~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

I know this is a touchy subject but "it wasn't meant to be" reminds me of women who ignore sids guidelines because "if it's going to happen it's going to happen"

****Sorry for the long post and rants sections of the post...but i do need some advice below about Maddy :)*****

well....i finally had my blow up on my sister...I told her to get off her high horse, and grow up....she then told me I needed to grow up. And I said, Yep i need to grow up especially since im the one who is either going to hurt or kill my baby by drinking alcohol and energy drinks. She told me not to ask how she is doing or come to the hospital when the baby is born now.......meaning we are no longer speaking for the mean-time.
As for things with my in-laws(points a gun[figuratively of course lol] at head and shoots)....My DH is now back living with me and Maddy! :happydance: but what lead up to him moving back with us leaves me being one pissed off momma. My POS MIL is selling weed to my stepson's mother and her boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say once the holiday is over I WILL be calling my uncle(who is a detective in the city they live) and asking how i should go about things on reporting them. Cause not only would my MIL go to jail, my son's mother(if you can call her that) will DEFINETLY go because she has 3 outstanding warrants against her(i rest my case on the "mother" part lol). Meaning Tanner would go to our custody...and you can bet our last dollar would be going to getting an attorney and getting full custody from her....im not playing these games anymore....time to play hardball and NO ONE is going to do that to my son! He deserves to be with me and DH where he is always taken care of and loved!

Wow this past year has gone freaking weird!!!!! BLEH!

anyways, HAPPY NEW YEARS LADIES!!!!!!:drunk: I had fun with friends the night before by going bowling(btw, i bowl better drunk hahahahaha!), woke up on new years eve and that night drank again....needless to say my body needs a break from alcohol for a very long time!!! :dohh: I hope all of you had a lovely time!

As for Maddy, she will NOT go to sleep now without The Nightmare Before Christmas on the tv, its horrible and i dont know how to break the habit cause i dont like her screaming(im not doing the cry-it-out thing, as soon as she starts crying i get her). any advice on the matter? Also, have you started weaning your lo's off of bottles? Maddy still goes to a nap and bed with hers. Advice for weaning would be great too. I mean she drinks from a cup fine(not a sippy, a cup and has since she was about 10-11 months old) but she just wont go to sleep without her bottle. HELP! lol But she can now show me 1 and 2 and says them as well. She can also say "go utes!"(sounds more like go oots ha ha and its because of the University of Utah...ive always been a fan ha ha).
we got rid of bottles at around 11 months but pixie wasn't really interested either way. She just gets a beaker in the morning of milk :)

As for the sleep problem; does she wind down before bed? Like a bath and a bedtime story once in her pjs? Sometimes if the wee one is over stimulated or has just found something new to do/say they want to do it all the time! Try putting her in her crib but keep the lights dim and tell her goodnight etc... And sit in her room till she nods off.. Every other day make your way closer to the door till before you know it she's down and you're out the door lol.
i know im a little late saying this all but wanted to reply

Hi There!
No just lines - but I went and bought a clearblue test that also tells you how pregnant you are- and its positive!! 2-3 weeks! Phoebe is gonna be a big sister! :happydance::cloud9:

Aww massive congratulations huni thats fantastic news, only just seen this keep forgetting this thread lol, we would of been bump buddies again but i lost little beany at 8 weeks on 16th december, it would of been great to of been bump buddies again xXx

massive :hugs::hugs: to pichi, so sorry to hear about your loss xXx

Hope everyone had a great christmas and new year xXx
Oh Nina I'm sorry to hear that :hugs:
Hope you and the boys and Emily still had a lovely xmas and New Year

Thanks for the congrats hun- still early days , and my symptoms are completely opposite to last time.. so I'm still praying for a sticky bean
Lol xx
:hugs: so sorry Nina!

Things are going pretty good here now. still not talking to my sister. I got a job, so now im doing full time school, a job, and my crochet business. i hate money lol We are trying to find an apartment up here for us to live in so its easier for us to have someone watch maddy if need be.
Oh wow I have missed loads!

