October IUI Buddies

OK, wait, now I feel silly for freaking out. I won't ovulate if the follicles aren't big enough to release an egg. :dohh: There IS still hope on Saturday! And I googled around and found another girl on another fertility board who went in for her u/s on cycle day 12 (just like me) and had only one 10mm follicle (just like me). When she went back on cycle day 15 (just like I will), she had 2 NEW 17mm follicles ready to go! I feel so much better!

No i totally get freaking out- this is a stressful process! On the clomid and Femera I didn't ov until cd16. Our bodies react differently to different meds (I'm having my IUI on cd12 with a 21mm follie!). Do you temp or use opks? That might make you feel better

No, I haven't temp'd but I just bought opk test strips. Used my first one yesterday, and I'm not *quite* sure I'll know when the line color is right.

I'm 40, and I'm aware that each month I'm losing the last of my fertility time. So each month that I "fail" to conceive (whether due to cysts or because my follicles didn't mature) is a HUGE blow. It's a race against time that I'd like to win.

Hi Kat - I know how you feel! Althought my FSH was 6.8, my AMH last spring came back at .45, and my RE was extremely pessimistic about my chances of even doing IVF - he said that due to my diminished ovarian reserve, it was only 30% chance of success (for $15K - awesome!) and something like less than 5% with an IUI. Well I got pregnant on just Femara and estrogen priming, which is very successful with IVF but my doc had never used it for IUI so I basically was on my own. Now, he's saying that he will try it on some other of his low AMH patients. :winkwink: Ask about EP (estrogen priming) @ your doc office, maybe they are more evolved than mine was. Also, about your follicle developing slowly - this is actually much better than developing quickly. My RE said that for women over 35, he would rather have them stim for longer time and ovulate later, b/c if they ovulate early there is a greater chance of an immature egg being released, which does happen on meds. In my case, my lucky cycle was the latest ovulation I EVER had, (which was due to EP) on day 19. GL to you!

That is helpful information, thank you, Kbrain337! OK, I will ask about EP. I remember they said my estrogen levels were really good the other month, so maybe that's why they didn't suggest it? I wonder if I am just reacting slower to the Femara than I did with the Clomid. I was just really freaked out by the nurse saying my one follicle wasn't going to get any bigger, and then back pedaling when she realized it was all I had. Her comment makes me doubt that I'll have further success on Saturday. I really wish she had kept that thought to herself.
Welll... Todays appointment was shit... and I was holding back tears as I was leaving and cried on my drive home well on the phone with DH telling him what happened. :cry:

The day started out crappy because I was supposed to arrive between 7:15 to 8:30, but the traffic was so bad that my hour drive turned into an hour and a half, and I arrived a half an hour late. :wacko:

So I paid my $230 dollars when I got there, (which ended up being a waste of $$) They drew my blood to look at my LH & E2 levels. My normal DR wasn't in the office to do the ultrasound so I had this other male DR which made it awkward for me, and he was just reading and catching up on all of my history.

So the Dr. saw one big follicle that looked good, anda couple of smaller ones that were about 13 mm, But the problem is on that side where my ovary is I have problems with the fallpian tube on that side and even though the DR showed the dye flowed through my tube during my Lap, the DR wasn't sure of what kind of condition my tube was in on that side of my body. My good ovary with the good tube only had one tiny follice. So the DR didn't recommend us moving forward with the IUI and spending the 350.00 for the IUI. :cry: So out the window goes my $230 bucks, what a friggen waste of $$ that was...

The Dr. also saw some new fibroids. I know that I had one fibroid in the muscle wall of my uterus already, but the DR said there were a couple more small fibroids there as well now. :cry: Even though he said they dont need surgery and shouldn't affect my fertility I was still surprised to learn I had more fibroids.. where the hell did they come from!!! I don't think they were there before... Lordy... :growlmad:

So the DR said I should come back at the end of the month to see how my body is handling the clomid for blood work and they may want to step up the clomid dose to 100 mg's instead of the 50 and then I would do the IUI again. The Dr. said that women ovulate on the different sides of the ovaries and that it switchs back and forth from side to side....

So DH & me will just have timed :sex: and I will use my OPK's for the rest of my October cycle... not sure what I should do with the trigger shot though since we aren't doing anymore IUI's, I dont know if it would help me with this cycle doing the trigger or not...:shrug:

Well long story short, I am not willing to go through this all over again and spend another $230 in hopes that I am ovulating on my good side next month...:nope::growlmad:

So I have decided that IVF & ICSI is our next step for November. Even though this appointment was upsetting and I lost $$... this appointment just made me even more sure that IVF & ICSI is the right step for DH & me next.

