*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

I'm gonna sleep in my spare room for a few days . I'm so tired and my husband goes to fed after 1 am every night which wakes me . Then I'm up all night .
So iv got some chick films ready for DVDs in bed in the spare room in peace . Hehe
I'll be 33 weeks on Wednesday! Time seems to be flying by! I feel huge and I still have 7 weeks to go! I have a feeling I might go a little early, but who knows? lol. I think baby is going through a bit of a growth spurt :p Been active but not crazy acrobatic active, lol. Did my prenatal check, fundal height is right at 33.5 cm and baby's heart rate is 144. Been getting BH contractions a lot more frequently and more intensely, but thankfully I can walk through it and it goes away. My lower back has been super duper sore and my sciatic nerve has been giving me problems as baby has gotten bigger, just thankful I only have problems with it when pregnant. That's all I can think of to update you ladies on, lol
Newlywed- that sucks! I hope that you start feeling better soon!!

Vickyandchick- Happy Birthday!

Kel-How scary! I am glad that things calmed down without any intervention. Stay put LO. Are you feeling alright today?

AFM: The baby's movements are SO strong they actually hurt. Part of me feels relief that they are so active, but my abdomen is becoming fairly sore. I think that the baby is at an awkward angle as well and that seems to make things worse. I will definitely be bringing it up at my next appointment as I have tried everything: rest, hydration, Tylenol, rocking, various position changes, even having my husband apply some counter pressure last night didn't seem to help very long. Walking for more than a few minutes is just awful. I've heard that you can get bruises from some good knocks, has anyone else dealt with painful movements?
Oh wow Kel, that's so good that your contractions stopped on their own and good to call and go in to be checked just to be safe. I know exactly what you mean about marrying I to a go get me family and dh did something similar to me yesterday too. I decided that I would be a good friend and let my friend use my SUV to move I to her new house and we went over and I basically just stood around until the loaded it all up and then we made two trips well apparently dh felt that if I could help a friend move that surely I'd be ok to go to the amusement park. ..yeah not a good idea. I prob would have been ok if it was flat land but walking down hill and then right back up with no rest really did a number on me. Not only was I so sore afterwards but I couldn't catch my breathe and today my feet feel like they're broke. I felt like I was having bhs the whole drive home and he even tried to get me to go on the Ferris wheel. I'm so glad I refused. My dh is seriously delirious right now he seems to think it will be a good idea to go camping and take our boat out when I'm 37 weeks ...I was like uhh no my doctor told me not to be more then an hour away from the hospital after 34 weeks, which is a total lie but it sounds great to me.

So I def feel for you kel21, I'm not trying to be dramatic by any means but geez I wish people had some compassion without me having to even say oh no sorry I can't do that.
My DH has been very understanding when I tell him I can't do certain things but I think in the back of his mind he's like "is she kidding" I seriously get so tired after like an hour of doing things around the house. It uses up all my energy and then I'm done. And the best was the other day I started crying bc I was so frustrated about how tired I was getting. My hormones have def been crazy the last couple weeks and I cry for pretty much no reason
I honestly feel like baby is going to come anyday, i wake up and think "is today the day" I've felt sick for a few days right at beginning and thats it but now i feel sick most of the time, apparently its hormones getting ready for his appearance x
Sorry about being sick newlywed! I had a sinus infection a few months ago and it was no fun at all. But I tried to look at the positive side - maybe this means you're getting the sickness overwith now, building up more immunities and you won't have to worry about getting sick again for a while once baby is here! I'd much rather be sick while pregnant than sick with a newborn lol.

DH is usually pretty good about understanding my limits, but I agree with you all, I think sometimes in the back of their mind they think we're just making excuses. But I have definitely overdone things a few times, insisting I am fine and yes I'm pregnant but not disabled and I don't need help. But my problem is I feel fine, so I end up feeling like I'm superwoman and forget I still need to take it easy. I did way too much the other day and that was the only time I think I've ever really had braxton hicks - my feet were throbbing, I felt like I had been hit by a bus, and my stomach was cramping like crazy. So now I know I need to take it easy even when I think I'm fine to do something, or accept help with people offer. I think it's a pride thing!
Wow you ladies have been talking loads since I last checked in a few days ago. The last few days have been super busy!!! My parents are under renovations with their house and the renovations they are doing weren't even supposed to be in progress yet but due to some wiring issues it had to be done asap to ensure the house doesn't burn down. So they are both super stressed about getting it done and how slow the process is so they are very on edge and it's a bit frustrating for OH and I to be around that a lot. Anyway in the midst of all of this we had a community bingo baby shower and a family baby shower both yesterday. It was a super long day but I am glad that we did both in the same day otherwise it would have been much more of a headache. Overall though we did pretty well and are somewhat ready for this baby to arrive. :) Though I have to say I will be very glad when these next 5 weeks are over and he is here. I am super uncomfortable these days. :(
Just woke up from a nap, the tiredness really hit me today. And I just realized I have my 34 week appt tomorrow morning. I wonder what they'll do. Same as all the rest? Weight, bp, urine and hb? I think once I get to 36 weeks then they are weekly. I'm getting excited now were moving right along here. I ate dinner before I layed down for a nap and now I'm feeling like I should go make myself some more food. Very hungry today.lol
35 weeks today. Ankles and feet are staying VERY swollen. If I wear tennis shoes they are better, but let's face it- I can't wear them everyday. Plus, if I wait until too late to put tennis shoes on, I can barely tie them. Hubby told me to take it easy today, but that wasn't an option because I had to do laundry and dishes and fix lunch and..... well, you know everything. I'm trying to keep laundry and dishes done so in case I go into labor early I can come home to the chores already done. Baby is still moving like crazy, can't believe he has any room to do the things he does. Have felt pretty uncomfortable today and wondered if that was a sign. I have over a week until my next appointment and she will check my cervix then. I'm just hoping for a few more weeks!
It was really hot here today. I took my daughter for a walk to pick up a jacket someone was giving away on a Facebook group and we stopped at the park on the way home. It was so hot that she didn't even want to play and told me it was too hot so we came home and watched The Wiggles in front of the a/c instead. Then tonight, we walked to the splash pad. Now my feet are killing me. I'm sitting here relaxing while my husband makes me a grilled cheese sandwich.
Just woke up from a nap, the tiredness really hit me today. And I just realized I have my 34 week appt tomorrow morning. I wonder what they'll do. Same as all the rest? Weight, bp, urine and hb? I think once I get to 36 weeks then they are weekly. I'm getting excited now were moving right along here. I ate dinner before I layed down for a nap and now I'm feeling like I should go make myself some more food. Very hungry today.lol

