*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Sooo I'm SUPER late to finding this thread. I've been all over the boards but never ventured to the groups section. Can you add me?

I'm 30 weeks today! With a boy! We have a 2 year old dd and this will be our last kiddo so I'm happy to have one of each.

My due date is 10/10 but I will be having a c-section on 10/3.

I had pre-eclampsia with my dd and had her at 30+5 - seriously CANNOT believe I'm less than 5 days away from where I was with her with this one. I have had no bp issues, swelling, or any other signs of pre-e yet so I'm extremely excited. By now with my dd I was having all kinds of signs, high bp, protein... So I'm really happy.

However, I did just get diagnosed with gestational diabetes last week :( So I'm still trying to get the hang of that. Didn't have it with dd. I think what I hate most is pricking my finger. I have to literally give myself a pep talk every time, like ok, you can do this, 1,2,3 ready go... LOL. I made my DH prick his finger last night (he promised he would do it once just for me :) ) and he stood there with the lancet by his finger for like 5 min trying to muster up the courage to push the button LOL. It was funny. I was like how do you think I feel I have to do this 4 times a day!! He finally did it and said it wasn't as bad as he was making it.

The diet isn't that bad, but I find it hard to make myself eat so frequently - I normally don't like breakfast first thing in the morning and forcing myself to eat a snack so late at night is sooo not how I'm used to eating! Any other October ladies with GD? Newlywed I know you do from another thread - how are things going for you? I've been able to keep my sugars down so far, but I'm starting to get a little curious about how other foods might affect me if I splurge a little and have like... a burrito haha.

As far as being ready for this baby, nope! I wanted to have everything done by now since this was when my dd came, I just wanted to feel ready. But DH clearly doesn't have the urgency I feel. The baby's room is gutted out, we need to paint, get baseboards, install the carpet, and then we can start moving things in. Everything is just in a pile in the garage right now. I'm having my babyshower next weekend though so I think that will make me feel a little more prepared. Time is going too fast!!

Welcome! I am doing okay wIth it. I completely understand having to give yourself a pep talk! My after breakfast numbers are a little high so they want to monitor it a few more days and are talking about insulin with breakfast :( I am finding the diet to be easier than I thought out would be! Some meals I have to make myself eat more carbs just to meet minimum.
Re: being prepared for baby! I would have to say that for the most part I am very much ready for baby. DH has a few things he needs to do to improve the co-sleeper he built for our son, and I just need to wash some NB clothes both for a boy and for a girl, so prepared for either way when baby is born. And that is pretty much all I have to do as I am having a home birth and am pretty set up for that all ready.. might just need to get an inflatable tub or pool to labor in if I so choose.

what sort of things do you need for a homebirth? Or what have you found helpful?

My midwife doesnt discuss birth plans till closer to the time.....36 weeks but im a planner and its a bit frustrating :p id rather have the stuff there and not need it than wait till the last minute and have to shop while heavily pregnant.

Hubby is freaking out that he will have to play catch, he really doesn't want to :p
Is anyone else having nausea again? I get it a little during the day, but the past few nights its been bad :(
RcdM - Welcome! :wave: Sorry about your GD but so nice that pre-e doesn't seem to be an issue for you this time!

Newlywed - I've had a bit of a morning sickness return but I never got it super bad. I've had a few mornings of feeling nauseous again but I'm always fine once I eat. I've had a return of the serious hungries though! The "oh my gosh if I don't eat right now I'll die!" Hungry I felt all during first trimester. I ate a TON last night and DH looked at me like I was nuts! I wasn't even close to full! Guess my twins are in a growth spurt! Would explain the extra pain lately!

Zephyr - I asked my doc awhile back about when I should plan to quit work expecting him to give me an early date. He seemed very unconcerned and told me se wen work right up to the end. "With twins?" I asked and he said yes. Not the answer I'd wanted. So I went with end of Aug if I could and told my boss it could be end of July so be ready. Obviously they're not.

I'm not super concerned. It's their fault if I can't make it. The good news is I don't do much anymore. I sit a lot and the kids are good and help me out a lot. Anything I don't feel I should do I just plain don't.

Yesterday I think will be my last long rough day. I work a little bit Tues next week then off the rest of it. Then shorter days Mon/Tues and if new nanny can't start by then we are putting kids in camp the rest of that week so I have it easy then new nanny should start the next week. I will go in to help her get used to things but she'll do all the "work". I'll just help her settle in with the job and kids.

