*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Laelani when was your last x-ray? If you have those films you could always take them in to her. My sister has scoliosis as well, she has 2 sharp degree bends in her back and at first they believed she may have to have a scheduled C-section which presents problems in and of itself because typically if the curvature of the spine is bad enough to warrant a C-section it also means it is bad enough to rule out getting an epidural and you would require general anesthesia. (I have seen this many times on the L&D floor) However upon reviewing recent films she and her OB decided that natural childbirth would be optimal. She has given birth naturally twice now. I know your situation may be a little different but perhaps taking films in to be reviewed would help your provider know that you have a lot of anxiety about this and then they could speak with you more in depth about any decisions to be made. Best of luck!
Laelani when was your last x-ray? If you have those films you could always take them in to her. My sister has scoliosis as well, she has 2 sharp degree bends in her back and at first they believed she may have to have a scheduled C-section which presents problems in and of itself because typically if the curvature of the spine is bad enough to warrant a C-section it also means it is bad enough to rule out getting an epidural and you would require general anesthesia. (I have seen this many times on the L&D floor) However upon reviewing recent films she and her OB decided that natural childbirth would be optimal. She has given birth naturally twice now. I know your situation may be a little different but perhaps taking films in to be reviewed would help your provider know that you have a lot of anxiety about this and then they could speak with you more in depth about any decisions to be made. Best of luck!

Thank you for the detailed information. I have HUGE anxiety about it and I mean I have been going under the impression that I would always just have a schedule section and I am okay with it. I have come to terms with that and now any other option scares me. My back has a J shape curve where the end 1/4 of my spine curves and sits along my left hip bone and was told the pressure of pushing could injure it further. I am going to talk to the doctor about sending me to a back specialist. It's been years since I had an xray though so that really wouldn't be an option at this point but you do have some good points though!! :)
Ha ha! My poor baby-look what I bought :)
View attachment 774761

I've got that too... using it for his birth announcement or first photo shoot... They will love us when first partners come home and we pull all photos out haha xx

I know-that's my plan too-get lots of pics of then in it, and being then out when they are teens and young men! :haha:

Ohhh-I notice it's your v-day!! :happydance: happy v day :)

Thankyou i'm so relieved!!! I never though after 2 miscarraiges i'd be in this position :cloud9:

Have you bought it from ebay? they have loads of different ones on there, i'm dressing him up for every event possible :blush:
Man I really need to keep up better with this thread! I just had to read 8 pages! :p Anyway I wanted to weigh in on a few things that I read and I have a bit of a predicament with the doctor that I wanted to ask for your opinions on what you would do.

In terms of the sex post by StarBrites, I understand 100% and have cried a few times because we were unable to do anything because I couldn't get comfortable or something would hurt, etc. I felt like I lost my womanly-ness (yeah totally made that up!) and that I was not going to be able to satisfy my OH until after the baby comes and such. Just hang in there. Sometimes we can do it and something we can't but OH understands now even though he does get frustrated at the time and I get upset. Just have to take it one day at a time. :)

In terms of the heartburn, GeralynB, I started getting that around 15 weeks and peeing a bit when sneezing I've had that since about 18 weeks give or take. I hate it and it's worse than ever now because I have bad summer allergies so I'm constantly sneezing now.

AFM - Overall I've been feeling pretty good and baby boy is doing just fantastic. Went in for my 23/24 week prenatal appointment today with the doctor. I had high hopes of getting some answers today and she crushed that big time! I am absolutely livid how things went. For the good stuff, little man is measuring right on schedule and everything is great with him and as far as we know he did not inherit my scoliosis. Everything with me is good but I got a referral for medical prenatal massage therapy to help with my scoliosis because it has been getting really, really bad lately and I don't know how much longer I will be able to stay at work with it. Speaking of my back here is what I need your opinions on. I injured my back when I was in grade 9 and had many tests and a bunch of issues with it for a few years after that. At that time my mom was told that I would never be able to do natural child birth because of the position of my spine and the pressure that comes with pushing and such. Over the years I keep getting this checked and keep being told the same thing. Well last year I got through to my doctor when I moved here and she never ever looked at my back in the whole year I've been seeing her. So today I asked her if she would be scheduling me for a C-Section and she said no because I don't need one that everything will be just fine. Um no it won't because all the doctors previous to her that I have seen told me the complete opposite for the past 15 years! She won't even LOOK at my back at all and I am scared of the outcomes for my back. I have no idea what to do or how to approach her to make her see I have to do this via scheduled C-Section. Ugh. I'm so heartbroken, upset, and frustrated. I am so worked up about it I stayed home from work today. What would you do?

