Occasionally Psycho (But Ridiculously Amazing TTC'ers) - PMA Not Required!

Hahaha! It's all good man! My oldest 3 are in school all day, and the little one likes to play, and watch Spongebob....so when she is in SB world I have time.

My fuel gauge in my Suburban is acting up, so I have been calling all over town today trying to see how much it will cost to have it fixed. Suuuuucks. They said it is the sending unit, but of course, the sending until in this year model is part of the fuel pump....so it will cost me at minimum, TWICE as much as it would had my car been 2 years older than it is!! Damn it. My luck I guess.

Not to mention the fact that we still haven't gotten back our federal refund yet. We have been waiting almost 7 weeks. Can't do anything until it shows up because there is no chance in hell I am willing to just drop 600 on my car right now without knowing when our refund will be here. Blah LOL!

Guess I will just add all this crap to my list of things to impatiently wait on... :-=
:hugs: Yep, TTC just sucks. I hope the crazy you're feeling is early preggo crazy. And yeah, throwing some other things into the mix like Preseed or Guaifenisen or whatever sounds good to me as you just never know what might work out if you don't try and see :thumbup: . Are you still feeling the defeat right now? It really is crazy-making :nope: .

Man, that sucks about your Suburban. That's the kind of thing that would and has happened to us :dohh: . Dang, I wonder what's taking so long with your refund! It doesn't take long for them to take it in the first place :rolleyes: . We've go to pay state this year and that sucks, bleh.

Seems like my body is finally gearing up to O. Today has been the first day of EWCF and I'm getting dull O pains so on to the TWW soon perhaps. Blah, I don't feel like cooking dinner. I do so love my crockpot though! DS1 has issues with slow-cooked food however so I don't get to use it as much anymore. I'm going to try it again soon for him to see if he tolerates the food better (histamine issues :nope: ).

I don't even want to put today's temp in 'cause I'm diggin' the Big Dipper likeness so much :haha: .
Haha yeah man! I miss the Big Dipper too! I inspected your chart, and now I feel like it looks like a flattened spider that has one elongated leg LMFAO :rofl:

Yeah, definitely thinking of adding preseed to my TTC arsenal. DH and I like to use lube during smexytime anyhow, but we had to stop while TTC...so at the very least we will be able to use lube again. Have you tried it, or plan on trying it?

Yeah it does suck about my Suburban. I can't stay mad at it though...I effing love that thing :haha:
Not sure what is holding up our refund....I know the IRS has been a hot mess this year....so I am trying to be patient. I am thinking it should be here any day, but I never count it as any form of income. Never good to spend money before you have it, that is for sure.

Soooooo you are about to enter the crazy house too, huh? YAY! LOL
Hopefully it happens for both of us this time around. I have a feeling we are both just ready to get on with it.

Dude I hear ya....Im not cooking crap tonight!! DH will be cooking dinner tonight. I have been up since 6am, and I'm exhausted. I could go to bed now and sleep until tomorrow!!
lol! Flattened spider eh? I can see that lol. This is such a bizarre chart for me! I love it :haha: .

Uh-uh, haven't used the Preseed but will bring that to the table too if we still haven't conceived in the next couple of cycles.

I'm definitely ready to just get it going already. I really can't stand TTC and am so over it. My "meh" is pretty revved up :haha: . I don't even feel like BD but can't miss part of the fertile window lol. I'm tired and feel like crap and I want a massage :D .

How awesome would that be if this ended up being the cycle for us both! Oh how I would revel in moving on from this TTC Meh and on to the m/s and Pregnancy Meh lol.
Bahaha!! I know!! An update for our Club is long overdue already! Come on Club Preggy Meh!! Anytime now would be good. :)

Looking at your chart now, and I'm not sure what it looks like now haha! It is morphing into a normal chart, which I feel like "normal" charts look like drawing done by 2 year olds.

So, 7dpo today. I don't feel any different at all, so who knows :shrug: I wish I would have been charting with my other kids bc I might have a better idea on when to expect what. Feeling kinda Meh about this cycle :winkwink: I am just so damn ready for us to be preggy! Then we can talk about how much it sucks, share pics of what we buy for the babies, and of course find out of we are having boys or girls! I think I will enjoy pregnancy a bit more this time around with you around. You can make me laugh in between my visits with the porcelain god haha!