Our success rates are already so low at 15% for each IUI cycle and now with my crappy one tube and only ovulating good on one side I am even more sure it is a waste of time. :wacko:

I know that during my HSG the dye didn't flow through my one tube, but I thought that since the DR got the dye to come out on that side that might of been blocked it would at least be good enough for IUI, I wish the DR had mentioned that this problem could occur, it caught me off gaurd today when the DR told me the tube isn't worthy of attempting the IUI. I think I misunderstood the real deal with my one tube after the surgery, or the covering DR interpreted my health history differently.. Either way it sucks...

I have my phone consult for the IVF & ICSI back in my hometown on Friday morning early morning so I am going to have a list of questions for the DR.
OK, wait, now I feel silly for freaking out. I won't ovulate if the follicles aren't big enough to release an egg. :dohh: There IS still hope on Saturday! And I googled around and found another girl on another fertility board who went in for her u/s on cycle day 12 (just like me) and had only one 10mm follicle (just like me). When she went back on cycle day 15 (just like I will), she had 2 NEW 17mm follicles ready to go! I feel so much better!

Yes, don't freak out just yet! The follies just might get bigger I have hope for you! :hugs:
Welll... Todays appointment was shit... and I was holding back tears as I was leaving and cried on my drive home well on the phone with DH telling him what happened. :cry:

The day started out crappy because I was supposed to arrive between 7:15 to 8:30, but the traffic was so bad that my hour drive turned into an hour and a half, and I arrived a half an hour late. :wacko:

So I paid my $230 dollars when I got there, (which ended up being a waste of $$) They drew my blood to look at my LH & E2 levels. My normal DR wasn't in the office to do the ultrasound so I had this other male DR which made it awkward for me, and he was just reading and catching up on all of my history.

So the Dr. saw one big follicle that looked good, anda couple of smaller ones that were about 13 mm, But the problem is on that side where my ovary is I have problems with the fallpian tube on that side and even though the DR showed the dye flowed through my tube during my Lap, the DR wasn't sure of what kind of condition my tube was in on that side of my body. My good ovary with the good tube only had one tiny follice. So the DR didn't recommend us moving forward with the IUI and spending the 350.00 for the IUI. :cry: So out the window goes my $230 bucks, what a friggen waste of $$ that was...

The Dr. also saw some new fibroids. I know that I had one fibroid in the muscle wall of my uterus already, but the DR said there were a couple more small fibroids there as well now. :cry: Even though he said they dont need surgery and shouldn't affect my fertility I was still surprised to learn I had more fibroids.. where the hell did they come from!!! I don't think they were there before... Lordy... :growlmad:

So the DR said I should come back at the end of the month to see how my body is handling the clomid for blood work and they may want to step up the clomid dose to 100 mg's instead of the 50 and then I would do the IUI again. The Dr. said that women ovulate on the different sides of the ovaries and that it switchs back and forth from side to side....

So DH & me will just have timed :sex: and I will use my OPK's for the rest of my October cycle... not sure what I should do with the trigger shot though since we aren't doing anymore IUI's, I dont know if it would help me with this cycle doing the trigger or not...:shrug:

Well long story short, I am not willing to go through this all over again and spend another $230 in hopes that I am ovulating on my good side next month...:nope::growlmad:

So I have decided that IVF & ICSI is our next step for November. Even though this appointment was upsetting and I lost $$... this appointment just made me even more sure that IVF & ICSI is the right step for DH & me next.

Our success rates are already so low at 15% for each IUI cycle and now with my crappy one tube and only ovulating good on one side I am even more sure it is a waste of time. :wacko:

I know that during my HSG the dye didn't flow through my one tube, but I thought that since the DR got the dye to come out on that side that might of been blocked it would at least be good enough for IUI, I wish the DR had mentioned that this problem could occur, it caught me off gaurd today when the DR told me the tube isn't worthy of attempting the IUI. I think I misunderstood the real deal with my one tube after the surgery, or the covering DR interpreted my health history differently.. Either way it sucks...

I have my phone consult for the IVF & ICSI back in my hometown on Friday morning early morning so I am going to have a list of questions for the DR.

