*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Rbourre I've had that knuckle pain nearly all of my pregnancy. I can barely bend my fingers anytime I wake up, it hurts so bad at the knuckle but goes away after 20 minutes or so. Haven't figured out what it is yet. Let me know what you find out!
Ugh ladies woke with contraction pains that were evenly spaced out. It really scared the bajezus out of me because this is exactly how my water broke with my firsts and for a variety of reasons I am totally not ready for her to come! Just drank a glass of Water and things have settled. Thank goodness!

Congrats on all the babies making their appearance! (Just not ready for mine to just yet, c-section isn't scheduled till Oct 24)
AshleyK-glad the contractions stopped. Hopefully you were just a little dehydrated, and baby girl wasn't making plans to come early.
Any of you ladies having some major cold feet/anxiety/nervousness about the birth??? I am super excited but I am extremely nervous and have a lot of anxiety about the procedure. Let's break it down honestly - I'm terrified! I've never been in the hospital nor have I ever had an IV, anesthetic, etc. It's so scary!!!! Yet just 2 hours after arriving at the hospital I will be holding my little baby boy. It's surreal.

I'm not totally freaking but I am a little nervous. I'm trying for a natural birth and am afraid that once it all gets going I'll be like "what was I thinking?!?" Lol anyone else trying for a natural birth or had one in the past? I'm more worried about DH bc he does not to well with hospitals or any medical stuff

I had a 36 hour induced natural birth. I wanted an epidural after 24 hours but the stupid thing failed!! Having managed before though without, I actually feel much more confident about going without it this time. I found that it was the length of time I was in pain for that was awful and my drive for pain relief. I was desperate for sleep!

Everyone keeps telling me that second labours are quicker, obviously having a labour shorter than 36 hours would be fab but I'm actually terrified about making it into the hospital in time! Having not started labour naturally before I'm worried it'll start & progress suddenly. 2 of my friends recently didn't make it to hospital to have their second, one had it in the car!! That terrifies me. I have some medical issues that mean giving birth out of a hospital could be very bad!
My first was 32 hours of induced hell! (Never again!) second all natural and I was in labour over night but didn't realise until they got to the point I had to breath through them. By that point until her arrival was 6 hours. X
Geralyn-- My plan is to go all natural, but I'm afraid that I'll break if I get bad back labor. I'll at least ask for an IV pain med to take the edge off. I have no plans of an epidural though.
I am rather nervous of labour. My thought is that I really don't know what to expect, I know it's gonna hurt but I don't know how I'll handle the pain or how long it's gonna last.
I imagine that once I go into labour I'll panic and be like nooo, this hurts can't you stay in longer:haha:

Has anyone else had the "wait till the baby is here" comments?
I was complaining that I hardly got any sleep last night and someone said oooh wait till he's born, you won't sleep for years:wacko:
Also every time there's a child crying or making an above average level of noise, someone always turns round and says "better get used to that noise." Like gee, I never knew babies cried:dohh:
I am rather nervous of labour. My thought is that I really don't know what to expect, I know it's gonna hurt but I don't know how I'll handle the pain or how long it's gonna last.
I imagine that once I go into labour I'll panic and be like nooo, this hurts can't you stay in longer:haha:

Has anyone else had the "wait till the baby is here" comments?
I was complaining that I hardly got any sleep last night and someone said oooh wait till he's born, you won't sleep for years:wacko:
Also every time there's a child crying or making an above average level of noise, someone always turns round and says "better get used to that noise." Like gee, I never knew babies cried:dohh:

Oh yes!! Those comment annoy me!! So many "get your sleep in now" "your never going to sleep again!" Etc etc, blah blah.

Well I loved telling them when dd2 was born, actually she sleeps through-even then it was "wait until she's teething, then you'll get no sleep!" :dohh:

Trust me, dd1 was a bad sleeper-you cope! Ignore people stupid negative baby comments!
Yeh just ignore everyone! I've not really had it as much this time thank god!
Also re pain and coping if you labour naturally (not induced) your body resleases natural pain killers as the pain increases, also try some visualisation, breathing (basically hypno birthing, I did it with my first instinctively and never knew what it till I actually looked into hypno with my second. That really helped. Induction is more painful because it makes the contractions come quicker and stronger than your body is able to produce the pain relief. I love gas and air lol, it doesn't make hurt less really, but you don't care about the pain instead, you just feel quite drunk then it passes when you stop using it.
Hi, all. I've been stalking this thread some and mostly hanging out in the third trimester board.

I'm looking forward to finishing this pregnancy off, but know I still have a couple of weeks to go as this is my first and she shows no inclination to get moving early.

