November Rainbows 2016

We have cats too. The one is lovely and we can have in the room around the children as she's so good, the other is pure evil and only allowed to sleep in the kitchen. She bites everyone so would never allow the kids near her. Even the dog is afraid of her.

Sitting in the car hurts my hips too, and my tail bone. Had to start sitting in a cushion if I'm gonna be in the car more than 10 mins or so. Looking forward to getting a new car the courtesy car is lovely but I'm very aware it's not ours and I'm always worried about the kids messing it up.

Our kicks are getting stronger too. It's so lovely feeling him moving around. I can't believe that if I'm induced 2 weeks early then it's only 11 weeks till I meet him!!
I'll be sure to post a picture or two once the room doesn't look like a bomb has hit it and I've got all the decorations up. Still got to design the artwork for over the cot. Must talk to DH about that soon.

Looks like we are going to be getting the new car. Its a Dacia Duster which is what DH wants as a family car. There'll be lots more space for the baby and the dog, plus the boot is so much bigger so plenty of space for the pram and baby/dig paraphernalia! I hope we are making a good choice. Something about changing cars always makes me anxious. I'm going to miss our wee Vauxhall Astra!
We all really will hve babas before we know it :)
Hurray :)
In one way I want it now
In another I'm in no way prepared :)
I don't think u can ever really prepare for the chaos a newborn brings
Hee hee

Mouse is asleep.
I'm just done writing out stuff for him to take to preschool.
Getting nervous now.
Hope he likes it
But I've a feeling he will love it
He loves to be on the go now
Think the few hours will suit him
Plus he will get physio, ot and slt etc while there
Hope its as good as it seems to be :)
Best of luck with your new cars xx
Hope we all get good ones xx
Its a bit nerve wracking buying second hand car alright
U always be afraid it might be a money pit of a car :)
Yeah our cat is a biter and fighter but he is still my snuggly buggly baby when he is in the mood :haha: One of my neighbours (only moved in recently) complained to me a few weeks back that he had bitten him when he was just stroking him my answer well he is well known round here and people know to stay clear of him :blush:

Yay to a new car, my friend drives the Dacia Duster and loves it never had a problem at all with it so hopefully yours will be the same Lynanne :flower:

I hope Simon likes preschool when is his first day?

Another nice day at work this time we went to the beach, its a hard life :haha:, though the lady I was with today is a little more demanding and uses a wheel chair so pushing that and lugging it in and out the car has worn me out I finished work nice and early today but still only just managed to get home, I met OH and Lucas for a sneaky ice cream and I needed to get shopping, prescriptions and reptile food, its feeding day tonight the cat has to be kept out as he is rather partial to helping himself to my defrosting mice and trying to pass them off as his own kill, fact is he couldnt catch a cold he is rather useless in the hunting department :dohh: he is also rather keen on playing with the boxes of locusts and can get them open but craps himself when they jump at him and I cant say I'm overly keen on catching all the little blighters
Your so much braver than me lucusmum! Ds really wants a lizard but the locusts put me off. I'm terrified of insects. And ds is so clumsy I know they would get dropped and escape and then I'd have to burn down the house lol.
Anyone I see rubbing our cat
I just warn them he us a biter
Its their own bad luck if they keep at it
I rub him
But I can usually tell now when he has reached biting level :)

They sound like nice days work.
For ur clients too, sounds like u are very good to them.

Simes first day is tomorrow fortnight
Wed 31 st eek.
He loved his wheelchair today
Was a midfit so wont get to take it till next week
But he was moving himself about stuck into everything
Was great :)
Looking forward to getting it next week

Went to the park and for dinner with my sis and her kids after
I'm wrecked from all the lifting
Putting him on and off swings and stuff
But ds is very happy.
My back not so much
Hot water bottle night tonight
Id love a bath but no chance until Oh is home
I like lizards but the locusts would freak me out hugely too
I used to get freaked by them, I cant touch them with bare hands I just shake them in and if I need to catch any they are caught in alot of tissue, weirdly I'm better with locusts than crickets, I only use them in emergencies as they can bite and Lucas once dropped a whole box I swear I could hear the little feckers for weeks at least if I lose and miss a locust they are silent :haha:

Maryanne they are good little pets very low maintenance and cheap to feed, you should consider it, we have only ever gone for adults needing re homing mainly because they are more robust the little ones can be a bit delicate and feisty and need a lot more handling to tame them and also because I'm a sucker for waifs and strays :blush:
Glad he liked his chair and was moving about in it 2 weeks isnt long at all I bet he will love it, sounds like its well equipped for him when he is there :flower:
One of my old housemates had,a lizard
He accidentally loosed a cricket.
Heard it for about 2 weeks after but couldn't find it
Gave me the willies :)

I do think he will love it there
I'm just a bit nervous
My sis minding him for my scan last week was first non parental minding :)
It even took me ages to leave him with Oh .
But he was great for my sis so boosted my confidence
He will be fine
I hope :)
I'm sure he will have great fun there lilesmom! Plus it will give you a little break and sounds like you deserve it. I'm not a fan of leaving the children either. I've only ever left zack when he was in school or when I was having Aurora. Had to do a few trial runs first as he was so worried. By the time I had her though is was pretty much ok. I've only ever left Aurora with her dad once while i took zack to the cinema. I'm terrified about leaving her to have this baby. She's so young. That's why I've been so against having a section, just want to get home asap after birth.

Another lovely day here! And for the first time in agesi was up at 5 feeling like I had a bit of energy. So went on a cleaning frenzy and now I'm exhausted just as the kids are waking up. It's gonna be a long day!