So yep, preseed is on my to do list. Is there anything else you have thought about trying to help with TTC? I am willing to try just about anything to speed up this process. Geez, I am far too impatient :haha:

One plus to my day chickadee, I get to start planning my vacation to North Myrtle Beach! ERMEHGERD I can't wait to go. I need a vacation, and so does hubby. I'll be booking our hotel really soon, so I need to get down to it and figure out where we want to stay. I'm not positive on when we will be going just yet, but more than likely in June. It can't come soon enough, that is for damn sure.

Well, I guess I better get back to cleaning the house. I needed a break!:wacko: Then when my 2 year old, London, lays down for her nap, it will be :sleep: time for mommy too!! Have an absolutely fantastic day my dear! Talk to you soon!! :hugs:
Ooh, you're getting me excited for preggersy again darlin'! lol I've been so "Ugh, just, WTFE, stupid TTC" and pretty much giving this whole business the :finger: that I was kinda letting myself forget how fun it can be :D . I wonder if we'll switch teams this time lol. You said this is your last right? This is most likely our last as well. I've always wanted a big family with five or six kids but I don't think that's in the cards. I'd love a set of twins.

I think when your experience has been getting pg quickly it can be a bit difficult to be patient :) . I've thought about adding in the Guaifenisen if I'm still not preggo in another cycle or two. I think I have ok EWCF but more couldn't hurt!

Oh man, you guys are going to have so much fun on your vacation! All that relaxing and great food, sunshine and sand, oh man, so, so nice :happydance: . To be planning it out sounds like such fun! Did you decide on a hotel yet? We're hoping to hit the beach for a weekend in May or June and I'm very excited. I'd love a vacation-vacation but a weekend will do just fine :thumbup: . I loooooove the beach :cloud9: . I will cry copious amounts of tears if we don't get to the beach :cry: .

Whew boy, I know what you need about needing a break :wacko: . I'm so exhausted and tired of cleaning up the same shit :haha: .

Hmmm, being so tired you need to nap with your toddler doesn't exactly sound like nothin' going on :-= . IDK, IDK, feeling good about this cycle for you! Guess we'll see in a few days now won't we :) .
Hahaha!! True true, ever since you and I have been chatting I feel a lot less crazy about TTC, and it has been a lot more fun, so thanks chickadee!! :kiss:

I wonder if we will switch teams this time too, guess in time we will know! I am hoping for a boy, but will be okay with another girl as well. I looked at the statistics of having 5 kids in a row of the same gender, and the odds are 1 in 32 I think! So the odds are on my side! For 4 girls in a row it was 1 in 17, so that was a bit more up in the air. I would love to finally be able to buy some boy stuff haha! Buying pink and purple does get old, believe it or not. I always wanted a big family too, but I think this next one will be it, and I'm closing up shop :haha: 5 is plenty for me. I will be getting my tubes tied after this one. I will have to have a C-Section this time around bc I have blood pressure issues when I am pregnant, and had a C-Section with my toddler. I actually had toxemia last time, so hoping that doesn't happen again. My DR was awesome though, and gave me the chance to labor naturally for 24 hours, but then her heart rate dropped, and I had to have an emergency C-Section. This time I would rather have a C-Section in the first place bc I am afraid of going through that again! It was really scary. Luckily she was fine, even though she was almost 4 weeks early.

So okay, here is the hotel I am thinking of....let me know what you think! https://www.hotels.com/hotel/details.html?pa=1&pn=1&ps=1&tab=description&destinationId=1432992&searchDestination=North+Myrtle+Beach&hotelId=227908&arrivalDate=06-19-13&departureDate=06-23-13&children[0]=3&rooms[0].childrenAges[0]=8&rooms[0].childrenAges[1]=2&rooms[0].childrenAges[2]=7&rooms[0].numberOfAdults=2&roomno=1&validate=false&previousDateful=false&reviewOrder=date_newest_first

Hoping that link works!! It looks pretty awesome! Can't wait to go! What beach will you guys be going to? We usually hit the beaches in NC, but this year we are switching it up so I can check out North Myrtle. I hope you get to go too!!