In a way, I'm looking forward to an October baby (as opposed to her coming early in September) because it's one of my favorite months. I also love opals which would be her birth stone. I'm pretty sure she'll be a Libra unless she goes very late. I'm so curious to meet her and see her personality develop.

What are some good things about having an October baby you are looking forward to?
Ljo--They don't do gas & air in the US. At least that's what my hospital told me.
Vicky- yes I've gotten tons of annoying comments from people...basically saying enjoy everything now while you can bc once baby gets here life is over. Can't stand that
My first was 32 hours of induced hell! (Never again!) second all natural and I was in labour over night but didn't realise until they got to the point I had to breath through them. By that point until her arrival was 6 hours. X

That's what I'm hoping for this time! It's good to hear you can have a good experience after a nasty induced one!!

Is anyone else waking up with contractions in the night? I have for 2 nights in a row now. They prob only last an hour, maybe a little longer (that I notice) and aren't regular as such. I'm then feeling really uncomfortable during the day, lots of twinges & BH but no contractions as such. Am I clutching at straws that this may be the start of pre-labour?!
My first was 32 hours of induced hell! (Never again!) second all natural and I was in labour over night but didn't realise until they got to the point I had to breath through them. By that point until her arrival was 6 hours. X

That's what I'm hoping for this time! It's good to hear you can have a good experience after a nasty induced one!!

Is anyone else waking up with contractions in the night? I have for 2 nights in a row now. They prob only last an hour, maybe a little longer (that I notice) and aren't regular as such. I'm then feeling really uncomfortable during the day, lots of twinges & BH but no contractions as such. Am I clutching at straws that this may be the start of pre-labour?!

I have been like this for a week now... Tightening, cramps, and random contractions. My midwife keeps sayinf6the more you have now, the more practical your body is owing the less it will have to do during labour. 😉
Rbourre I've had that knuckle pain nearly all of my pregnancy. I can barely bend my fingers anytime I wake up, it hurts so bad at the knuckle but goes away after 20 minutes or so. Haven't figured out what it is yet. Let me know what you find out!

Mine was going away after I woke up, but not the last 3 days. It's been more painful every day and making things really hard. I had to take a break from folding laundry because my hands were sore and pushing my daughter on the swing at the park yesterday hurt pretty bad. I will let you know what my doctor says tomorrow.

I hate when people say to sleep before the baby is born. I'm too uncomfortable to get a decent sleep most nights. I slept for 4 hours last night without having to pee and couldn't believe it.

I think I've been having a few contractions. They are random and don't last long. They are only a little painful, mostly just uncomfortable. I have a feeling that baby will be here within the next week or two and a lot of the time my "feelings" are right. My blood pressure has started to rise the last few days, it's still within normal range but it's definitely going up. If it gets too high, then I suspect we will be meeting baby sooner rather than later especially with my history. I'm ok with that as long as it is after Saturday when I hit 37 weeks. I just want to make it to term and then he can come if he needs to.
Yeh I know they don't go g&a in USA, don't know why it's great stuff lol. Well some don't like it but others do, it has no effect on the baby like any opioids they inject or give IV. Only thing is they get a taxi to collect g&a from hospital when I want it (having hb) so odds are I prob won't have it this time (only had it in ambulance with last but made good use of it during the local anaesthetic for stitches ouch!).

With both my others I had an evening couple of days before having them I had regular BH as in I was timing them then they fizzled out. But on just one occasion with both.
My first was 32 hours of induced hell! (Never again!) second all natural and I was in labour over night but didn't realise until they got to the point I had to breath through them. By that point until her arrival was 6 hours. X

That's what I'm hoping for this time! It's good to hear you can have a good experience after a nasty induced one!!

Is anyone else waking up with contractions in the night? I have for 2 nights in a row now. They prob only last an hour, maybe a little longer (that I notice) and aren't regular as such. I'm then feeling really uncomfortable during the day, lots of twinges & BH but no contractions as such. Am I clutching at straws that this may be the start of pre-labour?!

