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*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Looking for some opinions

Im 4 weeks PP today, I did bleed red for almost 3 weeks but it started to end last week, and has been just browny old blood or barely anything. I haven't needed a pad in a week. Went to the toilet earlier and I'm bleeding bright red again, not heavy and no need for a pad. I'm wondering if this is PP bleeding starting again or could be the return of my period? It seems a little early...I have been a bit hormonal, bloated and had period symptoms the last week though :-/ I just hate all this postpartum crap, it really freaks me out! I don't like not knowing what is going on with my body and I worry in case it's not normal.

Mine did this! I'd not needed a pad for quite a few days, but luckily had a panty liner on. I had a mini flood, in that it came out all in one! I've had it every day or two for two weeks now, but hoping it's coming to an end. It's only ever small amounts but is red. I asked my mw last week before she discharged me and she said it's normal and I've since spoken to other ladies who remember same thing happening. Can't remember it with my first two :-/
I don't remember it being like this with my first, either! The best I can remember, it just slowly tapered off over about 3 weeks. This I keep thinking has stopped, and then a gush comes. (So gross.) Now it seems to be tapering off again, hopefully for good!
My bleeding comes and goes too. One minute I think it's gone and that's it, then I get a gush. Ergh!

I've developed carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand-can barely pick T up with it. So frustrating! :-(

How's everyone's babies sleeping? My nights vary between good and bad. He generally wakes a couple of times, but last night slept until 5am :)
Aww toughgal she is so pretty :)

Busytulip I also love her name x

Anyone else still waiting? 10 days overdue now
Sorry you're still waiting rach.

Sorry you have carpal tunnel yoyo. I have MS and there has been times when I have lost feeling in my arm. It must be really hard for you.
My nights have been pretty good. She wakes to feed but since we are Co sleeping its more like a comfort snack and shes back to sleep quickly.
I'm sleeping more now than I was when I was pregnant with Annabelle and bed sharing with the twins.
She is pretty good during the day also. Just wants to be cuddled heaps so I baby wear most of the day and she is happy with that and doesn't cry at all really.
We sometimes have a brief spell in the evenings but that's reflux related and is from something I've eaten that has upset her and thankfully gaviscon is enough to fix it.
Were on our second very good night in 3 weeks. 2 nights ago she slept from 11ish to 430 and then to 730 and last night she slept from 10:30 to 330 and to 730. Right around the time I was getting used to being awake at night lol when she woke this morn at 730 I was actually wide awake and had to force myself back to sleep which I probably shouldn't have but I've got a couple weeks to make up for so I figure if I can sleep in I probably should.

I'm looking forward to the weekend and I'm hoping the weather is decent so I'm not stuck in the house the whole weekend.

Is anyone else like completely shocked at how much money they're saving now that baby has arrived? ....I haven't put gas in my SUV in 3 weeks, I haven't bought any fast food for lunch or gone out to restaurant ... It's kind of crazy so far all I've bought in bulk is formula, diapers and wipes and some lotions and I didn't even spend $75 ....am I doing something wrong ? Haha

Edit: oh that's right let me stop laughing I didn't get all the hospital bills yet lol
Eek Sprite your hospital bills are crazy! I'm very thankful having babies here doesn't cost anything.

Im considering toilet training the twins. Cant say 3 in nappies is much fun especially when they all poop at the same time lol.
Oh ladies I feel SO awful for disappearing! It has just been so crazy around here and I haven't had a single moment to get on here. I had my baby boy Bryson October 3rd, a scheduled c-section, and everything went great! I just finished posting my birth story with a few pictures here: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/b...67-bryson-here-my-repeat-c-section-story.html

I hope everyone is doing well, I'm sure we've most all had our babies by now! I'll have to take some time and go through the thread to catch up!! Congratulations everyone!!

I'm also still bleeding, well mostly spotting at this point. It's super annoying because just when I think it's finally done, it comes back, just like you all have said! With my first, I bled for maybe 2 weeks and then stopped completely, so this needs to be over lol. But then again everything about this pregnancy and birth has been completely opposite than with my first, so I suppose I'm not surprised.

