November Autumn Babies

Azure that's a lovely picture glad everything is ok.
Kitty, I’m so glad that your appointment went well and you’ll get a scan soon!

It appears spring has finally here to stay and next week summer will make its debut. The weather here is crazy. However, it’s given me the chance to garden and take a lot of long walks, which is great for my nausea. Hard to believe I’m 12 weeks but gag and vomit like I’m 7. I do have more energy so I take advantage of that. I long for the days when I knew what to eat. I’m just not interested in food and when I am it’s always such a disappointment.
10 weeks today! Will take a bumpie later, but thought I would briefly update anyway, although not much to say! Cold is on its way out, so feeling better, had quite an easy day at work, because loads of the children are off with chickenpox, so didn't really have much to do! Starting to feel Much better in myself now, except when I eat dairy! Treated myself to a mini chocolate mini roll earlier, and my throat wouldnt accept it! ...I hope this is not a long term thing, its so annoying!! Shattered tonight, and looking forward to a rest over the weekend!
NoGreaterLove I used coconut oil yes, it doesn't make any difference really.
Wishn, I'm going to see if I can be seen tomorrow around my scan, I'm really worried about it, it doesn't seem normal to me
10 week bumpie time! I think I actually look smaller this week, much less bloated! (Excuse the Mickey mouse PJs) hopefully that's a good thing and means bloat is on its way out, before baby creeps in!


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Happy 10 weeks Zoboe! I also found I looked more pregnant at 9 weeks than I do now! Maybe 9 weeks is the peak of bloating?
Glad to see we've had some good scans here.

I have my 12 week dating scan tomorrow and i'm so nervous, again. I'm permanently on edge waiting for something to go wrong. The problem with pregnancy after loss I guess. Particularly since we don't really know what went wrong last time. I had a really good scan two weeks ago and the baby was moving so much they struggled to get a measurement! They've already started checking my cervix length which was 40.6mm 2 weeks ago, so they're happy with that.

They'll calculate my official due date tomorrow based on the scan measurements, but two weeks ago my consultant estimated it to be Alexander's birthday (8th November) and I really don't want it to be. The day before or after is fine, but not his day. I know things can change a lot during thess two weeks (I think last time I gained 2 days between 10 and 12 weeks), but i'm worried about it. No one else seems to understand my problem with it though? Not even my husband. My consultant has already agreed to a section which'll be between 38-39 weeks so possibly won't even be in November, but I don't want them to share the date at all.

I was really hoping to feel better by now. This is officially the worst I've felt during any of my pregnancies. My early morning and evening nausea has turned into all day and evening nausea and i'm also exhausted.

Now I've finished my vent, how's everyone else doing?
Loves_cookies good luck with your scan today! I can totally understand not wanting to have your due date be the same as Alexander’s birthday. That’s a very significant and painful date for you. It’s hard to change your brain over to thinking of that date in a different way. If it does come up as that date, you could just ignore it and use your due date based on LMP. And if anyone asks when you’re due, just say “early November”.

I hope you start to feel better soon! I’m still vomiting at 13 weeks...ugh.

In better news, we got our NIPT results back and came back as low risk for everything! It’s a huge relief, especially at my “advanced” age. I can’t believe I’m almost through the first tri. I’m getting excited to tell our families in the next couple of weeks. They’re going to be over the moon!
Good news about being low risk Wishn! Hope you feel better soon.

My scan was great! I've been moved ahead again slightly, so i'm now 13 weeks exactly! My due date is 7th November. We'll be telling both sets of parents later on. I'm not really ready to share, but I think we'll hurt their feelings if we wait any longer and my MIL is going in for surgery tomorrow to have an area of skin cancer removed, so she needs the lift at the moment.
I’m glad scans and tests are going well for everyone.

Lovescookies, I’m glad the two birthdays are not the same. You’re ‘due’ one day before me :) I hope the news is uplifting for your mother in law.

It seems like we’re all in the same boat with announcing over the next couple of weeks. I’ve been so sick I’ve yet to think about it but I know it’s time. Hope everyone has a good day!
Aah lovely to see All these great scan results, I can't wait to start sharing the news, mainly so I don't have to hide my over the top emotions any more! ...I started my job after becoming pregnant, so my current colleagues have never met non pregnant me, which is a little weird! Anyone going to do anything special to tell people, or will you stick to simple?
Congratulations on the great scans everybody! I have a scan tomorrow morning to check the nuchal fluid. And to check on my placenta since we found out that it's covering my cervix at the moment. So frustrating. I've been on modified bedrest since we found out. Just sucks especially since I have twin toddlers running around.
Ash, so sorry about your placenta and bed rest. I’ve been so sick and trying to keep up with just one toddler. You in bed rest with two I can only imagine. How are you feeling otherwise?

