*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Congratulations to all the new mamas! So many now :)

LO is definitely keeping me on my toes. She is amazing but is eating SO much right now I'm afraid my breasts can't keep up. She seems to all of a sudden have trouble latching too, which makes me nervous.

As for my birthing story.. I woke up around 6:30AM 9/27 with some pretty intense pains. I started having streaks of blood in my underwear and discharge when urinating. I thought that I might be in labor. I went about my day with the contractions continuing and hit that mark around 4PM when things were getting to be too much. We went to L&D and sure enough I was in labor. I labored to 6cm without any meds or anything and then asked for an epidural. It was a great relief. My mom, dad, sister, her boyfriend, and my boyfriend all ended up being in the delivery room. When we tried pushing they all had a job whether it was to hold my legs, puke bucket, hand, etc. It was really awesome having all the support :) My water was broke manually and found meconium. We pushed and labored down for a long while and the next morning after seeing her head we noticed the rest of her body just wasn't going to fit (my mom and sister had the same issue) and I was starting to get an infection. The doctors suggested I get a c-section. I was absolutely terrified and started bawling and so did my boyfriend. So they prepped me up and I had the most excruciating back and neck pain when they laid me on the table, not sure why or where it came from. They pumped me full of medicine and kept asking me if I could feel a pinch and I could so the medicine wasn't working very well. Once they decided they were ready my boyfriend was brought in and they started. I felt the most intense pressure and it hurt so bad I started crying and then started throwing up all over the place. Apparently I started screaming too. They finally pulled her out (they had to cut lower and make a t cut because she was already down in the birth canal) and I got to meet her. She was so beautiful. After that I started throwing up black stuff every few seconds and after that I don't remember because I was put to sleep. I apparently lost too much blood and there was a problem with one of my ureters so they had to do more surgery and I was in there for over 3 hours. My boyfriend or family had no idea what was going on and was never updated and he thought something bad had happened to me and that he lost me. I finally woke up and was still on the table and was finally taken to recovery. I got to see my boyfriend and baby a couple hours later. We cried so hard when we finally got to see each other. She was 7lb 6.9oz 20 inches long, born at 11:47 AM on September 28th. I was told I would never be able to have a vaginal birth. I am recovering just fine now but am still very sore. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight though which is pretty cool!
Wow Starbrites that sounds scary but glad everything is okay and you and LO are safe and sound
Oh my starbright, that is scary. So glad you are both ok.

Congrats sister rose & ashaz!

Congrats sister rose and ashaz.
Yeah, pretty sure I'm in labour.
Contractions coming within a 5-6 minute time frame and last around 40-60 seconds and have been for the past 3 hours.
Had my bloody show about an hour ago too.
Also.. OUCH!

Good to see he decided to start things without an induction. Keep us posted I'm excited for you.

Hope the cleaning gets something started yoyo! Xx

Sorry to hear the cleaning didn't get thing going for you yoyo when I first read this I was hoping it would too.

Mushy milk, hope your mil is right about tomorrow that would be very excited.

Sorry I was quiet today but I'm still here waiting for my baby to make up her mind. Today is officially my last day of work. I don't have to report back until January 2nd 2015 seems kind of weird to say that but I'm sure it'll be here before I know it. I was trying to stretch it out until I went into labor so I could have the most time off with her here but I was not happy this morning and emailed hr to find out what they needed from me and very glad I did because I would not have wanted to deal with that paperwork once baby is here.

I have no idea what ill do with myself now but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

For anyone I missed good luck and I look forward to reading all your birth stories.
Oh my goodness StarBrites scary stuff. I am glad that you are doing alright.

Sprite- I am sure you'll find plenty to do to pass the time before your LO comes along. Enjoy your leave!
Mushy milk, hope your mil is right about tomorrow that would be very excited.

Sorry I was quiet today but I'm still here waiting for my baby to make up her mind. Today is officially my last day of work. I don't have to report back until January 2nd 2015 seems kind of weird to say that but I'm sure it'll be here before I know it. I was trying to stretch it out until I went into labor so I could have the most time off with her here but I was not happy this morning and emailed hr to find out what they needed from me and very glad I did because I would not have wanted to deal with that paperwork once baby is here.

