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**November Sparklers **

I had an appointment with my GP at 16 weeks (it is shared care between GP and midwife) and I got to hear the heartbeat. It was lovely to have the reassurance that all is going well.

I am getting funny sensations all day today, I have a kind of a heavy feeling in my stomach where I think my uterus must be and lots of twinges. Not exactly painful but just a bit peculiar. Might be growing pains as I am definitely starting to get a little bit bigger although i still don't really look pregnant.

I have my yoga class this evening, I'm going to ask her whether I should switch to the pregnancy yoga class. I'm a bit worried that I might find it a bit too easy since I've done a lot of yoga over the years whereas a lot of people just take it up in pregnancy.
Polaris..i gotta picture of you in my head... you are sat there with one leg behind your neck with a big bump! lmao :rolf:

Polaris..i gotta picture of you in my head... you are sat there with one leg behind your neck with a big bump! lmao :rolf:


:rofl: Yes that is me, ha ha.

I think I am going to try the pregnancy class next week, because there are getting to be more and more things in the regular class that I'm not able to do, or I'm only able to do the preparation for the pose. At least the pregnancy class will be specially designed to accommodate the growing bump, LOL!

I've also been looking into the possibility of hypnobirthing classes, is anybody else considering this? The idea really appeals to me but the only downside is that the classes are quite expensive.

I'm feeling the baby move more and more recently, no kicks yet but lots of wriggles - I love it!!
Polaris..i gotta picture of you in my head... you are sat there with one leg behind your neck with a big bump! lmao :rolf:


:rofl: Yes that is me, ha ha.

I think I am going to try the pregnancy class next week, because there are getting to be more and more things in the regular class that I'm not able to do, or I'm only able to do the preparation for the pose. At least the pregnancy class will be specially designed to accommodate the growing bump, LOL!

I've also been looking into the possibility of hypnobirthing classes, is anybody else considering this? The idea really appeals to me but the only downside is that the classes are quite expensive.

I'm feeling the baby move more and more recently, no kicks yet but lots of wriggles - I love it!!

I'm like this with pilates now - getting very fustrated at not being able to do all the moves in my normal classes, I might have to ask to transfer to pregnancy class but worried that it will be so so basic :( I suppose I have to say goodbye to my abs at some point :(
Sorry to be a pain but can I ask again to be moved to the 16th Nov not the 19th =] Thank you!

Hope everyone is okay and bumps are doing well!
HI guys. Am I the only one that is over 18 weeks and hasnt felt any movement?? I had my Dr appt two weeks ago and heard the HB so I am figuring the bubba is still good in there. I REALLY WANT TO FEEL HER?HIM? !!:happydance:
Very bad gas pains too...Just thought i would add. Other than that, I feel pretty good!
PS. I keep poking at my belly to get a reaction. Poor baby!!:rofl:
I have been really rubbish writing on here! How are you all? Hope your ll doing well xx reading back on the threads ppl seem good x Well I am now in my 2 weeks of work....again! I am thinking of dong htings for me and the baby.

Heard Heartbeat to day, doc was trying to make me feel better and I have to say it is the best sound I have ever heard!

Glad you all ok xx
ooooooooooooooooo I jsut noticed I have gone up a box what a funny time to move it wasnt there yesterday!!
Hello, I asked before but dont seem to have been added...Please can I be put down with a due date of 3rd November (my birthday).....Hope all you ladies are OKay. Im relatively new on here and spend a lot of time reading all the threads....They're excellent!! x
Back from midwife appointment - bit disappointed as didn't get to hear heartbeat - they don't listen to it until after 20 weeks here :hissy: - oh well another 5 weeks to wait until my next midwife appointment :(

Apart from that all ok - very relieved that iron levels are holding up as had major aneamia problems in past due to crohns disease but apparently my levels are well above average which I was happily surprised about as I really didn't fancy any iron tablets.
Good news about iron levels, Blondie, but sorry to hear about HB. You must have the patience of a saint!
I cant believe you have to wait until 20 weeks!! I didnt get my dating scan until 15 weeks so they listened to heartbeat at my 14week checkup to make sure there was something in there!!
Blondie thats crap about the doppler and HB..although i know some areas will only try after 24 weeks..its amazing how peoples care differs so much with where you live!!

I've got a bit of exciting news (exciting for me but not for you lol) We have finally found somewhere to move into!! yay!!! The place where we rent at mo is really cheap and we were struggling to find somewhere else within a similar budget..but a friend of ours parents have a place..2 beds, parking and garden in a nice area for the same price!! we handed our notice today so should be moving in 6 weeks time!!! The only down side is that we will need to decorate it top to bottom..but they are even willing to give us the keys so we can get going with that within the 6 weeks...we can have whatever decor we want within reason...now for nursery stuff...

Sorry guys... hhahahaaaa i cant help it!!

Nice one moomoo! Its great when everything slots into place at the right time eh!!!

A lovely new house to start from scratch, id love that! Im having soooo much trouble getting motivated to start cleaning up properly. I keep putting it off i need those 2 ladies from How Clean Is Your House. I just cant be arsed!!! Id rather start now before im waddling too much haha!

HI guys. Am I the only one that is over 18 weeks and hasnt felt any movement?? I had my Dr appt two weeks ago and heard the HB so I am figuring the bubba is still good in there. I REALLY WANT TO FEEL HER?HIM? !!:happydance:
Very bad gas pains too...Just thought i would add. Other than that, I feel pretty good!

I'm a little bit behind you but haven't felt any movement yet either.
From what I've herard different people different times of feeling baby. I think it also depends on wether it's your first bubba or not. I felt mine last Saturday at 18+1 and I'm 18+5 now and im on bundle #1
I saw belly move today for the first time, and altho ive had 2 babies before i still find it amazing i really do!

just a tiny little flicker as baby kicks but defo there:cloud9:
Blondie - I haven't heard the heartbeat yet either I'm gutted!!
To the girls who are 18 weeks and still felt no movement..i felt movement first at 18w2d and still only feel kicks on the top and left hand side of my belly (im asuming this is my anterior placenta hiding the other kicks?..ive never felt any flutterings at all..it feels like someone is flicking you from the inside if you get me?? When i said to mum about it..she was like thats kicks!!!!!! I'd felt them before that but not had a clue cause it felt like wind lol


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