~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Kai is soooo cute! next time we meet - I want a cuddle! :D Was lovely to meet you both.

Where did you go swimming today? I took Megan to Romsey Rapids with my cousin and her son, they have a baby group there from 10am - you could come with us!? Megan loved it as they sing songs and stuff! :D

Naughty mummy gave Megan a fromage frais today - she LOVED it! Then she had 2 milky bar buttons which she also loved :D Need to wean her properly soon I think she is starting to get hungrier now!

I'm sure he'll allow you a cuddle...now he's become Mr Sociable-ish....after being nightmare baby for weeks! Was lovely to meet you too!

We only went to Bitterne Leisure centre, there aren't any baby classes or anything....just went for public swim.
Romsey Rapids sounds great! I used to love going there....not been there for years and years though! Just looked on their website....looks good! Let me know when you go next and I'm sure we'll come along :)

Glad Megan's liking what you're giving her to eat! Not good about the bottles though....don't really have any advice other than to just keep trying....sorry!

Kai has two cups....maybe I'm confusing him! :lol: One is an avent magic cup which came in the steriliser set and the other is a Vital Baby one....it's pretty good as has the spout, the valve and two other lip things for when he's a bit older and can try drinking without the spout....was cheap too!
I try to get him to drink water or squash but he was having none of it....then today he decided to actually drink from it :lol:

Tried him on Hipp Organic stage 1 milk but he doesn't seem to like it! Was a bit concerned about his milk intake and I know Aptamil can fill him up quickly as he has small amounts but more often, so thought I'd try something else so he has bigger bottles with more time between them....but he doesn't like it. Tried mixing it with Aptamil and he still won't take it! But as it is, he seems to be drinking his milk well, along with having food.

Don't know if I'm overfeeding him though.
He has
Breakfast: porridge or fromage frais. Fruit to suck on (in fruit feeder thing) and maybe a bit of rusk or toast.
Lunch: Puree, Fruit, Biscuit of somesort, Squash.
Dinner: Same as above...but different fruit and puree, Squash.
He doesn't actually eat anything other than the porridge, puree or fromage frais though! The rest is just sucking it and spitting bits out :lol:

He's still having between 20-26oz milk a day too.

Next week I'll be adding more variety into his diet....he'll be having what we have too!

Glad you're settling in at Uni Gemma :)
Hi everyone! It's been ages since I've been on here, I'm a busy bee but Ryans asleep right now and all my houseworks been done which makes a change so I thought Id come take a peek...read back about 10 pages but still can't even begin to catch up with everyone so ill just leave it at a "hi!" and hope I can keep up with you all from now on!
Hey Lou :wave:

Doesn't sound like your overfeeding Kai Kelly :) I have moved Evan on to stage 3 Hipp now :)

I am attempting to put my free stairgate up in the kitchen. It's not going well :haha:
Kinda get the feeling I don't belong in this thread. Whenever I post it goes all quiet. Maybe I'm being hormonal? Just a feeling I get.

Thanks Sophie .

Hello Loulabump :)
pixelle, its not you it happens to me a lot too.

I just dont have much to say today....kinda a blah day. Busy at work.
It is getting quieter yeah but our babies are getting bigger and we have less time, I know I do, no sitting arounf while baby sleeps for hours!!

So yes, I am slapping your wrist as you are being VERY hormonal :haha:
well im so busy hun Im just not getting anytime to get on, trying to stay away as much as poss as I have a lot of uni work but my finger seems to automtically type in bnb!
I dont think your overfeedin him either xxx

Libby is going off her milk :/ changing her to follow on next batch I buy and night time stuff with the cereal in, hopefully it will satisfy her for longer as she is still feeding at 10 and 3 like clockwork..

pichi - how did the dream feed go? have u lost it?

hope ur all well :D
dream feed is gone Gemma - we're now on 8pm till 8am :thumbup: how's Uni?

the only reason i manage to post on here is either the PM time or my phone :haha: BnB hasn't been too exciting Pixelle - i wouldn't take it to heart :hugs: babies need more attention now too :)
wow! lucky girl!

Its really good, really enjoying using my brain and having adult convo's but im aware that im a bit of a baby bore and all my convo's tend to include libby - really need to stop that!

BNB is proper boring at the mo no offence ladies, only place I visit is here and a couple of journals, dont even post in my own much x
i'm gettin the same Gemma. there are a few journals i like to check in on and here but other than that - meh lol

I am looking forward to getting back to work and doing something but at the same time i am going to miss my little doodle-bug :(

how's the little Libster getting on ?
much the same really, apparantly she is so good at my aunties.. when she is tired she puts her in her pram and she goes straight to sleep... erm why cant she do that with me I have to piggin shush pat majority of time! had a right scream on tonight, I think its her teeth, she is getting 4 in 2 top and the 2 bottom side ones, bottom one seem to bothering her the most, worse than her first 2 x
I sent my email to work yesterday telling them I am going back on July 4th :( The head replied today telling me she's looking forward to my return! Pichi when are you going back?

I am going to see the childminder on Wednesday to see if she's "the one" she's not charging for holidays which is just fab :) and is pretty much on my way to work too :) If she's right then I am going to put Evan in one day a week starting from week after next probably :( I can go to the gym and tidy and sleep :D
We are still toothless :( Come on teeth, 6 months now!!!!!! Still not sitting completely unaided, but sooo nearly there! He's trying to crawl though :D Getting on all fours but not rocking. He's also kinda dragging himself across the floor to get to stuff :D

Well I seem to have a perfect sleeper! I don't do daytime naps as we are always out and about or whatever but he goes down without a scream now :) Not sleeping through yet but deffo on the way :)
i go back start of August ... not too long to go now really. Pixie hates her pram... i don't know where the hatred of the pram has come from but she'll only sit for 20mins in it then get's really pissy and moans till she's getting carried then she's as happy as larry .she wont sleep in it either now which is strange. she was great in her pram :shrug:
for some reason libby has her off days where she just wont go to bed easily :/ we have just moved though so everything is different for her, libby is doing the same, getting up and rocking, she wont stay on her back if i lay her down she is straigh rolling over to try it lol she does sit now but obv i just dont leave her i put cushions around incase she falls

well disasterous feed there she was half asleep but wanting her usual 11ish bottle and the top wasnt on properly so full change was needed! grrr could kick myself! x
I had Jaxon on the floor turned around to put the laundry in the wash heard a squwel. I turned around , im not kidding, there was Jaxon a good 5 ft from where I left him. Stilll dont know how he did it....He was mighty proud of himself though.

He doesnt sleep for 10 hours straight yet. Im sure he would if he wasnt used to getting up at 615 am every morning to get ready for the day....He is usually in bed between 8 and 9 everynight though.

So I made scalloped potatos and ham for supper. I decided to give Jaxon a taste....HE LOVED IT. Pretty much did a nose dive into my plate trying to get more.
well i had to do a dummy run 3 times for Pixie last night :S she initially goes down with no dummy but wakes in the middle of the night for it :shrug: she also wakes up if she flops onto her back :haha: strange child. She's starting to crawl too! :O not much but she's getting there :)

still got play-doh poops though >__<
anyone else watching the royal wedding? ryan is engrossed in it... must be all the colours haha i havent heard a peep from him since i turned it on over an hour ago..crazy!
Pixie was watching it and seemed engrossed too...

i am not sure if i liked her dress :s i liked the bottom part but wasn't to keen on the lacey bit at the top

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