*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Has anyone packed their hospital bag yet or put in car seat? I'm thinking I may need to do it soon yikes

I finally got my bags packed and ready to go! I have a small bag that has labor items like massage oil, fuzzy socks, robe, battery powered candles, mints and that sort of thing. And then a duffle with jammies and clothes for my dh and me and toiletries and stuff like that. Then the babies diaper bag. It is huge! I may have made a mistake buying it, but I spent so much on it it's too late now! Lol. Then I got the base for the carseat in my car ready to go. Phew! After my scare last weekend I have been in a panic to get everything done.

Sorry about your pics newlywed :hugs:

Noshowjo hope your headache is better!
Has anyone packed their hospital bag yet or put in car seat? I'm thinking I may need to do it soon yikes

I finally got my bags packed and ready to go! I have a small bag that has labor items like massage oil, fuzzy socks, robe, battery powered candles, mints and that sort of thing. And then a duffle with jammies and clothes for my dh and me and toiletries and stuff like that. Then the babies diaper bag. It is huge! I may have made a mistake buying it, but I spent so much on it it's too late now! Lol. Then I got the base for the carseat in my car ready to go. Phew! After my scare last weekend I have been in a panic to get everything done.

Sorry about your pics newlywed :hugs:

Noshowjo hope your headache is better!

Good idea on the massage oil. I still need battery powered candles. I went to Yankee Candle today to get tarts for my plug in tart warmer (since you can't light scented candles). At my birthing class they said some kind of scent will help you relax because it gets rid of the hospital smell.

I think the relaxing scents are the only thing I've purchased for my hospital bag, lol.

I do want to get some kind of waterproof pad or something in case my water breaks so I can put it down on the car or truck's seat in case I leak through pads on the way to the hospital. (Then I can use the same pad under my sheets after birth so I don't ruin my mattress protector in the week after birth).

I'm going to order maternity pads from Amazon. I heard they help you heal better than maxi pads because there isn't plastic on them so they have better airflow. Otherwise, I'm just going to pack things like an ipod (mine is acting weird so I might need a new one), little speaker, headphones, comfy pjs, and baby's first outfit. I still have to get all that stuff together I think. We live down the street from the hospital so anything I forget I can always send my DH out to get. As long as I have the relaxation stuff for labor and baby's first outfit the hospital will provide other stuff. So I might be being naive, but I'm not that worried about it all.

On a different note, I had to call my OB the other night because I spend like 10 hours at work, several of them setting up my classroom, on a 90 degree day and when I started driving home I started getting braxton hicks a lot. Then they lasted through dinner. By 2 hours later I started timing them because they were making me uncomfortable, lasting between a minute and 90 seconds each. By 8 pm I had them consistently every 10 minutes and I was like.. ugh, I've laid on my side, drank water, if they are still consistent at 9 pm I'll call. Finally, 9 PM came and I was still having them regularly every ten minutes. I called the on call OB, she said as long as they didn't get closer together and went away eventually I was fine, otherwise I'd have to go into L&D to get evaluated if they started hurting or got closer.

Needless to say, I just went and tried to sleep and drink more water, they went away on their own.

I was so confused though, I never thought I was in threatened labor or anything, but I thought braxton hicks weren't suppose to be regular or long like that. The lady who called me wasn't from my OBs office location. I'm going to ask about it at my appointment on Wednesday though. I'd read some things about women getting this type of braxton hicks and then going into labor 3 weeks later. Made me wonder if I'll have an early term baby.

Any other experiences like this?
In this past week ive had days like that too elsa they feel like very strong bhs and are uncomfortable and regular but ive been told its fine too. Despite being told its fine I do worry as they dont stop when I change position and they go on for hours!
Has anyone packed their hospital bag yet or put in car seat? I'm thinking I may need to do it soon yikes

I finally got my bags packed and ready to go! I have a small bag that has labor items like massage oil, fuzzy socks, robe, battery powered candles, mints and that sort of thing. And then a duffle with jammies and clothes for my dh and me and toiletries and stuff like that. Then the babies diaper bag. It is huge! I may have made a mistake buying it, but I spent so much on it it's too late now! Lol. Then I got the base for the carseat in my car ready to go. Phew! After my scare last weekend I have been in a panic to get everything done.

