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**November Sparklers **

Welcome Bailey98 - lucky you, straight into second tri! Congrats babe!

Moomoo, I know exactly what you mean about the B shape - same here, will a much bigger bottom to the B ;)
Hello ladies!!! I'm so pleased there is a thread for the November babies!! I've just moved over to the second Trimester. Got to listen to the babies heart beat today with the midwife.. it was excellent!
Little will be expected to be out and about on the 22nd!!
Congratulations to all the November Mummies x
Welcome to all the new girls that have joined us here!! :)

LOL Chrissie..glad somebody made sense of what i was saying...i read it back and thought it sounded a bit like weird ramblings!!

Has anyone heard from CharlieP? (Sp)

I'm here!! Thanks for asking after me moomoo!

All is well with me - still a bit of bleeding on and off - I've got a consultants appointment on Friday - I am hoping they will scan me but not sure. I can hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler so I hoping all is still well.

I don't think I ever gave my due date - its 8th November.

Thats ok hun, hadnt heard from you for a while thats all..Hope you are feeling ok? Hearing the heartbeat is a great sign..they should scan you, any bleeding needs to be looked at, you may have a low lying placenta or something?

Hopefully thats all it is...if they scan me I might find out the sex!! OH would be miffed though because he isn't coming! x
They should be able to, we found out the other day at 16 weeks!

Hello all,

I'm new here - been browsing a lot my this is my first time posting.

I'm due November 26th.:happydance:
Hi guys, cant believe im here, still quite worried because I havent had my scan, its on the 11th of june and I will be having bloods taken on same day

Do you think this is a bit late by looking at my ticker still nearly 2 weeks yet
I know everyones different though, just concerned and I dont think my midwife was very helpful on my first appointment with her, I can imagine other have felt the same xxx
Raerae - was thinking of you the other day when I was at Morrissey's 50th birthday gig in Manchester - my baby has already had their first live Moz gig which DH is particularly proud about :) Take it easy - hopefully the fainting won't be a too common occurrance and your pregnancy will carry on relatively easy for you :hugs:

Jealous lol!!

We were actually saying this morning that we're gonna have to start playing the baby some good music now so it has good taste when it's born. I was singing away to The Smiths the other day and I'm sure it was dancing. There was definitely something there when Snow Patrol was on which is weird coz Zoe always used to move when that was on when she was in my tummy.
Hi can I join you ladies on here please??

I'm due 12th Nov - Thank you

OMG I'm sure I felt some movement last night when I went to bed :happydance: Was just lying down and there was this bizarre almost faint popping/fluttery feeling that lasted a couple of minutes then vanished. Wonder if baby is starting to make themselves known to me :cloud9:

Bizarrely also got a linea nigera appearing even though no proper bump yet - definitely a much darker line appearing from belly button to pubic line. I'm not surprised as I have that kind of skin pigmentation - I already have really dark patches of skin at the sides of my face ( a bit like the mask of pregnancy) but that tends to come up in the sun anyway so didn't think it would be too long before the line appeared. Better watch myself in the sun this weekend though otherwise I'll have really really dark patches on my face :)

Wow - suddenly I'm starting to believe I'm pregnant :rofl:
ohh im getting really exited now .. i really cannot wait untill november to see my little baby ...:happydance:

i no its agez away .. i cnt wait to start counting down to my due date .. how r we all doing .. i haven been on here for a while xx

Blondie, that's so exciting!! I can't wait to feel movement!!:happydance:
Hey Girls just wanted to say hi and hope that everyone is doing well. I gald to see where all moving over from our 1st trimester. Talk to ya soon..xo
I can't believe how awesome second tri has been so far!! No sickness really, belly starting to grow, a heartbeat (I can't get early scans, have to wait until 20 weeks) and hopefully soon flutters!! :D It sure makes it easy to get excited...especially compared to first tri!
Yeah 2nd tri is definitely much more enjoyable and much less stressful than first tri!! I am actually beginning to believe that I will actually have a baby in November - how cool is that?!?
Definitely not missing the constant nausea :)

I wonder when it will REALLY hit me that there is a baby growing inside me?

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