Zoboe, I have no clue how I’m going to announce. I’ll have to scour the internet for cute ideas because at this time my creativity is gone.
nogreaterlove - thanks! I'm feeling tired but otherwise great. I haven't really had any nausea since 8 weeks and even then it was very minimal. I didn't get sick with my twin pregnancy either. I'm just one of those lucky ones in that sense. It's the least my body could do since it takes me eons to get pregnant at all.
Ash, haha I’m right there with you on taking forever to get pregnant. However, I’m not so lucky when it comes to sickness. I’m glad you aren’t sick. It makes me genuinely happy to know there are women who have little to no morning sickness. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy. I just noticed in your signature prolactinoma. Has that resolved for you? I had that issue prior to my first pregnancy.
I was actually diagnosed with that back in 2011. They put me on dostinex and eventually when they checked in about a year later it was normal. They took me off the meds and it has remained normal since. I have no idea what that was all about but I do have a tiny adenoma on my pituitary gland which was causing it. I haven’t had an MRI since so we don’t know if it’s still there or not but since my numbers are normal off of dostinex they haven’t redone the MRI. Even when I was on the meds because of the elevated number I still never got pregnant. They’re not even sure it was related. I’m still technically undiagnosed but they suspect egg quality issues because of my minor PCOS because I get a ton of eggs (roughly 125) out of my 6 retrieval’s but I’ve only ever had 14 eggs to transfer. Only 2 babies alive and pregnant with one. We have one more on ice that we’ll use eventually. It’s a girl. Even though all of my numbers look great my eggs seem to suck. It sucks but I’m so grateful for the babies I do have.
I’m glad your scan went well loves_cookies! Great news on your due date being different than A’s birthday. What a relief for you :hugs:

Zoboe, I’m excited to announce too! We’re going simple for announcing to my parents (Happy mother’s day card to a great mom and grandma) and for DH’s parents we’re planning to bring a little child sized deck chair up to the cottage and ask DH’s dad to get it out of the car for us. Can’t wait to see the look on his face. First grandchild for both sets of parents, they’re going to be over the moon!

Good luck with your scan tomorrow Ash! Fingers crossed your placenta has moved away from your cervix (that’s possible, right?) Oh man bedrest with toddlers would be tough, I hope you have lots of help. It also took me forever to get pregnant, but it was because first I had a uterine polyp and then a hydrosalpinx tube. Fertility treatments were not much help (only 2 of 4 eggs fertilized in my IVF cycle, first embryo didn’t take, we have one frozen) It turned out my last surgery was the magic bullet and we conceived 2 months after! I know all babies are miracles, but when you have to work so hard for one (or two!), it’s that much more miraculous.

Nogreater, there are tons of cute ideas on Pinterest to announce your 2nd using your 1st as a “prop”.
My 12 week NT scan went fabulous. Baby looks amazing and is measuring 4 days ahead. They didn't check my cervix or placenta in detail (which they were supposed to do so I'm contacting my OB about this) but the doctor who reviewed everything did say that from what he could tell from the overall ultrasound it is no longer covering my cervix so ... that's really good news. I wish they would have looked at it in more detail but I'll take what I can get. He said that I can resume pretty normal activity except sex (which totally sucks!) but that if I have anymore bleeding to just pull back again.

I don't currently know when my next ultrasound is but I'm assuming it's not until the 20 week anatomy scan. We will check gender and things like that but we are also having a fetal echocardiogram since the baby was conceived through IVF.

I hope everyone else is doing well and that everyone's nausea is passing now that we're getting further along!
Ash, I was diagnosed the same year and put on the same medicine. I had an mri after my last miscarriage and before conceiving this baby and it was normal with no adenoma. However, after giving birth my endo wanted to check it and she sent me to an ophthalmologist. Apparently, they’re able to look for signs as well. Congratulations on your scan! That’s great that the placenta is no longer covering your cervix. But I hope you get more detailed information.

Wishn, thanks! I will check it out.
Ash glad to hear things went well with your scan!

I had my first midwife appointment yesterday and got the NIPT test done through panorama so i should know the risk of baby having chromosomal abnormalities and the gender by sometime next week!

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