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*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

My baby has "colic" as well. She had an on and off crying session for four hours last night. The only reason she stopped is she simply had no more left in her. I, too, have cried at points. Especially when she is crying for hours and I cannot get anything done! Hopefully our babies get "better"
Michael is a fantastic baby. He is the opposite of his sister who was colicky for 3 months! He sleeps from 10:30-4am and back to bed until 7am. He is adorable and starting to coo. He is a sweet momma boy!
DH gets to sleep through the night every night and I want to strangle him in the afternoon when he says he's tired and wants a nap. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:


This bugs me SO MUCH! My husband seems to almost try to compete with me on how tired he is, even though I never complain about it. He'll come home and just go on about how tired he is and when I respond with how I only got four hours of broken sleep he responds with, "Well, I had to go to work." Uh..yeah what I am doing is just so relaxing and doesn't take a toll on the body, or mind at all!

My little guy is just perfect! I know I'm a little biased, but I don't care! I'm so lucky that he only cries when he's hungry (which is more like a grunt) and when he's getting a diaper change. He generally sleeps pretty well too, but some nights are better than others.

I feel like I've had him for so long, but it's barely going on four weeks. I know he's been with me for months prior, but I feel like he's been in my arms and with me for a lot longer than just under 4 weeks.
I feel ya about the sleep! Last night I got about 3 1/2 hours all together. I'm exclusively pumping so when I wake up to feed him, i pump after, so after all is done, I've been up for about an hour and a half before I can go back to bed. I'm so tired. DH gets to sleep through the night every night and I want to strangle him in the afternoon when he says he's tired and wants a nap. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

Is anyone else's baby congested? Bryson is super congested and I've suctioned out tons of boogers lately.

cntrygrl - so sorry about the mastisis, I've had lots of clogged ducts with DD and they are horrible!! So I can only imagine. I hope it clears up for you soon. But SOOO jealous about your lo sleeping through the night! My little boy is not the best sleeper yet. He goes about 2 1/2 to 3 hours in between eating but at night he still wakes up a lot just fussy for no reason. :(

Yep Carson is pretty congested as well. You can sometimes hear it in his breathing and I also suction out lots from his nose on a daily basis right now.
Aww, I hate it that some of our little ones are already getting sick. : ( I know it happens in these winter months, though!

So far, Davis has been great : ) He was 4 weeks old yesterday, which is hard to believe! He is overall an easy baby--sleeps great, eats well, and is gaining weight right on track. He has been having some problems with gas, though. We've tried a couple of different formulas, and changing it has made a small difference, but then the problem came right back. Yesterday we started using gripe water--we give him a half dose every time he eats. So far, it has been like a miracle in a bottle lol. Hopefully this fix is what he needs!

I hope everyone is doing well--I know most people have joined the FB group, but I'm not on facebook. Hope to continue to see great updates here, though. : )
Aww, I hate it that some of our little ones are already getting sick. : ( I know it happens in these winter months, though!

So far, Davis has been great : ) He was 4 weeks old yesterday, which is hard to believe! He is overall an easy baby--sleeps great, eats well, and is gaining weight right on track. He has been having some problems with gas, though. We've tried a couple of different formulas, and changing it has made a small difference, but then the problem came right back. Yesterday we started using gripe water--we give him a half dose every time he eats. So far, it has been like a miracle in a bottle lol. Hopefully this fix is what he needs!

I hope everyone is doing well--I know most people have joined the FB group, but I'm not on facebook. Hope to continue to see great updates here, though. : )

Hope that the gripe water continues to work for you soblessed!

I'm in the FB group but I still check in here as well. It's hard to get on either as Isabelle takes up much of my time. While she's napping I try to do other things, such as shower, laundry, food shopping, bills, etc, lol.

Izzy is 7 weeks old now, she'll be 8 weeks on Friday. She's 12 1/2 lbs. now (was 6 lbs 13 oz when we left the hospital). She's beginning to outgrow her 3 month sized clothes *depending no the brand*. We just had to go buy more 3-6 month stuff (but most of it is so huge!).

We took her to see the Enchanted village (it's a christmas display village thing that was created by a bulgarian artist in the early 1900s or something that was a Boston tradition in Jordan Marsh department stores, then filenes, and then our City Hall for a few years). It's beautiful to walk through and a really popular holiday tradition here in our area.

Izzy slept through almost the whole thing! She woke up as we were leaving but was perplexed by the display of teddy bears and a sleigh with presents by the exit. She was looking at my husband like "What the heck is that awesome stuff!?"

She's beginning to socially smile a lot more this week. Yesterday she was smiling up a storm. She's starting to coordinate her senses and motor control. She reaches for toys, grabs her hair, and puts her hands in her mouth on purpose now. Her head/neck is getting stronger. She moves her head and holds it up for a second or two here or there. She tolerates more and more tummy time each day.

AFM: I was cleared for sex at my 6 week PP appointment but I'm terrified to have it! TMI: We tried that evening of my appointment and when the time came for internal stuff I couldn't do it! I was too scared. Luckily my husband is understanding lol.

