*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Does look lower. Mines been in my pelvis for almost 3 weeks now, I've increased cm so know what you mean about the gushing. But it's nothing to worry about or suggest labour is coming soon. It's just getting comfy and in position :)
I can handle the wait but my sister and Mother...I am not so sure. Husbands side is dying to know the sex.
I'm sure he will be early. I just know it. My c section date is my due date but I'm sure we won't get that far!
I really want him to come early! Not so sure he will though.

Had a growth scan yesterday and estimated weight is 4lb 13oz which equates to an estimated birth weight of 9lb, seems huge compared to my tiny 6lb 11oz eldest son! I didn't actually think I could produce big babies but it appears being on blood thinners has made a huge difference to both mine & the baby's health!!

I'm awful at keeping track on individual comments on here so sorry for no personal responses. Beautiful bump pics though ladies.

Someone mentioned car seat expiry. I'd never heard of it but so grateful I read it on here. Turns out the car seat my eldest is in expires in February. So glad I know that now. We're on the hunt for a new one for him.

As for nesting I've had it bad for a few months. But only really for buying stuff, sorting out the nursery and my eldest sons old baby bits. Thankfully that's almost completely done now. Just a couple more loads of laundry but everything we need is purchased & the hospital bags are packed. I suspect the urge to clean every inch of the house will kick in once I'm on maternity leave, only 3 weeks & 1 day to go!
I'm thinking mine will but really hope in wrong! My best friend doesn't arrive till 38+5 so really need to stay put.
I'm still happy been pregnant. I was fine with my first 38+5 and my second was 40+4 but didn't feel I'd had enough until the day before lol.
Now that I'm getting closer to baby being here I'm getting anxiety about my mom being overbearing. She keeps saying she wants to come and help with the baby and i really don't want anyone staying with us those first weeks when we bring baby home. I feel like I want DH, myself, baby, and our 2 dogs to get into a routine and having someone else there will just disrupt that. Am I wrong to think that we can do it ourselves without help?? And the other thing is my mom is not really that helpful…it's not like she would do things around the house laundry, dishes, cooking, etc that would be helpful. She would just want to always be with the baby and I feel like that is our DH and my bonding time with baby.
Now that I'm getting closer to baby being here I'm getting anxiety about my mom being overbearing. She keeps saying she wants to come and help with the baby and i really don't want anyone staying with us those first weeks when we bring baby home. I feel like I want DH, myself, baby, and our 2 dogs to get into a routine and having someone else there will just disrupt that. Am I wrong to think that we can do it ourselves without help?? And the other thing is my mom is not really that helpful…it's not like she would do things around the house laundry, dishes, cooking, etc that would be helpful. She would just want to always be with the baby and I feel like that is our DH and my bonding time with baby.

I felt the same way with my first. My mom was there when we came home from the hospital, but she only stayed for the day (which was enough to help us get settled in). She made my bed cozy, got together fresh pajamas for the baby and I, organized the baby's clothes in my bedroom rather than having them all upstairs in the nursery, changed her diaper (I had never really changed a diaper before) and just assured me, a first time mom, that I won't break this new little human. But beyond that, probably would have been annoying. You really do need some peace and quiet time with your new bundle...I didn't start really having guests until after she was a month old.

She's coming back with the second child to, but she will be staying for a week or longer, but this time her focus is to keep my oldest busy.
My Mom WOULD be very helpful and I do not want her around past a few hours so I think your very right in saying no. Between you and husband you will be fine. I know my husband will be a little more hands off due to him being raised in a culture where men just do not do much. But I know he will be willing to make me simple food or grab things/do wash. He is great if you give him a detailed play by play and I need to remember that when I need help! You know you husbands style and keep that in mind when your sooooooo tired!

