*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Oh no! Your poor DH! I bet you were double bummed (1. that he got hurt and 2. that you had to delay your photos). I'm sure they'll be great in a couple weeks though too:)
We are ready here I just need to wash the clothes and find out what I need to get for our home birth from my midwife and set up the hammock but the hammock can easily be set up in minutes during labour or even after baby is born so im not in a hurry.

Oooo I'm curious (or I missed something). What's the hammock for???

for baby to sleep in :p


thats it there ^^
Im hoping all the reviews are right and baby sleeps well. I set it up to have a look at it when it arrived and it looks amazing but its in a box again now.

This is something new to me too, I don't think they are popular in the states. But looks pretty cozy!

I purchased a co-sleeper with this baby. With my first child I purchased a bassinet from pottery barn which was fancy and all, but not as convienent as a co-sleeper, and I was constantly worried she would suffocate in the bumper, so I am excited to see how this co-sleeper works with baby #2!
Getting so close now! Is everyone prepared?x

Not prepared, but I think I need to get started! Bought most things, but need to set things up like the bouncer and Moses basket stand, wash clothes, pack hospital bag, decide a name etc.

Are you all sorted?

Ha yoyo I would have thought I wrote this myself. I had my shower last Saturday so I went to target, Walmart and babies r us and exchanged some things and compared prices for the little things I still need. Just a few odds and ends. The good news is that we got all the babies stuff in her room finally and I just need to organize, wash and put away some things, pack the hospital bag and pick a name too lol
I don't know about you ladies but I am a bargain hunter who has expensive taste! lol! So I was at target the other day and found this Ergobaby carrier which was normally $140---for $36!!! I was so ecstatic!

I have had a difficult time finding a carrier that works for me so I am hoping with all the positive reviews this carrier has, that it may be the one!

I did try it on when I got home, and it was a bit tight on the midsection. So I guess it isn't great for pregnant ladies, lol!:haha:


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I don't know about you ladies but I am a bargain hunter who has expensive taste! lol! So I was at target the other day and found this Ergobaby carrier which was normally $140---for $36!!! I was so ecstatic!

I have had a difficult time finding a carrier that works for me so I am hoping with all the positive reviews this carrier has, that it may be the one!

I did try it on when I got home, and it was a bit tight on the midsection. So I guess it isn't great for pregnant ladies, lol!:haha:

Lol, I think you're right--the target demographic is probably not pregnant ladies! : ) Love the carrier --great find!!
I don't know about you ladies but I am a bargain hunter who has expensive taste! lol! So I was at target the other day and found this Ergobaby carrier which was normally $140---for $36!!! I was so ecstatic!

I have had a difficult time finding a carrier that works for me so I am hoping with all the positive reviews this carrier has, that it may be the one!

I did try it on when I got home, and it was a bit tight on the midsection. So I guess it isn't great for pregnant ladies, lol!:haha:

Had an ergo with dd2-it was fab!! Good choice and what a good deal!!! :)
Sprite-glad I'm not the only one in terms of getting sorted! :) we will get there!

Found this the other day-think it sums up the 3 trimesters nicely:


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Here's just a few photos from our 4D scan yesterday:cloud9: The scan makes their nose look wider apparently and he was cuddled up to my placenta so I had to lie on my side but it was amazing!

It's August which means it's my birthday in 24 days and I am officially due next month:happydance:


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Awww look at that smiling one! What a cutie :). Crazy that you can say "next month" ...time flies!
Well ladies it's official I'm on maternity leave from work! Not too sure how I feel about it just yet.

Re: Prepared for baby? - Not at all!!! We have a few things but not nearly the amount that we need. This will get fixed up in another couple weeks at our baby shower though. :)
It's my birthday next week. I turn 28 and I would like to stop there. :lol: I can't believe that as of next month, I am full term and can safely have baby (even though that day is almost the very end of the month). I hope it goes fast because I want to meet my little guy.

I won a Britax baby carrier last year before we had even planned on baby #2. It came with the seat extender so I don't have to worry about it being a "crotch dangler" as I've heard it called. I hope this baby likes it because my daughter hated being worn.
Thanks SoBlessed! I figured that most of the time people wouldn't be reading his name so it wouldn't be too big of a deal. I really love Shaan (which means peaceful), but I know dh is totally against it. Sooo hard!

You're right--most of the time, people don't really see names in writing without also hearing them pronounced. And even so--if someone says it incorrectly, he corrects them, and move on. : )

It is hard to compromise on names!!! We fought long and hard over this one lol--we finally agreed on Joshua Davis. DH picked Joshua, because he loves the Biblical Joshua, and I picked Davis, because it is a blending of my brother's name and DH's brother's name.