Haha! Yeah, maybe you are right...maybe I do have some junk going on after all? Other than that, I have sore bbs, a bit of acne, and I feel like I am peeing more, but who knows? That could just be PMS symptoms. So yep!! You are right, we will find out very soon doodski!! 2 more days until testing!! FX :hugs:
Oh no chick, TTC still sucks ass :haha: but hanging with you definitely makes it way more fun :kiss: . The fun side of pregnancy is what I was talking about lol. I love getting big and round and lovely, feeling kicks, buying itty-bitty stuff :cloud9: . I'm hoping I even embrace the all day/all night nausea this time around lol. I want to do all kinds of stuff like paint/henna my belly, prenatal yoga, see what it feels like to be in the pool really big and preggo :D . Ooh, Halloween belly fun! :yipee: I never did stuff like that with my other two but this go around I'm going some places haha.

Woohoo! :wohoo: Are you kidding me?! That place looks fantastic! Right on the beach with a full or partial view of the ocean, great amenities, nice price, next to other activities for the family. Sounds like a win to me lady! :happydance: We are thinking about going to Panama City Beach. Our neighbors went not too long ago and had a fabulous time.

Shoot, you better start looking for boy stuff now doll! Cute boy stuff has been quite elusive I've found :growlmad: . Very boring :nope: . We didn't find out the sex of the baby with our boys but I'm leaning toward doing things differently this time around. I don't think DH wants to still but I just feel like I'm going to want to know this time.

Is it pre-e that you get when you're pg? I'm so sorry that you and your baby girl had to go through such an ordeal :hugs: . Yeah, gotta do what you gotta do to ensure the best possible outcome of a healthy mommy and baby. I'm so glad you had great care through it all!

OMFG, I am so effing sick of coughing :wacko: . Wonder if this whole allergy/coughing thing will delay O :shrug: .

So excited for your testing time!
Hahaha!! Okay, I getcha LOL! True, pregginess will be much more fun with you around. Talking to you does seem to ease my crazy when it comes to TTC though, so that is nice. As far as enjoying this coming pregnancy, I honestly think I will a bit more this time bc I know it will be my last time. I will NEVER enjoy the all day all night m/s until 16 weeks shit though :haha: But after that part is over, I am going to be completely smitten with being pregnant. Honestly I will probably have some moments in there where I am an emotional wreck because of knowing it will be the last time I EVER get to be pregnant, feel a baby kick, be big and round ect.

I will say that my husband treats me like a QUEEN when I am pregnant. I get foot massages, he cooks all my meals, he cleans for me, he helps me in and out of the bath when I am a beached whale hahaha!! So, that will be nice to experience again. I don't know if I told you or not, but my older 3 girls are not my DH's bio kids. They are from a previous 8 year relationship that was TERRIBLE. I got into it when I was very young, but finally had the guts to get out of it when I was 26. Their "father" has not tried to see or contact them in any way for over 3 years, and my husband raises them as his own. They call him Dad, he treats them like his own (no differently than our youngest who is bio his), and is an absolutely fantastic father. So this will be the second time he goes through birth, and the last for both of us. *SIGH* It is a bit emotional for me.

I think I will try and do things special this pregnancy too. Not sure just what yet, but something. Maybe you and I can shoot around ideas when we finally become Club Preggy Meh.

OMG I couldn't imagine not finding out the sex of the baby! I mean, the surprise would be nice, but I am a frakin control freak hahaha :haha: I like to feel like I am completely prepared for what is coming, so I have always found out. Will be exciting to see if you guys find out or not. If hubby doesnt want to know, you can always find out and just not tell him. Have him leave the room when they tell you.

And yeah, you are thinking of pre-eclampsia. That is the step before Toxemia. If your pre-eclampsia progresses it can turn into Toxemia. When I was in labor I had to be on a liquid Magnesium drip because my blood pressure was so high I was running the risk of having seizures. Luckily that didn't happen, but needless to say, I felt like absolute shit. After she was born my blood pressure stayed up for about 12 hours, and then finally went down and stayed down. Not sure why my body does this, but I get high blood pressure towards the end of every single pregnancy! Last time was the worst though.

