*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Thanks id been contracting all day Midwife came to check me I don't remember what time but roughly 1030pm I was at 3cms. She left me to go back home thinking it could be all night because babys head was not in a good position but also said if baby got its head right it could go very fast.
Congrats Vicky, zephyr and charliekeys. I'm so incredibly jealous.

I have my biophysical profile tomorrow morn at 8 am and I am getting very excited. First day of maternity leave and I'm board out of my mind already. I tried to go to target this morning and started getting horrible pains while walking around so I went straight home in hopes that this was actually it but they died down quickly. Nothing is on tv and I'm all caught up on my shows and the only show I want to watch is on my cbs app and I can't get my hdmi cable to work on my tv. Such a shame but I'm glad that I don't have much to complain about.

My ob didn't even offer a sweep, and I kept forgetting it ask. I'll take one right now if they offered lol

Yoyo what was your original due date? I think your going for a record here. Hope baby comes before Saturday for you.

Good luck with induction Rbourre.
Congratulation charliekeys and zephyr! What a busy day for bumpkin births!

The birth centre phone me this morning to say I'm all booked in. I have to go down on the 25th to look around and have a talk but if I go into labour before then, which I hope I do it's fine I can still have the baby there.
Good luck rbourre!

YoYo-praying your LO comes on their own soon and you get the homebirth you desire.

Zephyr- she is gorgeous! Lovely birth story as well

Toughgal- so glad to see you post!!

Cntrygrl I'm surprised they didn't even check you, wow! Like YoYo my babies never come down until labor either.

Sprite- sorry you are bored already, FX'd something happens soon!
I went to post a post saying I was in labour at about 11:20 something pm (another thread I posted in at 11:20) but I don't think I posted it as contractions suddenly got intense and baby was born at 12:48 am.

We had a girl 9lb 13!! Owww lolAnd the midwife didnt arrive till 12:30 something so it was very close to being unassisted. No time to even get the back up midwife around.*I lay down on the couch cos I felt like pushing and I kept begging hubby to ring her again even though she was on her way. She lives half an hour away and it got so intense. Hubby and my friend kept trying to move me off the couch onto the floor where the tarps and towels were but I kept telling them no way!! That if I move baby will come. There was no way I was budging from that couch till the midwife was there.*Midwife arrived I got down on the floor and sure enough she started coming. I had a few contractions then her head and body were both born in one big contraction.*It was all pretty fast but went without a hitch and im so glad to be at home!

Awww congratulations! Hope you enjoyed hb and she is gorgeous! My mw's both came together 45 mins before she was born and they stayed in next room too which was fab. Isabelle also came out in one massive intense contraction, I was trying to stop her coming so fast as was terrified of tearing and needing stitches again but my body was doing it and I had no control. Was thinking about it all yesterday and asked in the hb fb group I'm on and it's the foetal ejection reflex and is common in ladies home birthing where they feel safe and undisturbed, though that was quite cool now looking back although at the time I was thinking wtf!! Ha ha. X
Good luck rbourre!

YoYo-praying your LO comes on their own soon and you get the homebirth you desire.

Zephyr- she is gorgeous! Lovely birth story as well

Toughgal- so glad to see you post!!

Cntrygrl I'm surprised they didn't even check you, wow! Like YoYo my babies never come down until labor either.

Sprite- sorry you are bored already, FX'd something happens soon!

Everything is so painful now :nope: but hanging in there! :thumbup:
I went to post a post saying I was in labour at about 11:20 something pm (another thread I posted in at 11:20) but I don't think I posted it as contractions suddenly got intense and baby was born at 12:48 am.

We had a girl 9lb 13!! Owww lolAnd the midwife didnt arrive till 12:30 something so it was very close to being unassisted. No time to even get the back up midwife around.*I lay down on the couch cos I felt like pushing and I kept begging hubby to ring her again even though she was on her way. She lives half an hour away and it got so intense. Hubby and my friend kept trying to move me off the couch onto the floor where the tarps and towels were but I kept telling them no way!! That if I move baby will come. There was no way I was budging from that couch till the midwife was there.*Midwife arrived I got down on the floor and sure enough she started coming. I had a few contractions then her head and body were both born in one big contraction.*It was all pretty fast but went without a hitch and im so glad to be at home!