HUGE congratulations to you Lauren, I am so happy for you :happydance: but sooooooooooo jealous.

Manda, big hugs honey. Your sticky bean is out there waiting for you :hugs:

ShyFox I am really sorry for your little beany too :hugs:

:wave: Hi Betheney, fingers crossed you soon get your sneaky BFP too!

Lovely to catch up with every one else. Gemma I can't believe how far gone you are now, exciting! How is Libby?

Teal, sorry you are having a rough time with your sister. It must be hard for you.

Danni, love keeping up to date with you and your gorgeous girls and Mitch on FB :wave:

DF, always love seeing your stunning pictures of your boys. Even though I got my camera as you suggested, I just don't have the same eye for a photo as you do.

Hi to everyone else I missed. Its great that this thread is still ticking along as I love seeing how all our babies are getting on.

My new years resolution is to pop by more often!

Jo xxx
Things are going pretty good here now. still not talking to my sister. I got a job, so now im doing full time school, a job, and my crochet business. i hate money lol We are trying to find an apartment up here for us to live in so its easier for us to have someone watch maddy if need be.

Glad to hear it hunny :hugs: from across the pond xx

Hiya Jo - see you get to find out info before it's facebook worthy on here :thumbup: My scan is 23rd Jan so FX everythings ok, and then I can finally announce it

:dust: for sticky beans for all the fellow NTNP/TTC Nov sparklers xxx

Lol xx
Hello she is fine thanks, thriving but a little madam. I know it's flown, how are you and georgie? X
Hey everyone :wave:

Just popping by, I do always read to keep caught up, but normally don't get time to reply...life with 3 littlies is interesting...hectic...busy...and fun!!!
Oh Nina I'm sorry to hear that :hugs:
Hope you and the boys and Emily still had a lovely xmas and New Year

Thanks for the congrats hun- still early days , and my symptoms are completely opposite to last time.. so I'm still praying for a sticky bean
Lol xx

Yeah we had a good xmas and new year thank you hun. Hope you and Phoebe had a lovely xmas and new year as well.

your welcome huni, well i'll keep my fingers crossed for you that everythings going perfectly xXx
Hiya Jo - see you get to find out info before it's facebook worthy on here :thumbup: My scan is 23rd Jan so FX everythings ok, and then I can finally announce it

Loving having the exclusive scoop, lol. I will keep my fingers crossed but I am, sure everything will be just perfect! x

Hello she is fine thanks, thriving but a little madam. I know it's flown, how are you and georgie? X

Bless her, time goes too fast (unless you are waiting to meet a new little person I guess :) ) George is a little character, he makes us laugh, I am getting more and more broody but for now will have to make do with all of your bumps and new babies x

Hey everyone :wave:

Just popping by, I do always read to keep caught up, but normally don't get time to reply...life with 3 littlies is interesting...hectic...busy...and fun!!!

Glad that you popped by x

Hey Kels, long time no chat. How are your lovely boys?

It does that, feel free to re-add me to fb I deleted a lot of people when I had a fb scare and then regretted it inniediatly after when I left Bnb for a while, it was nothing personal x
ah i want to watch OBEM but damn OH is on the xbox >__<
I got deleted off FB by a few peeps off here - upset me as was looking forward to watching the other sparklers grow, but I just guessed they didn't feel the same?

I can never watch OBEM, I just cry all the way through!!

Hi Kelly! check my signature for latest with me -- but not sharing on FB yet so sssh :haha:

I had dental treatment this afternoon, and I am still in agony :(

Lol xx
I didn't delete you as I speak to you quite regularly. I deleted a lot of people that I didn't message or comment with in a particular time scale, I think I picked liked a couple of weeks but my fb was hacked and one of my friends found a picture of her little girl on a website so I panicked xx
Oh no - I didn't mean you - I love seeing pics of Libby!! But quite a few other sparklers - at least 4 or 5, have deleted me :(

Lol xx
I got deleted from facebook, but totally understand the reason as to why.

I am starting to find it harder to be online with Jaxon around now...7all
he7 does is play on the keys....annoying.9

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