*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Yup, I mostly get the menstrual type pains over just tightening.
Rbourre-happy birthday to your girl tomorrow. Have a nice day :)

Mushymilk-I'm cramping like an old woman! It's mainly my lower back and lower legs. Hope your managing with it ok-I find a bath or shower helps.

Kiki-so glad your new midwife is good! Makes such a difference having someone ego is good at their job dealing with you in pregnancy. Good luck with your growth scan-sure all is fine.

Mamamac-good luck with your ultrasound. Will be nice for you to see your twins again :)

My baby is fully engaged and I'm getting the odd really sharp pain in my cervix-it's like he is trying to head but his way out!! Ouch!
I had the cervix head butts :-( makes me jump a mile lol. My hips are killing today!! I've been declutter ing the kitchen!! This nesting business is starting to really kick in now!
I had an OB appointment today. She booked me in for weekly growth scans for the next two weeks :(. She even said they may decided to bring baby early!!!!! I don't want any of that. I want an active, natural labour. I feel this is all just so unnecessary. My DS was 6lbs 2ozs at birth. He now grows along the 0.4th percentile. Feeling fed up.
Charmedkirsty - I'm pretty sure you can say no to them bringing the baby early. It's your body and your baby so don't let them push you into something you're not comfortable with.
Course you can refuse :) your body, your baby, your choice.Trust your instincts :) if your son was diddy then the odds are you make petite babies! Do they not use the new charts where you are which takes into consideration previous childrens birth weights?
Also you can even refuse the scans if you don't want them, I was supposed to have a growth scan today which I refused, as I was 1cm behind on fh, which isn't a reason to scan, it's normally over2cm. So I've refused as I know my baby is fine in there, and I'm seeing mw on Monday and know ehrn I did fh yesterday myself it's spot on. What reason has she asked to have you scanned?
Sorry to hear that charmedkirsty, hopefully your next growth scans go well and they would change there minds on bring baby early. I don't think they would take that lightly tho I'm sure they would weigh out all the benefits and risks. And maybe if you just really emphasize the size of your #1 they'll take that into consideration

Afm, I'm home sick from work today this head cold is really kicking my butt. I took a long nap and then ventured out to he pharmacy to get a decongestant. I called the doctors office and they emailed me the list of what I can and can't take and oh course nothing at the pharmacy had exactly that combination of things in it so I'm taking both NyQuil and sudafed. I had to call the docs back and double check on that and give the dosages bc I thought the pharmacist was nuts when when she told me that's what I'll have to do. I took just the NyQuil last night and I didn't do much good along and so far this NyQuil/ sudafed combination is working out well. She said once I start feeling alittle better with the cough to switch to just sudafed and Tylenol and cut out the NyQuil. So that's the plan for now, I just hate taking medicine and now especially hate it being pregnant.

My breast pump came in today's mail but I'm too tired to open it so I'll save that for when I'm feeling better. But a huge thanks to the person who told me I could order it prior to 30 days and they would just hold the order until it was within 30 days of my due date. That is exactly what they did and they shipped it on exactly 30 days before due date so I'm glad I can check that off my list.

Actually my list is very small right now. That alone is exciting. Now I just need to keep here in there as long as possible so I don't have to go back to work until after the holidays. Oct 8th is the magic number...which would make her 4 days overdue so fx of course if she comes before that's fine too but here for wishful thinking.

Edit: oh I got my free samples from similac in the mail earlier this week as well they gave 3 different types of formulas each with 4- oz servings and 4-$5 off checks and a lots of other coupons and advertisements they even gave a coupon for a free messaged bag if my hopital participates, so I'm hoping they do bc it looks like. Really cute bag. So if you haven't signed up for that yet I highly recommend.
Course you can refuse :) your body, your baby, your choice.Trust your instincts :) if your son was diddy then the odds are you make petite babies! Do they not use the new charts where you are which takes into consideration previous childrens birth weights?
Also you can even refuse the scans if you don't want them, I was supposed to have a growth scan today which I refused, as I was 1cm behind on fh, which isn't a reason to scan, it's normally over2cm. So I've refused as I know my baby is fine in there, and I'm seeing mw on Monday and know ehrn I did fh yesterday myself it's spot on. What reason has she asked to have you scanned?
No we don't use that. I've not even heard of it.
Yeh it's new here too, I don't get the point of it really though your not necessarily gonna have all your babies in a similar weight range! There's 2lb between my two girls birth weights. It just confuses me hope they think it's a helpful tool ha ha. X
I say completely up to you if you feel like you want to go ahead and continue the pregnancy without any intervention.
My personal opinion is that you should listen to their medical advice, and if they think that the baby should come early just in case then that's what I'd do, other wise ask for very close monitoring until you go in to natural labour.
The only reason I have strong feelings on this situation is because I have had two previous "small" babies with growth problems. My first was 6lb 2oz at 38+5 induction, and she was induced for being under 10th centile and my second baby was small, and had stopped growing as well towards the end, and was born 5b 5oz at 37+5 and was on the 1st centile, her placenta had small clots in it(so a sign it wasnt working properly) and she was so small and skinny, no fat on her! I'd started to have reduced movements towards the end and I genuinely feel as though this was a growth problem, not just me having small babies and I'm so glad that they had her born then and some times I wonder what could have happened had I gone to term without anyone noticing. She put weight on so fast, and fed like a trooper, definitely like she was being starved in there!