Awww congratulations! Hope you enjoyed hb and she is gorgeous! My mw's both came together 45 mins before she was born and they stayed in next room too which was fab. Isabelle also came out in one massive intense contraction, I was trying to stop her coming so fast as was terrified of tearing and needing stitches again but my body was doing it and I had no control. Was thinking about it all yesterday and asked in the hb fb group I'm on and it's the foetal ejection reflex and is common in ladies home birthing where they feel safe and undisturbed, though that was quite cool now looking back although at the time I was thinking wtf!! Ha ha. X

I absolutely enjoyed it! Tbh I didn't think about where I was when I was doing the giving birth part but leading up to the birth and afterwards it really was great to be at home!
I was talking to her fine on the phone 20 minutes before hubby phoned her telling her to come now. I was still unsure what my contractions were doing so to her I probably sounded like I had a while to go yet.
She wasn't expecting me to be trying hard not to push as she pulled up.
I think me laying down and gripping my couch for dear life was the only thing keeping baby in lol
I've heard of that fetal ejection thing its amazing! I had no control whatsoever and was surprised baby came out in one go. As soon as I was upright it just happened.
My husband got impatient and called the hospital to ask where I am on the induction list. There's one person ahead of me, she said it will most likely be a couple more hours. Apparently she said I should take a nap, but I am getting ready to vacuum my stairs and upstairs in my house. It's the last thing that needs to be done so the house is clean and I really want to get it done before baby comes.
Congrats Vicky, zephyr and charliekeys. I'm so incredibly jealous.

I have my biophysical profile tomorrow morn at 8 am and I am getting very excited. First day of maternity leave and I'm board out of my mind already. I tried to go to target this morning and started getting horrible pains while walking around so I went straight home in hopes that this was actually it but they died down quickly. Nothing is on tv and I'm all caught up on my shows and the only show I want to watch is on my cbs app and I can't get my hdmi cable to work on my tv. Such a shame but I'm glad that I don't have much to complain about.

My ob didn't even offer a sweep, and I kept forgetting it ask. I'll take one right now if they offered lol

Yoyo what was your original due date? I think your going for a record here. Hope baby comes before Saturday for you.

Good luck with induction Rbourre.

Hope your enjoying maternity leave. Be nice for baby to arrive after a day or so...you won't be bored then :) midwife actually said to me walking can bring on contractions to start labour-so if your trying to bring it on, keep walking!

The EDD I had based on lmp was October 3rd, but every scan (all 10 of them) and fundal right has always said 27th September. I think I'm clutching at straws thinking my lmp date could even be slightly correct!

I think I will hold the title of most overdue Bumpkin! As long as he's not a 12lb baby, I can live with that title :haha:
I went to post a post saying I was in labour at about 11:20 something pm (another thread I posted in at 11:20) but I don't think I posted it as contractions suddenly got intense and baby was born at 12:48 am.

We had a girl 9lb 13!! Owww lolAnd the midwife didnt arrive till 12:30 something so it was very close to being unassisted. No time to even get the back up midwife around.*I lay down on the couch cos I felt like pushing and I kept begging hubby to ring her again even though she was on her way. She lives half an hour away and it got so intense. Hubby and my friend kept trying to move me off the couch onto the floor where the tarps and towels were but I kept telling them no way!! That if I move baby will come. There was no way I was budging from that couch till the midwife was there.*Midwife arrived I got down on the floor and sure enough she started coming. I had a few contractions then her head and body were both born in one big contraction.*It was all pretty fast but went without a hitch and im so glad to be at home!

Awww congratulations! Hope you enjoyed hb and she is gorgeous! My mw's both came together 45 mins before she was born and they stayed in next room too which was fab. Isabelle also came out in one massive intense contraction, I was trying to stop her coming so fast as was terrified of tearing and needing stitches again but my body was doing it and I had no control. Was thinking about it all yesterday and asked in the hb fb group I'm on and it's the foetal ejection reflex and is common in ladies home birthing where they feel safe and undisturbed, though that was quite cool now looking back although at the time I was thinking wtf!! Ha ha. X

I absolutely enjoyed it! Tbh I didn't think about where I was when I was doing the giving birth part but leading up to the birth and afterwards it really was great to be at home!
I was talking to her fine on the phone 20 minutes before hubby phoned her telling her to come now. I was still unsure what my contractions were doing so to her I probably sounded like I had a while to go yet.
She wasn't expecting me to be trying hard not to push as she pulled up.
I think me laying down and gripping my couch for dear life was the only thing keeping baby in lol
I've heard of that fetal ejection thing its amazing! I had no control whatsoever and was surprised baby came out in one go. As soon as I was upright it just happened.

