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*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

So cute, Jcliff!! Our new little guy was a piece of candy corn lol. I attached a pic in my journal--I will have to try to remember to post one here tomorrow.
Aww too cute jcliff.

We got professional pics taken today. Wish I could share them with you but dh doesn't want her photo on the internet :( ugh

I had a chance to babysit my nephew today he's 22 months old and omg was two kids HARD...everytime the baby cried he cried and everytime I picked her up he wanted to be held. He was so afraid of her last week and he just stared and backed away from her but today he was curious. I went to the kitchen to get a bottle together and as soon as I walked away he went and touched her face in awe. It was so adorable. Then I put her in the pack n play and was straightening up the kitchen and she started to cry and he ran back to the couch where her blanket was like "oh I'll get her" and when she wasn't there his poor little face was like omg where is she so he had to hunt her down and he pulled himself up on the pack n play to see down into it ....it was incredibly cute but boy I can only imagine if I turned my back for one minute what kind of trouble he could cause. He tried to steal her pacifier and he took it and when she cried he tried to give it back real quick but he couldn't get it in her mouth so he looked and me like omg I'm sorry. I lasted less then 3 hours and I had to call my dh to come home bc I couldn't deal. 2 babies crying at once is not fun lol
This is our beautiful Remi Eileen. She is such a good baby, eats well and barely cries. I am tandem feeding and have so much milk because of that and I also encapsulated my placenta which has given me so much energy, it is amazing. Our 23 month old loves her but I am dreading my DH going back to work next week. It should be interesting, lol. Still recovering from our c-section but doing well. Struggling with the fact I didn't achieve my VBAC but I know after all of it it was worth it, no matter how she got here . Hope you all are well.


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Aww sprite, your nephew sounds so cute. Two that close together would definitely be hard! My older little boy is 4, and there are days even that close is a struggle lol. I don't blame you for calling in reinforcements!
Very cute Krippy....Oh boy . I can imagine recovering from a csection with a newborn and 23 mon old is hard. Even changing my nephews diaper was a task. I managed to get him to climb onto the couch by himself but geez just lifting his legs up hurt my tummy.

We were gonna do another iui at 6 months pp but now I'm thinking 1 year+ is more realistic.
I think i am ovulating.. Grr. Not looking forward to the return of the witch =(
I still haven't gotten my period. I just stopped bleeding about a week ago ugh. Nursing can delay it for a while
Krippy she is gorgeous!!

I've been having similar pains to what I used to get before my AF showed up, I'm not even 4 weeks pp yet and breastfeeding so I thought I'd have a bit longer- I am fuming:haha:
Krippy - She is just gorgeous! Did you ever get the invite to the FB group?

I also suspect that I'm about to/have ovulated. I've felt hormonal and like Im going to start a period, bloated and gross! With dd1 I got my period back 4 weeks PP :-( so I suspect it may be the same this time around. :-(
Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long, my little man is so very demanding. He eats about every 1 1/2 to 2 hours most of the time, and does not like to be set down hardly at all!

Hope everyone is doing well, is anyone still waiting? I had to skip about 30 pages or i would have never caught up! Lol

I would like to join the Facebook group but i don't remember who to send my info to.
Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long, my little man is so very demanding. He eats about every 1 1/2 to 2 hours most of the time, and does not like to be set down hardly at all!

Hope everyone is doing well, is anyone still waiting? I had to skip about 30 pages or i would have never caught up! Lol

I would like to join the Facebook group but i don't remember who to send my info to.
Sister rose but I think anyone in the group can invite you.
Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long, my little man is so very demanding. He eats about every 1 1/2 to 2 hours most of the time, and does not like to be set down hardly at all!

Hope everyone is doing well, is anyone still waiting? I had to skip about 30 pages or i would have never caught up! Lol

I would like to join the Facebook group but i don't remember who to send my info to.

Busytulip is still waiting to deliver.
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone's ok? I'm sure there wil be some updates for me to add, sorry I've not been around.

Caught flu and has been a terrible week trying to look after everyone whilst feeling really ill :-( lost 8lbs within a week from it too (not complaining now though :) )

So far the kids don't seem to have had it as bad as me and dh though, so that's good.

Will check through for updates :flower:
Feel better yo-yo!

I can't imagine being sick with a new LO. I'm always nervous these days if I even get a headache that it will turn into something more. New mom jitters I guess.
Feel better soon yoyo.

Dh started getting a running nose and a cough on Monday and I was soooo mad at him. I wouldn't let him hold the baby or help with her bottles or anything which made me even more mad bc it would have been nice to have his help but what can you do I'm just glad he didn't get me or baby sick. Then he wants to go grocery shopping and to another store last night and I spent a good hour telling him im not going and I'm not taking the baby out in this cold ..eventually he won and we all went but I was fuming...I told him never again he needs to learn to do some things on his own lol I doubt I'll win this one tho

I'm babysitting my nephew again today so this should be interesting. Baby is sleeping and he is glued to the tv at the moment so so far so good....if I come back later to vent don't be suprised lol

Is busy tulip the only left to deliver?
Hope you feel better soon yo yo. Having the flu with a family to take care of must be awful.

We've all got a cold at the minute and I'm finding that hard enough. The joys of having a toddler in child care means there is no hope of avoiding illnesses over the winter for us. For those with kids already, what is it with their colds that I have to catch every single one of them???!!!
Just created a fake facebook so I can try to join in. I hope you guys don't mind but my dh doesn't want me using my real information. Just sent sister rose a PM
Can someone please add me to the facebook group? Pm me and I will send you my information.

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