*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

My two just seem to be hyperactive a lot! And my youngest (oops should say middle now ha ha) bounces about Isabelle a lot so feel I'm telling her off a lot of the time cause she just doesn't listen when I'm telling her she needs to be careful.
My two just seem to be hyperactive a lot! And my youngest (oops should say middle now ha ha) bounces about Isabelle a lot so feel I'm telling her off a lot of the time cause she just doesn't listen when I'm telling her she needs to be careful.

That's a lot like Xander. He's also very heavy handed with Reuben. Mostly by accident but sometimes it's clear he's doing it in purpose. I hope this is just a phase, a short one at that!

Thanks for the BF advice. We're getting somewhere with the latch now & I'm eating a lot of oats!! The urates seem to have gone but we're still not getting any more than a couple of wet nappies a day & no poo since Friday. That's with a couple of ounces of formula yesterday. I'm dreading the weigh in tomorrow.
Oh with bf too it cdn be normal to go a few days between dirty nappies at times as they digest a lot more of it than they do With formula. How much did he loose? Isabelle went from 7lb 6.5oz to 6lb 12 but was back upto 7lb 2 two days later then 7lb 9 on day 10. I'm sure he'll be doing fab :) xx
Bwhaha lol @ thankfully he's pretty easy. Too funny.

Getting nervous about appt and induction tomorrow night. I hate that I have a bad feeling about it.

Stacey did they give you a time to go in on Wednesday yet? They bringing me in Tuesday night for the cytotec and the starting oxytocin in the am. Did they tell you yet if they'll need to use cytotec or pressary?

I went into labour on my own Monday night in the end so didnt't have to be induced x
Missed lots as been in hospital since last monday, had baby tuesday morning via emergency section, we both nearly died so very lucky to here still x
So overwhelmed!! Please tell me i'm normal for crying nearly all day lol! x
Your bang on time for baby blues but also after such a traumatic birth (sounds it :-( ) you can get post traumatic stress. I did last time although it didn't really kick in for a good few weeks, so hopfully just baby blues. Maybe have a chat with the mw (of your dr if in US). Xx
Oh my God Stacey, hope everything is alright! I've been feeling similar since I had my baby on Tuesday :)flower:) Been quite weepy and overwhelmed. I keep feeling freaked out by how much I love her and how protective I feel over her :blush: And the other day I sobbed and sobbed because I went upstairs to the toilet and she was downstairs! Crazy hormones... Just feels a bit weird that she was all mine before and wrapped up in my womb and now she's in the outside world and I'm having to share her! :cry:
Lol my LO smiles and rolls her eyes all the time when sleeping. It freaked me out but then I found it was normal. The way newborns breathe freak me out too! Super fast and hard then normal.. Etc.

Try and wind her next time you spot her doing this, that's what it means when my LO smiles! :flower:
Your bang on time for baby blues but also after such a traumatic birth (sounds it :-( ) you can get post traumatic stress. I did last time although it didn't really kick in for a good few weeks, so hopfully just baby blues. Maybe have a chat with the mw (of your dr if in US). Xx

I'm in the uk, midwife comes tomorrow so think i'll mention it x
I was sent home. My contractions have gotten really strong, they're quite awful but they aren't strong enough to cause me to dilate more. I was 1.5 cm around 430 and then told to go for a walk and come back in a couple hours. My husband and his parents went to get some dinner and walk around for a bit. I got back to the hospital around 630 and was told there was no change. I wanted to cry!

So now I'm laying down at home waiting for contractions to become "unbearable" as the doctor put it.

I'm not sure if this is still relevant advice but I'd be up and about as much as you can.. When I was in labour whenever I laid down my contractions died down a bit. I know it's easier said than done when you're exhausted though... Are you not finding your contractions hard to bear when you're lay down too? I had to be standing up when I had mine!

I feel your pain about not dilating... I was contracting every 4 mins when I got up at 4am and that went down to every 2 mins quite quickly, went in to be examined at about 10.00 and I was 2cm, by 10.00 that night I was still only a 3! Was gutted.. You'll get there, I know it's hard but try and stay positive, and on your feet/birthing ball as much as you can. Don't forget to stay hydrated!

I hope you do'nt even need any of this advice anymore and you're already well on your way if not already had your baby! The times on here confuse me so not sure how long ago your post was..
While i can will do a quick version of birth story!

I started having contractions monday night, took bath, bounced on ball etc and held off aslong as i could until we went into hospital.. Went to the toilet and mucus was dark and streaky like poo so i told midwife.. turns out baby had pood inside me, they broke my waters didnt do anything, he was 4cm dilated for 4 hours with his rate reaching 200bpm then dropping, they was taking blood from his head while inside me, put a clip on his head to see how his heart rate was etc and in the end i was rushed for a emergency c section. he was born not breathing and life less at 11.20 tuesday he was resusitated 5 times and they got him back but because of the meconium we both got very serious infections and nearly died, we are very lucky to be here!! x
Right, final post!