Oh I LOVE the name Davis! If the twins had been 2 boys I'd have been fighting hard for Davis to be one of their names! That was my top pick after James.

Anyone planning on banking cord blood? I'm researching different companies now and can't decide.

I had thought about it before we got pregnant but it's so expensive and we can't really afford it, plus I've heard that in a situation where you'd need to use it then you'll need much more than one cord will give you. No idea if that's true or not but it's something I heard. Anyway, then I heard about the delayed chord clamping and liked that idea a lot. That way the baby gets all that fabulous blood supply that is meant for them right from the start. So that's what we're hoping for. If I end up in c-section though then delayed clamping isn't an option :(

Are period pains under my bump anything to be concerned about? It feels like the cramps I had really early on. Not all the time, just now and then.

I've had this a couple times in the past week or so too. I've been told they're prob BHs. I haven't had the stomach going super hard either. I was told they happen more when you over exert yourself and when you're dehydrated so maybe try drinking more water. That's seemed to help mine. :)

Rebourre - so sorry about your hubby! Hope he is okay!

Geralyn - you are busy girl! Haha

Newlywed - sorry about your GD and all the finger sticks. I have my test this coming week and I'm dreading it. Really hope I don't have to do all that!

Am I prepared? Well stuff wise we have everything we need now (I think!) except a couple small things. All the big stuff is ready! But the nursery is just full to bursting with baby stuff! I need to start letting it invade the rest of the house so we can get the nursery ready to use!

Need to pack my hospital bags at some point in the near future in case these babes come earlier than planned. I have our hospital tour scheduled and a breastfeeding class scheduled too.

Other than that I just need to somehow survive the last few weeks of work. I told my boss I wanted to be done mid-August and they still haven't gotten a new nanny hired. So today she's trying to tell me we need to stretch it to close to the end of Aug. It frustrates me becaus I'm already so done with working. I'm exhausted and in a lot of pain. And it's not like they didn't have ample notice! I told them to have someone lined up by July just in case because you never know with twins. So annoying. But if push comes to shove I'll just show up and sit on the couch all day and kids can play and I'll just do the very bare minimum. I just want to be home and resting now though. I'm really into the premature zone now and I don't want these babies coming early. Plus I just flat out need rest before they arrive! 2 babies will be exhausting!

Anyway...sorry, just ranting now. I'm just so done. I don't want anything to be wrong of course but I'd love some cautionary bedrest right about now!
Is anyone else having really dry skin? My hands especially are so dry. I'm not sure if it's pregnancy related or because I moved and the water is different here and very chlorinated. I'm used to well water not town water and I really don't like it so far. I LOVE my new house and the area we live in now, I just really don't like the water.
Rbourre, I have exema which is usually worse in summer anyway but it's been particularly bad this year.

Finally got round to booking our 3d/4d scan!! It's on Wednesday when I'll be 30+4 so hoping we'll get a good picture or two but I'm pretty sure he's head down already so we'll see. I'll just be glad to see he's ok :) be nice to confirm he's definitely a he too lol
Happy belated birthday to those who have recently had birthdays! Happy early birthday to those with birthdays coming up! My birthday is a week from tomorrow!

Re: being prepared for baby! I would have to say that for the most part I am very much ready for baby. DH has a few things he needs to do to improve the co-sleeper he built for our son, and I just need to wash some NB clothes both for a boy and for a girl, so prepared for either way when baby is born. And that is pretty much all I have to do as I am having a home birth and am pretty set up for that all ready.. might just need to get an inflatable tub or pool to labor in if I so choose.

I've had bad dry skin for the past few weeks, but I think it has more to do with me not drinking enough and the dry climate I live in...
Sooo I'm SUPER late to finding this thread. I've been all over the boards but never ventured to the groups section. Can you add me?

I'm 30 weeks today! With a boy! We have a 2 year old dd and this will be our last kiddo so I'm happy to have one of each.

My due date is 10/10 but I will be having a c-section on 10/3.

I had pre-eclampsia with my dd and had her at 30+5 - seriously CANNOT believe I'm less than 5 days away from where I was with her with this one. I have had no bp issues, swelling, or any other signs of pre-e yet so I'm extremely excited. By now with my dd I was having all kinds of signs, high bp, protein... So I'm really happy.