So, when are you due to O? Any movement on that yet? I hope your cold/allergies doesn't delay it! I think it will be fine though :)

So I will test tomorrow with FMU! I think it will be BFN though. Not feeling it this month, know what I mean?
I tested this morning like a dumbass LOL! It was BFN of course. I wasn't expecting too much at 8dpo anyhow, so I feel okay about it. I'll test again in the morning, and every day after that until BFP or AF! Like I said, not feeling real great about this cycle. I'll be shocked if I get a BFP tbh. I know they say you don't have symptoms until after AF is due ect, but there are a few things that happen to me when I'm pregnant that just make that proverbial light bulb go off, know what I mean? If no BFP, then I suppose it's onward to April!
Oh man, I'm so sorry that you have to go through pre-e with the very real possibility of going toxic during pregnancy :hugs: . With all our machines and advances in science we still can't figure out why the woman's body reacts the way it does to the baby with this illness. It's really no joke! Not that I have to tell you that. I was reading the book Making Babies and the author goes in on pre-e and how his wife had it (hope to get back to that book eventually! lol). IIRC one of the ideas they were kicking around is if the father's DNA has something to do with the reaction of the mother's body to the baby. Obviously if that were to be true it's only part of the answer and not the case for everyone. Do you think your provider(s) will recommend an early induction this time around since you reached toxemia last time?

Yay! So glad your DH is such a sweetie during pregnancy. I've got one of those too. It.is.awesome :cloud9: . Your guy sounds wonderful, like a superb father and husband and we need way more of those. Glad you found a keeper and were able to let go of a relationship that sounds like it was very draining for you, to say the least. If a relationship isn't going to work, ok, I get that, but I've never understood how someone can just walk away from their children :nope: .

Oh, definitely going to be emotional for you lady :hugs2: . All of this is a huge deal! Being done will certainly be a bittersweet thing for me. I would be open to having another after our third but DH is fairly certain that three is his limit. We discussed family size before we got married and at the time he was open to four but more than that skeered him :haha: . Now we're down to three :dohh: . Also, I'm scared that future pregnancies and births won't be as easy and uneventful as they were with my boys. Yep, emotional stuff.

lol! Yes indeed, opposites attract! I am most certainly the antithesis of control freak :haha: , an everything is everything kind of gal. My DH is more the type that likes for things to go a certain way whereas I'm go with the flow as long as shit is cool :thumbup: . Everything about a new pregnancy will be a whole era of different ya know? There's all kinds of events that have taken place in my life that make this so and I feel compelled to continue to take it there :) .

As for O, I think I may have O'd yesterday or I'm O'ing now or O'd today. The way these O pains are hitting heavy I think I'm going to go with O'ing from the left side this cycle, OMFG :wacko: . I usually get super bad O pain that takes my breath away and whew, there it be.

I absolutely know what you mean about not feeling it though. I'd love for this TTC business to be over but I don't think I'll be devastated like I have been with AF's arrival. IDK what it is, I'm just over it. It was sucking all of my energy. Now, as I said upthread though, I reserve the right to completely freak the hell out later on :-= .
Aw, sorry about the BFN chick. I hate that lonely ass line. Yeah, I know they say that but ya know, there are some of us that just know. I know my body, my mind, my spirit, and I can tell when something is amiss. I loves my science and all but there are things that you just can't quantify or break down into little knowledge boxes. IDGAF if folks think I'm a nutter :haha: . Plenty, if not most of how I walk this life is completely out of sync with how most people do the damn thing. Oh well! :coffee:
Yeah, toxemia definitely sucks. My legs and feet were so insanely swollen that it was uncomfortable to walk from about 8 months onward. I'm hoping that doesn't happen this time. Since I had a C-Section last time, I am just going to have them schedule an early C-Section this time around. Also, my DR used to do VBAC, but stopped doing it for some reason. I'm okay with that though. Last time I was so TERRIFIED to have a C-Section (my DR thought I was going to need one), but after everything happened I was obviously way more scared of something happening to my baby than the surgery. My C-Section went very smoothly, and my DR was amazing. It was definitely a scary situation though... it was just myself, and DH in the room, then within a minute my DR was in there, and so were about 10 nurses. I was in surgery in 10 minutes tops. They gave me so much epidural that even my chest was numb, as weird as that sounds. My stomach was upset from the medicine they were giving me, but other than that it went very smooth. Now, AFTER if a different story. I had to be in the hospital for 5 days, and was in so much pain I could barely walk for 2 weeks. BUT, all that being said, C-Section is definitely the way to go for me :)