Baby was active so much last night. All feet on the right under ribs. Hiccups 2 times last night. I will SO miss them. The kicks at times still feel awkward but think cause of location being so far out it feels like it will fall out or fall into my back.
I agree with ashley in that if the mother has a specific focus or goal in mind like caring for the oldest or even caring for the dogs and doing dishes then sure it's great to have the help but if you don't set those boundaries ahead of time it would probably be a bit frustrating like ok mom give me my baby so I can learn this stuff. Since this is my dh's and is first we won't be inviting anyone into our home for at least 2 weeks. I won't be working and the house is spotless at the moment so there really is no other reasons for us to need help. I've got my crockpot ready and my list of dinners to make and I plan in doing a big grocery shopping trip so we have lots of meats and pantry items on stock but I'll have no problem asking my sister to run to the grocery store and drop me off some items but realistically there would be no reason for her to stay overnight for that. And we always have paper plates and cups and forks on hand and I have those handy dandy crockpot liners so by right dishes shouldn't be too much of an issue. Idk maybe I'm being naive ...feel free to set me straight but I've always been the type that my space is my space
GeralynB I'm sure mother would soon do your head in. Those mothering instincts will kick in when baby arrives.

I hope my baby is not late. I saw the OB baby has was head down but she now believes she is transverse.
Geralyn-I would definitely stand your ground; especially since she only lives 30 minutes away-there is no need for her to come stay with you. I think your approach with letting her know that you guys just need time to yourselves to bond and create a routine sounds like a great idea and a loving way to break the news to her.

Lauraemily-that is fantastic that you and baby are healthy and that baby is doing so well with their weight. Hooray for only 3 weeks 'til mat leave!

My husband is convinced that I will go into labor early. Last night he predicted that it would be somewhere around 35 weeks. I hope not, I'd really like to make it to term this time. I guess we'll see when LO decides to make an appearance.

The baby had the hiccups for nearly 15 minutes this morning, it was adorable. But I also felt kind of badly that they went on so long, I know I get irritated when I have hiccups for so long.

We finally picked out a car seat and I plan on ordering it later this afternoon. Now if we could just decide on names. LOL Please tell me I am not alone in this dilemma.
Is anyone else convinced their baby will be early? i totally am x

well, I am :haha: it's really strange, though, knowing I won't be even nearing my due date this time, considering my boys came 13 and 18 days late. I feel like I'm cheating by going to 38 weeks at the latest - that's a full month of pregnancy that I get to skip out on this time!
rbourre - totally know what you mean about your baby already being so much bigger than your last since they were early! It's a crazy thought but also so exciting.

sprite30 - not sure where you are but I love the Costco Kirkland brand diapers, you have to buy them in bulk obviously but they are SO much cheaper than the name brands and in my opinion work just as well. It was like $36 for 180 diapers last time I bought some. Which for name brands you get like 72 diapers for the same price. I did try the Target brand and they leaked a lot overnight for my dd. She'd wake up being soaking wet, it never seemed to bother her but sometimes it would leak onto the sheets so I stopped buying that brand. Luvs aren't bad. I will say I prefer Pampers for newborns when they're still having explosive diapers. Pampers seem to just keep it all in, while with Huggies and Luvs we've had blow outs all the way up the back! So I'm sticking with pampers for the first 6 months or so and then will switch to the Costco Kirkland brand when baby starts eating baby food and the poops are less runny lol.

kiki28 - I got my whooping cough vaccine on Tuesday and even today my arm is still a little sore, feels like I got punched! But other than that no other side effects.

I'm 33 weeks today! So exciting. I had the weirdest dream last night. When I have to pee in the middle of the night I always have dreams that I'm on this endless quest to find a bathroom and I can't LOL. Or I can find one but for some reason the pee won't come out, and then I wake up and think holy crap I have to pee so bad haha. But last night I had a dream I found a toilet but I couldn't pee, but I felt something coming out and I wiped and it was a lot of bright red blood. And I was super scared and I went to call my doctor. Then I woke up and felt relieved and realized I really had to pee. Haha.