Yeh same here, I was leaning over edge of pool and suddenly that last contraction I had to be upright and that part of the reflex. Crazy!! Just before she was born I was crying my eyes out cause I realised I was going to have my baby at home! Transition was hard, my friend was telling me through contractions, you can do this, your doing amazing and I was shaking my head saying I can't lol, and I did! And I was in bed that night thinking how glad I was not to be in a noisy hospital been disturbed by midwives etc.
Congrats, new mamas!!!!!! You're stories are incredible, and I love the pics of the little ones! : )
Charliekeys and zephyr congratulations!

Good luck rbourre!

I'm still waiting to see some kind of sign that baby is on his way at all! I have a feeling he's going to let me wait for him. I did get super excited when there was a tiny bit of mucous like discharge on my toilet paper after going to the bathroom this morning. It was so little though, but don't I have to be dilating at least some to get bits of mucous plug?

My poor husband doesn't know what to do with me! He didn't understand why I was upset about not being dilated yesterday. And when I told him this morning that he shouldn't be surprised if I'm upset if I go to bed tonight feeling the same way I felt every night. I really wish my MIL hadn't said anything about feeling like he'll be here Thursday! Otherwise I would feel okay about waiting.

Oh well, he'll come when he comes!
I am still waiting for the call to go in. It's now 6:30 pm. I really hope they call soon, I'm going crazy waiting.
I went to post a post saying I was in labour at about 11:20 something pm (another thread I posted in at 11:20) but I don't think I posted it as contractions suddenly got intense and baby was born at 12:48 am.

We had a girl 9lb 13!! Owww lolAnd the midwife didnt arrive till 12:30 something so it was very close to being unassisted. No time to even get the back up midwife around.*I lay down on the couch cos I felt like pushing and I kept begging hubby to ring her again even though she was on her way. She lives half an hour away and it got so intense. Hubby and my friend kept trying to move me off the couch onto the floor where the tarps and towels were but I kept telling them no way!! That if I move baby will come. There was no way I was budging from that couch till the midwife was there.*Midwife arrived I got down on the floor and sure enough she started coming. I had a few contractions then her head and body were both born in one big contraction.*It was all pretty fast but went without a hitch and im so glad to be at home!

Awww congratulations! Hope you enjoyed hb and she is gorgeous! My mw's both came together 45 mins before she was born and they stayed in next room too which was fab. Isabelle also came out in one massive intense contraction, I was trying to stop her coming so fast as was terrified of tearing and needing stitches again but my body was doing it and I had no control. Was thinking about it all yesterday and asked in the hb fb group I'm on and it's the foetal ejection reflex and is common in ladies home birthing where they feel safe and undisturbed, though that was quite cool now looking back although at the time I was thinking wtf!! Ha ha. X

I absolutely enjoyed it! Tbh I didn't think about where I was when I was doing the giving birth part but leading up to the birth and afterwards it really was great to be at home!
I was talking to her fine on the phone 20 minutes before hubby phoned her telling her to come now. I was still unsure what my contractions were doing so to her I probably sounded like I had a while to go yet.
She wasn't expecting me to be trying hard not to push as she pulled up.
I think me laying down and gripping my couch for dear life was the only thing keeping baby in lol
I've heard of that fetal ejection thing its amazing! I had no control whatsoever and was surprised baby came out in one go. As soon as I was upright it just happened.

Yeh same here, I was leaning over edge of pool and suddenly that last contraction I had to be upright and that part of the reflex. Crazy!! Just before she was born I was crying my eyes out cause I realised I was going to have my baby at home! Transition was hard, my friend was telling me through contractions, you can do this, your doing amazing and I was shaking my head saying I can't lol, and I did! And I was in bed that night thinking how glad I was not to be in a noisy hospital been disturbed by midwives etc.

aww yeah that transition part is hard! I started complaining of being cold and shaking uncontrollably and as soon as that started I knew baby was coming.
I said oh no oh no a whole bunch and a lot of I cants and I don't want to's

I thought the same thing! I'm so glad I stayed at home. I'd be stuck waiting for the nurses to discharge me at the moment. Not that being at hospital is bad, home birth isn't for everyone but I definitely have no regrets and I don't think it could of been any more perfect for us and the other kiddies.

One of my twins slept through the entire thing in the same room on the couch! Unbelievable!
Here is a picture of Elysia from today (1 week 4 days) :) Her skin is peeling!


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