I'm so glad I rediscovered this thread! I feel a bit out of place in Third Tri now but I liked having all you ladies to chat to throughout pregnancy!

My little Mia Dolan was born at 15:18 on Tuesday 14th October weighing 7lb 12 :flower: She is absolutely amazing, I just can't stop staring at her!


The birth pretty much went as little to plan as possible! I wanted to try a water birth in the birth centre, ended up delivering in theatre with forceps all prepped for an emergency section just in case. After 36 hours of labour. Wasn't ideal but it's over with now! And she's worth it 100 times over :flower:

Congrats on your new babies everybody, and good luck to all those expecting theirs!! It'll happen soon, and as shitty as these last few weeks are it's all worth it :thumbup:
While i can will do a quick version of birth story!

I started having contractions monday night, took bath, bounced on ball etc and held off aslong as i could until we went into hospital.. Went to the toilet and mucus was dark and streaky like poo so i told midwife.. turns out baby had pood inside me, they broke my waters didnt do anything, he was 4cm dilated for 4 hours with his rate reaching 200bpm then dropping, they was taking blood from his head while inside me, put a clip on his head to see how his heart rate was etc and in the end i was rushed for a emergency c section. he was born not breathing and life less at 11.20 tuesday he was resusitated 5 times and they got him back but because of the meconium we both got very serious infections and nearly died, we are very lucky to be here!! x

Oh my God, that sounds awful! And kinda like a more traumatic version of my birth! My baby had passed meconium too and her heart rate was dropping with each contraction. My waters went at 9.40am after nearly 30hours of labour and I went from 3cm to 10cm on gas and air alone in just a few hours - thought I'd make it on just gas and air at first, then realised I needed an epidural halfway through and had to wait what seemed like an eternity (but was probably only about half an hour!)

Doctor examined me after I'd had the epidural put in and I was 10cm and ready to push! Pushed for an hour and baby wasn't coming 'cause she was back to back. So they had to prep me for an emergency section but said they'd try forceps first. Luckily the forceps worked 'cause I was dreading the idea of the caesarean.

So sorry you had to go through that. I know how traumatic my experience was so yours must have been twice as bad. Just focus on the fact that you're both here and healthy now :flower:
While i can will do a quick version of birth story!

I started having contractions monday night, took bath, bounced on ball etc and held off aslong as i could until we went into hospital.. Went to the toilet and mucus was dark and streaky like poo so i told midwife.. turns out baby had pood inside me, they broke my waters didnt do anything, he was 4cm dilated for 4 hours with his rate reaching 200bpm then dropping, they was taking blood from his head while inside me, put a clip on his head to see how his heart rate was etc and in the end i was rushed for a emergency c section. he was born not breathing and life less at 11.20 tuesday he was resusitated 5 times and they got him back but because of the meconium we both got very serious infections and nearly died, we are very lucky to be here!! x

Oh my God, that sounds awful! And kinda like a more traumatic version of my birth! My baby had passed meconium too and her heart rate was dropping with each contraction. My waters went at 9.40am after nearly 30hours of labour and I went from 3cm to 10cm on gas and air alone in just a few hours - thought I'd make it on just gas and air at first, then realised I needed an epidural halfway through and had to wait what seemed like an eternity (but was probably only about half an hour!)

Doctor examined me after I'd had the epidural put in and I was 10cm and ready to push! Pushed for an hour and baby wasn't coming 'cause she was back to back. So they had to prep me for an emergency section but said they'd try forceps first. Luckily the forceps worked 'cause I was dreading the idea of the caesarean.

So sorry you had to go through that. I know how traumatic my experience was so yours must have been twice as bad. Just focus on the fact that you're both here and healthy now :flower:

I really feel for you, i'm in shock still. i wanted a natural birth and it went the opposite x
While i can will do a quick version of birth story!

I started having contractions monday night, took bath, bounced on ball etc and held off aslong as i could until we went into hospital.. Went to the toilet and mucus was dark and streaky like poo so i told midwife.. turns out baby had pood inside me, they broke my waters didnt do anything, he was 4cm dilated for 4 hours with his rate reaching 200bpm then dropping, they was taking blood from his head while inside me, put a clip on his head to see how his heart rate was etc and in the end i was rushed for a emergency c section. he was born not breathing and life less at 11.20 tuesday he was resusitated 5 times and they got him back but because of the meconium we both got very serious infections and nearly died, we are very lucky to be here!! x

Oh my God, that sounds awful! And kinda like a more traumatic version of my birth! My baby had passed meconium too and her heart rate was dropping with each contraction. My waters went at 9.40am after nearly 30hours of labour and I went from 3cm to 10cm on gas and air alone in just a few hours - thought I'd make it on just gas and air at first, then realised I needed an epidural halfway through and had to wait what seemed like an eternity (but was probably only about half an hour!)