Sorry this was so long I just don't know who else to talk to that understands. :flower:

This is awful,is there anyway you can get a 2nd opinion or get your old doctors to tell her? Or even change? :hugs: xx
Man I really need to keep up better with this thread! I just had to read 8 pages! :p Anyway I wanted to weigh in on a few things that I read and I have a bit of a predicament with the doctor that I wanted to ask for your opinions on what you would do.

In terms of the sex post by StarBrites, I understand 100% and have cried a few times because we were unable to do anything because I couldn't get comfortable or something would hurt, etc. I felt like I lost my womanly-ness (yeah totally made that up!) and that I was not going to be able to satisfy my OH until after the baby comes and such. Just hang in there. Sometimes we can do it and something we can't but OH understands now even though he does get frustrated at the time and I get upset. Just have to take it one day at a time. :)

In terms of the heartburn, GeralynB, I started getting that around 15 weeks and peeing a bit when sneezing I've had that since about 18 weeks give or take. I hate it and it's worse than ever now because I have bad summer allergies so I'm constantly sneezing now.

AFM - Overall I've been feeling pretty good and baby boy is doing just fantastic. Went in for my 23/24 week prenatal appointment today with the doctor. I had high hopes of getting some answers today and she crushed that big time! I am absolutely livid how things went. For the good stuff, little man is measuring right on schedule and everything is great with him and as far as we know he did not inherit my scoliosis. Everything with me is good but I got a referral for medical prenatal massage therapy to help with my scoliosis because it has been getting really, really bad lately and I don't know how much longer I will be able to stay at work with it. Speaking of my back here is what I need your opinions on. I injured my back when I was in grade 9 and had many tests and a bunch of issues with it for a few years after that. At that time my mom was told that I would never be able to do natural child birth because of the position of my spine and the pressure that comes with pushing and such. Over the years I keep getting this checked and keep being told the same thing. Well last year I got through to my doctor when I moved here and she never ever looked at my back in the whole year I've been seeing her. So today I asked her if she would be scheduling me for a C-Section and she said no because I don't need one that everything will be just fine. Um no it won't because all the doctors previous to her that I have seen told me the complete opposite for the past 15 years! She won't even LOOK at my back at all and I am scared of the outcomes for my back. I have no idea what to do or how to approach her to make her see I have to do this via scheduled C-Section. Ugh. I'm so heartbroken, upset, and frustrated. I am so worked up about it I stayed home from work today. What would you do?

Sorry this was so long I just don't know who else to talk to that understands. :flower:

This is awful,is there anyway you can get a 2nd opinion or get your old doctors to tell her? Or even change? :hugs: xx

I'm not sure but we are definitely going to try. I was so upset and worked up today I took the day off of work. :( A doctor should not tell you that you have no right to scheduled C-Section. It should not be up to them.
Man I really need to keep up better with this thread! I just had to read 8 pages! :p Anyway I wanted to weigh in on a few things that I read and I have a bit of a predicament with the doctor that I wanted to ask for your opinions on what you would do.

In terms of the sex post by StarBrites, I understand 100% and have cried a few times because we were unable to do anything because I couldn't get comfortable or something would hurt, etc. I felt like I lost my womanly-ness (yeah totally made that up!) and that I was not going to be able to satisfy my OH until after the baby comes and such. Just hang in there. Sometimes we can do it and something we can't but OH understands now even though he does get frustrated at the time and I get upset. Just have to take it one day at a time. :)

In terms of the heartburn, GeralynB, I started getting that around 15 weeks and peeing a bit when sneezing I've had that since about 18 weeks give or take. I hate it and it's worse than ever now because I have bad summer allergies so I'm constantly sneezing now.