My stomach has been sore lately too, it feels like bruised on the inside and when the baby kicks it hurts like he's just kicking a bruise. And I'm still having severe stinging belly button pain. I feel like I can see a line developing above my belly button and up my belly but it is really off center. It's very very faint but I can see it. Does anyone else have a linea nigra that's not quite in the middle?
I'm 33 weeks today too! Less than 50 days to go!
My braxton hicks have really increased. I keep trying to drink more water and I've definitely been taking it easy, but it doesn't seem to help. The contractions can be painful and I feel pressure in my bum. They have even started waking me up at night. I had told my dr about it at my last appointment, but she just brushed it off and said it was normal. I've had two pregnancies before and they were never like this. I know its not labor because I know how painful those contractions are, but these could possibly be dilating me as well. I just want a little reassurance that everything is ok and baby is not going to come too early!
Now that I'm getting closer to baby being here I'm getting anxiety about my mom being overbearing. She keeps saying she wants to come and help with the baby and i really don't want anyone staying with us those first weeks when we bring baby home. I feel like I want DH, myself, baby, and our 2 dogs to get into a routine and having someone else there will just disrupt that. Am I wrong to think that we can do it ourselves without help?? And the other thing is my mom is not really that helpful…it's not like she would do things around the house laundry, dishes, cooking, etc that would be helpful. She would just want to always be with the baby and I feel like that is our DH and my bonding time with baby.

Oh i'm in a similar situation... i may come across really nasty with this but its not at all. OH stepmum is taking over shes never had children and is acting like i'm just a surrogate mum for baby, she is buying horrible clothes knowing i hate them and has done some knitting for baby.. she has done a beautiful shawl for baby and said she will bring it to hospital when she comes to see him, i told her we don't want anyone at all knowing i'm in labour not even parents, only person will know is my brother as he is looking after my dogs so then she said "but how will i know?!" like she has rights, shes only been married to his father for a year she has no rights and she said she has to come to the hospital to see baby straight away, she is not and she won't be seeing baby until i'm ready and we are all settled down so then OH father said to him infront of me "well just text me and dont tell anyone else" i'm sick of her trying to take my baby away and hes not even here yet, she is on about taking him on his first day trip to seaside, first holiday, first xmas the lot.. she is really stressing me out and i can just see me going mad - big time x

OH and she tried naming him and made a racist comment about what my babys name sounds like shortened!!!!
I agree with ashley in that if the mother has a specific focus or goal in mind like caring for the oldest or even caring for the dogs and doing dishes then sure it's great to have the help but if you don't set those boundaries ahead of time it would probably be a bit frustrating like ok mom give me my baby so I can learn this stuff. Since this is my dh's and is first we won't be inviting anyone into our home for at least 2 weeks. I won't be working and the house is spotless at the moment so there really is no other reasons for us to need help. I've got my crockpot ready and my list of dinners to make and I plan in doing a big grocery shopping trip so we have lots of meats and pantry items on stock but I'll have no problem asking my sister to run to the grocery store and drop me off some items but realistically there would be no reason for her to stay overnight for that. And we always have paper plates and cups and forks on hand and I have those handy dandy crockpot liners so by right dishes shouldn't be too much of an issue. Idk maybe I'm being naive ...feel free to set me straight but I've always been the type that my space is my space

I feel exactly the same, i think my home is my home and i don't want it turning into a conveyor belt of people. i just want me oh dogs and baby alone for a few days and i'm made to feel like worlds worse person by people, they are ruining my full experience x
Glad I'm not the only one who feels they want alone time with baby
I live in Iowa and my mom is driving down from Washington state to be with us for a little bit after the baby is born. She intends to stay for a month or so and I was really excited for that at first because she is tremendous help (cleans, organizes, cooks, helps with babies, etc) but we start to butt heads after being together for a few days, and now I'm a little worried about her being in our space when we are trying to bond with our baby and me getting too annoyed. She is very excited though and since she lives so far away she won't get to see the baby hardly ever. She won't be here at our apartment the entire time however because she plans to go spend time with my sister and my nieces too who are about 2 hours away while she is here visiting. I don't know. I don't even know how to deal with visitors at the hospital. In all honestly I'd rather have no friends come visit at all. I want my dad, my sister, my mom, and his parents, and that's it. DB is really excited though and I know he will want friends to come visit... I'm just.. meh. I want to establish rules for visiting and I feel like that'll be overkill. Like I'd only want visitors the next day, and only for a certain time of day (I'll be breastfeeding and trying to rest) and that if they are smokers they can't come if they've smoked before visiting.. they have to be clean of cigarette smoke, and they can't stay very long, can't come if they've been around sick people or someone in their home is sick, and I won't want any children there... is that just asking too much though? And don't even get me started on home visitors.. I honestly want no one coming to our apartment for like a month or so after she is born...

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