Ash, glad you got some confirmation that things are looking better now and that you don't have to restrict your activities. Sorry to hear you have been dealing with sickness for so long!
Zoboe, cute bump! I am exactly as far along as you but have zero bump so far. I had a bloat bump, but it disappeared and my stomach is flat now. I'm looking forward to getting a real baby bump.
wishn and nogreater, congrats on entering the second trimester! That's a huge milestone. I am a little confused though... from your posts, it looks like you were saying you were entering the second trimester at 14 weeks. Doesn't the second trimester start at 13 weeks?
AFM, I did the NIPT test last week at my midwife's office so I should know the chances of chromosomal abnormalities and sex sometime this coming week. Looking forward to getting those results. This past Friday, I had a scare because I went to the bathroom and my underwear was fully covered and drenched through to the bottom in blood... so this was no longer spotting. It was the heaviest the bleeding has been since the last time I got my period. I called my midwife and she basically said I could go to the ER if I wanted reassurance over the weekend, but otherwise I will have to wait for an appointment. The bleeding stopped (I did get some today when I wiped, but nothing like I had Friday night), so that's good. I also threw up three times yesterday... which was a record for me, because prior to yesterday the most I threw up in one day was twice. I hadn't experienced nausea or vomiting for a few weeks, so it kind of threw me off guard. I read that vomiting can be related to miscarriage, but I'm hoping that since the blood has mostly stayed away since Friday that things are okay and that the vomiting is a good sign. The truth is I don't know for sure what is going on in my body, but I am trying to stay as positive as I can, because I convinced myself I was miscarrying in the past and got worked up over nothing.