AFM - Overall I've been feeling pretty good and baby boy is doing just fantastic. Went in for my 23/24 week prenatal appointment today with the doctor. I had high hopes of getting some answers today and she crushed that big time! I am absolutely livid how things went. For the good stuff, little man is measuring right on schedule and everything is great with him and as far as we know he did not inherit my scoliosis. Everything with me is good but I got a referral for medical prenatal massage therapy to help with my scoliosis because it has been getting really, really bad lately and I don't know how much longer I will be able to stay at work with it. Speaking of my back here is what I need your opinions on. I injured my back when I was in grade 9 and had many tests and a bunch of issues with it for a few years after that. At that time my mom was told that I would never be able to do natural child birth because of the position of my spine and the pressure that comes with pushing and such. Over the years I keep getting this checked and keep being told the same thing. Well last year I got through to my doctor when I moved here and she never ever looked at my back in the whole year I've been seeing her. So today I asked her if she would be scheduling me for a C-Section and she said no because I don't need one that everything will be just fine. Um no it won't because all the doctors previous to her that I have seen told me the complete opposite for the past 15 years! She won't even LOOK at my back at all and I am scared of the outcomes for my back. I have no idea what to do or how to approach her to make her see I have to do this via scheduled C-Section. Ugh. I'm so heartbroken, upset, and frustrated. I am so worked up about it I stayed home from work today. What would you do?

Sorry this was so long I just don't know who else to talk to that understands. :flower:

This is awful,is there anyway you can get a 2nd opinion or get your old doctors to tell her? Or even change? :hugs: xx

I'm not sure but we are definitely going to try. I was so upset and worked up today I took the day off of work. :( A doctor should not tell you that you have no right to scheduled C-Section. It should not be up to them.

In your position i'd be upset too, she doesn't sound very compassionate.
While I don't doubt that's it's going to hurt a hell of a lot more everything I'm reading online says one of the major issues with scoliosis was getting the epidural so as long as you can get that then I don't think childbirth would cause more damage but I'm not a dr and this is based on my education from google ....and we know how reliable that can be.

With that being said I do think if you can get a hold of previous xrays and reiterate to your dr that you have concerns she may be willing to hear you out and if not, you might be in the market for a new doctor. I know I would be if I didn't agree with her medical opinion.
Dh got to feel baby girl a few days ago for the first time! This morning she had hiccups and he got to feel them! 12 hour drive home tomorrow, not looking forward to it, and I always cry, this time it's even harder to leave. She's my best friend!
I had my ultrasound today, it was a part of the baby's heart they couldn't get a good picture of before but they did this time. I also got the confirmation that baby is definitely a boy and we got to see his "boy parts" very clearly. He's head down with his feet up in my ribs, which is the opposite of what I thought. I thought he was breech right now because I keep feeling a lot more movement in my lower stomach and I thought it was kicks to my bladder. She said he's either shoving his head into my bladder or punching me. She also said he's right on track for 22 weeks, which is great because my daughter was small.

I'm so happy and I hope the next 4 months fly by so I can have my baby boy here. I can't wait to meet him.
Hey all!!! I got my BFP this morning 10 dpo! Thank you to all the ladies who have kept in touch and cheered me on. I'll always have my October bumpkin in my heart. I am so excited to be joining the February babies group! Please let this be a sticky bean! I'll keep in touch.


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Congratulations jm! I'm so happy for you, hoping this is your little sticky rainbow :hugs: Happy & healthy 9 months to you :D
Is it just me or is anyone else confused by months / weeks... some people class themselves 6 months pregnant at 24 weeks and others don't... i think i'm going to say i'm 6 months it sounds closer lol!!

I do something strange when calculating. I count by 4s and 5s... For example, I say I am 1 month when I am 4 weeks pregnant, but I will not say I am 2 months until I am 9 weeks pregnant (added 4 weeks the first time, 5 weeks the second time, then alternating between the two)

Here's the breakdown:
1 month: 4 weeks - 4 weeks added
2 months: 9 weeks- 5 weeks added
3 months: 13 weeks- 4 weeks added
4 months: 18 weeks- 5 weeks added
5 months: 22 weeks- 4 weeks added
6 months: 27 weeks- 5 weeks added
7 months: 31 weeks- 4 weeks added
8 months: 36 weeks- 5 weeks added
9 months: 40 weeks- 4 weeks added

Hope this helps and makes sense!
I got the same week avg. when I look at my due date and count back by real world months. For example, june 11th was exactly 4 actual months to my oct 11th due date. So at 22 weeks 3 days i counted that as 5 months pregnant(for telling ppl who asked). It lines up with the way you do it above. I think its easier for the non pregnant world to make meaning of, lol.
There was a freebie sample of strawberry and banana porridge with my magazine this month (Prima Baby)...is it wrong that I want to eat it? ;) The expiry date is end of March 2015, so it will still be good when we're weaning (hopefully!), but it looks like it might be quite nice!

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