Plenty of rest and warm liquids for me. Hope you all have a relaxing and stress-free weekend!
Baby had a heart rate of 172 today at the doctor! Now to schedule my nuchal on Monday. I've dialed my stress down some knowing that baby seems well.
That is awesome azure! Congrats on the healthy scan!
My ten week scan is just less than 2 weeks away and it can't come fast enough. I have been spotting on and off throughout the pregnancy and hope everything is ok.
That is awesome azure! Congrats on the healthy scan!
My ten week scan is just less than 2 weeks away and it can't come fast enough. I have been spotting on and off throughout the pregnancy and hope everything is ok.

Well, I have a SCH, which caused all of my spotting and even a small red bleed at almost 6 weeks. It could be ok! Big hugs and prayers that baby is just fine. :flower:
Lp, that midwife sounds terrible, I’m glad you won’t have her for long!

Nogreater, sorry you’re under the weather, hope you can rest and recover this weekend.

azure, great strong heart rate! That must have been reassuring!

Lar, i hope the spotting turns out to be nothing and all is well. I’m with you on feeling anxious for the next scan. 10 days and counting for me.

I thought my nausea was letting up, but yesterday was rough. I vomited before bed...first time that’s happened, it was only in the morning before. Went and did all my prenatal blood work this morning and now settling in for a lazy Saturday at home.
Azure, beautiful heart rate! I’m happy you’re less stressed now. Second trimester is quickly approaching!!!

Lar, I hope all is well. I’ve had spotting too this pregnancy, which is a first, but all is well this far and as long as it doesn’t turn right red I feel I’m good.

Wishn, thanks. I hope last nights vomiting episode is not indicative of coming days or weeks and was just a one time thing. A lazy Saturday sounds perfect. It’s so beautiful here today I really want to get out but I know that’s so unrealistic because I can barely keep my eyes open. I try to take the time that I feel “up” to cook for my toddler and I since my husband is busy today. Then my plan is to kick back and relax for the rest of the day. Here’s to me beating this sickness in the next few days!
LAR, I had spotting throughout the whole of my pregnancy with DS-never found out the cause,but he’s now a healthy nearly 5 year old- fingers crossed that everything is healthy!
Thanks for the feedback. It is reassuring to hear stories where women spot and everything turns out okay. My midwife told me "spotting is very, very, very common in the first trimester" so that was good to hear. I have had spotting that looks like a peach color and spotting that looks like a brown color, and I have also had bright red. It's never enough to make a mess or need to wear a pad or anything. It is mostly when I wipe. And most of the time when I wipe it is clean, but every now and then I am getting some different colors. The bright red scared me the most, and I kept wiping and getting more and more of it. My midwife told me it could potentially be a bad thing that my spotting went from brown to red because it could show a progression, but she said since it wasn't a whole lot, it is probably okay. She said she could send me for an ultrasound if i want one, but since mine is only about 2 weeks away, i decided to wait unless bleeding picks up. so far it hasn't.... but i can't wait to see the baby and hopefully get some reassurance.
Lar- if it’s only when you wipe consider yourself lucky. I’ve been splitting off and on pink and brown and enough that I need to wear a panty liner. It is very very common to spot in early pregnancy and everything is most likely fine but I know it’s hard not to worry. Good luck with your scan in a few weeks!
Thanks Ash. This is my first pregnancy and all very new to me. I wasnt really concerned until i saw the bright red and then i was mainly concerned because i thought it was the beginning of something worse, but since it stopped i feel way better. I think i would feel nervous about the ultrasound whether i experienced spotting or not... since it is so early in the pregnancy and it is the moment of truth about whether everything is on track. I also have a thyroid condition, which can increase chances for miscarriage and my thyroid levels got out of wack recently, but luckily i caught it and my dosage of medication was changed a week later. I know plenty of people have healthy pregnancies with thyroid conditions... i wish i could stop worrying so much :/ thanks for listening and letting me vent my concerns.
Lar, I’m happy the spotting, especially red has stopped. I have hoshimotos and hypothyroidism and I’m ashamed to say I haven’t had my levels checked properly this pregnancy. I know that’s awful but between sickness and other factors I haven’t made it to the lab for testing. But I’m hoping to fix that this week. However, my last pregnancy, which ended at the beginning of the year I was told my dosage was too high and pushing me into hypo so I’m hoping everything is fine. I haven’t had any symptoms that my levels have dropped, but I know they need to be properly checked. Good for you for catching yours and having your medicine adjusted.

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