Baby is measuring 9 pounds 14 ounces so I will not be getting my home birth. I am facing a Foley catheter induction if I haven't had baby by Friday, I am 41 weeks today. Any experiences?
While i can will do a quick version of birth story!
I started having contractions monday night, took bath, bounced on ball etc and held off aslong as i could until we went into hospital.. Went to the toilet and mucus was dark and streaky like poo so i told midwife.. turns out baby had pood inside me, they broke my waters didnt do anything, he was 4cm dilated for 4 hours with his rate reaching 200bpm then dropping, they was taking blood from his head while inside me, put a clip on his head to see how his heart rate was etc and in the end i was rushed for a emergency c section. he was born not breathing and life less at 11.20 tuesday he was resusitated 5 times and they got him back but because of the meconium we both got very serious infections and nearly died, we are very lucky to be here!! x
Oh my God, that sounds awful! And kinda like a more traumatic version of my birth! My baby had passed meconium too and her heart rate was dropping with each contraction. My waters went at 9.40am after nearly 30hours of labour and I went from 3cm to 10cm on gas and air alone in just a few hours - thought I'd make it on just gas and air at first, then realised I needed an epidural halfway through and had to wait what seemed like an eternity (but was probably only about half an hour!)
Doctor examined me after I'd had the epidural put in and I was 10cm and ready to push! Pushed for an hour and baby wasn't coming 'cause she was back to back. So they had to prep me for an emergency section but said they'd try forceps first. Luckily the forceps worked 'cause I was dreading the idea of the caesarean.
So sorry you had to go through that. I know how traumatic my experience was so yours must have been twice as bad. Just focus on the fact that you're both here and healthy now
I really feel for you, i'm in shock still. i wanted a natural birth and it went the opposite x
Yeah me too :/ Was this your first too?
While i can will do a quick version of birth story!
I started having contractions monday night, took bath, bounced on ball etc and held off aslong as i could until we went into hospital.. Went to the toilet and mucus was dark and streaky like poo so i told midwife.. turns out baby had pood inside me, they broke my waters didnt do anything, he was 4cm dilated for 4 hours with his rate reaching 200bpm then dropping, they was taking blood from his head while inside me, put a clip on his head to see how his heart rate was etc and in the end i was rushed for a emergency c section. he was born not breathing and life less at 11.20 tuesday he was resusitated 5 times and they got him back but because of the meconium we both got very serious infections and nearly died, we are very lucky to be here!! x
Wow that's a lot to go through! So sorry you've had such a traumatic time def mention it to your mw and maybe your HV too when they visit just incase, with it been so traumatic you can get quite down over it all (as I've been there). I kept it all to myself for quite a while so if you find ourself dwelling and getting upset thinking about your experience def talk to someone as it helps a lot in getting your head around it all.
Sending massive hugs. Xx
Congrats mushy so glad to hear that baby boy is getting better.
Can't wait to see pics.
Afm, regarding the weight. I weighed myself yesterday and while I am still up 10 lbs I'm also down 10 lbs so that's not too bad. I'm heavy to begin with so once my 6 weeks is up I'd like to try to get down to my pre- fertility treatment weight of 188 lbs.
Anyone else having issues with iron? Post csection labs show iron is down to 8.1 just avoided a blood transfusion by skin of my teeth and having to take 2 iron tablets per day and still feel my I'm bleeding pretty heavy so i don't think it's going to get better quickly.
I'm also enjoying all the visitors, I thought for sure I would be miserable if people just randomly invited themselves over or stopped in unannounced but I'm actually glad there is that unknown because it forces me to get dressed and presentable. Been doing a load of laundry every single day since we are home lol and some how managing to make homemade meals everyday as well and doing double batches so I can make sure I have a homemade lunch to just pop in the micro. She prefers to be up at night but she's slowly figuring it out. Last night ended up being pretty decent.
Think everyone left for the facebook group. It's awe fully quiet in here lately. Either that or everyone's busy with baby.
That's rough Stacey, glad your bleeding is light and avoided the transfusion. I'm used to the iron tablets as I have a history of anemia but it still is not fun. Go to the hematologist nov 12 to see if I need an infusion. My bleeding finally slowed down a bit I think I was trying to do too much too soon but since I've settled down the bleeding has too.
Oh boy only one during the night that would be wonderful. Dd seems to want to be awake from 1am to 3 am every night and up very often at varying times yet she slept alllllll day today. Dr google says not to force her awake so so far I just let her slept and nap as often as I can.
Baby is measuring 9 pounds 14 ounces so I will not be getting my home birth. I am facing a Foley catheter induction if I haven't had baby by Friday, I am 41 weeks today. Any experiences?