Thanks hun. Yeah I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks almost everyday. I'm on medication for it but it don't always work. I have good days and bad.
Tww is going by so slow. I have 2 hpts left in the house. Waiting on more in the mail hope they come soon.
Awwqw hon bless you.
I used to suffer bad with panic attacks they are horrible.
I used to think I was going to die like I was having heart attack its just so scary so I feel bad that u have to suffer with this all the time hon thats truly horrible.
I have type 2 bipolar and I am on mood stabbelizers and I'm not sure if it's them thats helped with my panic attacks, I haven't had one for a good few months now.
I do get anxious and TTC certainly does not help.
I don't think I'm going to be testing to early anymore.
Its the dealing with that anxiety while you wait for the lines to darken. I just can't. So I'm gonna hold off for as long as I possibly can.
I'm finding that this cycle has gone fast so far.
Like it don't feel like I started bleeding almost 10 days ago its just flown, but I have been keeping busy.
I don't normally ovulate until cd13 so still a few days away yet. I did feel like the OPks were close today but will see what tomorrow's is like.
My temp always dips on the day of ovulation itself so will know for sure when ovulation has happened.
I only have the pregmate opks left now but they worked well last cycle.
Hoping ovulation holds off until day 11 at the very least.
I bet everything will slow down as soon as I get into the 2ww lol.
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Took some time away but I’m back for testing this month. I expect I’ll get lines that don’t progress past a few days, but who knows. This was my opk yesterday. I would like to hold out until 12dpo, 11/16. I think I’ll make it to 7dpo, 11/11. I’ll see how I feel. I hate starting the stress so early. I always see lines so the fall is almost worse when the hope creeps in.
I also have two different fertility blood tests to take at home starting on cd3. One for basic fertility and one for ovarian reserve. At my age (44) I don’t know if it’s silly to be ttc.
I would have given birth this month if I didn’t lose my little boy. It’s getting to me a lot more than I expected.
Lets hope this thread has a lot to be thankful for this November!
Hi hon so good to have u back,
Thats a great positive OPK.
I'm still here lol.
Fell pregnant last cycle and my tests actually got darker this time but sadly it was a 4th chemical pregnancy.
So I'm not going to be testing early anymore.
I got my BFP at 10dpo was so faint but by 13dpo my lines were darker and was a clear BFP then 14dpo the lines were really really faint and I just new it was all over.
So now I'm sure when to test.
I'm due AF on the 24th Nov so was gonna test on the 22nd 14dpo and 2 days b4 AF.
Gonna be so hard holding out that long but I don't think I can cope with the anxiety of waiting for them lines to darken.
I'm so sorry this month wud of been ure due date. I always think of the baby I lost at almost 11 weeks. My due date was the 22nd July.
Even now 21 years later I still think of that little one.
It does get easier hon but it just takes time.
Its so good to have u back here again and I really hope this is ure month hon
Hi ladies, just popping to wish you all lots of baby dust and lots of support. I’m back trying for our 3rd hopefully my cycle gets back to normal soon.
Hi hon welcome back.
U was with me in the testing threads when we were trying for our son.
Good to have u back again.
Good luck hon.