*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Really glad babies have turned head down for you both, yoyo and charmedkirsty!

Kel, glad your contractions stopped and baby is still cooking!

I can't believe it's September and some of us will actually have a baby by the end of the month!! I'm getting uncomfortable in the pelvis area and constantly need the toilet but otherwise ok and I don't feel like she's coming anytime soon - but who knows as I have no idea what I should be feeling like.

I had my whooping cough jab yesterday and my arm feels a bit dead. Work is still really busy too and I'm looking forward to finishing now. Just 2.5 weeks to go now before I finish and can relax a bit.

I haven't packed my hospital bag yet but I think I have most things so I just need to check them off and pack them. I'm struggling with nursing tops though and I can't decide whether I need to buy anything now or whether to wait. I haven't found anything nice, that's the problem!

I also have no idea what to buy for a baby bath and even when I should give the first bath so any advice would be appreciated! Also what sort of blankets should I buy for the Moses basket? These are probably stupid questions but I'm clueless!

Hope everyone else is well.
Had my 34 week appointment today! Bp was 98/60 which is awesome and urine is all clear and good. The only thing is that the baby is still measuring a week behind based on fundal height. At my 31 week ultrasound he was in the 15th percentile so I'm really hoping there's nothing wrong! Will have another u/s at 36 weeks to see how he's grown over the last month.

I asked what would happen if they found out he was too small, and she said that the guidelines have changed a bit - they would only intervene or want him to come out earlier if he was below the 5th percentile AND also having blood flow restrictions to/from the placenta. Otherwise they'd just still keep him in until my c-section date. My dr said it's really unlikely and she's not that concerned so I shouldn't worry about it.

Other than that I've gained 1 1/2 pounds since my last appointment which puts me at 170 :-\ didn't like seeing that number on the scale this morning! I've gained like 21 pounds total so I guess that's not too bad, it just looks scary lol.

I've got my hospital bag and diaper bag packed, car seat is ready, nursery is about 80% done - we've just got to get blinds for the window and a few other small things and it will be done!

Going to a big baby/kid consignment event tonight with my mom to try to stock up on more clothes for when he's older - I have a ton of newborn through 3 months stuff but not much else, so hoping to get some good deals on winter and spring clothes. Last time I went to an event like this I got like 30 onesies for $40! It's pretty fun.

I really can't believe I'm 34 weeks, will be 35 on Friday. I never thought I'd make it this far, and my dr even said today it looks like you're going full term! Because even if my bp started to rise at this point, or I started showing protein in my urine they'd still be able to keep him in for a few weeks while we try to manage it. So amazing. I had my dd at 30 weeks due to severe pre-eclampsia, so I hope that I can be some encouragement to other women who are nervous about having another child after something traumatic like that!

I love going to those events. I went to one recently and got some stuff for baby and a couple things for my daughter.

It feels so great to go farther than you did before. When I first found out I am pregnant this time, I said I have to make it to at least 34 weeks this time and that's coming up on Saturday. 25 more days until I am full term. :happydance: My doctor thinks I will go full term this time too. Your bp is great. Mine was 119/82 this morning and I ate nothing but junk all weekend since I was on the go and junk food usually makes it a bit higher.

I feel like baby had a huge growth spurt the last few days. My belly is quite a bit bigger. I am scared to see how big he's going to be if I get to 40 weeks since he was measuring 4lbs 5oz at 31 weeks.
So far I really like the explorer. We had a Jeep Wrangler before this and loved that but it's not very baby friendly so it had to go. I like that there's plenty of trunk space when you fold down the third row...plenty of room for baby, all of baby's stuff, and our 2 dogs which we take with us places often
Had dr today. 2 cm dialated. Dr said not to worry yet. I'm still able to work but have to go back to dr Thursday. Yikes
Had an OB appointment today! Doctor said I'm "all baby" and estimates her to be around 7lbs. She's still head down which is great! They took blood to check my thyroid and my anemia because I am way more out of breath than normal, simple short conversations put me out of breath! Otherwise bp was fine, baby heart rate was good, measuring 36 weeks! She's coming so soon!
Really glad babies have turned head down for you both, yoyo and charmedkirsty!

Kel, glad your contractions stopped and baby is still cooking!

I can't believe it's September and some of us will actually have a baby by the end of the month!! I'm getting uncomfortable in the pelvis area and constantly need the toilet but otherwise ok and I don't feel like she's coming anytime soon - but who knows as I have no idea what I should be feeling like.

I had my whooping cough jab yesterday and my arm feels a bit dead. Work is still really busy too and I'm looking forward to finishing now. Just 2.5 weeks to go now before I finish and can relax a bit.

I haven't packed my hospital bag yet but I think I have most things so I just need to check them off and pack them. I'm struggling with nursing tops though and I can't decide whether I need to buy anything now or whether to wait. I haven't found anything nice, that's the problem!

I also have no idea what to buy for a baby bath and even when I should give the first bath so any advice would be appreciated! Also what sort of blankets should I buy for the Moses basket? These are probably stupid questions but I'm clueless!

Hope everyone else is well.

I struggled with the nursing tops too I guess because I don't exactly know what I need made it harder to make a decision on stuff like that. I just bought one pretty generic nursing bras so far and I figure I'll just be buying something online once I get a better idea.

As far as bathing and bath stuff, my understanding is that they will show you what to do at the hospital and you can only sponge bathe them until the cord falls off anyway and I don't know what all is needed to care for that but I figure I'll be using google a lot if the nurse I get isn't informative LOL someone once told me that women have been having babies for thousands of years without all these fancy doodads so you don't need much. But In all my excitement I went crazy buying things and I go to consignment events too so I picked up what I thought was necessities. But I'd venture to say about 80% of what I have I don't really NEED it's just helpful.

