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**November Sparklers **

Thankyou Rebaby:hugs::hugs:

Thankyou all for all your messages it means a hell of a lot to me it really does.

im just waiting on the midwife shes doing a home visit hopefully before lunchtime, so i'll update you on whats what xxx

Good luck Lou, will be thinking of you :hugs:
Our hearts and thoughts go out to you Lou!
3 more days! I am so excited!
My baby kicked me hard in the middle of class today!
I was in my Sign Language class in front of the class and the baby decided to kick really hard.
i'm thinking that the baby thought it was funny... gets it from the father! lol
Hi Lou, How is it going? How are you?

How is everyone else? Felt bubs kick my hand las tnight so bizzare hubby wants to feel it to. I like the remote idea though!!!
Hey ladies!

the midwife checked baby and alls well in that department, its just im still spotting after the heavy bleed on weds night , thats almost a week ago now and should have stopped.

so i have to wait for my scan on monday to see if its a low lying placental problem
Glad the baby is okay lou :hugs: that must be such a relief. I bet you still wish the spotting would stop though, hope it settles soon and that your scan comes around quickly.

Everything is ok here, still being sick but used to it now! :dohh:

Going to try and get an appointment with my new midwife today (we just moved house) and see if we can get my 20 week scan at the local hospital rather than having to travel back to where we were booked before.
OMG poor Amy - :cry::cry::cry: I'm soooo sad for her right now, why does life have to be so horribly cruel :cry::cry::cry: It brings it close to home that it does happen, and it makes me feel so much more nervous about my own pregnancy. My heart goes out to her and her family :cry::cry::cry:

I know, my heart is breaking for her it really is...
It's horrible isn't it :( You breathe a huge sigh of relief when you get to 2nd tri and think the risky part is behind you and then something like this makes you realise just how vulnerable life is. :cry:
Im glad you're feeling better Lou!!! Oooh will you get to see bubs on Monday then?

Amy darling, we are all staying optimistic and hopeful as hell for you chicklet!! xxxxxx
Im glad you're feeling better Lou!!! Oooh will you get to see bubs on Monday then?

Amy darling, we are all staying optimistic and hopeful as hell for you chicklet!! xxxxxx

Thankyou huni, yeh its my anomoly scan monday, so i'll find out everything then i hope!

i'll let you know how i get on wealding pics on monday.

welcome me&him:hugs:
if anyone isnt on the list who wants to be, pm me as ive lost track of things what with everything thats been going on..
I've been AWOL from the site for a while, but have just checked in and wanted to pass on some hugs to everyone who's having a hard time. Especially Lou, the waiting must be so, so difficult. But with its heartbeat proving to be so strong, it sounds to be a real fighter. I'm sure you've been told this before, but rest, rest, rest and have some more rest.

My pregnancy is going okay, the MS has passed (HURRAH!!!) and I finally got a scan at almost 15 weeks (the waiting almost sent me insane!). It all looked nice and healthy, and I got the results back from the triple test, which put me at 1:8000. Something I'm really shocked at as I haven't led the most healthy of lives and am creepy towards 40.
The only downside is that I have SPD and sciatica, have been to physio (the referral came through in three days! Must be record time) and they've given me a corset-thing to wear and some exercises. Apparently there's nothing more that can be done, which really sucks as I've had to go onto light duties at work (part time) and spend the rest of my time in bed.

Actually with the amount of time I'm having to spend in bed I really should be on here more!

Wishing all you lovely ladies with your bountiful bumps the best :)
Hi MsEmski - glad everything is going well (aside from SPD that is :hugs: )

Hmm I'm thinking my baby may turn out to be hyperactive as it just won't stop doing somersaults this evening - I just can't believe how I can go from not feeling anything until Fri night to being able to feel so much movement all the time. It is just so odd :) But I like it :cloud9:
Ooo- I forgot to say about all the activity! It's really odd every time it happens, isn't it?! I still feel a little shocked. But it really is cool!

I got some serious movement yesterday after making some ciabatta pizzas... Must love cheese as much as its parents :)
I love feeling the movement so much!! It makes me feel so emotional and so much love for the little one!

Just noticed that I'm 20 weeks today!! :happydance::happydance:
Well after 2 whole days and no bleeding, lastnigght at 2am... wham it was back, but its like prune juice browny colour and very watery..

just as i think maybe just maybe its all settling down something has to slap me in the face :(
Sorry to hear that bleeding is back, but at least it doesn't sound like fresh blood? Not too much longer to wait till Monday now, what time is your scan?
Well after 2 whole days and no bleeding, lastnigght at 2am... wham it was back, but its like prune juice browny colour and very watery..

just as i think maybe just maybe its all settling down something has to slap me in the face :(

Hi Lou,

It sounds like old blood to me so hopefully it is just a bit of the old bleed clearing itself out and everything is settling down :hugs: Keep taking it easy honey and hopefully at your 20 week scan they will figure out exactly what has been going on. xx

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