This time I totally expected to be having a small baby, as after having two people just assumed I have small babies and said it just must be the way I bake them! this baby is growing perfect though(or at least was at my last growth scan at 28 weeks), and a much better size in comparison to my last two so there you go - not just me making small babies! which also makes me think that there was problems in my previous two pregnancies.
Whatever you decide to do in the end is up to you, hope that your next growth scans go well :flower:

I've had no internet for days!! we have moved in to a new house recently, used all my phone data too so it's good to be back online at the moment and having a quick catch up.
I spent an hour last night having severe stomach cramps/pain that felt like contractions did that came in my last labours but they didn't come at intervals and it was more like a consistent 45 minutes of pain that either got more intense, or less intense but I was actually doing breathing techniques it was so paiful at times! my stomach also felt quite hard, and baby was wobbling around in there often. Is this possibly braxton hicks or contractions? or just stomach ache in general and id eaten something dodgy? :-s i dont know if practice runs can last for that long without coming in intervals so would love to hear if anyone has experienced anything similar.
Hey everyone,

Been a crazy week! Started my mat leave with a bang by havin seriously high blood pressure! Had to go in to labor and delivery for a non stress test. Babies are fine but my little Brooke was being a booger and took us a good 45 mins to finding keep her heartrate long enough for the test!

They checked my urine and I had slight traces of protein so they did blood work. Luckily no preeclampsia as of yet and my bp went back down but as I've been taking it at home I've noticed it's creeping up and staying higher than normal now. I have a feeling I may get medicated for it at my next visit on Monday. Also I had a slight uti apparently so been on meds for that. I feel like a pharmacy these days!

Good news is the itching is under control...the solution? Coconut oil!! $3 at Walmart and I'm all set! Just been rubbing that on my belly and boobs and it's been like magic!

32 weeks today! Yay! :happydance: 5 weeks away from twin full term!

Anyone having menstral like cramps? I thought they were BHs but everyone says those make your belly contract hard as a rock and this isn't doing that. It just feels like a period about to start. Blah. I hate it. Feel yuck.

Met with my doula again and we're seriously considering declining my epidural. I'm open to it if it's needed or even if I want it, but I don't want to get it just because it's twins and no other real reason. I've been watching natural twin birth videos and reading natural twin birth stories and while they're not easy to find they are out there and they are amazing! Will see how it goes....Brooke likes to not cooperate so she'll prob go breech and need a c section anyway! Haha

Ultrasound Monday! Can't wait!!! :)

I know quite a few twin mummas who refused the epi and everything turned out great :)
I personally couldnt do it. When they told me its nicer for me to have an epi in case twin b flips and they need to stick their arm up to pull baby out I pretty much made my mind up right there haha I was glad I did in the end as it helped me conserve energy and the doc did have her hand up there after twin a's birth for a wee bit. Twin b took 40 minutes to push out :p
Glad everyone is doing well for the most part! I've said it but I can't believe I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow. It's so unreal!

newlywed - glad you got your pictures! :)

So yesterday I splurged and ate 2 donuts in the morning, and then had a smothered burrito for lunch, and by the time I got home from work I could feel the heartburn kicking in. I'm pretty sure it was from the donuts, when I eat oatmeal or any other type of dense bread/grain item I seem to get heartburn. But last night the heartburn I had was extreme! It was so awful. It felt like a huge burning lump of coal lodged in my esophagus. It lasted all night and it woke me up every hour. I almost puked a few times because the pressure feels like it's right on top causing me to gag.

This baby has been going crazy recently though! He was mellow early in the week which I didn't like because it made me nervous. But yesterday he just started going wild in there, moving and kicking and punching and flipping all over. Uncomfortable but very welcomed. He's doing this weird movement right now where it like sweeps all the way down my side vertically from my ribs to my hip and it feels SO strange! It makes me grab my stomach and I try not to yell out while at work although sometimes I can't help it.

