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**November Sparklers **

yea it was quite a shock lol! soemtimes its still not really sunk in!
Welcome aboard alice :hugs:

I had a rough weekend in terms of sickness and we still have mountains of unpacking to do, why do we have all this junk?!?

I'm still feeling apprehensive, i've had about three occasions now where i *think* i have felt flutters but on two of those i was in bed half asleep so i am still not 100% convinced about movements and getting nervous. Counting down until thursday when we next see the midwife. I'm also having this weird tight pain across the bottom of my bump which has me a bit worried.

I've been off sick from work for 3 weeks now with hyperemesis and starting to feel bad about that but until this sickness settles i would be pretty useless. OH is back to work now (he had a weeks holiday to move house) and i miss him like mad during the day. I felt sick all day yesterday and spent the evening throwing up so when he got in i felt like a useless lump as i hadn't done a thing in the house and i looked like crap! I am SO ready for my pregnant-glow...i want it now! :rofl:
rebaby - lushous bump!!!! i know what you mean about the tightenings, ive been getting them too..are they quite uncumfy at times? I'm debating on whether they are early braxton hicks or the result of constipation..biiigg pooos :rofl: Sorry to hear you are still suffering..mine has nearly left the building (fingers crossed) although still sick occaionally, but nothing like the hideous sickness of 4-14 weeks :(

Welcome to the sparklers alice&bump, hope you are well D

Afternoon girlies! 18 weeks now! And my ticker has moved up a space - soo chuffed! (how sad am i hahaha!!).

Anyone been having really painful trapped wind cramps? I had them on Saturday and was in agony! I tried not to yell out in pain and practised my breathing too haha! It was all over with when i figured i must have been constipated (you work it out haha - TMI!!!).

God, if that was painful, how am i gonna be during labour!!!
I was just trying to work out when the ticker moves onto the next box this morning Clairelouise - you have solved my query thanks :) Only 2 weeks to go then for me.....

Still wondering when this pregnancy will really start to feel real - no major bump, no regular movements, no nausea and pretty much nothing at the moment. I keep looking at baby stores on internet trying to picture me buying things but I just can't envisage it yet.
I was just trying to work out when the ticker moves onto the next box this morning Clairelouise - you have solved my query thanks :) Only 2 weeks to go then for me.....

Still wondering when this pregnancy will really start to feel real - no major bump, no regular movements, no nausea and pretty much nothing at the moment. I keep looking at baby stores on internet trying to picture me buying things but I just can't envisage it yet.

Well for me it was about 17 weeks! I started feeling definate "prods" haha. Not the typical butterflies, more like the feeling your tummy is rumbling, but its not :happydance: And i can already feel the odd kick or pitter patter of kicks. Its so surreal, sometimes i pass it off as me and then remember im pregnant haha!!

Iv also refrained (surpisingly) from buying anything at all! Once i find out the sex, i know i will then start blue or pink shopping!
I know what you mean Claire, I was just saying to a friend that sometimes when I am busy I 'forget' im pg and the baby moves and Im thinking 'im not hungry, why is my tummy rumbling?' then I remember......

Girls, for us 1st time mummies - have you realised that you will never be on your own again? Also, you now have an excuse to talk to yourself and not look like a crazy person ;)
Yep! Its so strange and surreal, but in a good way. Il still have a social life to an extent, but obviously, putting my baby first instead of myself. I imagine these instincts all come naturally, iv never really been a baby person TBH, but with my own, there will be no stopping me! I cant wait to embrace motherhood :)

I think the main worry for me is my body afterwards - a bit shallow, i know. :blush: But saggyness and stretchy parts are what comes with a baby! :dohh:
They are indeed but you are young too so you should be absolutely fine babe :) I on the other hand am super unfit but also determined and have lost weight before so will do it again :)
Bumping seeing as we are heading to the bottom of page 2 :)