I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that! It's a very frustrating process and there is still a chance for you this month, just get to bd ing because u never know! I wish you luck with the phone consult keep us posted! :hugs:
OK, wait, now I feel silly for freaking out. I won't ovulate if the follicles aren't big enough to release an egg. :dohh: There IS still hope on Saturday! And I googled around and found another girl on another fertility board who went in for her u/s on cycle day 12 (just like me) and had only one 10mm follicle (just like me). When she went back on cycle day 15 (just like I will), she had 2 NEW 17mm follicles ready to go! I feel so much better!

No i totally get freaking out- this is a stressful process! On the clomid and Femera I didn't ov until cd16. Our bodies react differently to different meds (I'm having my IUI on cd12 with a 21mm follie!). Do you temp or use opks? That might make you feel better

No, I haven't temp'd but I just bought opk test strips. Used my first one yesterday, and I'm not *quite* sure I'll know when the line color is right.

I'm 40, and I'm aware that each month I'm losing the last of my fertility time. So each month that I "fail" to conceive (whether due to cysts or because my follicles didn't mature) is a HUGE blow. It's a race against time that I'd like to win.

Hi Kat - I know how you feel! Althought my FSH was 6.8, my AMH last spring came back at .45, and my RE was extremely pessimistic about my chances of even doing IVF - he said that due to my diminished ovarian reserve, it was only 30% chance of success (for $15K - awesome!) and something like less than 5% with an IUI. Well I got pregnant on just Femara and estrogen priming, which is very successful with IVF but my doc had never used it for IUI so I basically was on my own. Now, he's saying that he will try it on some other of his low AMH patients. :winkwink: Ask about EP (estrogen priming) @ your doc office, maybe they are more evolved than mine was. Also, about your follicle developing slowly - this is actually much better than developing quickly. My RE said that for women over 35, he would rather have them stim for longer time and ovulate later, b/c if they ovulate early there is a greater chance of an immature egg being released, which does happen on meds. In my case, my lucky cycle was the latest ovulation I EVER had, (which was due to EP) on day 19. GL to you!

That is helpful information, thank you, Kbrain337! OK, I will ask about EP. I remember they said my estrogen levels were really good the other month, so maybe that's why they didn't suggest it? I wonder if I am just reacting slower to the Femara than I did with the Clomid. I was just really freaked out by the nurse saying my one follicle wasn't going to get any bigger, and then back pedaling when she realized it was all I had. Her comment makes me doubt that I'll have further success on Saturday. I really wish she had kept that thought to herself.

Kat - actually the EP does not really have anything to do with low estrogen - what it does is holds back your follicles at the very beginning of your cycle to prevent one lead follicle from developing, in the hopes that multiple follicles develop close in size to each other (in IVF terms, this is called a dominating follicle issue, and it means that your dominating follicle gets so far ahead of your other potential ones, that it basically signals your body to stop growing those other potential follicles, since your body naturally aims for just one follicle a cycle.) I did a lot of research on this, since when I did my IUIs it seemed to me that that was what my problem was, as well as early ovulation on medicated cycles (around CD 12, which is way too early for me), which meant that the released egg was more likely to be immature. I credit EP for finally getting me pregnant, and not my grouchy RE who basically said that if I wanted to EP I was on my own. Boy was he surprised when I called in about my BFP! :thumbup: Also seems that we did not need to do IUIs at all, since I got pregnant naturally that cycle. My point is that sometimes your doc does not know best -and you know your body much better.
Welll... Todays appointment was shit... and I was holding back tears as I was leaving and cried on my drive home well on the phone with DH telling him what happened. :cry:

The day started out crappy because I was supposed to arrive between 7:15 to 8:30, but the traffic was so bad that my hour drive turned into an hour and a half, and I arrived a half an hour late. :wacko:

So I paid my $230 dollars when I got there, (which ended up being a waste of $$) They drew my blood to look at my LH & E2 levels. My normal DR wasn't in the office to do the ultrasound so I had this other male DR which made it awkward for me, and he was just reading and catching up on all of my history.

So the Dr. saw one big follicle that looked good, anda couple of smaller ones that were about 13 mm, But the problem is on that side where my ovary is I have problems with the fallpian tube on that side and even though the DR showed the dye flowed through my tube during my Lap, the DR wasn't sure of what kind of condition my tube was in on that side of my body. My good ovary with the good tube only had one tiny follice. So the DR didn't recommend us moving forward with the IUI and spending the 350.00 for the IUI. :cry: So out the window goes my $230 bucks, what a friggen waste of $$ that was...

