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*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

I was due on the 27th but still waiting. Went for a sweep today but still nothing so booked in for induction on Saturday. In a way I hope he comes soon but I'm also full of cold and feel rubbish so feel like I need a few more days to get over it. Our 3 and a half year old is also bunged up so feeling really sorry for him at the mo x
Rachmum-hope your family all feel better soon and that your LO decides to make an appearance before scheduled induction

My yellow bump turned pink at 11:35 this am (11/03). We have named her Jolie Brielle. She weighed 7 lbs 12oz and is 19 inches long. I will post more once we are home. She is beautiful and healthy, things could not have gone better.
Congrats busytulip! Great news!

Rachmumtobe - hope you feel better soon and your LO arrives when you're feeling stronger but before the induction.

Yoyo - sorry to hear you've been so ill. Hope you feel better. Thank you so much for everything you've done on this forum, I really have appreciated being on it and youve been so efficient!!
Yaaah busytulip! Congratulations! Hope everyone starts to feel better. My LO and DH were both sick with colds and luckily Remi and I have stayed healthy.
Congrats busytulip! Lover her name too. X

jack is 4 weeks old today, flying! X
Rachmum-hope your family all feel better soon and that your LO decides to make an appearance before scheduled induction

My yellow bump turned pink at 11:35 this am (11/03). We have named her Jolie Brielle. She weighed 7 lbs 12oz and is 19 inches long. I will post more once we are home. She is beautiful and healthy, things could not have gone better.

Congrats hunn xx <3
Congrats busytulip! Can't wait for pictures of your jolie Jolie!

Rach: your LO will be here soon, hopefully sooner that later though! Hope you and your other LO feel better soon :)
Good luck rachmumtobe... Can't wait to hear about your birth.
rach, i hope baby comes before induction. :hugs:

congrats, busytulip!
Looking for some opinions

Im 4 weeks PP today, I did bleed red for almost 3 weeks but it started to end last week, and has been just browny old blood or barely anything. I haven't needed a pad in a week. Went to the toilet earlier and I'm bleeding bright red again, not heavy and no need for a pad. I'm wondering if this is PP bleeding starting again or could be the return of my period? It seems a little early...I have been a bit hormonal, bloated and had period symptoms the last week though :-/ I just hate all this postpartum crap, it really freaks me out! I don't like not knowing what is going on with my body and I worry in case it's not normal.
Finally have time to upload a photo of my gorgeous girl! <3 It has been a rough week and a half tbh!


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How active have you been SisterRose? I have found in all 3 pregnancies my bleeding would slow down as I felt better so I started to do more and then it picked up again. Hope it eases and it isn't your period...
Yay, Busy!!! Congrats!! : )

Toughgal, she is PRECIOUS!!

Sister rose, I'm only about 2.5 weeks out from delivering, but I had the same thing happen. There were a couple of days where I had almost no bleeding, and then it went back to very heavy and bright red. I called and spoke with a L&D nurse, and she said it is very normal for it to slack off and pick up like that. (I was worried about blood clots since I had a c-section.) I know you're a bit further than me, but I still think it would probably be too early for it to be AF. Also, like Krippy said, too much activity can bring it back on as well. I hope it eases up soon, and isn't AF just yet!
How active have you been SisterRose? I have found in all 3 pregnancies my bleeding would slow down as I felt better so I started to do more and then it picked up again. Hope it eases and it isn't your period...

I was going to ask the same thing. Could be Af could be pp bleeding picking up. Given it's 4 weeks pp for you I'm inclined to think it might be af. I had some ovulation pains last week so I'm fulling expecting af at 4 weeks pp :(
I got af 4 weeks pp after my first :(

i have been active lately, but never get chance to sit down for 5mins anyway! X
Looking for some opinions

Im 4 weeks PP today, I did bleed red for almost 3 weeks but it started to end last week, and has been just browny old blood or barely anything. I haven't needed a pad in a week. Went to the toilet earlier and I'm bleeding bright red again, not heavy and no need for a pad. I'm wondering if this is PP bleeding starting again or could be the return of my period? It seems a little early...I have been a bit hormonal, bloated and had period symptoms the last week though :-/ I just hate all this postpartum crap, it really freaks me out! I don't like not knowing what is going on with my body and I worry in case it's not normal.

I did the same thing, about the same time. It never got real heavy, just went from brown back to red for a day. I only just stopped wearing a pad yesterday.

Congrats busytulip!

Beautiful toughgal!
Yay, Busy!!! Congrats!! : )

Toughgal, she is PRECIOUS!!

Sister rose, I'm only about 2.5 weeks out from delivering, but I had the same thing happen. There were a couple of days where I had almost no bleeding, and then it went back to very heavy and bright red. I called and spoke with a L&D nurse, and she said it is very normal for it to slack off and pick up like that. (I was worried about blood clots since I had a c-section.) I know you're a bit further than me, but I still think it would probably be too early for it to be AF. Also, like Krippy said, too much activity can bring it back on as well. I hope it eases up soon, and isn't AF just yet!

I've had exactly the same as soblessed is describing. If it lightens up again it could still be pp but if stays heavy for a few days, sounds more like AF? Hope it eases off soon whatever one it is.

Congrats busytulip, lovely news! :)

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