As far as blankets go, I kind of went crazy with those because after all were due in October so cold weather right so I bought a car seat cover(I think some places call it a footmuff, but I have no clue why) I bought cotton swaddle blankets, Muslin swaddle/ receiving blankets and I got 2 heavier blankets that are probably more for looks then anything. But I'm willing to betcha that I got way too much.

I'm actually going to another consignment event tomorrow night so I'm gonna get on Pinterest here in a bit and do some research. I like to look up the blogs about "things I bought for baby and never used" so at least I know what to avoid.
Had dr today. 2 cm dialated. Dr said not to worry yet. I'm still able to work but have to go back to dr Thursday. Yikes

That's exciting jcliff, are you uncomfortable at all? ...can you even tell your dialated. I think that's my biggest fear right now is that I just want to be checked already cause I have no clue either way. I get these pinchy feelings every now and then so I'm guessing something is happening but it could be normal so I don't know
Agh I got home from work and went to the restroom and when wiping. Noticed about 3 quarters size spots of blood. Contractions have been no more today then other days. Put on pad, ate something sweet and no laying down doing kick counts for 1 hour. So nervous. Of the pains go away I still need to call doc tomorrow and maybe go in and get checked out.
Lost s good chunk of plug after overdoing it today. Ick! Doc says everything looks good, they will check me in two weeks. She also said that after 34 Weeks they no longer stop labor!
Maybe pop your feet up and rest newlywed, you definitely don't want to overdo it especially since you are losing large pieces of plug.

Ashaz I would call l&d and speak to someone just to be safe.
Maybe pop your feet up and rest newlywed, you definitely don't want to overdo it especially since you are losing large pieces of plug.

Ashaz I would call l&d and speak to someone just to be safe.
that's definitely the plan! My appointments are 1.5 hours away so we plan a lot when we go! Not anymore I guess. I was in so much pain by the tine the day was over. She is getting so heavy!
Awh yeah these last weeks are rough! Especially when you have heaps to cram into one day.
Hang in there though! It's a good excuse to sit down, eat yummy food and watch terrible movies :p
Got my thyroid test results back and my levels were abnormal for pregnancy during the third trimester. My doctor said 3.0 is the upper limit of normal and mine is at 3.13. She has ordered further testing on my blood and will let me know the results. Meh. This could be why I'm feeling like so much crap! I hope everything is okay. :wacko:
Starbrites-hope you get some answers with the next blood tests. Try not to worry honey :flower:

Newlywed-hopefully losing bits of plug doesn't mean she's planning on coming early for you. I have been losing it for weeks, so for me it's no sign of anything. Tell her to stay where she is for now!
A good starting point for nursing tops, especially in colder weather, are nursing vest tops which you layer under another top or jumper. Pull jumper up, nursing vest then unclips down & you're not exposing your tummy while feeding, just enough is exposed to latch on baby. Then if nursing goes well you can invest in some proper stylish nursing tops. Mothercare have some lovely ones but they're expensive.

I spoke to my mw about loosing my plug yesterday as I'm loosing bits every day now. She said its a great sign that the cervix is ripening & getting ready but not a sign of labour starting soon. If it's labour related it's usually blood streaked, I didn't loose any with my son until I was actually in labour, I lost the lot in one go & it was blood streaked.

34 weeks here too. All looking good. Baby has settled into the head down position but still totally free of my pelvis. Means I have a baby butt & foot constantly in my ribs! This boy does not like Mummy driving, he kicks my ribs lick crazy when I do!

Anyone else still stuck for a name. I thought we had narrowed it down to 2 a few months ago but we both changed out mind. We are on completely different pages & can't find even 1 we're both prepared to compromise on.
I've got my 34 week midwife appointment today and I've got to write my birth plan during the appointment. I've got a new midwife too so hoping this one is a lot better than the other one!

I am getting bad Braxton hicks most days now and they are getting painful so I'm going to ask her about them . . . Hope it's not a sign he is going to be early!
She wants you to write your birth plan in a 10-15 min appointntment :-/ that's weird!! Took me ages to finalise mine, I kept going back to it to add or change stuff, she's looking at it on Monday :) mines like a lists of things I don't consent to ha ha like VE's, artificially breaking waters, directed pushing stuff like that, there on the home birth team so they'll have seen it all before.
Haven't written a birth plan or been asked to do one yet-I am petty much decided on what I'd like, but am open to what might have to change.

-To stay active until almost ready to push
-Gas and air at the pushing stage if I need it
-have the injection to help delivery of placenta

Lauraemily-our baby is nameless at the moment too-hopefully we will be figure it out soon! :)
I filled my birth plan out in minutes. I was given a form though that had a bunch of different options and I checked the one that I wanted. If there wasn't an option I wanted listed there was blank space to add anything.

My husband is going out of town next week, he was worried to leave me alone so he called his mom to come stay with me while he's gone. It's good timing for her as now she gets to go to an appointment with me and see the baby, but bad timing for my husband as he's missing out on the last ultrasound I'll get.
Had 36 week appointment today (at 36+2), estimated baby's weight at 7lbs. 3oz. I was 2-3 cm dilated! Dr. said she thinks I'll make it to my next week's appointment but doubts anything past that. I just want to make it past my oldest's birthday sleepover Friday night- then I can go anytime he's ready! We're getting close ladies!

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