I agree, my DH is a wonderful man. I am very lucky we found each other. I am a person that believes that everything happens for a reason in life, even if you don't like what that reason may be. I met him at the perfect time in my life, and same for him. We have been inseparable since. I mean, yeah, it does suck that my ex turned his back on his kids, but honestly it is so much better this way. He isn't exactly a positive role model, to say the least. With him gone, my DH can be their Dad 100 percent, just like he wants to be, and my girls are MUCH better off. OH, little neat info for you... I had the first 3 girls with my ex...well his grandma had 6 girls in a row! So that may have something to do with it, I dunno? My DH's mom had 2 boys, and his grandma had 3 girls, 2 boys. Who knows, maybe I have a better chance at a gender switch this time?

I agree with you, every pregnancy is going to be completely different! Would be nice not to have insane m/s this time around, but somehow I doubt that is in the cards haha! But after that (hopefully) ends, I plan on enjoying every second possible. And OMG....the newborn stage....SWOON. I call them little people larvae :laugh2: I simply cannot wait to hold a newborn in my arms again, and do all the newborn stuff one last time. *SIGH* I will definitely miss it!! I love when they are wearing the little newborn gowns, and a hat. They look like little Glo-Worms!!!

Anyhow, I'm talking you hear off haha! I took an IC this morning with FMU nad BFN. Not shocked, and I feel okay about it :) If AF shows I am ready to just get it over with and move on to the next cycle. It can't be much longer for us chickadee! This was only my 2nd cycle trying, so it is still early.

I didn't look at your chart yet, so I'm gonna do that now :) C'mon O!!! :happydance:
BBL! Gotta get breakfast and dinner going. FF gave me CH's for CD12 but ehh, I don't think I agree with that and believe I O'd CD13. Either way, meh. I'm not feeling it for this cycle ATM so just waiting my 10 days for AF to show up. I'm hopeful but doubtful this is it, KWIM?
:dohh: Totally distracted when I said "induce" when you said upthread you were planning a section. Sorry about that sweets! My brain goes a million miles/minute daily and I think my children are plotting to destroy my sanity :haha: . I absolutely agree, we have to do whatever we feel is best for us. Healthy baby and healthy mommy is what we want at the end of these pregnancy journeys. I wish my mom was still alive so she could tell me more about her birth experiences now that I'm in a position to really understand from the other side of the coin! She had two vaginal births, one singleton (my older brother) and one set of twins (my younger brother and sister). I was the C-Sec baby :D . Wanted to come out feet first and the docs weren't with that so. Glad you were able to have such excellent care though! And I hope the next time goes as smoothly. Will you have someone in addition to your DH to help out for a few weeks when you get home?

Hmm, I think you have a good shot at a switch. Me, I have no idea lol. DH seems to make boys while his brother looks like he makes girls :shrug: . I'll be more than thrilled with another boy but a girl would be a nice change of pace too :) . It would be cool to have a Little Miss to do my girly things with :cloud9: .

I definitely believe everything has its reasons and that there are no coincidences. It can suck so bad when you're going through but there is always something there. Earth is a very difficult planet to exist on! Beautiful and horrible these lives can be. The lessons get rough sometimes, other times serene and wonderful w/o the 2x4 to the head :winkwink: .

I want the m/s, isn't that farking insane?! :rofl: I know that it means absolutely nothing as far as whether or not my baby will live. However, I had it bad with my two boys and felt relatively great with my m/c. Some m/s but easily controlled with eating, not very tired, some smell aversions but all in all, felt pretty damn good for the first tri. Yeeeah, I'd rather not repeat anything that happened with my m/c, at all. There are no words to describe how awful that shit was :nope: .

Haha! That's what we call them when they're itty-bitty too, Glo-Worms :cloud9: . We have a pic of DS1 looking exactly like a dang Glo-Worm, so stinking cute! I looooove the NB stage! They smell so good and they're so snuggly. I want one, right freaking now lol.

Talk my ear off anytime chick :D . I love our conversations. I really look forward to hearing what's on your mind each day as well as sharing the crazy in my world :haha: .