The Dr. also saw some new fibroids. I know that I had one fibroid in the muscle wall of my uterus already, but the DR said there were a couple more small fibroids there as well now. :cry: Even though he said they dont need surgery and shouldn't affect my fertility I was still surprised to learn I had more fibroids.. where the hell did they come from!!! I don't think they were there before... Lordy... :growlmad:

So the DR said I should come back at the end of the month to see how my body is handling the clomid for blood work and they may want to step up the clomid dose to 100 mg's instead of the 50 and then I would do the IUI again. The Dr. said that women ovulate on the different sides of the ovaries and that it switchs back and forth from side to side....

So DH & me will just have timed :sex: and I will use my OPK's for the rest of my October cycle... not sure what I should do with the trigger shot though since we aren't doing anymore IUI's, I dont know if it would help me with this cycle doing the trigger or not...:shrug:

Well long story short, I am not willing to go through this all over again and spend another $230 in hopes that I am ovulating on my good side next month...:nope::growlmad:

So I have decided that IVF & ICSI is our next step for November. Even though this appointment was upsetting and I lost $$... this appointment just made me even more sure that IVF & ICSI is the right step for DH & me next.

Our success rates are already so low at 15% for each IUI cycle and now with my crappy one tube and only ovulating good on one side I am even more sure it is a waste of time. :wacko:

I know that during my HSG the dye didn't flow through my one tube, but I thought that since the DR got the dye to come out on that side that might of been blocked it would at least be good enough for IUI, I wish the DR had mentioned that this problem could occur, it caught me off gaurd today when the DR told me the tube isn't worthy of attempting the IUI. I think I misunderstood the real deal with my one tube after the surgery, or the covering DR interpreted my health history differently.. Either way it sucks...

I have my phone consult for the IVF & ICSI back in my hometown on Friday morning early morning so I am going to have a list of questions for the DR.

I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that! It's a very frustrating process and there is still a chance for you this month, just get to bd ing because u never know! I wish you luck with the phone consult keep us posted! :hugs:

Thanks hun!!!:hugs::hugs:

Yeah, DH and me are still going to have timed :sex: based on when my OPK's turn positive, although I don't have that much hope for this cycle since I know my eggs are going to be released on the side with the shitty tube. :wacko:
Had my second iui ladies and I must say it was a bit more uncomfortable this time around. I am taking it easy today, laying down trying to ignore the cramping. DH had good numbers 53 mill and 69% motility. His motility was better that last round which was only 49%. time will tell....let the tww begin....again! I will be testing on Halloween hopefully I get a nice treat ;)
Had my second iui ladies and I must say it was a bit more uncomfortable this time around. I am taking it easy today, laying down trying to ignore the cramping. DH had good numbers 53 mill and 69% motility. His motility was better that last round which was only 49%. time will tell....let the tww begin....again! I will be testing on Halloween hopefully I get a nice treat ;)

Hey Hope I had mine this morning as well! I'm not as crampy this time as I was last time- tiny bit if bleeding. I had the same nurse that my friend did who got her bfp so I'm hoping its lucky! I have to start the Crinone on Friday...
Did they tell you to BD tonight and tomorrow too?
Good luck cycle buddy :) btw whats the crinon and what is it for? Yes my RE told us to bd today and tomorrow.
The Crinone is a progesterone gel and I googled it (lol):
Crinone gel is a hormone. It works by preparing the uterus (womb) for implantation of a fertilized egg and protecting the lining of the uterus. It is also needed for the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy.
Good luck ladies! Did you both do Back to Back IUI's or just one for each cycle? I hope you get your treats on Halloween!
My clinic doesn't do back to backs... I'm not sure why some do and some don't?
Oh ok...that is why I asked. I am doing B2B IUI's....my re said it is to help with the timing...if you dont catch it the first time then maybe you will the second. I guess its either that or it is another way for them to make money....ya know.
I'm hoping bd'ing tonight, tomorrow and maybe Friday will help!
yes I am sure it will! I wonder mysel if the b2b is really necessary but I cant really find anything online about it being more successful that a single IUI.
Thanks for the crinone info! Mine wasnt b2b iuis. I am not sure if my RE does it as he hasnt mentioned anything. The only things different this time were my upped dose of clomid, i used ovidrel for trigger (last month it was a different brand) and he did an us after the iui to ensure i hadnt ovulated yet.
Zimmy - sorry to hear that.....I do hope they fix this problem. Maybe monitoring you before cd10 to see how the meds need to be adjusted. Anyway, you have a nice mature eggy....go do some bding and maybe you might get that miracle bean!

g/l to all who have thier IUI's coming up!

