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**November Sparklers **

Minimoo loves Rage Against The Machine :D He was bouncing about lol!!! Already got a great taste in music :D

How is everyone today? Good luck for monday Lou
Could you add me to your fantastic list please? I'm due the 30th, I was moved forward at my scan and have been meaning to join your list for a while.

Thanks and thank you for the brilliant list too!
Hi everyone,
well I think I'm finally starting to show a bit just over the last couple of days! I'm definitely going to have to rethink my wardrobe for work again soon. I haven't had any comments yet so I'm still at the 'is she pregnant or just fat' stage, but at least people might be wondering now, whereas before I definitely just looked like I'd put on a bit of weight. OH says I definitely look pregnant because my belly is out of proportion to the rest of me!!

Lou - I will be thinking of you on Monday, I hope everything goes well and you get some answers about what was causing the bleeding.
Lou sorry to hear about the blood. Hope everything turns out fine on Monday :hugs:
Im glad the bleeding slowed lou:) I hemorrhaged at 14 weeks and thought for sure I had lost the baby...luckily the u/s showed a healthy little boy but it also showed a large subchorionic hemorrhage. Its been over a mth now and I have had 3 other "gushes" of blood but luckily over the last few days it has turned to brown blood with alot of clots. Brown blood is old blood so Im hoping things are turning for the better:) good luck to you!!!
Hello everyone!
I'm so excited!
My mom and gramma felt the baby kick for the first time last night!
We went to a blues cafe and when the live band played the baby was dancing around like crazy!
Hello everyone,

Well, we had the 20 week scan on Friday, and all went well. It was amazing to actually look at the baby's anatomy - the four chambers of the heart, the brain, the blood flowing to the kidneys. The baby weighed 11 ounces, which is apparently a little larger than the average 10 ounces. I'm not sure what that means, except that this may be a larger baby than the average, or just had an early growth spurt.

Also, since last week, the bubbles I've been feeling have turned into actual kicks. They can actually be felt from the outside with a little patience. I was quite surprised because I read somewhere that movement can't be felt from the outside until around seven months. The kicks are wonderful and quite distracting - I can't listen to a word anyone is saying while it's going on!

Lastly, we are on team pink! We are so excited and knowing the gender has somehow rendered this entirely real from me.

Best of luck to everyone! Lou, keeping fingers crossed for Monday.
scc thats great news!! its about time there were some pink bumps!! there seems to be a lack of them in 2nd tri!! :D

Mummy moo has been able to feel kicks for a week or so from the outside now, but OH still hasnt felt him move (i think he's far too impatient myself) Isnt it the best feeling to feel them kicking!!??

Was wondering if anyone fancied doing a November sparklers scan thread so we can add our pics like 1st tri one??

can i be added to the 27th please?! i keep forgetting about this thread - was the same with katie never really got intot he november mummies thread til the last few weeks!!

i'm backa t work tomorrow, so wont have much time to get on, but i want to get to know all the november mummies! feel a bit lonely in prego land atm cos most the people i knwo already have babies!

how's everyone doing??xx

Can you add me to the list for the 14th please.

Hello, Thanks for adding me to the list.

I havent really had much time to post very often on here but I do read quite a bit and find it great!!

Im Dom and me and my other half are 22. We have a 4 year old boy together and are currently 21 weeks pregnant with number 2.

Had our 20 week scan on Monday and all was fine - Baba was sat on its feet so they couldnt tell what sex it is. Had thought about a private sexing scan but have decided to keep it a secret.

The reason I havent posted much is because I work full time and have just completed my final accounting exam (although am thinking Ive failed this last one) so have been doing LOTS of studying, but hopefully now Ill be able to post more often!

Sorry for the long post, just thought Id post a bit about myself since Ive read lots about you guys.

Hope you're all OKay and have had a nice weekend

Hello, Thanks for adding me to the list.

I havent really had much time to post very often on here but I do read quite a bit and find it great!!

Im Dom and me and my other half are 22. We have a 4 year old boy together and are currently 21 weeks pregnant with number 2.

Had our 20 week scan on Monday and all was fine - Baba was sat on its feet so they couldnt tell what sex it is. Had thought about a private sexing scan but have decided to keep it a secret.

The reason I havent posted much is because I work full time and have just completed my final accounting exam (although am thinking Ive failed this last one) so have been doing LOTS of studying, but hopefully now Ill be able to post more often!

Sorry for the long post, just thought Id post a bit about myself since Ive read lots about you guys.

Hope you're all OKay and have had a nice weekend


Hi Dom,

Hope the exam went ok? Was it an ICAEW one? I did my final ones about 6 years ago and they were bloody hard - I can't imagine doing it whilst pregnant as my brain just doesn't function properly anymore :rofl:
Hi Ladies :)

Well just back from my consultant appointment and everything seems to be going ok - got to hear heartbeat for first time which was lovely - nice and strong little baby in there - but I kind of knew that by the amount of somersaults it is doing inside me :rofl:

Got to go for extra growth scans at 28 and 34 weeks due to me being a skinny and with my history of crohns - they just want to check that baby is getting enough nutrients from me and growing ok so it means I get to see baby 3 more times now - 20 week scan is on 3rd July so counting down to that now :)
Hi Ladies :)

Well just back from my consultant appointment and everything seems to be going ok - got to hear heartbeat for first time which was lovely - nice and strong little baby in there - but I kind of knew that by the amount of somersaults it is doing inside me :rofl:

Got to go for extra growth scans at 28 and 34 weeks due to me being a skinny and with my history of crohns - they just want to check that baby is getting enough nutrients from me and growing ok so it means I get to see baby 3 more times now - 20 week scan is on 3rd July so counting down to that now :)

Awww hun glad everything is going okay :D I'm like you I should be seeing bubz more often than not every 6weeks to make sure evrything is okay but mine is due to me loosing my daughter at 21weeks in my previous pregnancy!

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