I also ended up getting my first period that night. So exactly 6 weeks PP my AF returned. I thought something was wrong lol. I'm exclusively breast feeding on demand so even the nurse at my OBs office had to check with the Dr. to make sure it was okay. It lasted for 8 days (so long) but then went away all at once on day 8 in the afternoon. I went from a normal flow to nothing, not even spotting! (Which is soooo weird for me.

Anyway, can't wait to hear from other ladies on here. :)


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Elsa- Izzy is beautiful! The enchanted village sounds like a really wonderful display, how neat that she would be captivated by it.

SBM- Praying the gripe water does the trick.

AFM- Jolie is 2 weeks old today, it's amazing how time flies. She is such a precious little bundle. We have hit a few bumps in the road concerning breastfeeding. Most of which we are past now. She, like several of my other children, has an allergy to dairy-or rather the proteins in dairy. So I have adopted the dairy free life again. It's amazing how much better she sleeps now. She still has bruising on her forehead from birth but it isn't quite as noticeable. She is rarely fussy and so laid back. Unfortunately we have already experienced our first illness, but she seems to be doing much better. I am praying that the kids avoid bringing home any serious illnesses home from school.

Here is a quick pic, sorry it is dark. I snuck a quick one while she was sleeping last night.


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Elsa did you have any stitches? I'm also a little concerned for when the time comes.

Busytulip Jolie looks so sweet.

Paige is 1 month tomorrow. She can be difficult to settle at night it's not unusual for her to not go down properly until 3:30am. Other times she goes down fine. It's about 50/50.
Elsa and Busy, your sweet girls are precious!!!!

Thankfully, the gripe water seems to be doing the trick. : ) He is such an easy, laid back baby that it kills me when he scrunches up in pain like that with the gas. : ( But he slept really well last night, and is snoozing away right now!
Elsa did you have any stitches? I'm also a little concerned for when the time comes.

Busytulip Jolie looks so sweet.

Paige is 1 month tomorrow. She can be difficult to settle at night it's not unusual for her to not go down properly until 3:30am. Other times she goes down fine. It's about 50/50.

Ugh yes. I had so many stitches (it felt like that anyway). I had internal tearing and some front tearing. Doc said it was healing well though and cleared me for sexual activity at my own pace.
Gorgeous babies :)

J is such a happy, laid back baby just like our other two were. We've been so lucky. All three kids (including Jaxon!) has had chicken pox over the last couple of weeks and dh has been ill too so it's been a busy time caring for them all. Luckily none of the kids were too ill with it, just spotty and itchy.

J is 5 weeks on Friday already and starting to do proper little smiles it's so adorable. He's so alert when he's awake, he just loves to sit and watch his brother and sister. They're so good with him. At the moment he's waking twice during the night and going straight back to sleep after his milk so hoping that continues lol

How does the fb group work? Do you have to add anyone as a friend or just request to be added to the group? Is it a closed group?
Hudson is 6 weeks old already. I can't believe it. He's been a bit difficult but I think we figured out the problem. I breastfeed him a few times a day still but he's mostly on formula now. He was pooping like 15 times a day, kept getting a diaper rash and wouldn't stop screaming especially during diaper changes. I switched his formula and now he's calmed right down and his rash is almost gone. He only poops like 5 times a day now. He started smiling last week and I love it. I can't wait to eventually hear the giggles that come along with the smiles.
Oh my goodness 5 poops a day? That's a lot isn't it? Sarah is only pooping once a day. She's formula fed tho does that make a difference? He is adorable that's for sure. We had issues with the huggies once and done cucumber scented wipes, everytime I used them I noticed the next diaper change she would scream bloody murder. I switched to the huggies simply clean fragrance free and I haven't had an issue since. It's amazing how sensitive babies are.

Happy 6 weeks
Rbourre, he is SO cute!!!!!!!!
Our little guy is 5 weeks tomorrow, and he has been smiling a lot lately, too--sooooo sweet! : )

Sprite, Davis only poops once a day, also, and he is formula fed. I actually asked my doctor about it, because with our first son, I did BF and FF for 5 weeks, and he always had several poopy diapers a day. Doc said that once a day is really common for formula fed babies, and is totally fine as long as it isn't hard and they don't become constipated. (Kind of convenient lol!)
Hudson is gorgeous.

My eldest pooped with every feed while EBF. My youngest is EBF & poops about every 3 days!! Both totally normal according to my Dr.
Gorgeous photo! Chloe only poops once every 6-7 days and when it happens it's a proper explosion! We breastfeed 90% of the time but give one bottle of formula a day. Doc said babies can go up to 10 days without pooping! As long as it's soft and there are plenty of wet nappies its normal.
I need a little prayers if that is okay ladies.. My little girl was taking her nap yesterday and just started shaking. I picked her up and she wasn't breathing. I ran to the neighbors apartment and they helped me to get her to breath again and called 911. We are in the hospital still and not sure why she did this. :cry:

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