End is in sight! Just need to make it there!
So it's 5:20 am and I'm wide awake! Errr it's sleep in Saturday and I'm awake! Of course.

My hands are itching like mad from the carpal tunnel. Drives me nuts. Wish they'd just wake up already!
Re: being prepared for baby! I would have to say that for the most part I am very much ready for baby. DH has a few things he needs to do to improve the co-sleeper he built for our son, and I just need to wash some NB clothes both for a boy and for a girl, so prepared for either way when baby is born. And that is pretty much all I have to do as I am having a home birth and am pretty set up for that all ready.. might just need to get an inflatable tub or pool to labor in if I so choose.

what sort of things do you need for a homebirth? Or what have you found helpful?

My midwife doesnt discuss birth plans till closer to the time.....36 weeks but im a planner and its a bit frustrating :p id rather have the stuff there and not need it than wait till the last minute and have to shop while heavily pregnant.

Hubby is freaking out that he will have to play catch, he really doesn't want to :p

My mw never discussed what is need for hb last time. But obviously towels, a waterproof sheet (ive a shower curtain although I totally forgot last time and waters broke on my MATERIAL sofa lol), drinks and snacks, there the only things you should need, the rest is stuff you want :)
Are you having land or water? Stuff for relaxing environment such as candles, fairy lights, clary sage oil for helping contractions. The mw will arrange all the medical bits to be delivered or bring them on the day (everywhere is different)
I'm slowly putting together my birth room in our spare bedroom, so exciting! Have my pool blown up already lol, all the kit for that is in a wooden toy box in there, fairy lights, candles, birth affirmations are up on the wall (my best friends coming over from nz to be a partner has posted me some to put up too :) ) scan pics in heart frames to focus on my end result. I can't wait :) will post some pics when it's fully done.

Anyone using cord ties?? I have mine waiting, a lady off fb made me a set of rainbow themed ones with matching rainbow bracelets for the girls :)
Newlywed - no nausea as such but if I lie down too soon after eating, I feel like I'm going to be sick...I think it's reflux of food, as I'm having heartburn at times too. I've heard morning sickness can come back in the later stages of pregnancy...I hope it goes away for you soon!

As for me, omg, I HURT. Everywhere. I feel like I've just run a 10k at super-fast speed. My feet are only the tiniest bit swollen at rhe moment but the skin feels stretched and is a weird, numb kind of painful. All my joints ache, and I'm shattered. Is this normal? I'm concerned about having a flare of my Sjogren's syndrome, as I've been off all my meds for 6 months now so their effects have worn off, and at times before I went on them in the first place I felt kind of like this. I expected I'd know what was pregnancy-related and what was illness-related, but I really don't. I'm going to see the ob on Thursday so will talk to him then about it, but for the moment I feel rubbish.

I have so much to do and I just don't want to do any of it because moving around is so painful. I don't want to hang the washing up or pin the material for the curtains, and I definitely don't want to go into town to pick up an order that's waiting.

My BP and urine were good at last check, BP nice and low, urine clear of anything bad. My iron has been slowly dropping all pregnancy but was still safely in range at 24 weeks, should find out on Thursday what the 29-week tests said, but I'm still taking prenatals and I eat a lot of iron-rich food, so would be surprised if I was significantly anaemic. I'm pretty well hydrated...all I can think of is that either it's all normal or I'm starting a flare :/

Only 4 more weeks of work...I can hang on another 4 weeks, right??!
I am feeling a little nauseous this morning for some reason.

I just noticed I'm starting to get a linea negra from my belly button to the top of my bump. It's still very light but def there
Geralyn - I've noticed one from belly button up as well! I wasn't sure if that was it because I thought it's supposed to go from belly button down?? So weird haha
I never got a line with my other two and don't have one so far this time either?

I've had tons of BH today. My midwife isn't concerned though as long as there's no pattern and they don't hurt. Trying to rest up as much as possible and drink lots but I'm still getting them.
My LO is up in my ribs and down in my hips at the same time when she wiggles now. I feel like she's doing jumping jacks in there! Also 30 weeks down, 10 until due date :)
My LO is up in my ribs and down in my hips at the same time when she wiggles now. I feel like she's doing jumping jacks in there! Also 30 weeks down, 10 until due date :)

Happy 30 weeks due date buddy lol I'm getting the movements top and bottom at the same time too and sometimes even at the side as well! I don't know what he's doing in there :) looking forward to seeing on Wednesday.
My LO is up in my ribs and down in my hips at the same time when she wiggles now. I feel like she's doing jumping jacks in there! Also 30 weeks down, 10 until due date :)

Happy 30 weeks due date buddy lol I'm getting the movements top and bottom at the same time too and sometimes even at the side as well! I don't know what he's doing in there :) looking forward to seeing on Wednesday.