I only recall having one time where I was pretty sure I was having BH. My stomach felt really tight, although it is always super hard so I don't know if that is ever any indication for me. I do feel crampy sometimes though, like right now I kinda feel like my period is going to start. I guess those can be like BH too? Sometimes I can't tell if it feels crampy because of the baby or because I need to go to the bathroom :-\
Sounds very similar rcdm, she's going wild in there too and she sweeping across the top of my stomach and it's such a weird feeling and same thing I don't want to be grabbing my stomach and yelping when out in public but luckily she doesn't do it very often

And I know exactly what you mean about the hb and cramping mine is similar and it was funny because I had some cramping today like my body was getting ready for a bowel movement and I just sat there and thought and man labor is gonna be like 1000 times worse then this is. Not so excited for that part.

I'm in the market for a baby carrier, anyone have a brand or style they swear by? When I went to this consignment event yesterday it seemed like soooo many women had their newborns in slings and carriers so I was trying to check them all out and now I feel stupid because they have a nice mobs wrap for $12 and I didn't get it and now I'm looking for them online and they go for $50.. Duh that was stupid of me. I bought my sil a Chico carrier for her son but by the time I bought it he was already too big to be lugged around like that...I'm thinking more of the sling type they look more confortable, but I just don't know
I was given the ergo baby carrier at my baby shower, it was really awesome to get as that was the one I was planning on getting. It is on the more expensive side of things, but they're really highly rated. They can go up to 45 pounds, which is kind of huge! And from what I've read about their reviews they're super comfortable and don't cause a lot of back pain.
I've heard Tula baby carriers are amazing but haven't personally tried them.

Zephyr - yes the whole doctors hand up my wahoo definitely makes me think the epi may be the way to go! Haha I may be a total wimp and beg for the epidural at 2 cm! Lol for me I just don't want to be told I have to have one just because it's twins and this or that "could" happen. If come delivery time things aren't going smoothly and it looks like we may be heading for a rough delivery or even c section the of course I'll get the epidural or do whatever other interventions are needed. I just don't want to be loaded up with interventions just because if everything is moving along well naturally. I want options open, not closed off just because it's twins and everyone is panicking for no good reason.
I've heard Tula baby carriers are amazing but haven't personally tried them.

Zephyr - yes the whole doctors hand up my wahoo definitely makes me think the epi may be the way to go! Haha I may be a total wimp and beg for the epidural at 2 cm! Lol for me I just don't want to be told I have to have one just because it's twins and this or that "could" happen. If come delivery time things aren't going smoothly and it looks like we may be heading for a rough delivery or even c section the of course I'll get the epidural or do whatever other interventions are needed. I just don't want to be loaded up with interventions just because if everything is moving along well naturally. I want options open, not closed off just because it's twins and everyone is panicking for no good reason.

haha! I know its a crazy thought! It doesnt happen all the time though :p
I think its a good idea to see how things go if that is how you are feeling. Being able to experience a multiple pregnancy is amazing but it sucks that everything is so unknown and a lot of our choices are taken off us. I remember feeling a bit frazzled still not knowing much a week out from their birth as im such a planner and like to be organised.
Today I was diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism. I start taking levothyroxine 137mg tomorrow morning. We aren't sure how long it's been going on but I'm trying hard to stay hopeful that everything will be okay with baby Ellie. I keep crying in fear that something bad will happen to her. With being 37 weeks on Sunday that isn't very much time for the medication to start working and fixing my levels. My TSH was 3.13 and my FT4 was 0.81. She is doing a further test to see if I have antithyroid antibodies to see if it's being caused by autoimmune hypothyroidsm (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). They said when I deliver she has to be monitored closely to make sure everything is okay. This is scary to me :(
I was given the ergo baby carrier at my baby shower, it was really awesome to get as that was the one I was planning on getting. It is on the more expensive side of things, but they're really highly rated. They can go up to 45 pounds, which is kind of huge! And from what I've read about their reviews they're super comfortable and don't cause a lot of back pain.

Ergos are great! Had one with dd2
:) you have some generous friends and family!
I had the cervix head butts :-( makes me jump a mile lol. My hips are killing today!! I've been declutter ing the kitchen!! This nesting business is starting to really kick in now!

Ha I know. I was on the phone and getting the sharp cervix pains and it was hard to talk!

Hope your hips are better today :flower: if not take the nesting easy!
It was my biggest babies first day at school today :-( anyway she literally told me to go home lol so think she's gonna love it! It's only a 10 min walk down the road but decided to drive at last minute cause I know the walk there and back will do me in for the rest of the day! Urgh. Think were having my fil look after girls for a bit tomorrow so we can sort their room out, pained, cot in loft and new bed up so it's ready-ish for my friend arriving 3 weeks today eeeeeeek, can't wait for her to land. Then there's not a massive amount of nesting stuff left to do. :)

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