Well feeling pretty ok at the moment but still getting these twinges behind my belly button - I'm convinced it must be a nerve as one woke me up in the middle of the night. Either that or I have a sadistic baby who just wants to cause me pain :)

Oh well 16 week midwife appointment tomorrow so can always mention it to her :)

Did anyone get to hear the heartbeat at their 16 week midwife appointment?
Ahh well done blondie...eeek bottom of page 2- thats not good enough girls :rofl:

I heard heartbeat, although i convinced myself something was wrong as it didnt sound as fast as i thought it should! lol

I'm hoping to hear it the end of this week. GP is bringing me in again for another visit before my ultrasound to try and hear it. ***fx***
Hope everyone is doing well! It's crazy to think that we are finally almost half way there! :happydance:
It was such a nice feeling sitting on the couch last night, just thinking that this time next year I will have my beautiful baby in my arms. Can't wait until November!
They might try to listen for it blondie. I know we've got an appointment on thursday when i'll be exactly 17 weeks and she wants to try listening in for it for the 1st time...i am so nervous (and excited!)
Blondie, they listened for mine at my 16 week appt. So, hopefully, you will too. I would request it if I were you.
Bumping seeing as we are heading to the bottom of page 2 :)

Well feeling pretty ok at the moment but still getting these twinges behind my belly button - I'm convinced it must be a nerve as one woke me up in the middle of the night. Either that or I have a sadistic baby who just wants to cause me pain :)

Oh well 16 week midwife appointment tomorrow so can always mention it to her :)

Did anyone get to hear the heartbeat at their 16 week midwife appointment?

Hi sweetie

At my 16 week appointment, when i had my quad blood tests, she asked me to lie down so she could have a feel of my uterus and put a doppler (i think it was) and i heard the heartbeat!! I so wasnt expecting it, i just thought i was going to get pricked by needles so it was a nice suprise! First time i heard it too! Beautiful :cloud9:

Iv also been getting pains near my tailbone. Everytime im just about to sit down (just as bum hits seat) i get a pain. It feels like its bruised or something. Quite uncomfortable. I may well have to sit on a piles pillow! :rofl:

And iv been feeling a little breathless too. But other than that, im having a lovely pregnancy!

I stuck my tummy out a little on the tram today and i got offered a seat! I was like, yay!!! Imaginary Hi-5 to flump haha!
Bumping seeing as we are heading to the bottom of page 2 :)

Well feeling pretty ok at the moment but still getting these twinges behind my belly button - I'm convinced it must be a nerve as one woke me up in the middle of the night. Either that or I have a sadistic baby who just wants to cause me pain :)

Oh well 16 week midwife appointment tomorrow so can always mention it to her :)

Did anyone get to hear the heartbeat at their 16 week midwife appointment?

Hi sweetie

At my 16 week appointment, when i had my quad blood tests, she asked me to lie down so she could have a feel of my uterus and put a doppler (i think it was) and i heard the heartbeat!! I so wasnt expecting it, i just thought i was going to get pricked by needles so it was a nice suprise! First time i heard it too! Beautiful :cloud9:

Iv also been getting pains near my tailbone. Everytime im just about to sit down (just as bum hits seat) i get a pain. It feels like its bruised or something. Quite uncomfortable. I may well have to sit on a piles pillow! :rofl:

And iv been feeling a little breathless too. But other than that, im having a lovely pregnancy!

I stuck my tummy out a little on the tram today and i got offered a seat! I was like, yay!!! Imaginary Hi-5 to flump haha!

I think il try that on the bus on a mornin :D
Hahaha! It all depends on what your wearing too! Im wearing an A-Line dress that shows off my teeny bump, but if you rub the bottom of your bump and stand like you've just eaten a tonne of ice cream, you should get offered a seat haha!!

What happens if there is an old lady wanting to sit and a very heavily pregnant woman ...... who gets the seat? Hopefully, there arent TOO many ignorant commuters who realise when to give their seat up. I think its really ignorant when they ignore some helpless old person struggling to stand.

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