Kat - sorry to hear how upset you are....but you arent out of it yet! A note on the cups...when you go to take them out...sit on the tiolet and push like you are pooping or bear down as they say. It will push it closer to your finger so you can grab it.

Thanks KBrain - stick around we love the inspiriation that your bfp shows....it also helps to get advice from someone who has been there and succeeded.

afm - af finally showed up last night...woohoo....I go in tomorrow for my cd3 scan and then start my femara tomorrow night. We are heading to Florida on the 22nd (cd8) to start my gonal F injections and monitoring.....oh I am so excited for this to work!

Thanks :) I have been advised against BDing this week by my nurse who says that the risk of miscarriage is very high due to the immature egg. She wants me to try again next cycle and a miscarriage would set us back :nope:
Welll... Todays appointment was shit... and I was holding back tears as I was leaving and cried on my drive home well on the phone with DH telling him what happened. :cry:

The day started out crappy because I was supposed to arrive between 7:15 to 8:30, but the traffic was so bad that my hour drive turned into an hour and a half, and I arrived a half an hour late. :wacko:

So I paid my $230 dollars when I got there, (which ended up being a waste of $$) They drew my blood to look at my LH & E2 levels. My normal DR wasn't in the office to do the ultrasound so I had this other male DR which made it awkward for me, and he was just reading and catching up on all of my history.

So the Dr. saw one big follicle that looked good, anda couple of smaller ones that were about 13 mm, But the problem is on that side where my ovary is I have problems with the fallpian tube on that side and even though the DR showed the dye flowed through my tube during my Lap, the DR wasn't sure of what kind of condition my tube was in on that side of my body. My good ovary with the good tube only had one tiny follice. So the DR didn't recommend us moving forward with the IUI and spending the 350.00 for the IUI. :cry: So out the window goes my $230 bucks, what a friggen waste of $$ that was...

The Dr. also saw some new fibroids. I know that I had one fibroid in the muscle wall of my uterus already, but the DR said there were a couple more small fibroids there as well now. :cry: Even though he said they dont need surgery and shouldn't affect my fertility I was still surprised to learn I had more fibroids.. where the hell did they come from!!! I don't think they were there before... Lordy... :growlmad:

So the DR said I should come back at the end of the month to see how my body is handling the clomid for blood work and they may want to step up the clomid dose to 100 mg's instead of the 50 and then I would do the IUI again. The Dr. said that women ovulate on the different sides of the ovaries and that it switchs back and forth from side to side....

So DH & me will just have timed :sex: and I will use my OPK's for the rest of my October cycle... not sure what I should do with the trigger shot though since we aren't doing anymore IUI's, I dont know if it would help me with this cycle doing the trigger or not...:shrug:

Well long story short, I am not willing to go through this all over again and spend another $230 in hopes that I am ovulating on my good side next month...:nope::growlmad:

So I have decided that IVF & ICSI is our next step for November. Even though this appointment was upsetting and I lost $$... this appointment just made me even more sure that IVF & ICSI is the right step for DH & me next.

Our success rates are already so low at 15% for each IUI cycle and now with my crappy one tube and only ovulating good on one side I am even more sure it is a waste of time. :wacko:

I know that during my HSG the dye didn't flow through my one tube, but I thought that since the DR got the dye to come out on that side that might of been blocked it would at least be good enough for IUI, I wish the DR had mentioned that this problem could occur, it caught me off gaurd today when the DR told me the tube isn't worthy of attempting the IUI. I think I misunderstood the real deal with my one tube after the surgery, or the covering DR interpreted my health history differently.. Either way it sucks...

I have my phone consult for the IVF & ICSI back in my hometown on Friday morning early morning so I am going to have a list of questions for the DR.

Oh, wow...that is a lot for you to take in. I can imagine how stunned you must have been! All that money, too...just makes you a little sick. What an awful day! Well, at least the Dr. said the new fibroids weren't a concern. I hope it stays that way. I don't know much about those. And I can't believe that the covering doc was the one to mention that the IUI was a no go if the follicles developed on the "bad" tube side! You should have been told that from the get go! *shakes head* You might have been prepared had you known, and not been shocked and then gutted to find out on IUI day. I feel so horrible for you! Hugs and strength to you, Honey. We're gonna get through this one way or another and have our babies.
wondering if i can join you ladies. I had my 1st of two IUI's today.going back tomorrow. have a few follies on my good side but my lining was at 6 Monday. so re wanted to wait a day.

Good luck to everyone !!!!!!

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