Ok, back to the food stuffs :wacko: .
Oh, believe me, I know exactly what you mean! I felt the exact same with this cycle...just not feelin' it. I always remain hopeful, but I just felt "off" this cycle. Hopefully next cycle will be better for me, and hopefully this is your last cycle! LOL

I figured you mean too say c-section, but ya know LOL! I will say I was induced with every other kiddo that I had. Blood pressure just wasn't cooperating. Kinda sad I have never had the opportunity to go into labor on my own at home, and have the "rush to the hospital moment". London, our 2 year old, was a surprise induction though. We went to the hospital for our weekly NST, and my blood pressure wouldn't come down. It usually went down when we were there, so we didn't even pay attention to the monitor, and were just talking away! LOL! The nurse came in, and I started to get up, DH was getting my stuff together, and she said "Well, the DR wants you to go ahead and have a baby"...I was like "Today"? And she laughed and said yes. You should have saw the look on DH's face haha! It was seriously PRICELESS. He started calling his mom freaking out and everything else haha!

This time will be a bit different for us. The C-section will be scheduled, so everything will be planned out. I am sure it will make for an interesting drive to the hospital though!

I will have other people to help me, aside from my DH. My DH is a GM, so he has to work A LOT. He will take off as much time as possible, and it will more than likely be vacation time. I think this year he gets 3 weeks paid vacation, so he will take as much time as he can. Other than that, I have his mom (we are very close), his grandma (we are really close too), and even my DH's dad. Last time my MIL took the girls for a week, so that was nice. And I have to say that DH was a HUGE help when I came home. When London cried, he was on it! Making bottles, changing diapers, serving me my meals in bed, the whole 9 yards. I am just afraid of what this time around will be like...last time was really painful, but this time they will be cutting through my scar tissue there, and I imagine the healing process will be worse.

I totally hear what you are saying about the m/s. I think we will both be basket cases once we do get that BFP! I worry about m/c too. DH and I had a chemical pregnancy 2 months before London was conceived. Also, I always have it in my head that I am pushing the odds of m/c by having this many children. I always feel like my luck is going to run out. :nope: I will be paranoid as hell until at least 12 weeks along.

I want a newborn right freaking now too damn it! I am so ready for the super soft skin, wobbly head, SOFT hair, tiny socks, ect. Anytime now would be good!

Ugh, almost 4pm here. Today is going sooooo slow. DH had to go in on his "day off"...twice actually. He had to go do inventory at 6am, then came home at 9am. Then had to leave again and go to Asheville, NC (an hour and a half away) for a managers meeting there. He left at 12:30, the meeting is it 3pm, and he won't be home until around 8 more than likely. As of Tuesday he had already worked 37 hours for the week (Sunday and Monday). He will more than likely get about 80 hours this week. At least he gets paid well I suppose!
OMG I HOPE YOU SEE THIS SOON!! Okay so...... after not expecting anything to come out of this month, and a definite BFN last night.... I tested this morning with FMU. I got up about 10 minutes before I usually get my kids up for school, POAS, left it on the bathroom counter, and went and got my girl's school clothes ready. Then I went back in the bathroom to start their shower. It had been at maximum 10 minutes. The test was BFP. I could see a second line when I walked into the bathroom, but of course I had to pick it up to eyeball it closer. The second line looked pink, and was faint, but not a squinter. Is this even possible? I got a definite BFN last night around 6pm! Should I trust this test?

Of course I dumped the pee bc I thought for sure it would be BFN, so I am going to test again. The test I used was an IC. I have FRER, and digis. How long should I hold my pee, and what tests should I use??? HALP! :wacko:

So paranoid it was a faulty test.
Okay, held my pee for 4 hours and tested again...

Okay, so I think I see a shadow of a line on 2 IC's, and the FRER. CB digital says not pregnant, but it took a reeeeaaaallly long time to give me my results! Not sure what to think just yet. Will test again tomorrow with FMU!
I have been off this site for a while cause we weren't really trying this month. I did a test this morning too and had a line on the frer but a no on the digital. I want to be excited but I'm scared to be excited at the same time. Hopefully our line tests are right LoveSanrio, and the digitals just aren't as sensitive. Fingers crossed for :bfp:
Update: the dr ran a quant and my hcg level is 14, they want to retest on Monday to make sure it goes up like its supposed to.

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