Sorry about your pics newlywed :hugs:

Noshowjo hope your headache is better!

Good idea on the massage oil. I still need battery powered candles. I went to Yankee Candle today to get tarts for my plug in tart warmer (since you can't light scented candles). At my birthing class they said some kind of scent will help you relax because it gets rid of the hospital smell.

I think the relaxing scents are the only thing I've purchased for my hospital bag, lol.

I do want to get some kind of waterproof pad or something in case my water breaks so I can put it down on the car or truck's seat in case I leak through pads on the way to the hospital. (Then I can use the same pad under my sheets after birth so I don't ruin my mattress protector in the week after birth).

I'm going to order maternity pads from Amazon. I heard they help you heal better than maxi pads because there isn't plastic on them so they have better airflow. Otherwise, I'm just going to pack things like an ipod (mine is acting weird so I might need a new one), little speaker, headphones, comfy pjs, and baby's first outfit. I still have to get all that stuff together I think. We live down the street from the hospital so anything I forget I can always send my DH out to get. As long as I have the relaxation stuff for labor and baby's first outfit the hospital will provide other stuff. So I might be being naive, but I'm not that worried about it all.

On a different note, I had to call my OB the other night because I spend like 10 hours at work, several of them setting up my classroom, on a 90 degree day and when I started driving home I started getting braxton hicks a lot. Then they lasted through dinner. By 2 hours later I started timing them because they were making me uncomfortable, lasting between a minute and 90 seconds each. By 8 pm I had them consistently every 10 minutes and I was like.. ugh, I've laid on my side, drank water, if they are still consistent at 9 pm I'll call. Finally, 9 PM came and I was still having them regularly every ten minutes. I called the on call OB, she said as long as they didn't get closer together and went away eventually I was fine, otherwise I'd have to go into L&D to get evaluated if they started hurting or got closer.

Needless to say, I just went and tried to sleep and drink more water, they went away on their own.

I was so confused though, I never thought I was in threatened labor or anything, but I thought braxton hicks weren't suppose to be regular or long like that. The lady who called me wasn't from my OBs office location. I'm going to ask about it at my appointment on Wednesday though. I'd read some things about women getting this type of braxton hicks and then going into labor 3 weeks later. Made me wonder if I'll have an early term baby.

Any other experiences like this?

That was what happened to me last week! Except mine got to be every 2-4 mins. They told me to go in, luckily they didn't seem to be dilating me. Mine lasted about 5 hours.
The only time I notice braxton hicks is if I am walking around a lot or it's really hot. They aren't really that bad, just feels like my belly tightens for a few seconds.

I am exhausted tonight. I am definitely starting to nest. I had some stuff to clean for my daughter's party tomorrow but I kept trailing off from my "to do" list and ended up doing way more than I had planned.
I haven't started packing my bags yet but I did get new slippers and my mother bought me three new, very nice Eileen West nightgowns for after the baby is born, after all I am going to be reluctant to wear anything that is tight on my midsection due to the c-section.

I just thought about having another csection again and it spooked me a little. After all, it is a surgery. Just remembering the pushing and pulling of the first one kinda gave me the heebie-jeebies. But in the end it is so worth it :)
Urgh. Leg cramps and hip pain in bed! :-( I feel 90 years old! :haha:
I haven't started packing my bags yet but I did get new slippers and my mother bought me three new, very nice Eileen West nightgowns for after the baby is born, after all I am going to be reluctant to wear anything that is tight on my midsection due to the c-section.

I just thought about having another csection again and it spooked me a little. After all, it is a surgery. Just remembering the pushing and pulling of the first one kinda gave me the heebie-jeebies. But in the end it is so worth it :)

I'm scared of having to have another c-section. I'm hoping for a vbac since my first c-section was only due to blood pressure and I was never actually in labour. If I have to have one, I am fine with that though because like you said, it's worth it.