Bryson sleeps ok. He's one month old now and he doesn't like to be on his back at all. At first he would wake up like every 30 min to an hour and cry like he's in pain... but I finally got his to where he's slightly on his side while sleeping, propped up but not enough that he can roll over and he is so much more content and will sleep for almost 3 hours straight at night. He loves to be held though, and baby wearing is actually so awesome. It frees my hands to do what I need to do with DD and he just snoozes away.
Re bleeding - my bleeding had stopped a week ago and now AF has reared her ugly face and I am dealing with that. I am finding it's the same as it always was pre-pregnancy but I find my cramping is sharper.

Has anyone else's LO's started showing teething signs? DS has been drooling up a storm lately, been uber fussy/restless, and his gums in a few spots are white looking. Everyone I have asked about it said he's showing signs of early teething even though he won't show teeth for another month or two. Poor little thing!!!

Tonight DS is making his acting debut as Baby Jesus at a Christmas event where there will be little kids standing by the "manger" that he will be in and they are signing some songs. :) It's going to be absolutely adorable!!! :cloud9: As long as the video isn't too long I will try to post it here. :)
Aww Laelani, how miserable if he is already teething, poor guy. : (

I'd love to see the video of your little guy playing baby Jesus!! How sweet!
He was so sweet! He slept through the whole thing. It was adorable. My mom watched it on the tv from my grandmother's house and said the camera zoomed right in on his sleeping face. :cloud9:

I will try to post the video in the next day or two. :)
Little man is 6 weeks old... I started my birth control again, it feels weird! Oh well no more surprises!
Congratulations to all the new mama's!!!:dance: Your babies are all beautiful!

Logan is almost 5 weeks old today, where has the time gone- I swear only yesterday I was hanging around in the first trimester board!

Hope everyone is well!
Well, mama's we are going days without any posts now, it's kinda sad! My little man is 8 weeks 2 days old, and has his first ear infection. I hate to see him miserable, but hoping the antibiotic and ear drops do the trick quickly. My little guy has "colic" and cries every night for about 2 hours. It's hard to deal with, but my oldest had it too- so we know how to handle it, basically. There have been times, however, that it's gotten the best of me and made me cry right along with him. I know my other two boys hate to hear him and can't really do anything else when's going full force. Our house isn't that big and we only have one t.v. so it's hard to even do that when he's wailing. Other than that, he's doing well- he weighed 13lbs 13.5oz today at the doctor and was 23 inches long. Hard to believe he's gained so much weight and grew so much. He's smiling quite a bit (which makes the crying not so bad), and likes to sit up and watch what's going on around him. I miss "talking" with you girls more, but we are all so busy now with baby duty. Hope everyone's doing well.
I have also cried at night. I think it's the tiredness. She does not have colic but can just be difficult to settle down. Last night I got 3 hours broken sleep. Today we had a family photo shoot done.

Remember if you are on Facebook we have a private group. If you pm me your FB email I can invite you.
Sorry for going MIA our days have been filled with either doctors appointments or daycare tours. Parker has been sleeping through the night since he was a week old. I got lucky there. I've been dealing with mastitis and have been on antibiotics for over two weeks. It doesn't seem to be clearing up.
I feel ya about the sleep! Last night I got about 3 1/2 hours all together. I'm exclusively pumping so when I wake up to feed him, i pump after, so after all is done, I've been up for about an hour and a half before I can go back to bed. I'm so tired. DH gets to sleep through the night every night and I want to strangle him in the afternoon when he says he's tired and wants a nap. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

Is anyone else's baby congested? Bryson is super congested and I've suctioned out tons of boogers lately.

cntrygrl - so sorry about the mastisis, I've had lots of clogged ducts with DD and they are horrible!! So I can only imagine. I hope it clears up for you soon. But SOOO jealous about your lo sleeping through the night! My little boy is not the best sleeper yet. He goes about 2 1/2 to 3 hours in between eating but at night he still wakes up a lot just fussy for no reason. :(

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