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*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

And I swear, we develop super-sonic mommy hearing. My husband can sleep through anything. But if baby even sniffs wrong, I shoot straight up out of bed to check on him lol.

We co-sleep with my 3 year old and even he does not hear her.
Wow i have missed a lot! So sorry about everything you went through toughgal! Hope all is well now!

Emmie will be 10 weeks Monday! I can't believe it! Breastfeeding is still going strong! She's changing everyday! Took a 9 hour trip (which turned into 15) to see my parents, who haven't seen her since she was 2 weeks, and she got to meet the rest of both of our families!
Isabelle is 8 weeks tomorrow!! Can't believe how quick it's going already!! She's really settling now, doesn't need the constant need to be held so can put her down at times to get couple bits round house done lol. And yeh def have super hearing! She doesn't even cry during night for feeds just does a little grunt and chews her hands and it wakes me lol.
She's just perfect! I'm soooooo in love <3
Isabelle is 8 weeks tomorrow!! Can't believe how quick it's going already!! She's really settling now, doesn't need the constant need to be held so can put her down at times to get couple bits round house done lol. And yeh def have super hearing! She doesn't even cry during night for feeds just does a little grunt and chews her hands and it wakes me lol.
She's just perfect! I'm soooooo in love <3

I hope my LO settles soon! I would love to get things done and maybe sneak in a work out here and there lol
I need a little prayers if that is okay ladies.. My little girl was taking her nap yesterday and just started shaking. I picked her up and she wasn't breathing. I ran to the neighbors apartment and they helped me to get her to breath again and called 911. We are in the hospital still and not sure why she did this. :cry:

Thats awful im so sorry that you're going through this.
Logan was 8 weeks yesterday and is starting to sleep longer, thank god lol. He slept 7 hours the other day:saywhat: my boobs had leaked everywhere though so I'm going through bra's at an alarming rate.
He's always so smiley and is trying to laugh but he's also developed the habit where he starts whinging if he can't see me or hear me.
Hope everyone and their babies are well!

Also does anyone else miss third tri? I was miserable at the end but I miss all the bump photos and labour watch, I must be crazy:haha:
Parker is sleeping through the night luckily. I return to work on the 15th, but good part is he gets to come with me. He turned 7 weeks yesterday and has his shots next Thursday, I'm not looking forward to those. I'm allergic to the Dtap shot so we'll see if he is as well. I hope everyone is doing well. Also can someone send me the link to the facebook group?
Yeah can I have link to fb group too please when someone has time? Is it busier there, it's so quiet here now :)
Totally miss my bump :-( I always do, and end up having another lol.
Cntrygrl- that is wonderful that Parker will be able to join you at work. It has to be a bit stressful for those of you returning to work so quickly. I hope that he is not also allergic too the shots, that would be awful.

I think you have to be friends with someone in the FB group-at least temporarily- in order to get an invite. That's how CharmedKirsty was able to add me to the group. I'd be willing to befriend whoever would like to be added and then you could delete/unfriend me-just feel free to message me.

There are definitely parts of pregnancy that I miss, but it hasn't been long enough for me to forget how uncomfortable the last bits were.

Is anyone else suffering from night sweats PP? It has been horrible, I wonder if my thyroid is off a bit.
I had awful night sweats. They lasted longer this time too I think because I'm EBF rather than combi feeding like last time. I still get a bit sweaty now but its a lot better than it was.

I miss my bump. I feel like I can hardly remember being pregnant now. Having a hard time emotionally accepting that we're done having kids!

Does anyone babywear? Im really loving my moby wrap but have mostly used it around the house or at toddler groups. We've got a busy weekend and I'd really like to use it out and about but don't know how to dress us. I don't want Reuben to get too cold when we're outside but then too hot when we are inside. I also need to be able to breastfeed therefor access my boobs ideally without unwrapping it!
I'm also EBF, I hadn't thought about what role that would play. Sometimes during the day I get hot flashes as well. It's just awful I feel gross.

I love babywearing! It's the only way I get anything done. I have a Boba that I love, as well as a few other carriers/slings for when she gets bigger or the weather changes. My jacket just fits over the both of us when I use the wrap. For easier access to nurse you could try a sling. I personally prefer a wrap over the sling because its easier on my back. I hope you find a method that works well for you!
Isabelle is 10 weeks old today and a whopping 13 1/2 lbs. ( she was 6 lbs 13 oz when we left the hospital). Im still ebf and this girl loooooves to eat.

She got her shots monday and did great. Just fussier that evening.

This baby won't take a bottle of breastmilk no matter what we try. Any auggestions?
Elsa Paige takes something called a haberman suckle feeder. You can get this from amazon but since you are in the USA I don't know where else sells it. They have to use it the same way they would a breast. Google it.
I haven't been on here in a while. Hudson will be 2 months tomorrow and gets his shots on Thursday. I'm not looking forward to it at all.

He's a very fussy baby. My breast milk doesn't fill him up. He will bf for an hour and then scream for a bottle and drink 4 ounces half an hour later. Even pumped milk and feeding him wasn't helping. He was gaining fine just never full. He cries and screams at basically everything. He's getting big though, almost out of 0-3 month clothes and will be going to size 2 diapers soon.
Elsa Paige takes something called a haberman suckle feeder. You can get this from amazon but since you are in the USA I don't know where else sells it. They have to use it the same way they would a breast. Google it.

We have a bottle similar to that here called Breastflow Bottle by The First Years.
I haven't been on here in a while. Hudson will be 2 months tomorrow and gets his shots on Thursday. I'm not looking forward to it at all.

He's a very fussy baby. My breast milk doesn't fill him up. He will bf for an hour and then scream for a bottle and drink 4 ounces half an hour later. Even pumped milk and feeding him wasn't helping. He was gaining fine just never full. He cries and screams at basically everything. He's getting big though, almost out of 0-3 month clothes and will be going to size 2 diapers soon.

I hope his shots went well! I'm sorry he has been so fussy. Hopefully he will adjust to everything and calm soon. My little guy goes for his shots a week from today, and I'm already dreading it. : (
No one has updated so I hope all is well and thought I would update!

Priscilla is 2 & 1/2 months old. She still has colic and reflux. She also has a blocked tear duct, a cyst on her head, and a hemangioma. So, a lot of issues despite me taking every precaution in the world while I was pregnant! Despite all this she is smiling more and more and loves to "talk" up a storm as loud as she can! She weighs 12.8 pounds now and is 23.5 inches long.

As for me, some baby weight is stuck and it is very frustrating.

Here are recent photos of my lil fusser!

I hope to see some updates on everyone's babies! :flower:


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