It's not even 6 am and I am wide awake. I've already taken the dog out and ate half a banana. I want to go back to sleep because I have a long day ahead of me but who knows if that will happen.
I wont pack my bag until 35 weeks! And im seriously doubting he would come before then.

we still haven't sorted the nursery either. We just moved in last week and its currently filled with boxes instead.

the fact that in having another hasn't hit home for me yet, im feeling like there's loads of time and its never going to happen! Still enjoying my 10month old at the moment too and im glad for all the extra time im getting with her before the new baby comes, as she is still my baby at the moment. When i fell pregnant with her, my eldest was almost 3 and had finished most of her firsts, was potty trained, id enjoyed her first years and now she's a proper little in independent lady who does her own thing. I feel like i have the best of both worlds at the moment as i get to cuddle a baby, enjoy doing baby things and teaching her things, its just slipping my mind to get things ready for this baby as it feels forever away still.
Had my baby shower yesterday, watch was a suprise present off my other half and all the other stuff is presents from my family and friends :cloud9:


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I keep getting tightenings and pains, i've also dropped now so think hes fully engaged, he was also on a slight slant and now hes straight down the middle which makes me think hes fully engaged too.. Hospital bags are packed and ready to go i just need some loose clothes for straight after labour x
One of us is bound to have a baby soon!

That's what I was thinking!

Got all my babies stuff packed for his hospital bag today! Now I just need to get mine ready. I have two little bags, one for me and one for him. Well his is his diaper bag and mine is just a small weekend bag. Here's to hoping I'm not in the hospital longer than a couple days! I've got everything ready for mine except the clothes. I'm torn between buying something new or putting something that I regularly wear in there. Or using the new to replace the regular. I've still (hopefully) got some time!

I also put my stroller together and organized all the clothes I have for him by size. I bought some stuff earlier all in 3-6 month sizes thinking plenty of people would buy me newborn stuff. I got one newborn onesie! I'm not going to get anything else, unless he's born smaller than I expect. And I am expecting 9 pounds or more, just based off of my husband's side of the family and their baby sizes - they were all 9 pounds or more! And his nephew was 9 lb 8 oz and his SIL is an average height. I am 6ft tall so adding height to this possibly big baby!
One thing I will tell all new moms to pack is UNDERWEAR! I'm not sure if it's the same out of the US but here the hospitals supply these terrible underwear. They aren't even underware they are tericloth looking things! Awful! They also make you wear these huge mondo pads,which I suppose is necessary but I made my husband go out and buy me regular pads.
One of us is bound to have a baby soon!

I know! I just hope it's not me ;)

Me either. I want baby to stay put at least another 3 weeks, but hopefully 4-5 more.

I learned today that throwing a 2 year olds birthday party at 33 weeks pregnant is very difficult. I was awake at 5:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep, did cleaning and set up, had the party, cleaned up (somewhat) and went out for dinner because I was just too tired to make anything. I am so exhausted tonight, I have heartburn, my back is throbbing and I am sweating like crazy. It's 9:30 pm and I am headed to bed because I can barely keep my eyes open any longer.
One thing I will tell all new moms to pack is UNDERWEAR! I'm not sure if it's the same out of the US but here the hospitals supply these terrible underwear. They aren't even underware they are tericloth looking things! Awful! They also make you wear these huge mondo pads,which I suppose is necessary but I made my husband go out and buy me regular pads.

I did plan to bring underwear, I got some plain cotton undies to pack in there but accidentally bought the wrong size and I feel too embarrassed to return underwear! I'm thinking again just putting in some of my older underwear and buying new stuff for myself for when I'm not longer at risk for ruining them!

I also added pads in my bag, just in case I don't like the ones they provide at the hospital. I've read mixed reviews, so I'm bringing my own just in case.

Why do you think it's going to be you going first?
One thing I will tell all new moms to pack is UNDERWEAR! I'm not sure if it's the same out of the US but here the hospitals supply these terrible underwear. They aren't even underware they are tericloth looking things! Awful! They also make you wear these huge mondo pads,which I suppose is necessary but I made my husband go out and buy me regular pads.

Lol my hospital has these horrible mesh disposable pairs of underwear.
I really didn't mind wearing them, because at least it meant I wasn't going to ruin anything nice lol. Bringing your own pads--now, I definitely agree with that!! The ones they gave me last time I swear could have reached from belly button to top of butt crack! And were 2 inches thick lol! So I will definitely be tossing a package of my own into my bag. ; )

I've been having TONS of Braxton hicks every day, no matter how much water I drink, and no matter how much I rest. They still aren't painful, so I don't think its anything to worry about, but I have been having some other crampy pains, too. I'm only just now 32 weeks, so I sure hope I have several weeks to go!!!

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