I have no idea what ill do with myself now but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

For anyone I missed good luck and I look forward to reading all your birth stories.

I hope she's right too, but I don't think she will be. I had an appointment today and my doctor (my normal doctor) said that the doctor I had last week didn't check my cervix right and I'm not in fact dilated at all. I don't know how he could have gotten something and she didn't, but oh well. She was going to do a sweep, but then changed her mind because I'm strep B positive.

I don't feel anything, and I don't think I would have been so upset by it had I not been told by my MIL to expect him Thursday. I should have stuck to my gut and kept believing he was going to be late. Now I'm really doing to be disappointed going to bed tomorrow night feeling the same as I do today. I'm already on the verge of tears every time I think about it. And there's nothing I can do about it.

She's given me a moon stone to hold onto, to sort of help with the cycle of things. I'm hoping that helps, I don't know though!

Enjoy your time off before baby comes! Just relax and stuff. Or keep busy to make the time go by faster!

Starbrites that sounds very terrifying. I'm glad that you and baby made it out okay though! I'm glad to hear everything for you and baby is going well, despite some bumps in the road!
Sorry but what does having positive group B strep have to with stretch and sweep. I am positive this time as well and I have had 2 sweeps... Just curious. It is crazy how every country and Dr. is different.
She said it might transfer to the baby too soon. She might just be overly cautious about it.
I'm strep b positive and I don't want a sweep bc it ups the chance of your water breaking without you being dialated or having contractions and once my water breaks I has to go to the hospital right away for iv antibiotics. Since I'm trying for a natural birth , I'd like to stay home as long as possible
Cool... Thanks girls. I just didn't have a clue! ;) If my water breaks and no contractions follow my midwife comes to my house or I go to her for the first dose of antibiotics and then go from there. If my water breaks and I am in labour they give it when you arrive at the birthing suite.
Congrats to all the new arrivals! It's baby-palooza in here!!

I won't be having our little Ava Kate until Oct 24 or the 27, which I'm totally fine with waiting because our two year old keeps me sooooo busy! My hospital bag stil isbt complete and the nursery is a bit of a wreck as well. ...eek....

Today was daughters second birthday and she was just so adorable running around saying she was "twooooo!" Lol

Good luck all u mommas being induced/in labor/ etc:..
Our little baby boy arrived 8th October at 22.52pm weighing in at 8lb 12oz.
Was told I was 4cm at 9.30pm after labouring for 17 hours so they suggested an epidural as I was crying from the pain and the diamorphine didn't work. During the doctor placing the epidural I began to want to push, my mum fainted, then my OH nearly did too and then they couldn't find his heartbeat:wacko: We're a fun bunch:haha:
I pushed for about 5 minutes to get him down as he was quite high and he then came out in about 3 pushes! I've had to had stitches but not too bad:thumbup:
Will post birth story and photos in the morning when there's better light:flower:

EDIT: Full head of hair and not a dot of heartburn at all :D
Congratulations Vicky! Can't wait to see pictures!
I've been having contractions since about 30 minutes after the foley catheter was inserted. They started out being every 3 minutes but now they are dying down. The nurse said that's the catheter doing its job. They said I can try to pull the catheter out in the morning if it doesn't come out on its own. We are just waiting now to see if this turns into actual labour or my water breaks before they call me in tomorrow.
Congratulations, Vicky!! :) so glad he is finally here!!
Starbrites-what a scary experience. So glad your ok now :flower:

I'm full of a bad cold. It's really awful! :( great timing! :dohh: still no baby, but I'm glad wasn't last night as I'm feeling really weak. Hopefully tonight I'll feel better and he will appear. Think being this overdue is a strain on my body.
Congrats Vicky!

That's scary stuff starbrites. Glad all turned out ok in the end & hope you have a good recovery.

Well pretty much all my friends & family thought my littlest would arrive on 8th but I'm still pregnant!!

For the whole pregnancy I was so sure he'd be early but now I'm really not sure any more. I'm feeling pretty deflated & that I'm now destined to go overdue. If I do go over I can't have a sweep either as I'm on blood thinners so now starting to think about the prospect of being induced again which I really really really don't want at all, and the thought of going to 42 weeks scares me. It's at the end of pregnancy where it all goes wrong for me & I'm worried my placenta will give up before then :(

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