Hope everyone else is well!
Yeah that's my huge section drawback too
I wouldn't mind the whole thing
Except being away from home and not being able to lift ds for ages.
I'm still undecided.
I'm thinking the decision might become clearer as time pushes on

U stole my energy.
I woke at 5, seems to be my norm
Then was just getting back to sleep before 6 when ds epilepsy woke him.
Had to get up
We just had,a snooze though
I was hoping fir an hour or two to make up lost sleep
But ds decided half hour would do
Least he is in good form this morn so far :)
It's definitely been a busy few days and I'm not going to lie, I'm exhausted! I'm taking a little break probably until 1:30 or 2pm just now so I thought I would just update.

The room is all painted now and I've put the furniture that was already in the room back in place. It would look great if DH's three guitars and banjo weren't in the room but we have no where else to store them. Oh well! I know it isn't going to be anything you'd find in a home decor magazine with all our mismatched furniture but it should be nice! Here is hoping anyway.

We got the Duster yesterday and totally feels like a grown up, family car. DH seems pretty happy with it and how it drives so that's the main thing. I'm just thrilled that it'll be easier to fit all the baby's stuff and dog's things, especially at Christmas.

We popped over last night to see the in-laws to show them the car as they helped us buy it and MIL gave me a big bag full of baby bits and pieces. I laid it all out on the floor this morning and took a picture which I'll attach. Seriously, so generous! Not that I am surprised. She says there will be more to come and she's just finishing up knitting us a gorgeous yellow blanket too. My little boy (and us too) are so spoilt! The clothes she bought are in Newborn first size which we didn't have much of because I'm terrified I'm going to have a really big baby! I just hope he can fit into them!! Either way that haul was so thoughtful!

Today marks 11 years of DH and I being together and me being 27 weeks pregnant so how are we celebrating that? DH is working then going to his AmFoot training and I'm trying to work through each room in the house and get it back into order after everything descended into chaos when we started decorating! Oh, and the dog threw up on the bed so I'm also dealing with that. No wonder I'm tired!! :haha:


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Lucasmum, I've wanted a snake for years but the idea of handling dead mice and the like is what puts me off. I just couldn't deal with all that stuff. I think I'll stick to having my dog - even if she does throw up on our bed!

Maryanne, it's another gorgeous day here but I'm stuck inside my flat which is a million degrees. I really wish I had a garden on days like this. Still, I'm blasting through a lot of the stuff that needs done around the house which is good. Hope the 5am wake up doesn't catch up with you and leave you feeling too knackered!

lilesmom, I'm sure he'll be fine without you although I get the worry especially when you haven't left him much before. It's going to sound bad but I'm likely to leave my little baby for an evening when he's only 3-5 weeks old. That probably sounds terrible but just before Christmas my sisters will be performing in their Christmas college show which is a big deal and I will do everything in my power not to miss it. To be fair, he'll only be staying with my parents and other sisters so it isn't too much of a concern. I can't wait until the Christmas after though when they do their own panto and I can take him along!
That stuff is gorgeous hon.
Hurray for mil.
Simon was big baby
I took stuff back all the time and got bigger sizes.
I usually left them in their present bags to return.
Most big chain shops will swap without receipt no hassle.

U don't sound bad at all hon.
I'm overly attached to Simon cos of his stroke and bad start
If Simon didn't hve issues I would hve got out and about more myself.
Nothing wrong with mom having a break too xx
Awww what gorgeous things Lynanne. Don't worry both mine were in newborn things up till 4 weeks +. Even when Aurora was 10lbs the 0-3 stuff still swamped her. When she was first born even the newborn stuff was huge. DH went out to buy tiny baby things. And she was 7lbs12 so not small. I have tiny baby stuff in my hospital case, then bought newborn and 0-3 for when he grows this time. Really glad you have the room finished! Bet it looks lovely! And everything went well with the car. It is nice when you get your first family size car. I couldn't go back to a small car now. We are getting a seven seater c max now. DH has officially lost any coolness he had left and become a proper daddy lol.

When do you have to decide whether you want a section or not lilesmom? I'm sure you will figure out what's best for you as the weeks go on. Has your doctor recommend what they would like or are they leaving it up to you?
I see the Dr again on my bday sep 6 th
Last time he said he was unsure what wasbest but would support my decision either way.
He wrote to Simons neo Dr to find out more about what happened with simon
He said we will talk more next time I see him
I honestly think it wouldn't happen again
But I'm not sure if that's wishful thinking or not :)

My placenta us low now too
So it will prob move up but if it doesn't
That would make the decision for us.
Want to see how big they reckon she will be too
But at the mo she is fine, just 3 days ahead :)
Which is great.
Will see soon ish I suppose :)
I'm not panicked amymore
Iwas for a little bit
These things tend to sort themselves out given a chance

Hve u decided on your plan?
Is it earlier induction?
Think that's what I'm aiming for.
Not super early but after term sometime be great.
So she won't be too big for me
But fully baked :)
Fingers crossed
With the epidural even with long labour and episiotomy
It was grand last time.
Except for what happened simes
I really don't know lilesmom. My consultant wants me to have a section. I'm not keen to have one unless I absolutely have to. I've got till 35 weeks to sort it out though. I'm seeing my consultant next week so will discuss it more then. They want me to see a trama midwife too to discuss what went wrong in Auroras birth so I fully understand and what the risks are this time. I'm thinking I won't make any final plans till I've spoken to her. At the end of the day my main concern is baby getting here safely. This pregnancy has turned out to be very stressful lol. Glad I'm not the only one struggling to decide though, it's hard isn't it?
Wow how generous what a lovely bag of goodies :flower:

I havent thought about newborn/tiny baby, I have all 0-3 Lucas was a big baby and he had newborn and it fitted maybe I should get a few smalle bits especially as she is going to be coming early poor little lady will be swamped other wise :blush:

Boring day for me today had to work and there was no parks or beaches in sight I had to do real work instead :haha:

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