Same here with the side movement. We saw a whole leg move across my right side the other day. She's always got her feet on my right side . Happy 30 to you too :)
Sometimes I feel really strong movement (usually on my bladder lol, he hasn't gotten my ribs yet.) But for the most part, the movement is still kind of sporadic, and some days it feels like all small movement. I feel like at this point with DS #1 I was feeling very strong movement most of the day. Anyone else had this? (One pregnancy being pretty different as far as movement than another pregnancy?)

I try not to worry about it, because I do feel him every day--just some days it is not as strong, and he is not as active. We have had several ultrasounds, and everything looks great. Our next one is on Monday.

I'm 28 weeks along, and happen to have an anterior placenta, but I also had one with my first son.

Any thoughts? : )
29 weeks. I want this week to go really fast, it's the scary week since my daughter was born in the 29th week. I think I will feel a lot of relief a week from today when I hit 30 weeks.

I am exhausted today and really hungry. I feel like I haven't ate in weeks and it's making me feel nauseous. I just finished eating some crackers and cheese and I'm still so hungry.
Sometimes I feel really strong movement (usually on my bladder lol, he hasn't gotten my ribs yet.) But for the most part, the movement is still kind of sporadic, and some days it feels like all small movement. I feel like at this point with DS #1 I was feeling very strong movement most of the day. Anyone else had this? (One pregnancy being pretty different as far as movement than another pregnancy?)

I try not to worry about it, because I do feel him every day--just some days it is not as strong, and he is not as active. We have had several ultrasounds, and everything looks great. Our next one is on Monday.

I'm 28 weeks along, and happen to have an anterior placenta, but I also had one with my first son.

Any thoughts? : )

Simply babies? My eldest wasn't much of a mover compared to this one. His kicks didn't feel anywhere near as strong either! This one likes to move all night long & kicks the top of the bump that hard by boobs bounce! That's with an anterior placenta too!
Can their feet get stuck in your ribs? I keep pushing a foot out of there, its so uncomfortable!
Sometimes I feel really strong movement (usually on my bladder lol, he hasn't gotten my ribs yet.) But for the most part, the movement is still kind of sporadic, and some days it feels like all small movement. I feel like at this point with DS #1 I was feeling very strong movement most of the day. Anyone else had this? (One pregnancy being pretty different as far as movement than another pregnancy?)

I try not to worry about it, because I do feel him every day--just some days it is not as strong, and he is not as active. We have had several ultrasounds, and everything looks great. Our next one is on Monday.

I'm 28 weeks along, and happen to have an anterior placenta, but I also had one with my first son.

Any thoughts? : )

Simply babies? My eldest wasn't much of a mover compared to this one. His kicks didn't feel anywhere near as strong either! This one likes to move all night long & kicks the top of the bump that hard by boobs bounce! That's with an anterior placenta too!

It's good to know yours were different--it is hard not to compare everything and worry when it is different. : )
Sometimes I feel really strong movement (usually on my bladder lol, he hasn't gotten my ribs yet.) But for the most part, the movement is still kind of sporadic, and some days it feels like all small movement. I feel like at this point with DS #1 I was feeling very strong movement most of the day. Anyone else had this? (One pregnancy being pretty different as far as movement than another pregnancy?)

I try not to worry about it, because I do feel him every day--just some days it is not as strong, and he is not as active. We have had several ultrasounds, and everything looks great. Our next one is on Monday.

I'm 28 weeks along, and happen to have an anterior placenta, but I also had one with my first son.

Any thoughts? : )

Simply babies? My eldest wasn't much of a mover compared to this one. His kicks didn't feel anywhere near as strong either! This one likes to move all night long & kicks the top of the bump that hard by boobs bounce! That's with an anterior placenta too!

It's good to know yours were different--it is hard not to compare everything and worry when it is different. : )

I meant to write simply different babies! But yes, I know what you mean. Thankfully it was my eldest who was the quiet one, but the other way round would worry me more. That said I have had moments where I've worried this one is moving too much, it feels like he has 8 limbs sometimes. They'll always be something to worry about! :haha:

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