It was amazingly different! Whenever I had a bad contraction if think that was a big one but miles better than what I went through last time, it really spured me on :) I was a bit scared of hitting transition as I never had it with my first (I gave in to an epidural before that bit cause I couldn't cope with the rate they were putting sytocinon into me. But I didn't "loose it" like you hear when some women's mention it (the whole, I can't do this/freak out bit) I was still quite in my zone, despite been in the back of an ambulance :-(
But yeh totally believe in yourself and your body, it knows what to do and hoping you have a much better experience this time. Xx
I am rather nervous of labour. My thought is that I really don't know what to expect, I know it's gonna hurt but I don't know how I'll handle the pain or how long it's gonna last.
I imagine that once I go into labour I'll panic and be like nooo, this hurts can't you stay in longer:haha:

Has anyone else had the "wait till the baby is here" comments?
I was complaining that I hardly got any sleep last night and someone said oooh wait till he's born, you won't sleep for years:wacko:
Also every time there's a child crying or making an above average level of noise, someone always turns round and says "better get used to that noise." Like gee, I never knew babies cried:dohh:

Oh yes!! Those comment annoy me!! So many "get your sleep in now" "your never going to sleep again!" Etc etc, blah blah.

Well I loved telling them when dd2 was born, actually she sleeps through-even then it was "wait until she's teething, then you'll get no sleep!" :dohh:

Trust me, dd1 was a bad sleeper-you cope! Ignore people stupid negative baby comments!

OMG Vicky I find myself doing this to dh all the time and I think it's more a fear in myself. The other day we witnesses a child just throwing a full out tantrum and I said are you ready for that? Lol can't really say I am lol

On a side note that kind of related it does drive me crazy when my single friends without kids start asking questions like "do you have your birth plan" annoying. And are your bags packed? I'm 38+4 I really hope I have a birth plan and my bags packed my now and the sheer fact that your questioning if I do or not worries me for you lol

Hi, all. I've been stalking this thread some and mostly hanging out in the third trimester board.

I'm looking forward to finishing this pregnancy off, but know I still have a couple of weeks to go as this is my first and she shows no inclination to get moving early.

In a way, I'm looking forward to an October baby (as opposed to her coming early in September) because it's one of my favorite months. I also love opals which would be her birth stone. I'm pretty sure she'll be a Libra unless she goes very late. I'm so curious to meet her and see her personality develop.

What are some good things about having an October baby you are looking forward to?

Welcome Nikko, I am hoping for an October baby too even tho I'm due oct 4th so it really could go either way but we have a lot of. Birthdays in the family in September and only one in October so I would like to have her in oct just to be spread out from all the other birthdays. And oct is my favorite month. And opal would be a great birthstone but I'll take sapphire too I like that equally.
Hi, all. I've been stalking this thread some and mostly hanging out in the third trimester board.

I'm looking forward to finishing this pregnancy off, but know I still have a couple of weeks to go as this is my first and she shows no inclination to get moving early.

In a way, I'm looking forward to an October baby (as opposed to her coming early in September) because it's one of my favorite months. I also love opals which would be her birth stone. I'm pretty sure she'll be a Libra unless she goes very late. I'm so curious to meet her and see her personality develop.

What are some good things about having an October baby you are looking forward to?

I'm also looking forward to an October baby, it's also my favorite month of the year. I'd also love for him to be a libra, so hopefully he comes on time or only slightly late! October has two birth stones the opal or the pink tourmaline, and I love the pink tourmaline! Not that it will matter too much for him, I don't think either stone could be made into something too manly. But, I'm also looking forward to the fact that he's due exactly one week from my birthday. And I'm hoping he comes on time or right around then, I couldn't think of a better birthday present!

As for pain, I'm really not worried at all about the pain of childbirth. I don't know why, but I'm oddly calm about the whole process. I plan to not do an epidural or get pitocin, so I'm hoping I stay calm about it. From what I've read that's the best you can do. But we'll see what happens when I'm actually going through it!
I hopefully just want gas & air in labour, wonderful stuff!

I have been very lucky to have a 3 and 4 hour labour in my previous pregnancies. My first I freaked out as they told me I wasn't in active labour and made out I was being a wuss, so I begged for an epidural but she came before I could have one, I ended up having pethidine 30mins before she was born! if Id have known at the time I was in active labour, and labouring so quickly I would have tried to be a bit calmer and tried with just gas and air but as I didnt know what was happening, kept being told i wasnt even in labour and id only just had my waters broken 30mins ago etc etc, it was my first experience so i listened to them and my reaction was basically was oh shit - if this isnt even active labour then I am SCREWED! this is waaaay too painful.

Second time I knew what to expect, I knew when I'd be in active labour, knew when I'd need to push so I led myself rather than be told by the midwives, stayed very calm and asked for gas & air about 1hr before she was born. Great stuff, had a great second labour and quick pushing stage :-D

really hoping that my 3rd will be as quick and I can do it on gas and air without anything else. Hated pethidine, made me feel totally out of it and spaced and wouldnt want to feel like that again. It basically knocked me out for a bit of my first, i just woke up to push :-s

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