Doctor examined me after I'd had the epidural put in and I was 10cm and ready to push! Pushed for an hour and baby wasn't coming 'cause she was back to back. So they had to prep me for an emergency section but said they'd try forceps first. Luckily the forceps worked 'cause I was dreading the idea of the caesarean.

So sorry you had to go through that. I know how traumatic my experience was so yours must have been twice as bad. Just focus on the fact that you're both here and healthy now :flower:

I really feel for you, i'm in shock still. i wanted a natural birth and it went the opposite x

Yeah me too :/ Was this your first too?
Congrats everyone on their new babies! I'm unfortunately still pregnant!

I went back to labor and delivery early this morning around 6AM due to my contractions increasing in pain and found out I only dilated to 2.5 cm but my cervix softened some. I was told to walk around for an hour and come back to get checked again and if I progressed some they would admit me. So I walk around, very painfully! It felt like I was just non stop contracting!

So after an hour of hobbling around, and taking many breaks I go back up to L&D and get checked again. I didn't dilate any more! But my cervix was as soft as it could go. By this time it was around 8:30 AM and I had been awake for over 24 hours and my contractions were not letting me rest!

So before they sent me home AGAIN they gave me a nice shot of morphine so I could go home and finally rest. I got a few hours of sleep, because while morphine helps contractions were still being felt. After a few hours of sleep my contractions have sort of fizzled. I'm hoping it's just an affect of the morphine, which they told me would last approx 6 hours. I'm starting to get more, and they're painful but manageable and sort of far apart.

This is all so frustrating!
While i can will do a quick version of birth story!

I started having contractions monday night, took bath, bounced on ball etc and held off aslong as i could until we went into hospital.. Went to the toilet and mucus was dark and streaky like poo so i told midwife.. turns out baby had pood inside me, they broke my waters didnt do anything, he was 4cm dilated for 4 hours with his rate reaching 200bpm then dropping, they was taking blood from his head while inside me, put a clip on his head to see how his heart rate was etc and in the end i was rushed for a emergency c section. he was born not breathing and life less at 11.20 tuesday he was resusitated 5 times and they got him back but because of the meconium we both got very serious infections and nearly died, we are very lucky to be here!! x

Wow that's a lot to go through! So sorry you've had such a traumatic time :-( def mention it to your mw and maybe your HV too when they visit just incase, with it been so traumatic you can get quite down over it all (as I've been there). I kept it all to myself for quite a while so if you find ourself dwelling and getting upset thinking about your experience def talk to someone as it helps a lot in getting your head around it all.
Sending massive hugs. Xx
Congrats everyone on their new babies! I'm unfortunately still pregnant!

I went back to labor and delivery early this morning around 6AM due to my contractions increasing in pain and found out I only dilated to 2.5 cm but my cervix softened some. I was told to walk around for an hour and come back to get checked again and if I progressed some they would admit me. So I walk around, very painfully! It felt like I was just non stop contracting!

So after an hour of hobbling around, and taking many breaks I go back up to L&D and get checked again. I didn't dilate any more! But my cervix was as soft as it could go. By this time it was around 8:30 AM and I had been awake for over 24 hours and my contractions were not letting me rest!

So before they sent me home AGAIN they gave me a nice shot of morphine so I could go home and finally rest. I got a few hours of sleep, because while morphine helps contractions were still being felt. After a few hours of sleep my contractions have sort of fizzled. I'm hoping it's just an affect of the morphine, which they told me would last approx 6 hours. I'm starting to get more, and they're painful but manageable and sort of far apart.

This is all so frustrating!

Aww sounds quite similar to what I went through.. Have they examined you to see what position baby is in? And are you fully engaged?

I was in labour from 4am on the Monday morning and because by 10pm that night I was still only 3cm they gave me diamorphine to help me sleep. I didn't even properly get to sleep 'cause I was so excited and updating people on Facebook (d'oh!) then the contractions started to get stronger again so couldn't sleep. By this point they'd gone to every 6 mins which was frustrating 'cause they were every 4 mins when I first started! I was glad I got the rest (even though I didn't sleep I got to lie down for a while and not be in pain!) but I was really annoyed that the contractions slowed down so much. They got gradually more intense and close together over the next few hours and at 9.40 my waters went and I was in active labour..

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