Dang I don't even get urine ;) All I get at mine is weight, bp, hb, and measurements.
Mine starts doing waist down stuff at 35 weeks and from 36 on I go every week.
Rbourre, it was a bit hot here today too I stayed in all day in the ac. Jcliff, I think I have been too ..I'm not even sure but it's just like a tightening but it's random.

Since I woke up from my nap I've been researching natural labor...anyone else starting to think about that or their birth plan. I thought watching labors on youtube would be cool until I started watching them and now I'm just thinking oohhh crap lol
Just woke up from a nap, the tiredness really hit me today. And I just realized I have my 34 week appt tomorrow morning. I wonder what they'll do. Same as all the rest? Weight, bp, urine and hb? I think once I get to 36 weeks then they are weekly. I'm getting excited now were moving right along here. I ate dinner before I layed down for a nap and now I'm feeling like I should go make myself some more food. Very hungry today.lol

Dang I don't even get urine ;) All I get at mine is weight, bp, hb, and measurements.
Mine starts doing waist down stuff at 35 weeks and from 36 on I go every week.

I don't get urine either unless I request it if I think I have a UTI or something. Just BP, baby HB, weight and measurements. Tomorrow I am having my GBS test though, I wasn't suppose to have an appointment this week but I had a bad UTI that I'm on antibiotics for now so she wanted to see me again and said we can just do it then. My appointments are now weekly after tomorrow! :happydance:
Rbourre, it was a bit hot here today too I stayed in all day in the ac. Jcliff, I think I have been too ..I'm not even sure but it's just like a tightening but it's random.

Since I woke up from my nap I've been researching natural labor...anyone else starting to think about that or their birth plan. I thought watching labors on youtube would be cool until I started watching them and now I'm just thinking oohhh crap lol

We just finished up our birthing classes tonight. We are doing a natural labor/birth. We learned all the different positions and breathing and everything at our classes! We've already made a birth plan with our doctor. At our hospital they have a big jacuzzi tub that you can labor in, as well as all the birthing balls and the squatting bar for the bed. I'm really hoping I can handle it, lol.
Rbourre, it was a bit hot here today too I stayed in all day in the ac. Jcliff, I think I have been too ..I'm not even sure but it's just like a tightening but it's random.

Since I woke up from my nap I've been researching natural labor...anyone else starting to think about that or their birth plan. I thought watching labors on youtube would be cool until I started watching them and now I'm just thinking oohhh crap lol

my midwife and I did our birth plan yesterday. As long as labour starts after 37 weeks, we will be having a natural birth at home.
we may or may not have the pool set up, she said I may labour too fast and it may not get done in time.

We kept it pretty simple as I was quite upset when my birth plans went out the window each time, #3 id planned to stay mobile and have a water birth but instead I wound up stuck in bed attached to a fetal monitor and a drip.

We got the main points covered anyways, things like where I will birth and delayed cord clamping etc.
Fingers crossed my body does what its meant to and doesn't stall again.
Whoop started my leave yesterday :) got 3 weeks holiday then a year maternity eeeeeek.
Saw mw yesterday morning too!! Have a uti (according to dipstick) but no symptoms so just gonna flush it out, I normally know about it if I have a uti, odd. She measured me 1cm behind and has refered me for a growth scan which I'm gonna cancel as totally unnecessary, 1cm is debatable (especially when I did it myself later and got 34 :-/ ) if she comes next time (in 2 weeks) and there's static growth fair enough, guidelines says 2cm or more can indicate growth issues. and I'll book a private scan in mean time if I feel worried, but I know it's fine and my instincts never fail me so don't feel it's needed :)
Going over home birth stuff at 36 weeks and birth plan.

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