However, I did just get diagnosed with gestational diabetes last week :( So I'm still trying to get the hang of that. Didn't have it with dd. I think what I hate most is pricking my finger. I have to literally give myself a pep talk every time, like ok, you can do this, 1,2,3 ready go... LOL. I made my DH prick his finger last night (he promised he would do it once just for me :) ) and he stood there with the lancet by his finger for like 5 min trying to muster up the courage to push the button LOL. It was funny. I was like how do you think I feel I have to do this 4 times a day!! He finally did it and said it wasn't as bad as he was making it.

The diet isn't that bad, but I find it hard to make myself eat so frequently - I normally don't like breakfast first thing in the morning and forcing myself to eat a snack so late at night is sooo not how I'm used to eating! Any other October ladies with GD? Newlywed I know you do from another thread - how are things going for you? I've been able to keep my sugars down so far, but I'm starting to get a little curious about how other foods might affect me if I splurge a little and have like... a burrito haha.

As far as being ready for this baby, nope! I wanted to have everything done by now since this was when my dd came, I just wanted to feel ready. But DH clearly doesn't have the urgency I feel. The baby's room is gutted out, we need to paint, get baseboards, install the carpet, and then we can start moving things in. Everything is just in a pile in the garage right now. I'm having my babyshower next weekend though so I think that will make me feel a little more prepared. Time is going too fast!!
Sooo I'm SUPER late to finding this thread. I've been all over the boards but never ventured to the groups section. Can you add me?

I'm 30 weeks today! With a boy! We have a 2 year old dd and this will be our last kiddo so I'm happy to have one of each.

My due date is 10/10 but I will be having a c-section on 10/3.

I had pre-eclampsia with my dd and had her at 30+5 - seriously CANNOT believe I'm less than 5 days away from where I was with her with this one. I have had no bp issues, swelling, or any other signs of pre-e yet so I'm extremely excited. By now with my dd I was having all kinds of signs, high bp, protein... So I'm really happy.

However, I did just get diagnosed with gestational diabetes last week :( So I'm still trying to get the hang of that. Didn't have it with dd. I think what I hate most is pricking my finger. I have to literally give myself a pep talk every time, like ok, you can do this, 1,2,3 ready go... LOL. I made my DH prick his finger last night (he promised he would do it once just for me :) ) and he stood there with the lancet by his finger for like 5 min trying to muster up the courage to push the button LOL. It was funny. I was like how do you think I feel I have to do this 4 times a day!! He finally did it and said it wasn't as bad as he was making it.

The diet isn't that bad, but I find it hard to make myself eat so frequently - I normally don't like breakfast first thing in the morning and forcing myself to eat a snack so late at night is sooo not how I'm used to eating! Any other October ladies with GD? Newlywed I know you do from another thread - how are things going for you? I've been able to keep my sugars down so far, but I'm starting to get a little curious about how other foods might affect me if I splurge a little and have like... a burrito haha.

As far as being ready for this baby, nope! I wanted to have everything done by now since this was when my dd came, I just wanted to feel ready. But DH clearly doesn't have the urgency I feel. The baby's room is gutted out, we need to paint, get baseboards, install the carpet, and then we can start moving things in. Everything is just in a pile in the garage right now. I'm having my babyshower next weekend though so I think that will make me feel a little more prepared. Time is going too fast!!

Your story sounds familiar. My daughter will be 2 next month, she was born at 29+5 due to pre-eclampsia. I will be 29 weeks tomorrow with a boy (also our last baby) and everything is going great. No signs of pre-eclampsia or blood pressure problems. I'm 6 days away from the gestation that she was born. My BP at this point with her was around 160/120 and I was on a ton of medication. The only thing I take this time is 1 baby aspirin a day. I failed my 1 hour glucose test and have to go for the 2 hour next week so there's a chance I may have GD too.

I wanted to have everything ready and bag packed by 30 weeks, but so far that hasn't happened. Baby's room is ready, but I haven't started packing a bag or anything yet. I still have a few more things to get too.
Mamamac - it sounds like your boss doesn't really get it.
I guess at the end of the day if they did stretch it out as long as they could and something happened where you couldnt work then they would probably wish they had been more prepared.
Most people I know cut hours down at around 24 weeks and then stopped work at 28 - 30 weeks as it just gets too hard! I can't believe she is trying to get you to work longer.
Have you spoken to your ob about when you should be going on leave? If you aren't resting enough and they think that you should be off work then they can grant you leave can't they? (Not sure how it works where you are)
Hopefully you do get to rest up while working, I tried to find an article they post in our local mbc newsletter on how many hours rest a day you need but I think I deleted it from my phone but in third tri I know it was a silly amount of sitting with your feet up a day :p
hope they find a replacement soon.

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